I wondered if anyone had any inspiring music to share please? I love music therapy
I like Heather McCauleys Silent Language of Peace which you can listen to on her site for free:
A Space of Love - Heather Macauley
and this site has free music to listen to, you may have to join (free with any email account) first to listen, then all music is free.
My favourite song right now shakes my soul!
On Earth As It Is In Heaven - Ennio Morricone Music - MP3 Stream on IMEEM

A Space of Love - Heather Macauley
and this site has free music to listen to, you may have to join (free with any email account) first to listen, then all music is free.
My favourite song right now shakes my soul!

On Earth As It Is In Heaven - Ennio Morricone Music - MP3 Stream on IMEEM