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U.S. on Brink of Catastrophic Collapse

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  • U.S. on Brink of Catastrophic Collapse

    Confirmed: We're Literally On the Brink of Catastrophic Collapse

    This is what Tim Geitherner said:

    Secretary Geithner Sends Debt Limit Letter to Congress
    I am writing in response to your request for an estimate by the Treasury Department of when the statutory debt limit will be reached, and for a description of the consequences of default by the United States.

    Never in our history has Congress failed to increase the debt limit when necessary. Failure to raise the limit would precipitate a default by the United States. Default would effectively impose a significant and long-lasting tax on all Americans and all American businesses and could lead to the loss of millions of American jobs. Even a very short-term or limited default would have catastrophic economic consequences that would last for decades. Failure to increase the limit would be deeply irresponsible. For these reasons, I am requesting that Congress act to increase the limit early this year, well before the threat of default becomes imminent.

    Treasury would prefer not to have to engage again in any of these extraordinary measures [suspension of the issuance of certain types of government debt and government investment vehicles]. If we are forced to do so again, these measures could delay the date by which the limit is reached by several weeks. Once these steps have been taken, no remaining legal and prudent measures would be available to create additional headroom under the debt limit, and the United States would begin to default on its obligations.

    So we have a gun to our heads again. They're going to loot another
    $1 trillion by March because they'll probably get their way. Read the

    opposing view in that article - not raising the debt ceiling is just as

    good as an option.

    The govt needs to pass a law that the debt to the Federal Reserve
    is illegal and should be written off completely.

    The debt to China - they need to impose an import tax on Chinese goods
    and instead of collecting the money, the Chinese should reduce our

    debt obligation to them by that taxed amount.

    This is a pretty serious situation.

    China is dumping their US debt in good chunks but not enough to

    cause a panic because that would cause others to dump theirs driving
    the US dollar value down making whatever they hold worthless.

    I'm just hoping that the US dollar doesn't experience hyperinflation

    because we'll all be in trouble beyond imagination.

    What are the solutions? I think just getting self sustainable as fast as
    possible stocking up on food, water and other necessities, etc...

    What else?
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    It was anybody's guess this could've happened.

    It appears that these odds in our situation has been stacked against us for a while. The lack of responsibillity or accountabillity in our leaders to take financial action is rediculous. I simply cannot understand it, or wrap my head around it.

    What kinds of actions are other people taking? I'm curious to know.

    I'm planning myself too.
    Getting a Gun, and dried foods, plus water filter. Plus, I have backpacking equipment, friends who are the 'outdoorsie' type. I need to get some warmer clothes, but am pretty set if I needed to flee to the nearby woods.

    I wish you all a clear mind to think it over,

    Last edited by petar113507; 01-09-2011, 07:56 PM.


    • #3
      On a spiritual level it seems clear to me that there is a falling away of old systems going on in order to make way for new ones.

      I believe the level/phase of power (which is important for survival) is ending and the next level/phase of ethics is being ushered in.

      Meaning we, as humans, now probably have all the power we need to survive on earth but the problem now is in the distribution of the goods, etc.

      Ethics is the next phase for the time period we are in according to a translation of Mayan codes by Ian Lungold.

      This theory is a fit for me since it explains both why power has been so successful lately and why that has been so confusing to those more focused on the ethics phase.
      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #4
        Originally posted by petar113507 View Post

        What kinds of actions are other people taking? I'm curious to know.
        The new age recommendations largely seem to say that there is no one right way for any person but to stay in your heart more than your mind during these times and you will make it through the challenges.

        Well that's kind of air fairy but I believe it.
        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #5
          Failure to increase the limit would be deeply irresponsible.
          Spending hundreds of billions of dollars which equated to over 100k spent per job created...Thats what was deeply irresponsible. It seems obvious to me that there has been an agenda to weaken our value and I think by raising the ceiling they would just continue with the plan.

          I plan on buying some land and building a cabin, hopfully within the year. Weather or not anything happens with the economy or enviroment its a backup plan i think most people should have. We can never know what will happen tomorrow.


