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Oil Leak Solutions Thread

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  • Oil Leak Solutions Thread

    Namaste' All.

    I'm starting this thread to start brainstorming ideas on how to fix this leak in the gulf. This situation is on it's way from bad to worse. They are under-reporting the amount of oil that has and is leaking out and if the leak is not fixed soon, there is a high-probability that the submerged pipe in the sea floor is going to be sand-blasted away due to the super high pressures involved. If that happens, we could likely be looking at an ELE (Extinction Level Event) because the oil channel would quickly erode into an oil and methane volcano that would destroy most of the oceans. As it stands right now, we are likely looking at the economic collapse of the gulf states and likely the East coast states. This is a slow-motion train wreck that is going to affect us all. The severity of it's impact is on the clock right now and this is a test of humanity to make a choice about who we really are and what we want to create.

    I know there's a lot of smart people on here and that if you're a member here, it's because you're "awake." My hope is that we can put together as many good ideas as possible that can be sent to the US Gov and BP.

    Some obvious ideas I've seen or thought of include:

    1. Insert a slightly larger riser pipe (22") over the leaking pipe (21") and run it to the surface.

    2. The idea they had with the containment box was half-assed. The riser pipe needs to be larger IMO. If I'm not incorrect, pressure is inversely related to volume so they should be using a larger riser to decrease the pressure.

    3. One idea I came up with involves using round pre-fabbed steel rebar concrete culvert pieces that could be lowered down over the leak area. They are tongue an groove already so they could be stacked up relatively fast to a calculated height at which then a large plug could be inserted, or they could simply build an underwater "smoke-stack" like they do at power plants. This would contain the oil at least and make it easier to extract/siphon off because the larger diameter riser would decrease pressure and velocity of the oil coming out.

    4. There is talk of using explosives to seal-off the well-head. I don't like this idea personally because there is too much risk involved if it fails. It could make things much worse, so I see this as a last resort.

    Please share any ideas you have whether you think they are valid or not. Every idea always springs from another so let's get the ideas gushing about how to fix this thing!

    I want to extend my deepest thanks and gratitude to you all for being here, especially in the energy research forum. Free energy is the lynch-pin to opening Pandora's box to the new paradigm and I thank you all for bringing more of that consciousness into manifestation.

    Much love and peace to you all.
    ~ Golden Mean

    If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
    I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

    "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."

  • #2
    The vast amount of disinfo in the news on event this appalling, blatant, and so bad it will eventually hurt them all very much.

    This is not a "hole", it is a "crack"... Natural gas rising to the surface in large quantities from the crack was the most probable reason for the explosion in the first place. This means that a single pipe is not going to solve it. You would need multiple massive pumps, more and larger than ever seen before, to create a negative pressure at the sea bed in a large area; and a means of storing & filtering the pumped water/oil mix on the surface there (hundreds of barges and tankers, probably). This appears to not be practical; although technically it would be "possible" to achieve if every barge and tanker and large pump rig was commandeered... Lol that will never happen... Can't disrupt the schedules for pumping beach sand at resort towns, can we?

    To get the emulsified, submerged plumes up... several miles long and up to 100 miles away now... caused by the chemicals BP dumped there to try and hide the huge scope of the disaster... is going to be hell.

    We got our first tar balls on the beach here in Key West. Our wonderful Mayor, made a statement that made the national news saying: "We are being positive about this".

    Lol what a wanker. He's dead politically here now.


    • #3
      They reported ONE underwater plume to be 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick. Giant Plumes of Oil Found Under Gulf of Mexico -

      L=10 miles = 52,800 feet
      W=3 miles = 15,840 feet
      D= 300 feet

      LxWxD = 52,800 x 15,840 x 300 = 250,905,600,000 ft3 (cubic feet)

      1 cubic foot = 7.4805195 US Gallons

      7.4805195 x 250,905,600,000 = 1,876,904,233,459 US gallons in ONE plume

      1,876,904,233,459 / 28 days = 67,032,294,052 US gallons/day !!!!!!!!

      Just a tad higher than the 200,000 gals/day they're reporting in the MSM!

      This is just based on an estimate and the oil may be diluted so let's cut it by 90% to be "conservative."

