The Uk elections are coming up, and normally I wouldn't want to vote for ANY of them! I personally feel Anarchy is the only way we can truly be free.
Though I've been reading a bit about the UK Libertarian Party and i am converted. I actually WANT to vote for these guys.
The Philosophy of Liberty
The Libertarian Party UK - LPUK Home
I've given this thread an title that will allow others to post their views on other upcoming parties if they want but I know who my vote is with!!!
Though I've been reading a bit about the UK Libertarian Party and i am converted. I actually WANT to vote for these guys.
The Philosophy of Liberty
The Libertarian Party UK - LPUK Home
The Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom aim to take the cynicism out of British politics, by taking the politicians out of your everyday life.
Libertarians believe in individual liberty, personal responsibility, and freedom from government—on all issues at all times. We don't say government is too big in one area, but then in another area push for a law to force people to do what we want. We believe in individual liberty, personal responsibility, and freedom from government—on all issues at all times.
Libertarians believe in individual liberty, personal responsibility, and freedom from government—on all issues at all times. We don't say government is too big in one area, but then in another area push for a law to force people to do what we want. We believe in individual liberty, personal responsibility, and freedom from government—on all issues at all times.
A Key Principle — The Rule of Law
The concept of The Rule of Law is distinct from just being ruled by laws. The Rule of Law encompasses, amongst other things, property rights, due process, equality and transparency. It also includes the notion that there should be as few laws as possible, and that those that do exist should be simple, clear and predictable in their application.
Property rights are corporeal (your body), intellectual (your ideas, thoughts, beliefs), physical (possessions, land) and capital (your money or other financial assets). Due process includes trial by a jury of your peers, habeas corpus and no detention without charge. Equality is where the same laws apply to all without fear, favour or special cases. Transparency is open and visible decision-making and accountability, such that corruption cannot hide.
As a Party, we feel that The Rule of Law is one of the vital yardsticks by which we measure our policies and will conduct ourselves once elected.
Economy Overview
Prime responsibility is Rule of Law, which encompasses consistent treatment, taxation and regulation for all, and respect for legitimate property rights corporeal, intellectual, physical and capital. We shall shift towards taxing spending, not income. The State has a responsibility to not destabilise the economy nor create government debt, which is both a tax on the existing population and a mortgage on our children's future.
Healthcare Overview
Our aim is to enable people to hold their healthcare provider to account and, if found wanting, have the freedom to take their business elsewhere. This cannot be done while the State is the monopoly provider who takes payment, commissions, runs and administers that monopoly. We will introduce measures to redress this position, whilst maintaining existing commitments in areas such as care for the elderly and the mentally ill.
Education Overview
We have a de-facto State monopoly and excessive control over education, which will be removed via the introduction of a Swedish-style voucher system. Increased parental choice will lead to schools that genuinely serve the needs of our children developing. Government interference in the curriculum and examination system will be removed, as will all centrally dictated targets.
Defence Overview
Our aim is to ensure a strong, independent, sovereign nation. This requires a well funded, trained and equipped professional Armed Forces (both full time and Reservist), geared for the defence of our nation and shipping.
Energy independence will remove the need and temptation for the UK to be involved in many theatres of conflict around the world.
Immigration Overview
Totally free movement of people into the UK is not practical whilst we have a large welfare state and other countries are themselves not broadly Libertarian in nature. In line with the Rule of Law, a transparent, consistent points based system is one of our key proposed measures to humanely manage migration.
Welfare Overview
Welfare was envisaged as being a safety net, not the hammock it has become. We aim to refrain from nurturing dependency, while encouraging self-reliance and charitable works via a steady evolution and review of existing welfare arrangements. As with healthcare, the Libertarian Party believes strongly in honouring existing commitments, and this applies to the State Pension.
Housing and Planning
State interference in land use and housing often results in an unresponsive market or projects that suit outside interests and not the community. Our policies aim to reverse this position, and put local people back in charge of local developments.
