Originally posted by ashtweth
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The Panacea Chemtrail Production
chemtrails poison Mt. Shasta
(a Suzy Star email)
19th April 2010
Forget about the 9/11 hoax, the continuing extermination of the Palestinians, the bogus wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, depleted uranium, election frauds, financial robberies, and poison medicines. All those colossal catastrophes pale into insignificance, are wiped from your mind when the impact of this one sentence hits you.
The snow on top of Mt. Shasta, the California mountain that has become the picturesque symbol of New Age hope, has been poisoned.
How does it come to be that the snow the skiers eat for water on top of one of the most pristine images of American beauty contains 1,200 times the normal amount of aluminum particulate?
Why have 90 percent of the salmon in the rivers near Mt. Shasta disappeared in the last seven years?
And why, all over our country and perhaps our world, are all the trees dying, while the experts shake their heads and say they don't know why?
Retired wildlife biologist Francis Mangels told writer Michael A. Murphy about the rapid decline of fish in the rivers and streams of northern California What In The World Are They Spraying? By Michael J. Murphy
"Mangels brought me to a nearby creek that had an abundant supply of fish just a few years ago. Because the primary diet of the fish in the creek is aquatic insects, he performed a standard sample method to measure the amount of insects present.
"The samples he had performed before the alleged aerosol spraying campaign had yielded an average of 1000 aquatic insects. Our sample yielded only 31. This is over a 96% decline from samples taken just a few years ago. Mangels stated that because the fish live off of the insects, they are literally starving. This rapid decline is likely due to changes in the chemistry of the water. The only changes that Mangels is aware of are the dramatic increases of aluminum, barium and strontium which he believes is from SAG programs. "
SAG stands for "stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering", a.k.a. chemtrail program, spraying aerosol aluminum, barium and other particles into the sky to block the sun as a means to "reduce" the Earth's temperature.
Murphy also interviewed Dane Wigington, owner of one of the largest residential solar systems in Northern California on his beautiful 2000 acre property overlooking Lake Shasta, who noticed his solar power decreased by as much as 60 percent on what he calls "heavy spraying days". He also went on to say that he regularly samples the fine dust layers on top of his solar panels and other outdoor surface areas and frequently finds very high levels of aluminum and barium. Wigington believes that these are a product of SAG programs."
Wigington stated that according to The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, the salmon run, once seen in abundance in this area has declined from 769,868 in 2002 to 39,530 in 2009. That is over a 90 percent decline. Amazingly enough, this decline started occurring about the same period of time when residents began to see a dramatic increase in what they believe to be SAG programs.
"We also took time to test the pH of nearby soil and snow which contained over 10 times the alkalinity of the normal pH," Murphy writes. "Mangels has evidence that this drastic change in pH is also due to the massive increases of aluminum. He stated that forests, fields and farm ecologies thrive in acidic soils. Aluminum acts as a buffer that increases alkalinity and can decimate ecologies in large amounts. Mangels also pointed out that snow on Mt. Shasta was tested and sent to the EPA, who found results that contained 61,100 ug/l or parts per billion of aluminum and 83 ug/l of barium. The normal amount of aluminum in the snow at Mt. Shasta is 0.5 ug/l. Drinking water allowable is 50ug/l. That means that the snow on Mt. Shasta has tested at 1200 times more poisonous than water standards allow for aluminum. Mangels said, "Mountain climbers that come from around the world are drinking the poisonous water from the snow on the mountain"
If things are this bad in one of the more remote areas in America, what are conditions for the rest of us. The same? Or worse?
You can probably find more on this online.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
Ash, unsure if these links are available at Chem Trails
OUT THERE TV interviews Dr Hildegarde Staninger
regarding Smart Dust, Chemtrails and Morgellons Syndrom
Nano-Partials, Man-Made, Found in plants, animals and sea food.
Source Link:
Rense Morgellons Radio Specials
Jan Smith & Cliff Mickelson
Morgellons - New Developments
(MP3 Audio File)
Carnicom On Morgellons Update
(MP3 Audio File)
Carnicom On Morgellons Update
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson/Gwen Simmons
WhatHappened To CDC Morgellon's Investigation?
(MP3 Audio File)
Carnicom On Morgellon's
Morgellon's Research
(MP3 Audio File)
Carnicom On Morgellon's
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)
Dr. Amy Withington & Cindy Casey
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson and Maryanne:
A Health Professional Describes The Spread Of Morgellons
(MP3 Audio File)
Clifford Carnicom
Carnicom Morgellons Research
(MP3 Audio File)
Clifford Carnicom
Aerosol Spraying Over America
First Observations From Clifford Carnicom
Blood Testing: Lasers, Morgellons & Fungus(?)
