Enjoy folks, this is just the start in sorting out the corrupt system:-
On a beautiful day in England, we the GREAT BRITISH people, gathered outside a corrupt court in LIVERPOOL. Hundreds stood outside to withness history in the making...Roger Hayes challanged a court in Birkenhead who are trying to banckcrupt him for not paying his council. NO law has passed through parliament that says we should pay council tax.. it's all fraud. Council officials take salaries exceeding £200,000, our government is ripping us off with unlawful demands while they spend thousands of our hard earned cash claiming false expenses and payments to common purpose etc.... YouTube - Brian Gerrish - State of the Nation Part 1/6 in the USA it is known as the PROGRESSIVE.
BREAKING NEWS: Protestors 'arrest' county court judge (From Wirral Globe)
I witnessed something incredible today - History in the making - I'm not exaggerating - the like of which I've never seen before - The turn out of people was literally in the hundreds.
I've just found this from The Wirral Globe Newspaper.
The video footage shows the crowd as loud and boisterous - but for the majority of time - all of the hundreds of people who remained outside the court, were well behaved and peaceful - However this footage - on it's own, gives a very different impression - but then this is the mainstream media on the Wirral - The Wirral Globe - so naturally - the angle isn't entirely a fair summary of the peaceful protest which went on outside the court.
I don't think either, that I've ever seen so many people filming and recording an event in
one place,.
The Internet will be saturated with the tons and tons of footage recorded - but interesting to see how this appeared, virally - via the mainstream press.
This really is 'The Turning of The Tide'
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 9:10 AM
Subject: Fwd: Responses to my commentary on the EU
EVERYTHING we fought aginst in WW2 is here now in Britain!...Norman Scarth war veteran
Editor of UK Column, Mike Robinson, who writes:
Can I clarify a few things?
The British Constitution Group is anti-EU (of course) but that's not our focus, and we don't want a referendum on Europe. Quite the opposite.
Britain has a constitution. Its not in a single document, but it is written, and it is based on a foundation of common law.
The traitors in this country over multiple Parliaments have committed, legislation has been put in place which has unlawfully attempted to undermine that common law foundation.
A referendum, it could be argued, would give legitimacy to this treason. The fact that government has superior marketing resources to put behind such a referendum, and that they also choose the questions to be posed, makes it an undesirable thing to have.
As for the events of yesterday, the main events are as follows:
- Roger entered the court to face a bankruptcy hearing related to non payment of council tax. With him went a Grand Jury, a Posse, and the Militia. These are all common law agencies which exist, but are mainly unused, in British law.
- He asked the Judge three times if he would give his oath. The judge refused. Roger attempted to make a citizens arrest as is his duty under our constitution, and asked for assistance from the posse. The police prevented the arrest and in the process committed treason.
- Things got a little heated within the court room because the police got a bit heavy handed. In general, though, despite the apparent chaos, things remained under control.
- Roger and his advocates left the court and went straight to the local police station and reported the crimes of treason and contempt of court against the judge.
- Outside the court, 600 people chanted "do your jobs" at the police.
The tagline for the British Constitution Group is "fighting to reassert our constitution and the rule of law." Yesterday's event was a first step to forcing the British establishment to apply the law of the land to all inhabitants in this country. That means everyone, including the Monarch. No-one is above the law.
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Mike Robinson
editor, UK Column
I was then contacted by Norman Scarth, a war hero and pilot, who gave me permission to forward his message and details:
Message 1 is a bit of a correction to what I wrote:
Hello Donald,
Though the BCG & all the people present want to be out of the European Union (as I do) the main purpose of this action inside & outside Birkenhead Magistrates' action was to protest against the corruption which is rampant in the British courts.
Norman Scarth
Message 2, a brief bio in response to my query as to forwarding with details:
By all means quote my name (& all contact details if you wish). Norman Scarth, 36 Anvil Court, BRADFORD BD8 7QW, West Yorkshire. Tel: 01274 541 213. See normanscarth.blogspot.com though it needs updating. The attachment carries a picture of me from 1943 & shows how I spent Christmas that year. The tragedy is that all those men (British & German) died in vain. EVERYTHING we fought aginst in WW2 is here now in Britain. I will send you further attachments with separate messages, to save overloading this one. I was at the Birkenhead event.
As far as I know the Daily Mail & the BBC are the only 'News Media' people who have covered it. They describe the people there as a 'mob'. It was NOT a 'mob', but all decent law-abiding people (none of whom did anything unlawful). Most of them have suffered at the hands of our Judicial Mafia.
PS: Mindless critics have condemned Roger Hayes & the other as scroungers who want to get out of paying Council Tax. Not so: neither he nor they want to avoid paying it. This was not ABOUT Council Tax: Roger was just using that as a way to expose the corruption in the courts (it is not only in the courts!) Norman Scarth.