Transport Overview
Subsidies and cartels that distort the running and creation of our national transport infrastructure are addressed by our policies, and resolved.
Law and Order Overview
Freedoms won for us by the blood of our ancestors have been seriously eroded over the decades, and this erosion is gaining speed and must be reversed. It is a core responsibility of the State to enable the citizens to go safely about their lawful business without let or hindrance.
Constitutional Overview
The Libertarian Party is committed to reassert the primacy of our Bill of Rights and Common Law system over the Napoleonic system that has encroached from the continent in recent years.
The concept of The Rule of Law is distinct from just being ruled by laws. The Rule of Law encompasses, amongst other things, property rights, due process, equality and transparency. It also includes the notion that there should be as few laws as possible, and that those that do exist should be simple, clear and predictable in their application.
Property rights are corporeal (your body), intellectual (your ideas, thoughts, beliefs), physical (possessions, land) and capital (your money or other financial assets). Due process includes trial by a jury of your peers, habeas corpus and no detention without charge. Equality is where the same laws apply to all without fear, favour or special cases. Transparency is open and visible decision-making and accountability, such that corruption cannot hide.
As a Party, we feel that The Rule of Law is one of the vital yardsticks by which we measure our policies and will conduct ourselves once elected.
Economy Overview
Prime responsibility is Rule of Law, which encompasses consistent treatment, taxation and regulation for all, and respect for legitimate property rights corporeal, intellectual, physical and capital. We shall shift towards taxing spending, not income. The State has a responsibility to not destabilise the economy nor create government debt, which is both a tax on the existing population and a mortgage on our children's future.
Healthcare Overview
Our aim is to enable people to hold their healthcare provider to account and, if found wanting, have the freedom to take their business elsewhere. This cannot be done while the State is the monopoly provider who takes payment, commissions, runs and administers that monopoly. We will introduce measures to redress this position, whilst maintaining existing commitments in areas such as care for the elderly and the mentally ill.
Education Overview
We have a de-facto State monopoly and excessive control over education, which will be removed via the introduction of a Swedish-style voucher system. Increased parental choice will lead to schools that genuinely serve the needs of our children developing. Government interference in the curriculum and examination system will be removed, as will all centrally dictated targets.
Defence Overview
Our aim is to ensure a strong, independent, sovereign nation. This requires a well funded, trained and equipped professional Armed Forces (both full time and Reservist), geared for the defence of our nation and shipping.
Energy independence will remove the need and temptation for the UK to be involved in many theatres of conflict around the world.
Immigration Overview
Totally free movement of people into the UK is not practical whilst we have a large welfare state and other countries are themselves not broadly Libertarian in nature. In line with the Rule of Law, a transparent, consistent points based system is one of our key proposed measures to humanely manage migration.
Welfare Overview
Welfare was envisaged as being a safety net, not the hammock it has become. We aim to refrain from nurturing dependency, while encouraging self-reliance and charitable works via a steady evolution and review of existing welfare arrangements. As with healthcare, the Libertarian Party believes strongly in honouring existing commitments, and this applies to the State Pension.
Housing and Planning
State interference in land use and housing often results in an unresponsive market or projects that suit outside interests and not the community. Our policies aim to reverse this position, and put local people back in charge of local developments.
Transport Overview
Subsidies and cartels that distort the running and creation of our national transport infrastructure are addressed by our policies, and resolved.
Law and Order Overview
Freedoms won for us by the blood of our ancestors have been seriously eroded over the decades, and this erosion is gaining speed and must be reversed. It is a core responsibility of the State to enable the citizens to go safely about their lawful business without let or hindrance.
Constitutional Overview
The Libertarian Party is committed to reassert the primacy of our Bill of Rights and Common Law system over the Napoleonic system that has encroached from the continent in recent years.
I've given this thread an title that will allow others to post their views on other upcoming parties if they want but I know who my vote is with!!!