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    Если вы интересуетесь немного политикой, то должны были заметить - эти неожиданные волнения в странах Африки
    возникли неспроста.

    Есть 2 версии этих событий - "официальная" и "неофициальная", и обе версии скорее уводят в сторону от реальных фактов.
    Версия 1: Каддафи - тиран и самодержец, стрелял в мирных граждан, поэтому его надо бы убрать.
    Версия 2: на самом деле Европе с Америкой захотелось немного Ливийской нефти, и они решили навести небольшой "дебош"

    Рассмотрим версию 1.
    Да, Каддафи уже тот ещё старик, ему конечно пора бы и на пенсию. Но известно ли вам, что конкретно в Ливии
    народ имеет весьма высокие преференции при его правлении? Учителя получают под $3.000, выплаты безработным
    порядка $1000 и так далее. Да, он стал укрощать группки взбунтовавшихся бедуинов, но кто-нибудь понимает
    реальные причины этих бунтов?
    Эта версия не выдерживает никакой критики.

    Версия 2.
    Нефть Ливии? Да, она отличается высоким качеством, Ливийская нефть очень чистая. Но её там не так много.
    Да и к тому же, зачем тогда будоражить Египет и прочие африканские государства, которые весь прошлый
    год вообще никого не тревожили и не волновали?! А тут вдруг - "тираны", "изверги" и т.п.

    Да, эта ситуация дополнительно подогрела цены на нефть. Отдельным корпорациям это выгодно.

    Но истина короче.
    Каддафи не так давно начал объединять ближневосточные страны под идеей перейти на расчёт
    за нефть и товары НЕ долларами, НЕ евро, а альтернативой всему этому. И Египет - одна из стран,
    которая это поддержала...

    Подробнее - здесь:

    Однако в популярных СМИ это никогда не скажут.

    P.S. У Саддама Хусейна, кстати, тоже были такие начинания. Вообще, после кризиса ооочень многие
    страны стали задумываться об ИЗБАВЛЕНИИ ОТ ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОТ ДОЛЛАРА. Рано или поздно
    это произойдёт. ФРС уже некуда понижать ставки.

    Распространите это где сможете. Люди должны знать правду.

    Кстати, это тоже по теме: Россия отказалась участвовать в военной операции в Ливии, прекратить, Франция пообещала напасть на Ливию через несколько часов, о, Великобритания примет участие в военной операции в Ливии, разрушении, Франция пообещала напасть на Ливию через несколько часов, бомб
    èñòèíà íå "ãäå-òî ðÿäîì", èñòèíà â íàñ...

  • #2
    I translated his entire post to english. Here it is below.



    If you are interested a little in policy, then had to note - these unexpected agitations in the countries of Africa
    they arose not without purpose.

    Is 2 versions of these events - “official” and “unofficial”, and both versions rather take away to the side from the real facts.
    Version 1: Khadafi - tyrant autocrat, shot at the peaceful citizens; therefore him must be removed.
    Version 2: in reality to Europe with America it was wanted a little Libyan oil, and they decided to direct small “uproar”

    Let us examine version 1.
    Yes, Khadafi is already that still old man, to him certainly time, also, to the pension. But it is known whether to you which is concrete in Libya
    people does have very high preferences with its administration? Teachers obtain under $3.000, the payments to the unemployed
    order $1000 and so on. Yes, it began to tame the grouplets of the inciting to revolt themselves Bedouins, but someone understands
    the real reasons for these riots?
    This version maintains no criticism.

    Version 2.
    Oil of Libya? Yes, it is characterized by high quality, Libyan oil is very clean. But it there not so there is much.
    Yes even moreover why then to disturb Egypt and other African states, which entire past
    the year generally no one they disturbed nor disturbed?! But here suddenly - “tyrants”, “monsters” and the like

    Yes, this situation additionally warmed up prices of oil. To individual corporations this is profitable.

    But truth is shorter.
    Khadafi not has so long ago begun to unite Near Eastern countries under the idea to pass to the calculation
    for the oil and the goods NOT by dollars, NOT the Euro, but by alternative to all this. And Egypt - one of the countries,
    which this supported…

    It is in more detail - here: [Russian Video Link]

    However, in the popular media outlets this never they will say.