      67,032,294,052 / 10 = 6,703,229,405 US gallons/day

      This is only OIL and doesn't include the methane gas that is also leaking out and is only an estimate for 10% of ONE PLUME!

      I'm sickened by this...

      Perhaps this is the time for disclosure of our ET friends so we can ask for assistance. It's killin' me to think of this beautiful planet going straight to hell when there is NO need for it! Argh.
      ~ Golden Mean

      If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
      I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

      "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."


      • #5
        Wow, big credit to Kevin Costner and I hope his machine works.

        I also hope he charges BP $25,000 a minute to clean the water.

        It would be nice if some of these other Hollywood stars and famous athletes took some of their disposable income and invested in alternative energy so one day one of them could whip out a machine and shut down big oil.


        • #6
          SOT 11 - Treatment of oil on water

          You think from day 1 BP - British Petroleum would have at least been prepared to combat the oil slick with this friendly Swiss product called SOT 11

          SOT11 - New revolutionary Oil Spill Solution
          YouTube - SOT11 - New revolutionary Oil Spill Solution

          Innovative technology - Complete Bioremediation Oil Treatment International (short: OTI) AG's totally non-toxic technology acts as a natural mediator to reintroduce oil into the natural process of degradation without applying any bacteria, nitrates or phosphates. Hence, they exclude any interference with flora & fauna. For their products deployment, self-developed and -produced technology is being utilized and implemented; it is subject to continuous refinement and enhancement. OTIs product applications are designed to decontaminate without generating waste - OTI focuses entirely on the following areas: •Bioremediation of oil spills on water bodies •Bioremediation of oil spills on soil and shorelines •Cleaning of objects contaminated with oil •Decontamination of oily waste from third parties •Encouraging aerobic processes in septic tanks The natural process of crude oil bioremediation is successfully finalized within 2-4 months, depending upon the prevailing meteorological condition and geographical region Waste Management OTI develops a unique bio-remediation technology which also fulfills a waste management function. Accordingly there is no longer any need expensive disposal procedures.

          But no, they go and use a toxic oil dispersant that is breaking up the oil slick on the surface and dispersing it hoping it to be hard see. Latest Fox news report said that the slick was estimated to be 6,000 square miles and that it represents only 1% of the Gulf of Mexico.

          Also not sure why a company called Clift Industries, Inc. has not stepped up to the plate since this technology was discovered by the government and they have been the benefactors of it.

          You would have to dig for this in the Way Back Machine to see this on their website as it no longer appears ther:

          Bioremediation technology was discovered during World War II. During the extreme research and development in this period, the United States government discovered a technology and a form of bacteria that would degrade oil to a safe level, bioremediation. For decades the technology was categorized as classified until Exxon Valdez. As a last resort the government employed bioremediation on the Alaskan beaches in which there was considerable results.

          Bioremediation technology is the use and processing of small living microorganisms to metabolize or digest toxic, hazardous substances into non-toxic safe by-products. The microorganisms degrade, metabolize and chemically transform complex oil and oil by-products compounds into carbon dioxide and water.

          These microorganisms (bugs) are safe and occur naturally in the environment. This process requires numerous (million) microorganisms and can take as long as years to break down and digest the complex oil compounds. This process of bioremediation has now been accelerated through technological breakthroughs which are utilized in Oil Vanisher

          This YouTube video shows one of their products in action:

          Bioremediation, Inc. Baad Bugs Spill Video

          YouTube - Bioremediation, Inc. Baad Bugs Spill Video

          Using mushrooms to breakdown oil and other contaminants left by Texaco and
          other oil companies that have been building up since the 1960's to the
          amount of 18 billion gallons of oil pollution in Ecuador's rain forest.

          15 minute video link:

          A Solution to Pollution - Mycoremediation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

          And finally an incredible technology presented by Paul Stamets who is in Aaron's neck of the woods:

          Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world
          YouTube - Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world

          It appears that vested interests are preventing these workable solutions to see the light of day and be initiated.