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson
Link Between GMO Crops & Morgellons?
(MP3 Audio File)
The CDC Morgellons 'Research' Project
Jan Smith & Cliff Mickelson
Morgellons Disease - Living With A Nightmare
CDC/Kaiser 'Groundbreaking' Morgellons Study A Fraud!
(MP3 Audio File)
Texas Chemtrail Samples Compared To Samples From Venice Italy
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Dr. R. Michael Castle
(MP3 Audio File)
Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Dr. R. Michael Castle
Jan Smith and 'Anonymous' from the Midwest Photos
(MP3 Audio File)
Special Update Program
(MP3 Audio File)
Psych, Emotional, Personality And Relationship
Impacts - Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith & Guests
May 10, 2007
Inspiring Letter About Morgellons Special #8
(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim
Morgellons Identified - World Exclusive!
Shocking Research - Nanotech Machines
Running Wild In The Human Body
March 29, 2007
Morgellons #7 Documentation
Project FMM - Fibers, Meteorite, Morgellons
(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Rahim Karjoo, M.D., F.A.S.C.P./F.C.A.P.
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim
Shocking Breakthroughs!
November 9, 2006
Morgellons Specimen Photos in Sequence - Special No. 6
(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Rahim Karjoo, M.D., F.A.S.C.P./F.C.A.P.
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim,
Stunning Data, Solid Evidence
October 24, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith,
Gillian Penkethman from Melbourne, Australia
Morgellons Victims
August 18, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith, Cindy Casey, RN and Charles Holman,
Greg Smith, MD & Judy Smith, RN
Morgellons Victims
July 17, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith, Cindy Casey, RN and Charles Holman
Morgellons Victims
June 27, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson & Jan Smith
Morgellons Victims
June 22, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)Remember to be kind to your mind ...
Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."
What in the World are they Spraying?
New documentary coming
YouTube - "What in the World are They Spraying?" - Official Trailer
Chemtrails or atmospheric geo-engineering is occurring in our skies on a daily basis and is slowly but surely gaining worldwide recognition thanks to the internet.
WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING! is a documentary currently in production by The Reality Zone and is scheduled for release in October , hopefully this film will get picked up by one of the mainstream media channels and open the eyes off the wider public to what is occurring above their heads .Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
If we see Chemtrails seriously discussed on the corporate-owned mainstream media, it has significance: It means that a "disclosure" is coming (because it is now a "forbidden", suppressed, subject). What they would claim is a "full disclosure" anyway (since it would be pretty difficult to believe liars and deceivers of such a magnitude as we have now, on the elemental questions of "what they are", and "why they are doing it").
But should it happen, there are some important questions they must answer about chemtrails at that point:
> WHO THE HELL had the power to decide to do this, that affects the entire planet? Who's signature is on the paper? It is important to note that not even the UN has such power over sovereign nations, not by a long-shot.
> HOW IS IT FUNDED? Who is paying all these billions to do it? Again, who signed off on the funding? To what level were nation's legislatures (Congress / Parliament) informed about it all.. The elected people who supposedly hold the purse strings by law in most countries?
> HOW DO THEY KNOW if it is "safe" or not, who signed off on it being "safe" for humans and wildlife? We want the names of the medical professionals, we want to see the Studies backing them. For instance: Was it tested on honey bees? Was a study done on the long-term effects on Human Beings?
> What specifically are airplane pilots and airline personnel told about them... and how are they being threatened to remain silent regarding them? Folks, there is simply no way Chemtrails could exist, unless a huge and well orchestrated security organization actively stops these people, as well as people in national governments, from talking about them. WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THIS HUGE SECURITY APPARATUS?
The imperative of having to answer these questions, is why it will likely remain a absurd "secret" for a long time yet, despite the simple act of looking up into the sky and seeing them day in and day out.
But chemtrails also have a very "dangerous" effect on our society beyond the physical. They are constant reminders that we are living a life of deception in our culture... That something so elemental, is being done without the public's consent... That by inference, the facade of what the status quo claims is "Reality".... is a lie.
This is highly corrosive to the old "trust the government, they know what's best" attitude.
Not sure if this was really a joke or someone was forced to
change their story claiming it was a joke but anyway...
Google Translate
That is the English translation of the site. You can read the details.
The video is in the left column about 10% from the top.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
I am currently learning about orgonite. Some say orgonite is multiple times stronger orgone accumulator with very high density of metal-organic layering.
Here is a photo I take this morning. I notice the same chemtrail as yesterday. They never stay long above my house. I know that there are some people experimenting with chembuster around my area.