          • #6
            I believe that this is nothing more then a bold faced threat by Geitherner telling our congressional representatives, at least the ones that they haven’t already bought off, that they must raise the debt limit or he will see to it the economy is trashed at an even faster rate then they’re doing it now.

            The alternative plan offered is far from being a sure fire fix and is certainly not without its own risks, but in the long run it is probably the better way to go. However I suspect our spineless leaders will vote to raise the limit thinking that rampant inflation will be easier for them to handle.


            • #7
              What happened ?

              When Clinton was still in power the deficit and the debt were getting paid down.
              Why, when things were going okay change it ? "if it works don't fix it" I was
              working in the US in 2000 and left before Bush got in and virtually destroyed
              your economy and your country. I have not been back since. How long is it now going to take to undo all the damage that has been done ? If it can be
              undone. Another thing I could not understand, was why the taxpayers were expected to bail out the automakers and not big oil. They were the ones who
              were benefiting from the gas guzzling technology, they are still reluctant to get away from. Why keep supporting their antiquated technology, when more fuel efficient and alternate technologies are available ?

              Jeff Rubin, former Chief Economist for CIBC world markets has said that four out of the last five recessions were caused by high energy prices. He claims that globalization will reverse, and we will become more local again because of high energy costs.

              Jeff Rubin | Author | Economist | Speaker

              The need for change of energy technology is higher now than ever before. Why did we have to wait this long ?

              Last edited by FRC; 01-10-2011, 12:28 PM. Reason: more information


              • #8
                It's all part of the set up

                In this video, the Health Ranger interviews John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Hoodwinked and The Secret History of the American Empire. Here, Perkins discusses his history as an economic hit man, how the U.S. controls and manipulates the economics of developing nations, how U.S. agents organize revolutions or assassinations of world leaders, and how U.S. corporations actually run the whole show.

                Interview with John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man -
                I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.
                David Icke

                My website PATHS-Life4Living How PATHS Works


                • #9
                  Originally posted by FRC View Post
                  I was
                  working in the US in 2000 and left before Bush got in and virtually destroyed
                  your economy and your country.
                  You are operating under a false assumption if you think this country is run by either the democrats or the republicans. It is an easy mistake to make; many here believe the same thing because that is the way it supposed to work.

                  But in reality comparing democrats to republicans is like comparing tweedledee to tweedledum. Oh there are a few cosmetic differences but the real power elite who work quietly away from the public spotlight will not allow any major differences on policies that concern them.
                  For example Bush 1 said “read my lips no new taxes” and of course then went out and raised taxes. boo, hiss. We got rid of him and got Clinton, who of course raised taxes. So we went back to a “conservative” republican with Bush 2 whereupon he proceeded to spent money like a drunken democrat. And now we have Obama who is spending money like there is no tomorrow. Notice a pattern here? Nothing is allowed to change. Ditto for all the wars we have been fighting.

                  For the “powers-that-be” those hand full of elite individuals this is their little chess game and we are all their pawns to be used and sacrificed in any way they chose. Unless enough of the sheeple finally wake up, take off their blinders, look around and see what is really going on and say this will not be allowed to continue.


                  • #10
                    Evidence of U.S. Dollar Collapse

                    A few facts about the U.S. Dollar...

                    China owns more dollars than anyone. They are also dumping it in large
                    portions. Not too big of chunks because they don't want a panic that
                    causes everyone else to dump them forcing the value down.
                    They have been doing this since the end of 2009 I believe.
                    China's Dumping Of The Dollar Has Begun

                    China, Japan, France and Russia has had secret meetings where the
                    U.S. wasn't invited along with heads of central banks of various
                    countries to plan the replacement of the dollar as the oil currency to
                    something else.
                    Robert Fisk: Countries Holding Secret Meetings To Replace the Dollar | Colonel6's Blog

                    Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary Stability
                    This is a document by the IMF (international monetary fund)
                    Look at page 11:
                    It is obvious there is a movement away from the US Dollar as the
                    world's reserve currency.