          Best regards,



          • #7
            Golden Mean for starting this thread. I heard reference to the idea of using just ordinary hay to suck up oil but I'm not so sure it would work for anything other than surface oil and then what to do with a bunch of oil soaked hay?
            A more exotic solution I recall from many years ago is sacred water as described by Drunvalo. It has some rather amazing claims for totally clearing a polluted bay in days :

            "Mother Earth - The New Consciousness and Sacred Water
            A Talk Presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek, May 1st, 1999
            by Drunvalo Melchizedek


            Some Sufi masters in Turkey who had been doing powerful Zikhr chants have presented to the world a water that appears to be alive and have God-consciousness. This water has different effects on different things. It seems to have an optimal effect on whatever it touches.

            They used it in one of the most polluted bays in the world ... dark with black bubbles. It became totally clear within a few days. Unfortunately the channels coming into the bay continue to pollute it.

            Drunvalo Melchizedek had just come from a meeting with FBI, CIA, military officials, and top corporation scientists in Washington where they demonstrated this water in action. It cleared away the most disgusting pollution in glass containers (sewage, oil, chemicals) very quickly with only a teaspoon of the water.

            They also did experiments with huge ponds of water with the same results. This water also put out chemical and petrochemical fires and methane fires at garbage fill sites that had not been successfully put out before... and the fires would not restart afterwards. It also works the same on forest fires.

            Some environmental scientists at the meeting said that if a miracle like this had not come along, the earth would be dead within 3 years due to the pollution. The best news is that the governments are willing to allow this water to be used to clear the planet's pollution.

            This water is called super-ionized water. A company out of Istanbul, Turkey has been started by Ihan Doyuk called Perfect Science. A 48 million-dollar plant has been built in Turkey to produce 100,000 tons of this water a day.

            The water seems to have many more uses. Drunvalo could not say more due to a confidentiality agreement he had signed. He could not tell us what it does to human bodies but he did say that it may be the most interesting use of the water of all."

            Original and complete article : Click here
            There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


            • #8
              Simple solution

              Step 1. Lower big heavy iron dome over broken pipe. This time attach a 2" high strength hose to big heavy iron dome.

              Step 2. Prior to placing big heavy iron dome over broken pipe pump 28.8" water column (1psi) over leak pressure of dry nitrogen (ie.. air with no moisture or oxygen) via high strength hose. This way the pressure in the dome is greater them the pressure leaving the pipe.

              Step 3. While dry nitrogen is holding the leak back fill area with concrete.

              Step 4. Drink coffee and marval at your brilliance.

              Has anyone noticed that the price of diesel has gone up 25 cents the past 3 weeks?




              • #9
                This is absolutly sickening. These people have billions of dollars and the damn thing is STILL leaking. My god they should have 5 factories building plan A,B,C,D,E all at the same time.

                They have the money to build every possible solution...What are they waiting for????


                • #10
                  The Petroleum Problem by Paul Stamets

                  While this is not a solution to fix the leak, it is a partial solution to the aftermath of re-mediating this ongoing disaster:

                  Paul Stamets on the Oil Spill

                  > Mon, 24 May 2010 15:27:03 -0700
                  > We just spent a wonderful week with Paul Stamets at his place in the Gulf Islands, and while we were there, the BP Crisis Management Team called to get his advice. In a way, that's pretty encouraging. People here were wondering what Paul's got to say about the mess, and after the call he put together a position paper on the spill and mycoremediation.

                  It's at:

                  Fungi Perfecti: the petroleum problem

                  PAUL STAMETS’ STATEMENT

                  The BP oil spill has inflicted enormous harm in the Gulf of Mexico and will continue to do so for months, if not decades, to come. I have many thoughts on this disaster. My first reaction is that when the skin of the Earth is punctured, bad things can happen.

                  Clearly, this disaster could and should have been prevented. Despite all their assurances of safety, BP and/or BP’s subcontractors, failed to ensure the functionality of the emergency equipment on the Deep Horizon rig. The oil industry claims that further regulation will handcuff them, but it is now obvious that more steps need to be taken to prevent a catastrophe like this from ever happening again.

                  However, this spill did happen, and we now must deal with the aftermath. Although estimates have been that BP could be liable for more than 14 billion dollars in clean up damages, very few in the media have mentioned the long-term, generational consequences of this oil spill. There will inevitably be a surge in cancer cases, widespread degradation of wildlife habitat, and an array of diverse and complex strains on local communities, our nation, and the planetary ecosphere as a whole. We all know that the seas are connected, and ultimately our biosphere suffers globally when suffering locally. Now as the hurricane season approaches, we may see catastrophes converge to create what may be the greatest ecological disaster in hundreds of years.

