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The United Nations calls for One world currency

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  • The United Nations calls for One world currency

    Are you ready for a world currency? If the United Nations has anything to say about it, that is exactly what we are all going to have shoved down our throats. A new United Nations report released on Tuesday essentially declares war on the U.S. dollar and publicly calls on the nations of the world to abandon it as the global reserve currency. This new report entitled "The U.N. World Economic and Social Survey 2010" is one of the most blatant attempts yet that we have seen from a major international organization to move us in the direction of a world currency

    The United Nations Declares War On The U.S. Dollar And Publicly Calls For The Establishment Of A New World Currency


  • #2
    They say the dollar isnt stable enough...easy solution, stop spending.


    • #3
      crashing the dollar intentionally


      Yes - look at the rest of these documents that I posted... has been
      spelled out for quite some time.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        There is a lot of speculation on various forums this week that NESARA is getting ready to happen. Apparently, other countries are in the process of revalueing (hope I spelled that correctly) their currency this week.

        NESARA was something I wanted to believe in, but could not quite bring myself to believe. I think part of the problem is because depending on who you are reading, NESARA can mean any number of things.

        I have to admit though, there is an electricity in the air so far this year, that I have not felt before. I think at the end of 2011, we will be shaking our heads and saying, "What the hell just happened???" Hopefully while smiling
        Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


        • #5
          Hi Pam, Aaron,Nadda and ALL

          Ithica hours

          ALL have what in common

          Why what are the benefits in REGIONAL,CURRENCY?


          • #6
            An interview from the Fall, 1992, issue of Science and the Environment. A Publication of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.

            R&L: With the world-wide decline of socialism, many individuals think that the environmental movement may be the next great threat to freedom. Do you agree?

            Dixie Lee Ray: Yes, I do, and I’ll tell you why. It became evident to me when I attended the worldwide Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro last June. The International Socialist Party, which is intent upon continuing to press countries into socialism, is now headed up by people within the United Nations. They are the ones in the UN environmental program, and they were the ones sponsoring the so-called Earth Summit that was attended by 178 nations.


            Maurice Strong—the same man who would deny air conditioning for you to save the environment—was hatching his latest anti-American initiative.

            “Having cashed in his Kyoto credits and having launched his Many One Internet project from afar, Strong is back on the international scene, ready or not. With his latest comeback, the elusive Strong is stepping back into the limelight after his alleged links to the UN "Oil for Food" scandal took him off the radar screen for more than a year. This comeback sees Strong teaming up in the biz world with George Soros. The deadly duo aims to flood the American market with cheap Chinese-made cars. (Strong & Soros in Business: A Partnership from Hell, CFP, June 15, 2006).


            The very people who front the global climate action team are also the same people influenced by the richest bankers on Earth. Maurice is STILL hired as a consultant for the UN! He is the worst Canadian who ever lived and he is a tyrant. We are not in a recession, we are in a cash syphon. The bottom's falling out, on purpose, as planned.
            Alberta is under attack...

            Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


            • #7
              After religion, nationalism is the leading cause of war. I just really, really hope one day people grow out of this stupid, parochial idea that we're not the same because we're born in different parts of the same planet, as members of the same species. or the even more stupid idea that people from one part of the world are more special or more deserving than people from other parts.

              But no, they keep us divided, keep us fighting each other. War for profit and conflicting national interests are so totally the way forward. What could be more loving and positive than pointing at a group of people, labeling them not like yourself, calling them a threat and killing them? Nationalism's totally the answer to all the world's problems, it's served us SO WELL so far.

              “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


              • #8
                Please don't feel like I'm picking on you or anything, because I have nothing but the utmost respect and love for you, but there is no "they" doing things to us. We're doing it (to) ourselves. We don't have to buy what "they" (the collective we) are selling. In order to get me to go to some other country and kill someone, I have to believe, personally, that what I've been told is the reason those other people should be killed is valid and the best way to resolve a problem. I think there has always been a minority of people that know war and nationalism are wrong. They don't buy into the belief.