                    Is it true in the U.K. back in 1967 that the Labour party moved
                    to devalue the British Sterling? Yes
                    british sterling labour party devaluation - Google Search
                    Anyway, the value fell substantially overnight and what trickled out of
                    that or actually poured was serious inflation, etc...

                    So, the U.S. Dollar WILL collapse and that is indisputable. I just hope it
                    is at least a few years off at minimum but could easily happen towards
                    the end of this year.

                    Tim Geithner said "we will not devalue the dollar". That means they probably
                    will since he has a history of being a pathological liar. We're being setup
                    for hyperinflation - hopefully it will not be HYPER but inflation will still
                    happen. This whole banking scheme has been intentional to destroy the
                    United States so the banks can take over with their global currency and
                    more control. Preaching to the choir, I know, but this is bad news because
                    all the evidence is completely out in the open.

                    The BANCOR is the one world global currency and you can see countless
                    references to it in the IMF document linked to above.

                    An article on the Bancor.
                    Bancor: The Name Of The Global Currency That A Shocking IMF Report Is Proposing

                    Any economic growth right now is temporary and is not indicative of what
                    the U.S. economy is really doing since more money is simply being printed.
                    That is the only thing preventing us from turning into a third world country
                    overnight but it is a bad solution but catch 22, we need it and
                    if they stop printing money because we can as the reserve currency
                    creators, we're doomed as a country.

                    There are obvious solutions that we as individuals can implement to help
                    ourselves - but what is the solution as a country? What is Ron Paul
                    saying for example?
                    Last edited by Aaron; 01-11-2011, 09:31 PM.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11
                      Orderly Decline of U.S. Dollar

                      Read this article and watch this video of George Soros, Obama's money man.

                      George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        You ask the question but what are you asking? Your personal solution to survive? Guns? Food? Self-reliance? Do you care about the country? or our institutions?

                        For the dollar and the government to survive, they need to live within their means. What is the chance of that? Nonetheless, they need to cut spending WAY back and taxes, too. Cut EVERYONE's taxes by at least 10 percent. Eliminate spending on wars, regulations, spying, government services, cut a lot of public spending by half, maybe even more. Let the people decide what is really important, not as a group, but inidividually. Let people keep their money so the money can flow freely. Let the courts jail the REAL crooks, like some of those in DC. OK, what are YOUR ideas?
                        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                        • #13
                          For the dollar and the government to survive, they need to live within their means. What is the chance of that? Nonetheless, they need to cut spending WAY back and taxes, too. Cut EVERYONE's taxes by at least 10 percent. Eliminate spending on wars, regulations, spying, government services, cut a lot of public spending by half, maybe even more. Let the people decide what is really important, not as a group, but inidividually. Let people keep their money so the money can flow freely. Let the courts jail the REAL crooks, like some of those in DC. OK, what are YOUR ideas?
                          Wayne for President, thats my idea lol. I agree, i would much rather see spending radically cut, and our troops brought back home instead of never ending stimulus packages... I realize we have iran surrounded for a reason but we should only keep a skeleton crew over there. People need money? well cut taxes and cut spending so they can keep more of the money they do have and reinvest it. I guess that makes too much sense though... Americans need jobs? bring manufacturing back to america allow us to become creators instead of consumers as we were once before. Sure it sounds easy to say and doing it would be much more complex but desperate times call for desperate measures. Where there is a will there is a way, i think we once used to live by that standard.
                          Last edited by Nadda; 01-11-2011, 11:31 PM.


                          • #14
                            American Economy

                            Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
                            You ask the question but what are you asking? Your personal solution to survive? Guns? Food? Self-reliance? Do you care about the country? or our institutions?
                            I do care about this country. I LOVE it!

                            I agree they should jail the crooks in DC, from the banks, etc...

                            I also agree that govt spending and size should be cut down to what it
                            is only Constitutionally authorized to do.

                            For example, a federal Dept of Education is unconstitutional, is a money
                            drain and has done nothing but make American kids dumber by the year.
                            Look at where America stands in terms of public education in math, science,
                            etc... compared to the rest of the world - we are AVERAGE. With all our
                            resources, that's pathetic.

