I looked for an active "9/11" thread but didn't see one for several pages, so i guess a new one was warranted 
Here is an interesting compilation listing the deaths of those involved in 9/11 who questioned the Official Story with their own personal testimony. I am struck that, regarding the woman who lost her Husband in the Towers, and then died in the commuter air crash last year only one week after meeting with Obama... what the hell are the odds of having all this happen to one person? I think winning the lotto two weeks in a row would probably be more likely.
The stuff about the DC Madam was also quite interesting. I think in a "real world", such a lurid story as this, complete with sex, politicians, and graft... would have remained in the MSM for at least a month
Think of all the advertising cash the networks could get from such a sensational story... The "OJ" murders & trial made them 100's of millions over normal revenues (... pure profit, too). But the Madam's death, after publicly stating that she never would commit suicide and offering important information to the 9/11 commission, barely got any mention at all in the MSM. She was obviously murdered; and the fact that the MSM never even questioned this is quite powerful evidence for total media control in the US .
YouTube - Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)
But instead, the person who was willing to prosecute the banksters, NY Governor Eliot Spitzer, was taken down by loudly-proclaimed scandal. Sure, he was "pants-challenged", and was prime for picking. But it is also true that he was filing suit in the name of all State Prosecutors in the Union against the several perpetrators in the sub-prime mortgage industry...
... THE NEXT DAY from when the story about his sexual escapades broke. If that had ever happened, the entire 2009 bank default thing and bail-out could NEVER have succeeded. And this Suit that Spitzer was filing never did materialize. Why is that? What happened to his 50-State Suit against the sub-prime mortgage industry for Fraud and Deceptive Practices??
(...remember that the bogus derivatives based on the sub-prime mortgages is what first caused the actual "bubble" to burst and the giant trans-nat banks to claim they would fail unless we paid them off...)
Congress enacted a bill, WITHIN A MONTH, which "de-criminalized" what the sub-prime banksters did (... fraudulently using known-bad loans as collateral for new loans, lol) ; and in an unusual move, they made it retro-active as well
Basically, Congress hurried-up and made a bill on short notice that legalized fraud... retroactivly... And this never made the news either.
Yet they still bust people for having a joint in their sock. Or throw them in jail for writing a bad check at the grocery store for $50
Or take everything they own for '"back taxes" when they don't like them, because the ex-Husband and Step-Father both write off a child on their taxes.. lol, the elite have back taxes all the time (in the MILLIONS), and their lawyers "fix it" with no problems
This is no longer a Nation Of Laws. We are no longer ruled by Law, we are ruled by the lawless, who get away with murder all the time; and who pervert the law to control others.
Only in the US now could such blatant criminality run ramped, with no checks from Law Enforcement, or even any reporting on it. The FBI has been completely corrupted, the SEC is a bad joke, and the CIA runs the show and tightly controls our mass media. We have had our futures stolen by CRIMINALS, who get 100 million dollar bonuses for stealing everyone's 401K .
Think about that: What possible reason could a company that lost BILLIONS that year (...and hundreds of Billions of their Investor's money...), give bonuses of over 100 mil to a person who was responsible for this loss?
It was bag-money. A pay-off for perpetrating risky crime. There is no other logical solution. And there will be no restitution and Justice until we all rise up, like Iceland and the folks in Greece are doing, and say
ENOUGH! We wont pay for these criminal's frauds. And they must go to jail.
Our system cannot survive unless this happens.

Here is an interesting compilation listing the deaths of those involved in 9/11 who questioned the Official Story with their own personal testimony. I am struck that, regarding the woman who lost her Husband in the Towers, and then died in the commuter air crash last year only one week after meeting with Obama... what the hell are the odds of having all this happen to one person? I think winning the lotto two weeks in a row would probably be more likely.
The stuff about the DC Madam was also quite interesting. I think in a "real world", such a lurid story as this, complete with sex, politicians, and graft... would have remained in the MSM for at least a month

Think of all the advertising cash the networks could get from such a sensational story... The "OJ" murders & trial made them 100's of millions over normal revenues (... pure profit, too). But the Madam's death, after publicly stating that she never would commit suicide and offering important information to the 9/11 commission, barely got any mention at all in the MSM. She was obviously murdered; and the fact that the MSM never even questioned this is quite powerful evidence for total media control in the US .
YouTube - Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)
But instead, the person who was willing to prosecute the banksters, NY Governor Eliot Spitzer, was taken down by loudly-proclaimed scandal. Sure, he was "pants-challenged", and was prime for picking. But it is also true that he was filing suit in the name of all State Prosecutors in the Union against the several perpetrators in the sub-prime mortgage industry...
... THE NEXT DAY from when the story about his sexual escapades broke. If that had ever happened, the entire 2009 bank default thing and bail-out could NEVER have succeeded. And this Suit that Spitzer was filing never did materialize. Why is that? What happened to his 50-State Suit against the sub-prime mortgage industry for Fraud and Deceptive Practices??
(...remember that the bogus derivatives based on the sub-prime mortgages is what first caused the actual "bubble" to burst and the giant trans-nat banks to claim they would fail unless we paid them off...)
Congress enacted a bill, WITHIN A MONTH, which "de-criminalized" what the sub-prime banksters did (... fraudulently using known-bad loans as collateral for new loans, lol) ; and in an unusual move, they made it retro-active as well

Yet they still bust people for having a joint in their sock. Or throw them in jail for writing a bad check at the grocery store for $50

This is no longer a Nation Of Laws. We are no longer ruled by Law, we are ruled by the lawless, who get away with murder all the time; and who pervert the law to control others.
Only in the US now could such blatant criminality run ramped, with no checks from Law Enforcement, or even any reporting on it. The FBI has been completely corrupted, the SEC is a bad joke, and the CIA runs the show and tightly controls our mass media. We have had our futures stolen by CRIMINALS, who get 100 million dollar bonuses for stealing everyone's 401K .
Think about that: What possible reason could a company that lost BILLIONS that year (...and hundreds of Billions of their Investor's money...), give bonuses of over 100 mil to a person who was responsible for this loss?
It was bag-money. A pay-off for perpetrating risky crime. There is no other logical solution. And there will be no restitution and Justice until we all rise up, like Iceland and the folks in Greece are doing, and say
ENOUGH! We wont pay for these criminal's frauds. And they must go to jail.
Our system cannot survive unless this happens.