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Aaron, Your Book?

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  • Aaron, Your Book?

    Hi Aaron,

    Just wondering if you have an update when your book will be ready? I remember reading somewhere a little while ago that it would be ready soon but can't find where that was.

    I think I registered my details on the ESM site to advise me when it was ready. I'm looking forward to ordering a copy.

    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

  • #2

    Hi Sharyn,

    I have a box of the pre-release copies being delivered to me tomorrow. I'm brining them to people in Vegas for review coupled with a small workshop on the content. After I get feedback from all of them on it and implement changes, the book will be ready for final printing in high quantity.

    I'm pretty excited. The next book is coming along quite nicely too
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      Thank you!

      That's great! I'll keep my eye out for an announcement in a little while then.
      Have a great time at the convention.

      Theta Healing
      Paths 2 Potential

      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


      • #4
        woow .. sounds very interesting ... I would like to know more details about the book too ... what is it about ? ...and, im declaring my interest to know when it will be available coz i want a copy where do we order it from ?


        • #5
          Aaron had his book available in Vegas so I am sure it is now available for everyone else as soon as he returns from his trip.

          I got my own copy but have not had the chance to read it yet as my dear hubby, Raymond, took it out of my suitcase while helping me to unpack and has been reading it.
          Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


          • #6
            Aarons book, Synthesis of Matter, was printed in a very small run...I think he has a few left.

            He is hoping that those that have it, will read it, and offer any suggestions of areas that are not clear, or need grammatical corrections.

            Once he has that feedback, then we will be printing a large run of them and they will be available at Energetic Science Ministries™ | Energetics

            btw, he did an absolutely fantastic 90 minute overview of a few of the chapters this last weekend.


            PATHS For Healing
            Energetic Science Ministries
            Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

            ESM Forum Support Link


            • #7
              Great stuff! Looking forward to receiving a copy when it is more widespread available


              • #8
                Hey Aaron!

                Did you book "Synthesis of Matter" come out yet? Sounds like a very interesting read and I'd like to dig into it as soon as I'm done with "The Genie In Your Genes" so is there anyplace I could order it? Just did a quick search for it on google and found some advance-copy sold at Cafépress, is that a valid orderingplace? I'm situated in Europe...

                Thanx in advance

                Ps. Axwell(feel the vibe) actually asked me to work with him on a song like a year ago I was lazy so nothing ever happened with it



                • #9
                  Fantastic!!! I have been waiting to hear about your book Aaron! I am happy to read that it is getting closer to being materialized into my hot little hands!!

                  Bravo my friend!!!

                  ~Viviana -

                  Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  Hi Sharyn,

                  I have a box of the pre-release copies being delivered to me tomorrow. I'm brining them to people in Vegas for review coupled with a small workshop on the content. After I get feedback from all of them on it and implement changes, the book will be ready for final printing in high quantity.

                  I'm pretty excited. The next book is coming along quite nicely too
                  "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


                  • #10
                    I think you can still purchase the pre-release copy here :


                    XO Jessica
                    Keep your mind on the aether


                    • #11

                      There was supposed to be an updated version after some ppl read the first version that cafepress seems to be selling so do you know if that is on it's way to completion anytime soon or do you think I should go for the first version?

                      Did you read it and what did you think of it if you did?


                      • #12
                        I don't know about the final version.

                        I read the pre-release and learned a lot about basic "free energy" concepts.

                        I found it worth reading for sure

                        XO Jessica
                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #13
                          The Quantum Key book

                          Hi everyone,

                          If you purchase the one on cafepress, you'll get an outdated version with 25 less pages than what is coming out. Save your money.

                          I already sent the book to the publisher and it is being reviewed to see if the format will be usable by them. It is a 5" X 8" book about 127 pages. I'm waiting to hear back from them and it will be available through Energetic Science Ministries™ | Energetics

                          The title is:
                          The Quantum Key - The Simple Guide to the Quantum World, Unlock Your Infinite Abundance

                          That says more what the book is about than Synthesis of Matter, which was just a working title that really only meant something to me.

                          I think it is a unique book coming from a perspective of actual understanding of some of the radiant energy technologies (free energy technologies) from a builders view down to the quantum physics involved at the theoretical view. Also, it is backed by a spiritual belief that the answers are easier than we think and don't need to be complicated when we see them for what they are.

                          There is a concept of the Unified Field theory and this isn't what the book is...however, I refer to it as a Unified Field Philosophy. It links the smallest of the small to the largest of the large in such a simple way that it should make sense to most people who read it.

                          The terminology and analogies might be most appreciated by those who have experience working on Bedini type and other technologies dealing with the aether. However, even if someone doesn't have the background in those things, it is written with easy diagrams and simple explanations that make sense out of those seemingly complicated concepts.
                          Many people that believe in the Law of Attraction have no problem understanding that they are drawing to them way more than they put out to the universe because this is a universe of abundance.

                          The problem with this is that most people who have no problem with this have a hard time believing that a machine can also output more than the operator puts in. Isn't that supposed to violate the laws of physics? The answer is NO, the laws of physics aren't violated and you'll see this has never been discussed in the open and certainly they aren't teaching this in high school.

                          "Through the eyes of a carpenter, the whole world is a nail."

                          When you see the distinctions pointed out in this book and if properly understood, I believe it will absolutely floor anyone.

                          It gives a walk through of where potential comes from, what it is, how to have it convert into something real in this observable universe, interesting properties of mass, a model of gravity so simple you could explain it to a 10 year old and inertia, what time is and some wild ideas Also, some practical applications that make use of these things.

                          For spiritually minded people, it is the physics of abundance that backs up their belief system but until now, all the metaphysical explanations have mostly been mystical and non-specific and no "guru" has been able to explain it with actual concepts of science/quantum physics. Mostly effects are discussed while keeping it a big mystery.

                          What principles allow a system to freely output more than the operator has to input? Isn't this over 100% efficiency stuff all about perpetual motion and other nonsense?
                          That covers everything from LOA to "free energy" machines. I think the public has a right to know and understand these concepts and principles in simple language so that they can talk about it to their friends and family. Once it hits critical mass in the general consciousness, suddenly solutions that have been under our nose that can solve the "energy crisis" will be able to be not only be made real in their mind as a possibility but also acceptance of them as being actually available in the here and now.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #14
                            new thread for book

                            New thread started for the book - it is now available.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #15
                              Very interesting!!!


                              I am very eager to buy your book, so plz let us know when it is published.
                              I have to tell someone to buy it for me in the USA, or is there any delivery option for overseas?

                              With extreme Gratitude ...
                              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.