                When the cold war was going on with the USSR and the wall was up, I knew there was a way to end it very simply. Just load up every plane, boat, car, or any other means of transportation and simply have as many millions of people as possible peacefully invade their country with love in their hearts. Can you imagine the huge leap in consciousness and love that would take place around the world? Sure, there would probably be a few casualties at first with trigger happy soldiers, but it wouldn't take long for them to realize what was happening and figure out that acceptance would be the best course of action. Why didn't it happen? There's no money to be made in that kind of activity. And the millions we do have to waste is much better spent building a permanent base at the south pole or sending a probe to Saturn or killing a bunch of innocent people in another country.

                I think the internet is finally starting to break down some of the barriers, but there are still plenty of them. What we really need before we consider a universal monetary system is a universal language so that we can freely communicate with all of our fellow passengers on this orb. China, North Korea, Afghanistan, and a few other places need an infusion of peaceful invasion. I remain hopeful, as I see you do, that we can all get to a place SOON where our undeniable sameness and interconnectness becomes more important than our differences.
                Last edited by ImBill; 01-20-2011, 06:37 PM.
                My reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.


                • #9
                  ImBill, i think your absolutly right

                  I remember when i was a kid telling my dad, how is there ever going to be world peace when we dont know what the other parts of the world are saying..
                  Nothing feels more alien than talking to someone who speaks a different language.


                  • #10
                    patriotism vs nationalism

                    Originally posted by ImBill View Post
                    I think there has always been a minority of people that know war and nationalism are wrong. They don't buy into the belief.
                    However, I do think everyone should be Patriotic for their
                    own country, which of course is different from nationalism.

                    Patriotism is very healthy for a country.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      However, I do think everyone should be Patriotic for their
                      own country, which of course is different from nationalism.

                      Patriotism is very healthy for a country.
                      I'm not sure I agree with that 100%. Merriam-Webster says that the two words are synonyms, but the definitions seem to be different with nationalism having to do more with a belief that one country is better than others. In discussions about war and soldiers with others, I find many citing patriotism as a reason to blindly go kill people because the government has decided to wage war. While I don't completely understand what's going on in North Korea, I understand from what I've read that the government there is strongly supported by the general population (patriotism) and from what I saw at the Olympic games in China, there was a lot of patriotism being shown by the populace there as well. I don't know how I would feel if I lived in either country, but from over here, it seems like there are too many human rights violations in those countries.

                      If we take patriotism as a desire to take action to make one's country/world the best it can be, then yes, I could see patriotism as a good thing. However, in an ideal world (of course, just in my mind and thoughts), I don't see separation of any kind as a good thing. We are all inextricably linked with everything else and separation is an illusion that we need to get rid of. Ideally, I see a cooperative world where everyone is working to make sure that all of us have the basic needs for life and the means to live a happy life full of love and peace.
                      My reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.


                      • #12
                        patriotism vs nationalism

                        Here is the last true definition of FASCISM in an English dictionary. And
                        remember, those book companies are multi-national corporations that are
                        hell bent on depowering people through the gradual transformation of the
                        language itself. My opinion, but I think it is self evident and language is all


                        As the 1983 American Heritage Dictionary noted, fascism is: "A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism."

                        That sort of belligerent nationalism was what George Bush was all about
                        and that has absolutely nothing to do with being a Patriotic American.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          That sort of belligerent nationalism was what George Bush was all about
                          and that has absolutely nothing to do with being a Patriotic American.
                          While I have to admit that politics are something I have little interest in, I will agree that some of Bush's actions were belligerently nationalistic. If you have the time and inclination, I would be interested in what you consider to be the definition of a typical patriotic American. I'd be more interested in your personal thoughts, but if you have a quote or reference that you feel expresses your thoughts better than you could yourself, please feel free to use it.
                          My reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.


                          • #14
                            patriotism vs nationalism

                            Nationalism to me is usually associated with a superiority complex,
                            while Patriotism is not.

                            We can be completely enthusiastic about being who we are without
                            degrading others, which nationalists do. The general feel of a nationalistic
                            mindset is racist amongst other beliefs.

                            Being spirited about one's own culture is patriotic and doesn't have to
                            have anything to do with politics. Supporting one's home team at the Olympics
                            is patriotic and the fans aren't automatically degrading the other countries
                            or expressing superiority in their support.

