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  • The featured speaker at this conference is Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan. -
    国際ジャーナリスト 中丸 薫オフィシャル[中丸 薫プロフィール]

    A SHOCKING message for December 2012!!! 3 Days of Darkness! - YouTube



    • Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
      This is one small blessing.

      Note that it does not seem to have interrupted the electrical service closing all these plants down, admitted that the other conventional plants may well be stretched but it clearly shows that in reality there is no need for nuclear power.
      Yes isn稚 that interesting? After being told how dependent we are on these plants.

      Now of course this last plant is only being shut for scheduled maintenance and could be restarted within 70 days. Apparently many officials would like to see it and some of the others restarted so we will have to wait and see if the people are allowed to have any say in this matter.

      They are claiming all these horrible conventional plants are causing an increase in greenhouse gases, like CO2. But isn't that the very stuff the plants depend on to grow. Why would they want to kill them off?


      • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
        Yes isn稚 that interesting? After being told how dependent we are on these plants.

        Now of course this last plant is only being shut for scheduled maintenance and could be restarted within 70 days. Apparently many officials would like to see it and some of the others restarted so we will have to wait and see if the people are allowed to have any say in this matter.

        They are claiming all these horrible conventional plants are causing an increase in greenhouse gases, like CO2. But isn't that the very stuff the plants depend on to grow. Why would they want to kill them off?
        I worked in the nuclear industry for several years and at that time I was sat on the fence about the dangers vs the benefits. It in now obvious that the dangers outway the benefits. I don't like conventional coal plants because they are dirty places causing huge local pollution. CO2 has never been a problem its a myth, just study the carbon cycle. I was involved in the installation of the FGD plant at Drax Drax Power Station - Power Technology Acid rain from sulfur isn't the problem it was, so yes you questions are very important and the answer is linked to agenda 21 DSD :: Resources - Publications - Core Publications where some of the goals are laid out. The methods being used are spelled out in "Ecoscience" Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment by Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich, John P. Holdren Look at what is happening in the world today and ask yourself if this is happening?

        To discuss all this here would be off topic but I encourage you to research this information. I cannot express how important all this is.

        Decommissioning the nuclear industry would create more jobs than it currently employs for about 6 years and many of the jobs created would go on for a much longer period than that.

        Nuclear has never been a solution, it has always been a problem and a stop gap idea at best. Its time to get rid of the problem and the proponents of it and develop other technologies that we know exist. The whole planet has been damaged more by this one incident, than by anything else humans have ever done and the damage is longer lasting and in biological terms, permanent.

        Keep up the reporting blackchisel97


        • Mayor: 的知 losing my hair and have nosebleed everyday I asked for blood test at a hospital in Tokyo because I知 exposed but they refused it

          On April 25, YAMATANI Eriko, Member of the House of Councillors (National Diet of Japan) read an interview with Katsutaka Idogawa, mayor of Futaba, translated by Fukushima Diary

          [...] Japanese government submit SPEEDI data to US and concealed it from Japanese people. Even now, SPEEDI data is not given to Futaba town.

          [...] We were not even informed of venting.

          [...] I知 losing my hair and have nosebleed everyday. The other day, I asked for blood test at a hospital in Tokyo because I知 exposed but they refused it. We were even exposed and there is even no treatment, or proper inspection. Medical check up for Fukushima citizens are not detailed enough either.

          Idogawa Futaba town mayor refused to have blood test in Tokyo - (320 x 240).mp4 - YouTube

          When radioactive cesium enters body, 75% lodges in muscle tissue including heart

          The Worst Yet to Come? Why Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima a Ticking Time-Bomb
          Brad Jacobson
          May 4, 2012

          [...] Nuclear experts noted that other lethal radioactive isotopes would also be released in such a fire, but that the focus is on cesium-137 because it easily volatilizes and spreads pervasively, as it did during the Chernobyl accident and again after the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi last year.

          With a half-life of 30 years, it gives off penetrating radiation as it decays and can remain dangerous for hundreds of years. Once in the environment, it mimics potassium as it accumulates in the food chain; when it enters the human body, about 75 percent lodges in muscle tissue, including the heart.

          33mSv/y measured at over 26 schools in Fukushima and it痴 concealed

          Over 14 elementary schools, 7 junior high schools and 5 nursery schools in Koriyama city of Fukushima measured higher than 3.8μSv/h (33mSv/y) in January, which is beyond the yearly safety limit of 20mSv/y. This measurement was ordered by the board of education in Koriyama city but they concealed this fact until a citizen痴 organization requested for information disclosure, announced on 5/6/2012.