On a beautiful day in England, we the GREAT BRITISH people, gathered outside a corrupt court in LIVERPOOL. Hundreds stood outside to withness history in the making...Roger Hayes challanged a court in Birkenhead who are trying to banckcrupt him for not paying his council. NO law has passed through parliament that says we should pay council tax.. it's all fraud. Council officials take salaries exceeding £200,000, our government is ripping us off with unlawful demands while they spend thousands of our hard earned cash claiming false expenses and payments to common purpose etc.... YouTube - Brian Gerrish - State of the Nation Part 1/6 in the USA it is known as the PROGRESSIVE.
BREAKING NEWS: Protestors 'arrest' county court judge (From Wirral Globe)
I witnessed something incredible today - History in the making - I'm not exaggerating - the like of which I've never seen before - The turn out of people was literally in the hundreds.
I've just found this from The Wirral Globe Newspaper.
The video footage shows the crowd as loud and boisterous - but for the majority of time - all of the hundreds of people who remained outside the court, were well behaved and peaceful - However this footage - on it's own, gives a very different impression - but then this is the mainstream media on the Wirral - The Wirral Globe - so naturally - the angle isn't entirely a fair summary of the peaceful protest which went on outside the court.
I don't think either, that I've ever seen so many people filming and recording an event in
one place,.
The Internet will be saturated with the tons and tons of footage recorded - but interesting to see how this appeared, virally - via the mainstream press.
This really is 'The Turning of The Tide'
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 9:10 AM
Subject: Fwd: Responses to my commentary on the EU
EVERYTHING we fought aginst in WW2 is here now in Britain!...Norman Scarth war veteran
Editor of UK Column, Mike Robinson, who writes:
Can I clarify a few things?
The British Constitution Group is anti-EU (of course) but that's not our focus, and we don't want a referendum on Europe. Quite the opposite.
Britain has a constitution. Its not in a single document, but it is written, and it is based on a foundation of common law.
The traitors in this country over multiple Parliaments have committed, legislation has been put in place which has unlawfully attempted to undermine that common law foundation.
A referendum, it could be argued, would give legitimacy to this treason. The fact that government has superior marketing resources to put behind such a referendum, and that they also choose the questions to be posed, makes it an undesirable thing to have.
As for the events of yesterday, the main events are as follows:
- Roger entered the court to face a bankruptcy hearing related to non payment of council tax. With him went a Grand Jury, a Posse, and the Militia. These are all common law agencies which exist, but are mainly unused, in British law.
- He asked the Judge three times if he would give his oath. The judge refused. Roger attempted to make a citizens arrest as is his duty under our constitution, and asked for assistance from the posse. The police prevented the arrest and in the process committed treason.
- Things got a little heated within the court room because the police got a bit heavy handed. In general, though, despite the apparent chaos, things remained under control.
- Roger and his advocates left the court and went straight to the local police station and reported the crimes of treason and contempt of court against the judge.
- Outside the court, 600 people chanted "do your jobs" at the police.
The tagline for the British Constitution Group is "fighting to reassert our constitution and the rule of law." Yesterday's event was a first step to forcing the British establishment to apply the law of the land to all inhabitants in this country. That means everyone, including the Monarch. No-one is above the law.
This email was cleaned by emailStripper, available for free from emailSTRIPPER - Print management, quotas, control, monitoring and accounting - PaperCut
Mike Robinson
editor, UK Column
I was then contacted by Norman Scarth, a war hero and pilot, who gave me permission to forward his message and details:
Message 1 is a bit of a correction to what I wrote:
Hello Donald,
Though the BCG & all the people present want to be out of the European Union (as I do) the main purpose of this action inside & outside Birkenhead Magistrates' action was to protest against the corruption which is rampant in the British courts.
Norman Scarth
Message 2, a brief bio in response to my query as to forwarding with details:
By all means quote my name (& all contact details if you wish). Norman Scarth, 36 Anvil Court, BRADFORD BD8 7QW, West Yorkshire. Tel: 01274 541 213. See normanscarth.blogspot.com though it needs updating. The attachment carries a picture of me from 1943 & shows how I spent Christmas that year. The tragedy is that all those men (British & German) died in vain. EVERYTHING we fought aginst in WW2 is here now in Britain. I will send you further attachments with separate messages, to save overloading this one. I was at the Birkenhead event.
As far as I know the Daily Mail & the BBC are the only 'News Media' people who have covered it. They describe the people there as a 'mob'. It was NOT a 'mob', but all decent law-abiding people (none of whom did anything unlawful). Most of them have suffered at the hands of our Judicial Mafia.
PS: Mindless critics have condemned Roger Hayes & the other as scroungers who want to get out of paying Council Tax. Not so: neither he nor they want to avoid paying it. This was not ABOUT Council Tax: Roger was just using that as a way to expose the corruption in the courts (it is not only in the courts!) Norman Scarth.