                            Education should only be ran on a state by state basis down to the county
                            level. The federal govt should butt out.

                            Reagan wanted to close the Dept of Education because he knew it was
                            unconstitutional. Sometimes the republicans actually get something right -
                            just like sometimes the democrats actually get something right. Yeah, 2
                            heads of the same snake but they have their own agenda about how to
                            go about destroying this country whether intentional or not.

                            So when he got into office, he found out he wasn't president like the
                            rest! lol

                            Anyway, education is a drop in the bucket compared to the war budget,
                            etc... but in any case, all illegal and unconstitutional federal departments
                            should be closed.

                            There are countless ways to save money but the only thing I see is that
                            the effort is to intentionally destroy this country in order to control it
                            and the people when they are broke, sick and homeless. And because it
                            is intentional, by the bankers, it is highly unlikely these things will be done
                            in any legal manner through congress.

                            Short term, I think we should focus on what we do have immediate
                            control over such as making ourselves more self reliant - in our own little
                            private worlds.

                            That will do so much, but I don't want to see everything fall down around
                            me either.

                            I like the idea of alternative currencies to do business in and there are
                            many that have been popping up around the country. And maybe even
                            have a state issued currency if any state leadership has the guts to
                            do something like this.

                            Even if each state owned its own bank, that would be immensely helpful.
                            North Dakota has done this for a long time and you can see the results
                            that the media doesn't report:
                            Before It's News

                            When I was asking what are the solutions, that is just to get the
                            conversation going - I was really asking. I have a few ideas but how many
                            people here see the magnitude and comprehend the significance of what
                            is happening?

                            I think one of the single biggest things that needs to be done is to abolish
                            the Federal Reserve and give the money making business back to congress.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #15
                              I think most people care about the country but have been dumbed down to a point where they are made to feel powerless when it comes to making changes.

                              For example, a federal Dept of Education is unconstitutional, is a money
                              drain and has done nothing but make American kids dumber by the year.
                              You are right our education system is a joke. As this quote from the early 1900’s illustrates why.
                              “the deliberate dumbing down of America”. In Frederick T. Gates’ “The Country School of Tomorrow” Occasional Papers No. 1 (General Education Board, New York, 1913) was a section entitled “A Vision of the Remedy” in which he wrote:
                              “Is there aught a remedy for this neglect of rural life? Let us, at least, yield ourselves to the gratifications of a beautiful dream that there is. In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply.”
                              In other words we want to create a slave class of servants.

                              The illiteracy rate around 1900 was 2%. By the mid 60’s 30% were functionally illiterate. Of course that didn’t just happen, it was the result of this long term goal.

                              There are countless ways to save money but the only thing I see is that
                              the effort is to intentionally destroy this country in order to control it
                              and the people when they are broke, sick and homeless. And because it
                              is intentional, by the bankers, it is highly unlikely these things will be done
                              in any legal manner through congress.
                              Exactly! If you what to control the people first you dumb them down, then destroy the economy, and when they are sick and homeless they will come running to government as their savior and at that point they will have been successfully converted into the perfect slave.
                              I like the idea of alternative currencies to do business in and there are
                              many that have been popping up around the country. And maybe even
                              have a state issued currency if any state leadership has the guts to
                              do something like this.
                              I like that idea also but it has meet resistance for government, as it is claimed to counterfeiting because per the constitution only the government can coin money. Of course that begs the question why did the congress farm out this responsibly to the FRB?
                              I was really asking. I have a few ideas but how many
                              people here see the magnitude and comprehend the significance of what
                              is happening?
                              I think I do and I think others are slowly waking up to the problem but the question is will they wake soon enough so that collectively we might be able to something about it.

                              This is a multifaceted problem. There are not going to be any easy fixes. The “powers-that-be” have been working long and hard to get us to were we are thus it is not going to be a quick, painless, easy turn around. I suspect that many of the sheeple will look to that the very people who created the problem to fix it, but I don’t think they will like the fix.