                  While we will need a wide array of efforts to address this complex problem, mycoremediation is a valuable component in our toolset of solutions. Mycoremediation has demonstrated positive results, verified by scientists in many countries. However, there is more oil spilled than there is currently mycelium available. Much more mycelium is needed and, fortunately, we know how to generate it.

                  Here is what we know about mycoremediation, based on tests conducted by myself, my colleagues and other researchers who have published their results. (See attached references.)

                  What we know:
                  1) More than 120 novel enzymes have been identified from mushroom-forming fungi.
                  2) Various enzymes breakdown a wide assortment of hydrocarbon toxins.
                  3) My work with Battelle Laboratories, in collaboration with their scientists, resulted in TAH’s (Total Aromatic Hydrocarbons) in diesel contaminated soil to be reduced from 10,000 ppm to < 200 ppm in 16 weeks from a 25% inoculation rate of oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) mycelium, allowing the remediated soil to be approved for use as landscaping soil along highways. (Thomas et al., 1999)
                  4) Oil contains a wide variety of toxins, many of which are carcinogens.
                  5) Mycelium more readily degrades lower molecular weight hydrocarbons (3,4,5 ring) than heavier weight hydrocarbons. However, the heavier weight hydrocarbons are reduced via mycelial enzymes into lighter weight hydrocarbons, allowing for a staged reduction with subsequent mycelial treatments.
                  6) Aged mycelium from oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) mixed in with ‘compost’ made from woodchips and yard waste (50:50 by volume) resulted in far better degradation of hydrocarbons than oyster mushroom mycelium or compost alone.
                  7) Oyster mycelium does not degrade keratin-based hair as it produces little or no keratinases, whereas other mold fungi such as Chaetomium species (which include some high temperature-tolerant leaf mold fungi) produce keratinases.
                  8) Worms die when put into contact with high concentrations of hydrocarbon saturated soils, but live after mycelial treatments reduce the toxins below the lethal thresholds.
                  9) Spring inoculations work better than fall inoculations as the mycelium has more time to grow-out. Bioregional specificities must be carefully considered.
                  10) Amplifying native mushroom species in the bioregion impacted by toxic spills work better than non-native species.
                  11) More funding is needed to better understand and implement mycoremediation technologies.
                  12) Oil spills will occur in the future—we need to be ready for them!

                  What we don’t know:
                  1) The effect of salt water on the growth of mycelium on hair mats soaked in oil. The Presidio project with Matter of Trust did not test the hair mats used to soak up the Cosco Busan oil spill in San Francisco bay. The hair mats that were tested were ones that were put into contact with motor oil and Bunker C oil collected from the bowels of the Cosco Busan, without saltwater.
                  2) The differential gradients of decomposition of the complex oil constituents from contact with Oyster mushroom mycelium. Different toxins degrade at different rates when placed into contact with mycelium.
                  3) The variables that influence the success of mycoremediation, particularly since the targeted toxins are often complex mixtures of volatile and non-volatile hydrocarbons.
                  4) How many other species of fungi could be applied for mycoremediation beyond the few that have been tested? Up to now, Oyster mushroom mycelium (Pleurotus ostreatus) has been tested successfully but there are literally thousands of other species yet to be tested for mycoremediation.
                  5) How each fungal species used pre-selects the subsequent biological populations and how these further enable plant communities as habitats recover from toxic waste exposure?
                  6) Whether or not the mushrooms grown on decomposing toxic wastes are safe to eat.
                  7) To what degree of decomposition by mycelium of toxic soils makes the soils safe for food crops.
                  8) How economically practical will it be to remove mushrooms that have hyper-accumulated heavy metals—will this be a viable remediation strategy? Which species are best for hyper accumulating specific metals?
                  9) How to finance/design composting centers around population centers near pollution threats.
                  10) How to train—on a massive scale—the mycotechnicians needed to implement mycoremediation.
                  11) How to fund ”Myco-U’s”, learning centers with emphasis on implementing myco-solutions to human made and natural catastrophes.
                  12) How extensively and diversely will mycoremediation practices be needed in the future?

