Namaste' All.
I'm starting this thread to start brainstorming ideas on how to fix this leak in the gulf. This situation is on it's way from bad to worse. They are under-reporting the amount of oil that has and is leaking out and if the leak is not fixed soon, there is a high-probability that the submerged pipe in the sea floor is going to be sand-blasted away due to the super high pressures involved. If that happens, we could likely be looking at an ELE (Extinction Level Event) because the oil channel would quickly erode into an oil and methane volcano that would destroy most of the oceans. As it stands right now, we are likely looking at the economic collapse of the gulf states and likely the East coast states. This is a slow-motion train wreck that is going to affect us all. The severity of it's impact is on the clock right now and this is a test of humanity to make a choice about who we really are and what we want to create.
I know there's a lot of smart people on here and that if you're a member here, it's because you're "awake." My hope is that we can put together as many good ideas as possible that can be sent to the US Gov and BP.
Some obvious ideas I've seen or thought of include:
1. Insert a slightly larger riser pipe (22") over the leaking pipe (21") and run it to the surface.
2. The idea they had with the containment box was half-assed. The riser pipe needs to be larger IMO. If I'm not incorrect, pressure is inversely related to volume so they should be using a larger riser to decrease the pressure.
3. One idea I came up with involves using round pre-fabbed steel rebar concrete culvert pieces that could be lowered down over the leak area. They are tongue an groove already so they could be stacked up relatively fast to a calculated height at which then a large plug could be inserted, or they could simply build an underwater "smoke-stack" like they do at power plants. This would contain the oil at least and make it easier to extract/siphon off because the larger diameter riser would decrease pressure and velocity of the oil coming out.
4. There is talk of using explosives to seal-off the well-head. I don't like this idea personally because there is too much risk involved if it fails. It could make things much worse, so I see this as a last resort.
Please share any ideas you have whether you think they are valid or not. Every idea always springs from another so let's get the ideas gushing about how to fix this thing!
I want to extend my deepest thanks and gratitude to you all for being here, especially in the energy research forum. Free energy is the lynch-pin to opening Pandora's box to the new paradigm and I thank you all for bringing more of that consciousness into manifestation.
Much love and peace to you all.
I'm starting this thread to start brainstorming ideas on how to fix this leak in the gulf. This situation is on it's way from bad to worse. They are under-reporting the amount of oil that has and is leaking out and if the leak is not fixed soon, there is a high-probability that the submerged pipe in the sea floor is going to be sand-blasted away due to the super high pressures involved. If that happens, we could likely be looking at an ELE (Extinction Level Event) because the oil channel would quickly erode into an oil and methane volcano that would destroy most of the oceans. As it stands right now, we are likely looking at the economic collapse of the gulf states and likely the East coast states. This is a slow-motion train wreck that is going to affect us all. The severity of it's impact is on the clock right now and this is a test of humanity to make a choice about who we really are and what we want to create.
I know there's a lot of smart people on here and that if you're a member here, it's because you're "awake." My hope is that we can put together as many good ideas as possible that can be sent to the US Gov and BP.
Some obvious ideas I've seen or thought of include:
1. Insert a slightly larger riser pipe (22") over the leaking pipe (21") and run it to the surface.
2. The idea they had with the containment box was half-assed. The riser pipe needs to be larger IMO. If I'm not incorrect, pressure is inversely related to volume so they should be using a larger riser to decrease the pressure.
3. One idea I came up with involves using round pre-fabbed steel rebar concrete culvert pieces that could be lowered down over the leak area. They are tongue an groove already so they could be stacked up relatively fast to a calculated height at which then a large plug could be inserted, or they could simply build an underwater "smoke-stack" like they do at power plants. This would contain the oil at least and make it easier to extract/siphon off because the larger diameter riser would decrease pressure and velocity of the oil coming out.
4. There is talk of using explosives to seal-off the well-head. I don't like this idea personally because there is too much risk involved if it fails. It could make things much worse, so I see this as a last resort.
Please share any ideas you have whether you think they are valid or not. Every idea always springs from another so let's get the ideas gushing about how to fix this thing!
I want to extend my deepest thanks and gratitude to you all for being here, especially in the energy research forum. Free energy is the lynch-pin to opening Pandora's box to the new paradigm and I thank you all for bringing more of that consciousness into manifestation.
Much love and peace to you all.