          According to the disclosed information, Koriyama city board of education ordered each school to measure radiation at 8 points in street gutter, hedge and drain of rain water back in January.
          In the radiation measurement of April, 20.4μSv/h was measured from a street gutter of a junior high school.

          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

          General D.Eisenhower


          • Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
            Look at what is happening in the world today and ask yourself if this is happening?
            Oh yes I believe this is happening. We do have a few really evil people in this world who are intent on getting the population down to what they consider a manageable level, 10 maybe 20% of what it is now. They have shown they池e are more then willing use any and all means to get rid of what they consider 砥seless eaters.

            So was Fukushima just an unfortunate freak of nature along with a poor choice for the location of these plants? Or was the tsunami caused by the detonation of an underwater nuke as some are claiming? Was all the damage to the plants caused by the wall of water or was there additional sabotage as others have claimed? Some may think that this is unthinkable that anyone would purposely do something like this, or say blow up an oil rig in the Golf of Mexico or contaminant vaccines with a deadly virus.

            But when looking at the writings of these so called elite this is exactly the kind of things they are talking about and calling for. Now I don稚 know for a fact if this is what actually happened or not, but there is no way I would say it is beyond the realm of possibility.


            • They will never let a good crisis go to waste, that is for sure.

              I do not believe that the number of people in the world that think like this is high, its not. Most are just compartmentalized useful idiots that just do as they are told. It is when enough of these people wake up that the change will happen.

              Keep educating the sheeple


              • Head of Medical Clinic: Radiation already causing health problems around Tokyo Highly contaminated areas have led to physiological damage

                Footage of the NYC Press Conference May 4th 2012
                Cinema Forum Fukushima

                Dr. Junro FUSE, Internist and head of Kosugi Medical Clinic near Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese with English interpretation)

                There are hot spots even within the Tokyo Metropolitan Area that have actually already led to physiological problems/damage.

                We do have hotspots in Tokyo Metropolitan Area that have led to these physiological disorders some of the disorders that have been observed are as shown here. Things like diarrhea, nasal bleeding, headache, eczema and so forth.

                We are expecting thyroid disorders in children, but also cancers (bladder, leukemia, lung), diabetes.
                6/7 Dr Junro FUSE, Internist, on Press Conference May 4th 2012 on Vimeo

                Physician: Radiation levels 4,000% higher than reported by Japan gov稚 12 Megabequerels per meter and NOT designated as evacuation zone

                Footage of the NYC Press Conference May 4th 2012
                Cinema Forum Fukushima

                Dr. Junro FUSE, Internist and head of Kosugi Medical Clinic near Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese with English interpretation)

                According to the numbers released by [Japan Gov't] the amounts in a town called Nihonmatsu are 300,000 becquerels per square meter.
                Never the less this has not designated as evacuation site.
                The current measurements of the soil there are showing 12 mega [million] becquerels per square meter.
                But what痴 happening is the people are just carrying out their lives as normal.
                This is one piece of evidence showing how the government is under-measuring the radiation.
                This fact has not been reported by the Japanese mass media.

                Japan Nuclear Expert: There are known to be broken fuel rod assemblies in Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 Large amount of radioactive material has fallen to bottom 溺any years to get fuel out

                Japanese Nuclear Scientist and Japanese and US medical doctors to discuss current radiological health conditions and concerns in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor catastrophe.

                Hiroaki KOIDE / Nuclear Reactor Specialist and Assistant Professor at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute


                Large amount of radioactive material has fallen to the bottom of that pool [in Unit 4 ...]

                There are already known to be broken assemblies as a result of the debris and structural elements that have fallen down on top of them.

                Many years to get the fuel out of Unit 4 praying for no large quake.

                20,000 square kilometers would be evacuated if Japan followed law on 妬llegal radioactive waste 20 times larger than no-go zone

                New York Description: Japanese Nuclear Scientist and Japanese and US medical doctors to discuss current radiological health conditions and concerns in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor catastrophe.

                Hiroaki KOIDE / Nuclear Reactor Specialist and Assistant Professor at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute


                There is also a law that says that when transporting radioactive material, it is illegal to transport any material which has a greater dose than 40,000 becquerels per square meter.

                In fact, if that law were to be followed, then the amount of square kilometers that need to be evacuated is approximately 20,000km in other words 20,000 square kilometers should be completely devoid of people.

                10.15 μSv/h at Kashiwa city hospital
                Posted by Mochizuki on May 7th

                5/4/2012 Kashiwa city hospital in Chiba
                Atmospheric dose : 0.25μSv/h
                10.15 μSv/h above the dead leaves.

