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Is Wal-Mart now Gov-Mart?

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  • Is Wal-Mart now Gov-Mart?

    I can not believe this? What is going on here?

    Get your vaccines, drugs, GMO's and report the other shoppers?

    Command Centers for DHS and FEMA - The Stores?

    wal-mart dhs - Google Search

    What is that saying? Love them or leave them?

    Report of armed man leads to lockdown at Wal-Mart - Kirksville, MO - Kirksville Daily Express
    Reports of armed man lead to Walmart lockdown : News :
    Shocker: Citizen Spy Networks to be Given Immunity - Janet Napolitano - Zimbio
    Last edited by conradphd; 01-30-2011, 03:44 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by conradphd View Post
    I can not believe this? What is going on here?

    Get your vaccines, drugs, GMO's and report the other shoppers?

    Command Centers for DHS and FEMA - The Stores?

    wal-mart dhs - Google Search

    What is that saying? Love them or leave them?

    Report of armed man leads to lockdown at Wal-Mart - Kirksville, MO - Kirksville Daily Express
    Reports of armed man lead to Walmart lockdown : News :
    Shocker: Citizen Spy Networks to be Given Immunity - Janet Napolitano - Zimbio
    When I watched Conrad post this I told him what I felt about the whole crazy workings of our country and just now finished, long idea....
    Anyway here is my two cents. DON'T Call Wal-Mart, DON'T send Wal-Mart an email, why, wonder if it all is transmitted to DHS?

    Boycott them, just do not buy there for a few months. I understand the stock is already taking a hit because of the threat of a boycott.

    Get the anti-American fools where it counts, in their bank account.


    • #3
      ICX Skywatch

      The demon's headquarters - I saw this a while back:
      ICX Skywatch Tower watching us daily!

      YouTube - ICX Skywatch Tower watching us daily! Ron Paul was right!

      Haven't been putting these big brother towers in the parking lots here
      but mostly down south I believe.

      See something say something, etc...

      There are more links to all of this somewhere in this forum.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        The demon's headquarters - I saw this a while back:
        ICX Skywatch Tower watching us daily!

        YouTube - ICX Skywatch Tower watching us daily! Ron Paul was right!

        Haven't been putting these big brother towers in the parking lots here
        but mostly down south I believe.

        See something say something, etc...

        There are more links to all of this somewhere in this forum.

        Spokane and Wal-Mart, not to long ago a covert pass through and I know of seeing one in the Valley and none that I was aware of on the South Hill, whats up that they are not all over like most places?


        • #5
          No Southhill Warmart

          There's a superstore at the Y on N division, there is one in Shadle and there is
          probably a walmart in the valley - not sure. There is one in Airway Heights

          But on the South Hill, the people simply protested them out
          and blocked them from building in an attempt to save some wetland areas
          that would be damaged by them.

          Spokane, WA

          Proposed Build out: Supercenter
          Current Status: April 1 "No South Hill Wal-Mart" filed a complaint with the city alleging Wal-Mart developers illegally filled in wetlands
          Principal Contact: Susan Brudnicki -

          Primary Website:

          In Spokane, WA, citizens are trying desperately to stop the construction of a Wal-Mart Supercenter that will destroy valued wetlands and have potentially devastating effects on the region's water supply. Recently, Wal-Mart submitted an application for an 186,000 square foot Supercenter on an already environmentally sensitive 7.8 acre plot of land in the South Hills area of Spokane.

          Wal-Mart's application indicates that there are no concerns with regard to any environmental issues, despite the fact that this site has 2 federally delineated wetlands, sits over a watershed, lies within an aquifer recharge area, and lies close to a natural drainage area that must be maintained. After first ruling that the site application was exempt from review by the State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the city of Spokane has shifted its position and is requiring the review. A citizen group called No South Hill Wal-Mart has organized and is urging SEPA to conduct an environmental impact study to examine the issues presented by the site plan.

          Several experienced organizers with strong roots in the community are working to organize this citizen group and they are making great strides in raising awareness in the community and garnering the financial support they will need to defeat Wal-Mart. They are hiring an attorney and a traffic engineer to help them make their case and will continue to bring attention to the environmental impacts of a Wal-Mart Supercenter.


          That doesn't exist anymore.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            There's a superstore at the Y on N division, there is one in Shadle and there is
            probably a walmart in the valley - not sure. There is one in Airway Heights

            But on the South Hill, the people simply protested them out
            and blocked them from building in an attempt to save some wetland areas
            that would be damaged by them.

            Spokane, WA

            Proposed Build out: Supercenter
            Current Status: April 1 "No South Hill Wal-Mart" filed a complaint with the city alleging Wal-Mart developers illegally filled in wetlands
            Principal Contact: Susan Brudnicki -

            Primary Website:

            In Spokane, WA, citizens are trying desperately to stop the construction of a Wal-Mart Supercenter that will destroy valued wetlands and have potentially devastating effects on the region's water supply. Recently, Wal-Mart submitted an application for an 186,000 square foot Supercenter on an already environmentally sensitive 7.8 acre plot of land in the South Hills area of Spokane.

            Wal-Mart's application indicates that there are no concerns with regard to any environmental issues, despite the fact that this site has 2 federally delineated wetlands, sits over a watershed, lies within an aquifer recharge area, and lies close to a natural drainage area that must be maintained. After first ruling that the site application was exempt from review by the State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the city of Spokane has shifted its position and is requiring the review. A citizen group called No South Hill Wal-Mart has organized and is urging SEPA to conduct an environmental impact study to examine the issues presented by the site plan.

            Several experienced organizers with strong roots in the community are working to organize this citizen group and they are making great strides in raising awareness in the community and garnering the financial support they will need to defeat Wal-Mart. They are hiring an attorney and a traffic engineer to help them make their case and will continue to bring attention to the environmental impacts of a Wal-Mart Supercenter.


            That doesn't exist anymore.
            Thanks for the info. More power to them and I think they did the same with KGA and Q if I remember correctly. Oh yes Shadle area know it well, my first home was just two blocks N. of the Center.

            Missed the one in Airway, may have been talking to much and not watching.

            Take Care...


            • #7
              And history is attempting to repeat itself yet again.

              Shocker: Citizen Spy Networks to be Given Immunity - Janet Napolitano - Zimbio

              "...every historical example of such informant programs illustrates that they never lead to a more secure society, but instead breed suspicion, distrust, fear and resentment amongst the population. The only “benefit” that such programs have ever achieved is allowing the state to more easily identify and persecute political dissidents, while discouraging the wider population from engaging in any criticism against the government...."


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