However at the north and west of my place, I notice cloud that could be identified and chemtrail cloud.
Also, while panacea mention that:
"Do not waste your time with skeptics- Compared to the grass roots movement they have only done a half baked attempt at investigating."
Edostar doing a lot of chembusting activity in Bali island (Indonesia). His activity is mentioned here along with photo of the change in the sky. At Don Croft forum:
Etheric Warriors Forum :: A grassroot movement fighting tyranny with orgonite devices
The cloud in the right side of this picture is the same thing I see this morning in the north and west of my places. Adostar mentioned he can make it disappear in an hour with Don Croft style cloudbuster. At recent post he mention that the price to build one is 150.000 rupiah, around $15.
Ashtweth, do panacea university disagree with orgonite solution?Last edited by sucahyo; 08-03-2010, 04:12 AM.
Originally posted by sucahyo View PostAshtweth, do panacea university disagree with orgonite solution?, We need to get this info to the mainstream with their data, orgonite wont do that sadly, all the people using orgonite could be really effective if they participate that's all we wanted to point out
note Sucahyo if you dont understand cloud busting and that device you can take moisture out of the air and cause drought, hence why cloud busting is best suited for those who are qualified, i dont recommend "bustng" clouds you can cause drought , i trust Reich and Trevor constable. Sadly you have a lot of people operating these with out knowing this.
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 08-03-2010, 03:35 AM.
Thank you. I am aware of the danger of orgone use. I rather scared that orgone accumulator is stupidly being promoted as health device without any attempt to learn how to safely use them. Like how to prevent mental degradation for the patients treated with orac. I see no research being done in orgonomy, while orgonite is being cast away by orgonomy.
I have been asking the same thing to orgonite community. They are still in the learning process too. The effect of orgonite is still not fully known. There seems to be case where people can build it wrong. The result of an orgonite can be oppositely different for different people. Still unstable.
Most of the implementation is without pipe. It should be the same as people building orac, not cloud buster, and yet Edostar show a lot of photo confirmation of reduced chembuster replaced with healthy cloud.
It seems orgonite that Edostar spread accross Bali not just creating hole like what orgonomy do, but it also invited rain. It seems to only put hole on chemtrail but do not put hole on natural cloud. Edostar report on the link mention normalized rain cycle.
Although he also notice exception, isolated rain:
isolated dryness:
color of sun is different
The sun today was a very different color.
You know when the sun is about down over the horizon but still up enough
so that you can look up at trees, etc... and see that pinkish red color that
is really beautiful and relaxing?
Today, all day along, the weather satellite, radar, etc... showed clear
skies here but I couldn't see one bit of blue sky...they're all fake, etc...
Anyway, the white chemtrails were thin enough that occasionally the sun
would shine through enough to look bright on the ground. AND, it was
that same color that it should be at sunset. I never saw that in my life.
There is something different about the chemtrails, OR, there is something
different with the sun today. I went to the grocery store, the only time
I went out and away from the house and when I was in the parking lot,
I could feel a very, very different feeling, hard to explain but didn't
surprise me since I could visibly see a color change.
I honestly don't think anyone else in my town would have ever noticed
but it was very easy to notice, in my opinion.
Anyway, was very weird - again, never saw those colors from the sun
on the ground or on sides of buildings except for when the sun is about to
drop past the horizon and this was for over 6 hours from about noon when
I started to notice all the way up to 6pm +.
I have a feeling there is something going on that is different and I don't
think it is just the nearly 100% "cloud" coverage that is invisible on the
fake radar and satellite shots.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
Originally posted by Aaron View PostAnyway, the white chemtrails were thin enough that occasionally the sun would shine through enough to look bright on the ground. AND, it was that same color that it should be at sunset. I never saw that in my life.
Looks like there really was something with the sun yesterday:
cme sun - Google Search
Large CME left the sun yesterday about 1pm my time. That is about
when I started to notice the sun had a different color. It will probably whip
up some good wind storms, which is what normally happens.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
To see what Aaron is referring to you can go here: to see the recent sun pictures:
Search and Download SOHO Near Realtime Data
Select these values:
Image Type = LASCO C3
Resolution = 512
Display = Movie
Start and End Dates =
You can also choose the other Image Types and see different variations of the sun.
Then click Search to see the CME (Coronal Mass Ejection)
Solar Tsunami to Strike Earth
FOXNews.com - Solar Tsunami to Strike Earth
Earth is bracing for a cosmic tsunami Tuesday (August 3, 2010) night as tons of plasma from a massive solar flare head directly toward the planet.