                  How can we help?
                  Knowing that the extent of this disaster eclipses our mycological resources should not be a reason to not act.

                  I proposed in 1994 that we have Mycological Response Teams (MRTs) in place to react to catastrophic events, from hurricanes to oil spills. We need to preposition composting and mycoremediation centers adjacent to population centers. We should set MRTs into motion, centralized in communities, which are actively involved in recycling, composting and permaculture—utilizing debris from natural or man-made calamities to generate enzymes and rebuild healthy local soils.

                  I see the urgent need to set up webinar-like, Internet-based modules of education to disseminate methods for mycoremediation training so people throughout the world can benefit from the knowledge we have gained through the past decade of research. Such hubs of learning could cross-educate others and build a body of knowledge that would be further perfected over time, benefiting from the successes and failures of those in different bioregions. The cumulative knowledge gained from a centralized data hub could emerge as a robust yet flexible platform that could help generations to come. Scientists, policy makers, and citizens would be empowered with practical mycoremediation tools for addressing environmental disasters.

                  There are additional opportunities here. By encouraging strategically placed gourmet mushroom production centers near debris fields from natural and human-made disasters, we can open a pathway for mycoremediation. The ‘aged compost’ that is produced after mushrooms are harvested is rich in enzymes—a value-added by-product and this ‘waste’ product is aptly suited for mycoremediation purposes. What most people do not realize is that most mushroom farms generate this compost by the tons and are eager for it to be used elsewhere.

                  On a grand scale, I envision that we, as a people, develop a common myco-ecology of consciousness and address these common goals through the use of mycelium. To do so means we need to spread awareness and information. Please spread the word of mycelium. Educate friends, family and policy makers about mycological solutions. Bring your local leaders up the learning curve on how fungi can decompose toxins, rebuild soils and strengthen our food chains. What we lack is the widespread availability of mycologically skilled technicians and educators and a more mycologically informed public. We need a paradigm shift, a multi-generational educational infrastructure, bringing fungal solutions to the forefront of viable options to mitigate disasters. An unfortunate circumstance we face is that the field of mycology is poorly funded in a time of intense need.

                  To support this expanded mycological awareness, I offer my books as resources—especially Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World and Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms. Also, please see my talk on—this is an excellent primer for those wanting to understand how mushrooms and fungi can help mitigate disasters and heal ecosystems.

                  Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world | Video on

                  Let's become part of the solution. We may not have all the answers now but we can work towards an integrated strategy, flexible in its design, and yet target specific to these types of disasters. We should work in preparation to resolve ecological emergencies before and after they occur. Together, we can protect and heal our communities and ecosystems.

                  For the Earth,
                  Paul Stamets


                  Not many people, even experts, fully grasp the diverse range of toxins that are present in oil. Bunker C oil is used as a fuel, particularly in cargo ships, and is especially ‘dirty’. Here is a list of some of the hydrocarbons typically found in Bunker C oil:



                  The list continues as all the chemicals could not fit as it was too big for this post ..............................

                  Best regards,



                  • #11
                    SOT11 is more complex than required to clean up the oil...
                    it makes use of aerobic oil-degrading organisms but with much more cost
                    and effort ... ONLY use the organisms,

                    Gulf Oil Spill: Gutsy Solution Restores Environment in Just 6 Weeks
                    Known about since 1989
                    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                    • #12
                      the solution for oil removal from the water

                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #13
                        Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                        SOT11 is more complex than required to clean up the oil...
                        it makes use of aerobic oil-degrading organisms but with much more cost
                        and effort ... ONLY use the organisms,

                        Gulf Oil Spill: Gutsy Solution Restores Environment in Just 6 Weeks
                        Known about since 1989

                        I was presenting various solutions.

                        What you present also looks promising.

                        Thanks for adding that.

                        Please share your cost information. As far as more effort and efficiency, please give us those comparisons as well. That would be useful for all of us to know as we do not have that.

                        OTI has product that can be used safely for oil on water, soil and animals.