                Kashiwa final disposal site is only 200m away from this hospital. Until 6.2011, they stocked 25tones of incineration ash in the site.
                After they found it highly contaminated in 10.2011, they replaced the ash into drum cans.

                日本, 千葉県柏市布施1−3 から 柏市役所 最終処分場 - Google マップ

                10.15ホシSv/h 譟丞クらォ区沛逞髯「 髮繧√i繧後◆關ス闡 2012蟷エ5譛 - YouTube

                4/22/2012, at Nihonmatsu kita elementary school.

                1m height from ground : 0.87 μSv/h
                Above sand on the school road : 5.47 μSv/h
                On the street gutter : 10.12 μSv/h
                56.3km from Fukushima plants

                10.12ホシSv/h 莠梧悽譚セ蛹怜ー丞*ヲ*。 騾壼*ヲ霍ッ 2012.4.22 - YouTube
                Google Maps

                47.52μSv/h at east exit of Fukushima station

                Pelican park at east exit of Fukushima station is always highly radioactive. Over 47μSv/h in the gutter this morning again.

                'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                General D.Eisenhower



                • Live human radiation experiments??

                  Source: Gov稚 docs suggests human experimentation related to Fukushima radiation City should establish Environmental Radioactivity Research Triangle Titled 的n preparation for creating a program of economic reconstruction

                  The city of Minamisoma set up the 溺inamisoma City Economic Reconstruction Research Team, and the team created the following document last year.

                  然esearch for Business (and Operation) Cases with New Ideas In Preparation for creating a program of economic reconstruction [Alternate link]

                  According to this document, the city should establish environmental radioactivity research facilities in the 鉄oso Environmental Radioactivity Research Triangle (research object areas: Minamisoma city, Iitate village, and Namie town) in order to vigorously promote research for elucidating the mechanism of low-level radiation on the human body and facilitate a study on the assessment of that risks.

                  Many Japanese people get angry with the document, because it suggest human experimentation of low dose exposure. Such living-body experiments are internationally prohibited by 典he Nuremberg Code (see details at A Fukushima resident says, 溺inamisoma is like a Nazi concentration camps, Fukushima Holocaust comes.

                  M4.8, M4.5, M4.2, M4.7 hit Fukushima over last few hours

                  'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                  General D.Eisenhower



                  • 17-year-old boy employed at Fukushima Daiichi

                    TEPCO announced that a 17 year old boy had been working in Fukushima in early April 2011, a violation of the nation痴 Labor Standards Law, the JiJi Press reports.
                    According to TEPCO, the boy engaged in work to create a hole in the outer wall of the Unit 2 turbine building, as a subcontractor of the Kajima Corporation.
                    It is reported that he had received nearly 2 mSv radiation dose during his time spent working at TEPCO. [...]

                    *Shocking* Q & A at NISA press conference leaning Fukushima reactor 4 building
                    At 1:47 in

                    Kino: There痴 been a rumour that there are uneven settlements of the ground around the unit 4 building. So I don稚 understand why you haven稚 surveyed the ground.

                    NISA: If we experience an earthquake, of course, uneven settlements of the ground could occur. However, the building is basically set on the bedrock. There was a case at the Kashiwazaki nuclear power plant but we think we need to consider the unevenness of the building and its surrounding area separately.

                    *Shocking* Q & A at NISA press conference - leaning Fukushima reactor 4 building - YouTube

                    NHK: Expert urges caution against more tornadoes Fukushima borders both prefectures that had devastating twisters on Sunday Over 250 km/h, among most powerful ever in Japan Houses completely uprooted

                    Weather痴 recipe right for twisters
                    The Japan Times Online
                    By HIROKO NAKATA
                    Tuesday, May 8, 2012

                    Sunday痴 devastating tornadoes in Ibaraki and Tochigi prefectures were caused by a rare situation attributed in part to a winter that went on for some weeks longer than normal, and a recent sharp rise in surface temperatures, experts said Monday. [...]

                    典ornadoes rarely occur in this season, said Yasushi Fujiyoshi, professor at Hokkaido University. 的t is rare in the first place for cold air to form in the troposphere in May.

                    Fujiyoshi said such frigid air is more a feature of the fall and the extended period of freezing weather earlier this year helped create the atmospheric conditions conducive to tornado-formation. [...]

                    Sunday痴 tornado one of most powerful in Japan
                    NHK WORLD English
                    May 07, 2012 16:50 +0900 (JST)

                    An expert on violent storms says the tornado that ripped through northern Kanto on Sunday may have been one of Japan痴 most powerful. [...]