    P.S. in of Saddam Hussein, by the way, was also such undertakings. Generally, after the crisis of [ooochen] many
    the countries began to think about THE DELIVERANCE FROM THE DEPENDENCE ON THE DOLLAR. Sooner or later
    this is [proizoydet]. [FRS] to already nowhere reduce rates.

    You will extend this where you will be able. People must know truth.

    By the way, this also on the theme: Russia refused to participate in the military operation in Libya, to end, France promised to attack in Libya in several hours, [o], Great Britain signs participation in the military operation in Libya, destruction, France promised to attack in Libya in several hours, the bombs


    Personally i havent spent any time looking into whats happening over there but its nice to see someones point of view from russia. I would like to speak russian just to understand they're opinions of events around the world. Language is such a big barrier for everyone, its the ultimate divider.
    Last edited by Nadda; 04-09-2011, 02:48 AM.


    • #3
      They just want to cut off the oil supply to China , 7 percent of there oil comes from there , they want China to go for the Russian oil and fight over the resources .
      Proof of this is that for the first time ever China sent a Navy ship to Libya .
      They would also like regime change in Iran to get them to go to war with Russia .
      I good old game of chess . Most people in America should learn it.

      The Vatican bankers , are out of metals the white dragon bought most of the gold and silver was bought by the people , they know there fiat money is worth less . This is only the third world war . The war never was between country's each time it was against freedom to consolidate there power . It was the goal of the first two wars to impose central bank's around the world the third one is your pocket they want consolidate . Freedom was only a dream . Btw there is no central bank in Libya and a bunch a gold .
      Last edited by mk1; 04-09-2011, 03:28 AM.


      • #4
        I followed a link within the russian video link above to an article that states alittle more clearly an unoffical reason for the libya conflict.

        Originally posted by–-nakazanie-kaddafi-za-popytku-vvedeniya-zolotogo-dinara/
        Two deceitful versions are proposed for the concealment of the true reasons for military action in Libya: official - protection of human rights, unofficial - the attempt to take away oil in Khadafi. Both do not maintain criticism. Pravda consists in the fact that by Muammar Khadafi decided to repeat General de [Gollya]'s attempt - to leave the zone of bank notes and to return to gold, i.e., was swung back to the main value of modern world - banking system.


        • #5
          interesting article at
          Is Libya being bombed by bloody U.S. Zio thugs because Gaddafi wants to introduce gold dinar? -



          • #6
            Rothschild Globalist Killers Pour Depleted Uranium On Libyans In Nuclear War: US, UK Butchers Extend Talons Of Death Over Libya | OneWorldScam

            Also, please follow my link in Health thread - Depleted Uranium. Sickening

            @YouMustKnow - благодарите Вас очень мой друг

            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

            General D.Eisenhower



            • #7
              This actually makes sense. We have no need for mid-east oil as the US has more known oil reserves then the mid-east. But we buy their oil so they have the money to buy our “worthless” debit. But when these two-bit dictators start getting uppity and try to sell their oil for something other then US dollars well obviously they need to be removed. Naturally we are told this is only being done for humanitarian reasons and the fact that some of the potential new leaders are talking about implementing Sharia law thus turning all the women into virtual slaves is of course irrelevant.

              Does anyone seriously believe (other then the MSM) that all the recent rioting in all these mid-east countries is just a coincidence? Or this is a case of monkey see monkey do? Or does it make more sense to believe the NWO guys have their people running around deliberately poking sticks into these hornet nests.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                This actually makes sense. We have no need for mid-east oil as the US has more known oil reserves then the mid-east. But we buy their oil so they have the money to buy our “worthless” debit. But when these two-bit dictators start getting uppity and try to sell their oil for something other then US dollars well obviously they need to be removed. Naturally we are told this is only being done for humanitarian reasons and the fact that some of the potential new leaders are talking about implementing Sharia law thus turning all the women into virtual slaves is of course irrelevant.

                Does anyone seriously believe (other then the MSM) that all the recent rioting in all these mid-east countries is just a coincidence? Or this is a case of monkey see monkey do? Or does it make more sense to believe the NWO guys have their people running around deliberately poking sticks into these hornet nests.
                Humanitarian reasons........ were behind Vietnam planned drilling, Africa natural resources, Afghan poppy and Iraqi oil, among several others. Just follow the money. Over 250 military conflicts since WWII were created at expense of human life, orphaned children and destroyed environment.
                Media will feed what they are told to feed. I do remember Vietnam and the news from non American stream.

                'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                General D.Eisenhower


