Here is an excellent vid:
YouTube - Life: Bottlenose dolphins mud-ring feeding
This would appear to me to be dolphins adapting to a changing situation in food supply, by using their intelligence (the fisheries in South Florida are crashing rapidly now). Is that a definition of "sentience"?
One thing we should remember, is that our own "brand" of sentience may not be the "universal" brand
True story:
3 days ago , while sailing off Key West with my visiting sister in my 22' boat, i was telling her this story (...explaining the above YouTube). JUST AS I WAS TELLING HER THIS, at least 5 dolphins came up to the boat, swimming around us in a circle over and over; getting very close to the bow of the boat as they did so (we were heeled over and cruising along pretty good at that point). They stayed with us for about 10 mins, and my sister got some great footage (which when she gets home will send me for posting here). I got to look one dead in the eye as he/she went by.. The entire thing was thrilling beyond words.
WEIRD coincidence that they would come just then, lol... It has been pretty rare that i see them in such numbers, or that they circle the boat (often i will see a pair or two off in the distance during a day sailing). In over 20 years sailing in the area (or anywhere for that matter), this was the FIRST time i was ever treated to such a show
I am almost inclined to think they KNEW i was talking about them, and that i was suggesting to my sister they were "sentient beings"... And so came to make a point, lol... But that could be stretching it a bit.
There are many unique and interesting stories about animals, like the tamed elephant in Indonesia who suddenly grabbed her Mahout with her truck and threw him up onto her back, then ran uphill as fast as she could... Only a few minutes before the terrible tsunami hit several years ago... Saving his life.
Are marine mammals, and perhaps other animals, "sentient beings"?
YouTube - Life: Bottlenose dolphins mud-ring feeding
This would appear to me to be dolphins adapting to a changing situation in food supply, by using their intelligence (the fisheries in South Florida are crashing rapidly now). Is that a definition of "sentience"?
One thing we should remember, is that our own "brand" of sentience may not be the "universal" brand

True story:
3 days ago , while sailing off Key West with my visiting sister in my 22' boat, i was telling her this story (...explaining the above YouTube). JUST AS I WAS TELLING HER THIS, at least 5 dolphins came up to the boat, swimming around us in a circle over and over; getting very close to the bow of the boat as they did so (we were heeled over and cruising along pretty good at that point). They stayed with us for about 10 mins, and my sister got some great footage (which when she gets home will send me for posting here). I got to look one dead in the eye as he/she went by.. The entire thing was thrilling beyond words.
WEIRD coincidence that they would come just then, lol... It has been pretty rare that i see them in such numbers, or that they circle the boat (often i will see a pair or two off in the distance during a day sailing). In over 20 years sailing in the area (or anywhere for that matter), this was the FIRST time i was ever treated to such a show

I am almost inclined to think they KNEW i was talking about them, and that i was suggesting to my sister they were "sentient beings"... And so came to make a point, lol... But that could be stretching it a bit.
There are many unique and interesting stories about animals, like the tamed elephant in Indonesia who suddenly grabbed her Mahout with her truck and threw him up onto her back, then ran uphill as fast as she could... Only a few minutes before the terrible tsunami hit several years ago... Saving his life.
Are marine mammals, and perhaps other animals, "sentient beings"?