                    [Professor Fumiaki Kobayashi of the National Defense Academy] estimates wind velocity topped 250 kilometers per hour. Cars were overturned and some houses completely uprooted.

                    The expert is urging caution against more tornadoes, as atmospheric conditions can turn unstable in days to come.

                    NHK WORLD English
                    __________________________________________________ _______________
                    From another part of the globe - FBI Whistleblower Releases Unauthorized Memoir 典hey have individuals on their payroll on almost every nuclear facility in the United States
                    [...] the Iranian-born former FBI translator [Sibel Edmonds] fought to blow the whistle on traitorous deception and cover-up inside the FBI, blackmail inside the U.S. Congress and startling allegations of espionage and nuclear secrets sold to U.S. enemies on the foreign black market by some of our nation痴 highest ranking officials.

                    Now, after waiting more than 340 days for the FBI痴 pre-clearance review of her memoir they are supposed to do so within 30 days Edmonds has decided to release her own story, in full, without their prior approval or redactions.

                    Edmonds translated other materials that involved the selling of U.S. nuclear information to foreigners and spotted a connection to a previous case involving the purchase of such information. The FBI, under pressure from the State Department, Edmonds writes, prevented her from notifying the FBI field offices involved. Edmonds has testified in a court deposition, naming as part of a broad criminal conspiracy Representatives Dennis Hastert, Dan Burton, Roy Blunt, Bob Livingston, Stephen Solarz, and Tom Lantos, and the following high-ranking U.S. government officials: Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, and Marc Grossman.

                    Sibel Edmonds - Nuclear Trafficking- US & Turkish Officials & RAND - YouTube

                    Sibel Edmonds PEN Newman Award - YouTube

                    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                    General D.Eisenhower



                    • Catch 22...

                      Bereaved family of Fukushima woman who committed suicide set to sue TEPCO- 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
                      May 10, 2012

                      [...] Along with three other family members, Mikio Watanabe plans to bring the case to the Fukushima District Court on May 18. Watanabe and his family argue that the Fukushima nuclear disaster led his wife, Hamako, to suffer depression and commit suicide at the age of 58. [...]

                      According to the group of lawyers, on the morning of July 1, 2011 Hamako committed suicide by pouring gasoline over her body and setting herself on fire at a garbage incinerator near her house [...]

                      [...] local government had rented for them in the city of Fukushima.

                      The couple had taken shelter at their relatives homes and gymnasiums in Fukushima Prefecture since March 15, 2011. [...]

                      [...] Yamakiya district, about 40 kilometers northwest of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, where their home was located, was designated as a planned evacuation zone [...]

                      [...] 釘ecause she was deprived of the basics of life such as her residence and job, she suffered an extremely heavy psychological burden. [...]

                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower



                      • crimes agains humanity

                        The Dangers of Low Dose Radiation
                        Asia-Pacific Journal
                        May 6, 2012

                        Independent researcher Ian Goddard has carried out a survey of published research on the potential health effects of rates of radiation exposure that the Japanese government has declared safe (up to 20 mSv per year). While few in Japan have been exposed to this level to this point, officials are on record saying that 20 mSv areas are safe for habitation. In addition, there are those in the Japanese scientific establishment who have argued that zones up to 100 mSv per year should be deemed safe. Currently evacuated towns closest to Fukushima Daiichi are likely to see radiation levels at or in excess of the 20 mSv exposure level for a decade or more. If the Japanese government holds to its current policies and interpretations, it is possible that evacuees, including children who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of radiation, may be moved back to 都afe 20 mSv areas. In a video presentation on his website Goddard argues that accepting 20 mSv as safe could lead to a public health disaster. [...]

                        It is also notable that these studies are concerned with external exposure. Internal exposure (caused by consumption of contaminated food or inhalation of hot particles) likely poses significantly higher risks because it can deliver radiation effectively to small groups of cells, increasing cancer risk.

                        Those criminals should be offered life long vacation at the plant. Locally grown veggies, seafood, fresh water...and heated pool (SFP-4).
                        Oh, I forgot they took Paraguay already.

                        The Message of Fukushima Unit Three

                        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                        General D.Eisenhower



                        • 12.6 Billion-Dollar Bailout for TEPCO

                          Source: NY Times

                          Japan is ready to nationalize Tokyo Electric Power, the operator of the ravaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, under a 1 trillion yen ($12.5 billion) bailout plan that was approved on Wednesday.

                          The utility痴 Fukushima Daiichi plant after the tsunami.
                          The Japanese government has been scrambling to keep the utility company from collapsing so it can meet the billions of dollars in compensation claims and decommission the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi, all while continuing to provide the Tokyo metropolis with stable electricity.

