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Some thing Puzzling from Alex Jones

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  • Some thing Puzzling from Alex Jones

    Quote -I just dont have respect for a lot of the people who criticize the corruption that goes on in Israel and Israel's involvement in the move for global government -

    YouTube - Alex Jones Calls Out the "LOSERS" Spreading Dis-Info About Him - 2/16/11



  • #2
    I don't think it's puzzling, I actually agree with him. I think there's far too much slander and hate in the truth movement, and that it's that kind of negativity which does it a disservice. By all means, if you have the documented proof of, for instance, the head of Mossad laughing about how they created the stuxnet worm, you have something concrete. But the concrete aspect is not "Jews made stuxnet and therefore all Jews are bad." That's an assumption based on a fallacious argument. The concrete evidence is, the head of Mossad is guilty of overseeing the production of the single most damaging computer virus in history, and therefore has broken US laws and should therefore be charged. One way, you cut the head off of Mossad. The other way, you start an argument, sure, but the head of Mossad stays in place. I totally get what Alex is saying. Get a result first, screw the hate and the hype, it doesn't matter. GET A RESULT.

    I see it like this. Who's best served by people jumping up and down, banging on about some pervasive Zionist conspiracy like some kind of far right, anti semite nutjob, if it's NOT the zionists? After all, all the extreme Jew bashing does is win support from moderates and get people who could be digging out evidence of more crime fighting with each other, whereas reasonably and rationally presenting evidence of crimes on a case by case basis, and going after INDIVIDUALS who may or may not be involved in a Zionist plot does what? Removes these Zionists from power one by one, by lawful means.

    And I have to say, from my own experience here and on other forums, those who are first to jump in, boots first, and start kicvking heads over people not hating the Jews enough for all the evil things they do tend to be throwing up that argumentative smokesscreen at the detriment of other quite relevant arguments. They won't let you talk about (for example) the good that wikileaks is doing, all they want to do is blame the jews for starting wikileaks as a false flag operation, and kill any discussion about what to do with the information wikileaks brought us. And attack you personal;ly if you engage with them, by calling you a zionist plant

    Captain Obvious still wears his underpants on the outside, I see. What's also funny, I notice, is these same people who start these "Your just a zionist plant," accusations NEVER have a thing to say about Israels real and blatant crimes in Palestine. Or their manipulation in neighboring governments. Or their cozy relationship with the US shadow govt. No, they're all flash, no substance. They're all personal attacks and zionist boogeymen, zero hard evidence. They're there to do nothing but mislead, distract and derail conversations. They are a cancer on the truth movement, and people like Alex Jones are the black salve that cures that cancer.

    Yes, There are Zionist extremists, and they do seek to control politics. Yes, Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity. Yes, I agree those who're guilty should be called to account for those crimes. But no, I don't agree that jumping into every argument to accuse people of not hating the jews helps anyone, least of all the people of Palestine.
    “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


    • #3
      But if there is corruption in Israel why not critique it?, can you see what i mean by not being DIRECT? That is a generalization that can mean he does not support it. We really need to be direct IMO


      • #4
        Critique it? Why not get evidence of it and PROSECUTE it? Wouldn't that be better? Getting the actual conspirators out of office into a 6 x 12 jail cell, instead of just talking in vague terms about how evil they are while doing nothing to remove them?

        See here's the thing people seem completely unwilling to understand. Yes, we know there are Zionists all over the world who are playing out some global, deluded, self advancing policy based on some ancient fairy tale about what an imaginary being allegedly told some crazy old guy in Egypt about his people being the chosen ones. Yes it's insane. Yes it needs to be stopped, not in the least so that Palestinians can build a home one day and not have it bulldozed by some religious nutjob the next. But how are you going to stop it? By talking about it with people who already know such a conspiracy does exist, and has existed for centuries, or by going after the leaders of the Zionist conspiracy and removing them, by completely lawful means, from society so they can't conspire with each other?

        See, so far, I haven't seen a single one of the people who talk about the jewish conspiracy to do this, or the zionist plot to do that offer up one shred of evidence anyone can act on. What I have seen them do is attack people, be critical of people who're doing good work that goes against the jewish interests, and generally muddy the waters. Nothing productive at all. They don't even bring up CURRENT examples of REAL crimes against humanity, let alone put forward any evidence of them.

        And what about the sane Israelis? like members of Jewish Voice for Peace who, although they are Israeli, and frequently even Jewish, are opposed to zionist expansionist policies and committed to peace and creating an equal, respectful peace between Palestinians and Israelis? Is it fair to say all Jews are zionists, when they're demostrably not, or indulge in racist attacks against ALL Jews just become some of them are completely insane? I don't think so, and that's why I get angry when people start up with the area of effect, burst weapon style Israeli hate. It's always the same thing, it never changes anything, and it does nothing but give the zionists more ammunition to say "Look how badly we are persecuted, see how crazy and filled with hate people who say anything bad about Israel are?"