                            Nationalism is extreme and arrogant anyway whether it is seen as belligerent. The expression of superiority and the need to dominate and
                            conquer others is the trait of a nationalist, while it is not the mindset of
                            a patriot.

                            I'm a patriotic American, I respect and admire what our Founding Fathers
                            stood for as well as what they sacrificed. I love this country and feel
                            blessed that I'm an American. My father is originally from Japan but came
                            to the states and eventually served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force. I spent 14 years
                            of my life (non-consecutive years) in Japan and still have family there but
                            I am loyal to this country and I think loyalty to one's country is very

                            I respect and admire the rest of the global family and don't feel the need
                            to dominate anyone. For example - the Founding Fathers STRONGLY
                            believed in the other country's autonomy - something that a Nationalist
                            just can't do because their in the superiority mindset - again, while the
                            Patriot is not.

                            Anyway, this is my definition and not the dictionary's but I think that
                            when looking at how people are, in relation their relationship to their
                            country, it is self apparent.

                            In Japan for example, people are very spirited about being Japanese
                            and they'd do anything for their country. While at the same time, they
                            love and admire western culture and you see much "flattery" in much of
                            the youth's attempt to replicate the American styles, etc... or the
                            European discotheques, etc... These people are patriotic about Japan
                            but respect other cultures. They are proud to be Japanese, they are
                            respectful of their culture and celebrate it with a passion and strive to
                            make Japan the best place they can to their ability.

                            There are groups called Uyoku, which are the ultra right wing conservative
                            radicals and they are plain and simple nationalists. They think they are
                            superior and don't want foreigners in the country - not unlike the ultra
                            right wing radicals in this country. But the Uyoku are very militant even
                            with uniforms.

                            Wanting illegals deported is not the same as nationalism as it is illegal
                            and is draining the country's resources, which is another great drain on
                            our economy. A nationalist generally doesn't want any other nationalities
                            in a racist sense. I agree with deporting illegals but openly embrace any
                            that actually go through the process of proving they have a sponsor,
                            work, etc... so they won't be a drain to the economy, get a greencard,
                            etc... just like my dad when he came to this country. They should ALL
                            jump thru the same hoops so immigration is done in a controlled manner.
                            I have many friends with Mexican heritage and some are my best friends
                            for years. A nationalist generally looks down on all of them.

                            Growing up in a DODDS schools overseas is one of the most diverse
                            experiences a human being could have.

                            So I guess you could say a nationalist is a patriot gone wrong or to the
                            negative extreme.

                            Before 9/11, I remember there were just so many people that would
                            regularly fly a flag in front of their home, they're patriotic and level headed,
                            (some of my neighbors), etc... after 9/11, there were a bunch of people
                            that were flying flags on their cars, etc... with a sense of being an
                            American that needs to go out and beat down anyone that stands in
                            our way. My friends and I called them part time patriots because they're
                            hypocrites - they need some tragedy in order to express love for the
                            country when a patriot feels it is their duty all the time anyway. These
                            "part time patriots" completely bought into the "belligerent nationalism"
                            that Bush strongly promoted "you're with me or you're against me" and
                            all that garbage. The same ones that don't know how to think and
                            automatically think all Muslims are terrorists, etc...

                            I don't think the difference is a fine line, it is a very blatant separation
                            between those that are patriots and nationalists.

                            The nationalists fall prey to group dynamics and blow around like a leaf
                            in the wind - the gang mentality while a patriot really thinks for
                            him/herself and actually uses reason in their thinking and embrace who
                            they are without degrading others.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #15
                              I'm a patriotic American, I respect and admire what our Founding Fathers stood for as well as what they sacrificed. I love this country and feel
                              blessed that I'm an American. My father is originally from Japan but came
                              to the states and eventually served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force. I spent 14 years of my life (non-consecutive years) in Japan and still have family there but
                              I am loyal to this country and I think loyalty to one's country is very
                              From one patriot to another, thanks to your father for his service. I may not agree with war but i do respect the troops for risking their lives. I agree people can be proud to be where they are from without sperating or isolating themselves from the rest of the world. I'm proud to be from Ohio but that doesnt mean im hostile towards the other 49 states.