                          The government is also eager to push through reforms to restore public trust in a company that has played a vital role in Japan痴 energy policy but has also admitted safety lapses and cover-ups at its power plants. The $12.5 billion bailout comes at a time when the government itself is carrying a debt burden that has mushroomed to more than twice the size of the economy.

                          的 ask that you rebuild the trust that has been lost, Yukio Edano, the Japanese trade minister, told executives of the utility on Wednesday after his ministry approved the 10-year plan.

                          展e consider the plan a new start and are prepared to thoroughly carry it out, said Toshio Nishizawa, president of Tokyo Electric, also known as Tepco.


                          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                          General D.Eisenhower



                          • Somewhere on this site I made a calculation that Fukushima had the potential to be 158 times worse than Chernobyl but I cant find it now. サ Cesium in Fukushima Prefecture 122 Times Higher than in Belarus Evacuation Zone Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! It would seem that this potential is being approached, having said that I assumed that attempts to control it would have been of the same magnitude as that at Chernobyl although that does not seem to be the case.

                            Radioactive contamination is still being released and unit four is becoming more structurally unstable, I fear for the future.


                            • For those that follow the MSM and think that the Fukushima problem is essentially under control. Here is a video that might get them back to reality.

                              Warning: There are some graphic pictures of what the newly government approved safe levels of radiation are doing to people.

                              Urgent Warning: Fukushima Estimate of Situation - YouTube


                              • Simultaneous tornadoes in northern Kanto
                                Saturday, May 12, 2012

                                [...] three tornadoes [...] occurred at about the same time last Sunday [...]

                                Researchers at the Japan Meteorological Agency say one tornado that hit Ibaraki and Tochigi Prefectures left damage over an area about 31-kilometers long and 650- meters wide. [...]

                                The researchers said three other tornadoes occurred in Ibaraki and Fukushima Prefectures on the same day. [...]

                                They calculated that super cells measured about 10- to 20-kilometers wide. [...]

                                Agency expert Osamu Suzuki says it痴 rare for three tornadoes to occur simultaneously. [...]

                                NHK WORLD English

                                On the daily press conference, Tepco stated there are some doors and rooms in reactor3, which Tepco can not disclose.

                                It was mentioned in the Q&A section between a freelance journalist Mr. Kino, and Tepco痴 spokesman Matsumoto.

                                Tepco concealed some parts of the video to show reactor3.mp4 - YouTube

                                フリー木野:昨年の事故後に色々撮影されている動画だが、これを全部公開するのは可能か?その 後の検討は?

                                Mr. Kino : Since last year, Tepco has been taking some videos of Fukushima plants. Is it possible to disclose all of them ?

                                松本:既に事故後撮影した水漏れとか、データ類に関しては昨年の秋に先ほど申し上げた東新ビルの情報公開コ ーナーのところでDVDとしておいている。

                                Tepco : We already disclose videos and photos of historical water leakage and data as DVD. It痴 published at information disclosure center of Toshin building since last Autumn.

                                フリー木野:確認だが、昨年6月9日に3号機に入ったと思うが、この動画も全部そこに入ってい るのか?

                                Mr. Kino : Tepco entered reactor 3 on 9th of June (6/11 ?), is that video disclosed there too ?

                                松本:6月9日の動画に関しては公表した部分の以外の所に関しては核物質防護上、映ってはいけないものがあ ったので、公開はできない判断をしている。

                                Tepco : We disclosed a part of the video, but we decided not to disclose the rest for the nuclear material protection.


                                Mr. kino : Was that decision made by Tepco ?


                                Tepco : Yes we did.

                                フリー木野:保安院のその部分が核物質防護上問題になるか、ということは確認されていないとい うことか?

                                Mr. Kino : Does that mean it was not the nuclear agency to have decided not to disclose it for the issue of nuclear material protection ?


                                Tepco : The video included the doors that should not be disclosed for the issue of nuclear material protection, so we made that decision by ourselves.


                                Mr. Kino : The video does probably include the inside of the door, but is that the same ?

                                松本:後、扉ともう一つは作業員の方の名前が写っているので、そこは処理する必要があろうかと 思っている。

                                Tepco : The video included the door, and the name of the worker, so we should do something for them.


                                Mr. Kino : Can you disclose those parts after processing ?

                                松本:処理するにしても手間がかかるので時間を頂ければと考えているが、今のところ、まだ具体的な作業まで は行なっていない。

                                Tepco : It takes time to process those parts of the video. We haven稚 started anything specific for it yet.

                                Of course they not going to disclose what was another purpose of this plant and who was the client...

                                'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                                General D.Eisenhower