        My advice DON'T give the zionists that ammunition!!! Is it so hard to understand? Use the REAL EVIDENCE of the MYRIAD of crimes against humanity SOME ISRAELIS are guilty of to prosecute them. Put them behind bars for life. Take their conspiracy, pull it out into the light of truth and expose it. I agree, do that. But that's not what the hardcore anti semites on youtube and floating around forums EVER do!!!! All they do is start fights about things that don't matter, bang a drum about some all pervasive Zionist conspiracy and (most importantly, if you pay attention to their tactics,) try to stop people from talking about the crimes some people in Israel ARE guilty of. And they've beenb doing it for ten years. It's getting old. And transparent. And obvious. And really, really annoying. You know what I think? THEY'RE the closet zionists, because THEY'RE the ones stopping any progress being made.

        I mean, what a typical Zionist trick, to try to illicit sympathy for themselves, by targeting themselves in false flag attacks. Nobody but me and Alex Jones have noticed that? Enough ranting about how evil they are in general, thanks, Time to get specific and do something about it, or find something else to rant about. We heard about the conspiracy the first 20,000,000 times it was posted. And as I said, it's pretty much just racism, to get stuck in with a broad stroke brush and accuse all Jews or all Israelis of being Zionist extremist. They're not. Some are. So lets go after those ones, specifically, legally, legitimately and rationally, and stop them.
        Last edited by noises; 02-18-2011, 09:09 AM.
        “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


        • #5
          The issues over there are all pretty much here too but disguised.

          We are all one do not forget.
          Last edited by future pather; 02-18-2011, 03:39 PM.
          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #6
            Alex Jones has consistently and CAREFULLY ignored the plight of the BP Gulf Disaster, where area residents have been, and are being now, POISONED... here is a VERY REAL issue with hard evidence that would get tremendous traction if he embraced it, yet it is only ever discussed in terms of


            That have nothing to do with the facts, that push his own agendas, and that always have ZERO proofs to back them.... (in fact the implication to thinking people are, that these theories about the BP Gulf Disaster are too ridiculous to even consider, so the whole topic must be B-S... a favorite shill tactic we see being used over and over in the Free Energy genre, which i call the "whack attack" ).

            Why is that, folks?

            It is because when you look at his stuff, it ALWAYS deflects blame away from the energy cartels ("climategate" and "endless oil" being good examples; where the implications are always positive to the energy cartels, and distract from the real issues).

            HE IS PROBABLY A SHILL FOR THEM... at the very least, he is constantly "sheep-dipped" with dis-info and unable to tell the difference.

            Yes i am calling Alex Jones "dis-info" (deliberate or not), and "controlled opposition". And i hope that you all consider that carefully when listening to him.

            Do you all really think that someone like that would be given a nationwide microphone in the U.S. ; in this day and age... when there is total control of the national media and pretty tight control of local media?

            As long as there is "him", he crowds out "room" for REAL opposition. For chrissakes, folks; his syndicated program is often carried on large multi-media corporation-owned radio stations; there's no reason for them to do so, they do it willingly. Think about that.

            As long as people blame all our problems on some monolithic "New World Order" (with the implication of: "... It can't be stopped so why bother trying..."), the very real CORRUPTION and GRAFT at the heart of America's corporate "business model" is ignored and allowed to flourish... when these things are EASY to stop when awareness of them exists within enough people. That is why they spend BILLIONS on the internet trying to distract us from this awareness.

            And it is important to note, ENERGY is at the heart of it, what they "protect" most voraciously... what they even risk burning "assets" like Jones over. Energy is critically important to EVERY facet of the economy, and our culture, and simple awareness of alternatives and how criminal and evil the energy cartels are, ends their meal ticket for good.

            There's millions of people who like Jones and honestly support what he stands for, and that's fine. I am not trying to start an argument with them. But they should carefully consider the above. The BP Gulf Disaster forced them to "burn" Jones to keep the real facts from the "Independent" media; so greater awareness for the evils of oil were not examined by the populace (.. such as Benzene killing millions from Diesel fumes every year in cities around the world. "Benzene" is a word literally BANNED from the national media).


            • #7
              You've hit that right on the button, Jibb. Why is it, for example, a guy like David Icke can get away with distributing video after video accusing Hillary Clinton of being a lizard woman, but this is what happens to a harmless old man who simply stood silently with his back turned to her while she gives a press conference about free expression and freedom to protest.

              Why is that? Because one of them is making utterly fanciful, blatantly loopy claims that are 99.999999999% certain to be dis-info that keeps people arguing "yes she is, no she isn't, YES SHE IS!) about NOTHING, while the other is actually showing real dissent and disagreement. And by his example enCOURAG(E)ing others to do the same. Stand up, be counted, call them on their lies.