                        OTI (Oil Treatment International AG), leading in bioremediation and cleaning of oil pollutions: Bioremediation of oil spills on water

                        Mode of Application and Action for oil on water:

                        A crude petroleum oil slick on the surface of water following an accidental spill is dusted with the SOT 11 powder. The fine particles of SOT 11 disintegrate the oil film into fine microscopic droplets onto which the particles of the powder adhere by the process of adsorption.

                        The SOT powder is dusted on the film of crude oil or its heavier fractions. The Oil-SOT 11-complex sinks finely dispersed to the bottom of the water body within two to four hours, leaving the water clear and free of oil. The fine crude petroleum droplets in the SOT 11 sediment at the sea bed serve as substrate for microorganisms.

                        The oil is biodegraded completely within 3 to 4 months in situ, depending upon the geographical location and the prevailing meteorological conditions. Evidence of the processes involved is provided by microscopical examination and chemical analysis of the sediment at the sea bed.

                        The video you reference above sites the developer as Oppenheimer Biotechnology, Inc
                        Oppenheimer Biotechnology - Bioremediation

                        They sound like a spin off of Clift Industries that I posted about earlier:


                        Bioremediation technology was discovered during World War II. During the extreme research and development in this period, the United States government discovered a technology and a form of bacteria that would degrade oil to a safe level, bioremediation. For decades the technology was categorized as classified until Exxon Valdez. As a last resort the government employed bioremediation on the Alaskan beaches in which there was considerable results.

                        Bioremediation technology is the use and processing of small living microorganisms to metabolize or digest toxic, hazardous substances into non-toxic safe by-products. The microorganisms degrade, metabolize and chemically transform complex oil and oil by-products compounds into carbon dioxide and water.

                        These microorganisms (bugs) are safe and occur naturally in the environment. This process requires numerous (million) microorganisms and can take as long as years to break down and digest the complex oil compounds. This process of bioremediation has now been accelerated through technological breakthroughs which are utilized in Oil Vanisher

                        Our government tested various plant based products and found Kenaf to be very promising:

                        PRODUCTS FOR NAVY AND
                        DOD USE
                        PHASE I
                        KENAF ABSORBENT
                        March 1999

                        Some Highlights Cut and Pasted From the Navy Report:

                        “…It should be noted that kenaf fines, (RF Wastewater can produce fines),
                        not to be confused with kenaf milled fines, (milled fines are larger than
                        2mm) were also tested. The data showed an absorbency of 11.98 grams T-102
                        light crude oil absorbed per gram of sorbent.”

                        “The report asserts that the kenaf fines proved to be in the same range of
                        efficiency as polypropylene fabrics, which have become a standard in
                        environmental applications…”

                        “… there are indigenous microbes in the kenaf plant that feed on
                        hydrocarbons that promote bio-remediation.


                        Until the politicians and their funding sources figure out a way to profit from these natural beneficial solutions, they will continue to use the inefficient booms and toxic dispersant they currently profit from. What "solutions" they are employing now seems to add up to a long time they will be able to continue profiting from this.

                        At least that is the way it seems from this view,



                        • #14
                          i just assumed it cost more, in that SOT has to be manufactured and
                          requires specialized distribution equipment.
                          if only the microorganisms are used .. then growing them is the only cost...
                          no special equipment is required to apply it.

                          Ask yourself after watching the above video... does BP think i'm stupid?
                          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                          • #15
                            Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                            i just assumed it cost more, in that SOT has to be manufactured and
                            requires specialized distribution equipment.
                            if only the microorganisms are used .. then growing them is the only cost...
                            no special equipment is required to apply it.

                            Ask yourself after watching the above video... does BP think i'm stupid?

                            I hear you.

                            Thanks for posting that video - history repeating itself.
                            Relief well being the main solution just like they had to do 31 years ago.
                            Same company back then as well, they happen to change their name to Deep Water Horizon.

                            Oppenheimer said that they have been working with BP on the spill solutions since it began. What BP has them focused on is the old oil that has changed consistency and has become hardened. That presents issues for the bioremediation technology. It is not the total solution the earlier video was purporting but more like an 80% solution. The ideal location for Oppenheimer's product to be of the best assistance is to be injected above where the leak is and mix in right there where the oil is. BP knows this, but BP continues to use the toxic dispersants to conceal the oil leak rather than effectively remediate as close to the source as possible.