              I don't want to know about the conspiracies any more. I've heard about them, and I have looked into them. But while I can't find one shred of real proof of a Zionist plot to take control of the US govt I can actually act upon to create change, I can however, tell you that Bradley Manning is sitting in Quantico in solitary confinement, and not a single one of these conspiracy theorists are doing anything to get the guy justice. They're arguing about if Hillary Clinton is a reptile woman, and If the US govt blew up building 7 of the WTC ten years ago. (of course they did, we know that... my point is do something about it, why are will still just TALKING about it?) Meanwhile, out of 310 million people, less than a hundred care enough about the freedom of one of their fellow Americans to get up and protests for or speak out for his release. If everyon in the US who believed their govt was responsible for 9/11 signed the petition to release Manning, there's be a few million signatures on that document, not a couple of thousand. It's incongruous.

              It's the same thing Julian Assange said, only he called them false conspiracies. They are a HUGE waste of time, even when they're NOT false. What's not a huge waste of time is saying "Donald Rumsfeld presided over the whole WTC debacle from the wings of governement, and although GW Bush is gone from office, Rumsfeld (and others) are still there... lets get THOSE guys out of public office." By digging out real evidence of their crimes. If you can't get him for complicity in 9/11, pick another crime. All that matters is getting him out of a position of power, who cares how, or because of what, that's immaterial to the end goal. And if the guy who steps in to take his place is just as big a rat, go after him next. Legally. With evidence.

              Alex Jones and David Icke and others are making a financial killing off distracting people, feeding their anger but never giving concrete solutions, or organising real initiatives to deal with the problems they talk about. Apart from raising public awareness, how is that helping? And once the public becomes aware, why keep reminding them, without acting? Or calling for action?

              Did the people of Egypt throw out Mubarak and his regime by releasing videos about him being a reptillian from the planet Draco, or arguing on Youtube about how his cabinet does more to help Israel than help his own people? No. They got off their butts and did something real. And now it doesn't matter if we did or did not prove Mubarak is a lizard man, or Suliman is a Zionist plant, they're both out of power. Who cares what they are, or what conspiracies they were a part of. They're political history now, and good riddance to them. Think there's a lesson in that?

              deep breaths, Noises. and think of calm blue oceans... calm blue oceans....

              Sorry, I got cranky again, didn't I? Mea culpa.
              Last edited by noises; 02-18-2011, 07:09 PM.
              “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


              • #8
                I'm fuming. Just quietly, and with all due malice and spite, I'm hoping this old bloke gets himself the best legal help he can find, and goes after the men who attacked him. I hope he takes them civilly for their clear excessive use of force. I mean look at the size of the guy's arms. I'm thicker at the wrist than he is at the bicep, how was he ever deemed a physical threat who needed to be restrained?

                I hope he uses Tort Law to seek restitution and personal justice against the campus policemen, not the organisation they work for, but the two of them, individually. And I hope that restitution is in such an amount as to leave them homeless and destitute. How dare anyone do that to their elders, and then dare to call themselves a man. I don't think I could have even watched that happen and lived with myself, let alone done it. What makes people like that tick?

                I'm sickened by the whole incident. How anyone can vote for Hillary Clinton after this and still sleep at night is beyond me. I suppose it's hardly been mentioned in the US media though, right? Gee I wonder why not. Probably because MOST people in the US would be just as sickened by this as I am.
                Last edited by noises; 02-18-2011, 08:37 PM.
                “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                • #9

                  Now that the American people have seen Hillary’s performance at GW University in Ray McGovern’s beating, she should not be allowed to appear anywhere in the US without turning our individual AND MEDIA backs on this fascist pig.

                  Hillary is a Nazi, lying for the corporate/financial/militarist EMPIRE which IS this ‘Vichy’ government infecting America, like a cancer.

                  Shameful lack of mention by MSM of Ray McGovern’s beating by Hillary’s jack-booted SS thugs.

                  This can not be ignored anymore than the Nazis’ Krystalnacht.

                  Clinton out NOW!

                  Clinton out NOW!

                  Just like Mubarak — this criminal Clinton must be GO NOW.

                  Obama will HAVE TO remove Hillary — she will never be able to make a speech in America again, because the people will not stand for it. Actually, they will stand every time, like McGovern, with their backs turned to her.

                  Obama will expose himself as the ‘smooth talking’ political pawn of EMPIRE if/when they try the normal (Empire) “crisis management” propaganda sh*t of trying to blame and remove the low level SS security thugs, and claim that Hillary could do nothing about it.

                  The b*tch could and should have, using the power invested in her sorry ass, told the security thugs, “Stop that. He’s an American citizen. You can’t treat Americans like that!”

                  But sub-Fuhrer Hillary didn’t do that. In fact, if the video is carefully reviewed it is very likely that Hillary looked toward her security force when she saw McGovern stand, as if to say, “Get that prick” — and they did! In other words, Hillary probably gave the eye signal, the nod, the commander’s stare to order, “Get Him, Hurt Him, Make him disappear”.

                  Alan MacDonald
                  Sanford, Maine
                  Still not a blip on the MSNBC, FOX, CBS, ABC or any of the major news papers in the US. You're about ten hours past the point where your collective silence became an international disgrace, by the way. The only redemption so far is what I've quoted here was written by an American. A proper American. One who actually deserves freedom, because apparently, he's willing to fight for it.
                  Last edited by noises; 02-18-2011, 10:24 PM.
                  “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                  • #10
                    YouTube - Clinton on Internet Freedoms

                    skip on through to about 2 minutes in to watch the grinning witch continue her speech about how the people brought down Mubarak with the help of the internet, even as an old man is dragged away from her, less than 20 feet from her, right in front of her. And she doesn't even stop talking.

                    does she even know, she's next?
                    “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                    • #11
                      I listen to David Ike and Alex Jones and yes, they can be out there on some issues (Particularly Ike), but the vast majority of their work is not only proven and documented but admitted by the perpetrators. Without their work we would be much less aware of the truth so don’t use them as scapegoats. Everyone has some beliefs that may be incorrect but that does not diminish the validity of their proven work.

                      There is no shortage of oil as Jetijs has shown; products made from oil can be turned back into oil by one means or another. It’s the same with energy as you know.

                      In general I agree with noises. Do not get distracted, go for what you can prove and do not support the system. It’s not Jews even though there are many involved its greed for money and power.

                      Bring the corrupted political system down
                      Do not support violence
                      Cut up your credit card
                      Ask for your salary to be paid in cash
                      Boycott the banking system and you will see change for the better.
                      Boycott the products of the major corporations
                      Encourage local manufacture and trading

                      Spread the word

                      Resistance is victory


                      • #12
                        Hi Jib, Jes, Noises, mbrownn and ALL

                        I guess with Jones there is room to be more objective , guess that might apply across the board to other things too. .It will be good when we get a progressive plan for self sufficient communities and "unplugging", i guess with Jones he has an audience there and will still be of use to get that info out .
                        Very useful info too BTW thank you for posting all that that guys .

                        Last edited by ashtweth; 02-19-2011, 02:07 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
                          I listen to David Ike and Alex Jones and yes, they can be out there on some issues (Particularly Ike), but the vast majority of their work is not only proven and documented but admitted by the perpetrators.
                          This is an important point.

                          One of the now vintage, but still used, methods of disinfo employed by a conspirator is what's been called "the whack job." It goes like this. You take a well known, very public and highly damaging truth, and you deliver it to the people loudly and enigmatically. Then, you have the same person who delivered that truth tell everyone a blatant lie. The more whacky the lie, the better.

                          What they hope for is the damaging fact will be tarnished in some disingenuous "guilt by association" dynamic. Perhaps that's how it works in their heads. Perhaps it works like that for 50% of the population. Maybe more. Probably less. In any case, it's a Non Sequitur, an example of flawed logic. Just because person A states a fact X, doesn't mean person a is incapable of stating a lie. Nor does it follow that if person A states fact X and then lie Y, that fact X is no longer a fact. This is just another example of the self imagined elite ruling classes thinking they're smarter than everyone else. They think you're stupid enough to fall for this stuff.

                          There's a reason they don't teach logic in schools (any more.) However, lessons in the principles of logic and analytical thinking are easy enough to find online. They make for great study, if you weren't already aware that cognitive processing is a learned skill. But once you've learned HOW to think logically, forget it again. You're better served KNOWING how to think logically, but going with your gut FEELING after you've made your logical assessment.
                          “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                          • #14
                            Guys you know all your "blogging" work is used in vidz and web pages....we can reach others with it, keep up the good work thanks for this guys.

                            Just wanted to say Thanks. We have created most web pages through Jib's rants LOL, thanks Noises.



                            • #15
                              Yes, Jones is insane about getting the truth out, problem is when I research what he is talking about it is usually 100% accurate. Jones is pro oil on the fact that our carbon emissions are irrelevant when compared to volcanoes and I believe he has family in the business. The fact is adiabatic oil is there and we are not the cause of global warming because it does not exist outside of normal earthly cycles.

                              Icke is the same except the lizard thing, I have looked hard into this and can’t find any real evidence as yet. Lots of mythology is there on that subject though.

                              Icke also is big into things that cannot yet be proven but seems logical in quantum physics like parallel universes.

                              So there is no real whack job stuff in that, just some speculation on Icke’s part. I don’t think this is disinformation

