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Gravity Motor Egypt way (sand wheel drive)

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  • Gravity Motor Egypt way (sand wheel drive)

    The Egypt Sand Wheel Gravity Motor is as simple as that: (it is a reconstruction of a possible ancient stationary motor using gravity surplus pulse of kinetic energy of weights falling down).
    Lifting a weight takes the work of weight mass multiplied by the height.
    But the kinetic energy of free fall is mass by square speed (of the last speed before touch) divided per two, which can be transformed into
    (weighing) mass by height by gravitational acceleration (of earth).
    As mass must be defined (whether weighing or weightless) according to the surroundings, we see weight normally as weighing materia on earth.
    When falling it is relatively weightless, but never in ground touch, in the moment of touching the ground it even changes into an inert mass with a pulse of approximately fiftyfold the original weight of the mass concerned, given 1 second of free perpendicular falling. This pulse is only a short one, for the moment of touching the ground or any other hindrance. According to Newton, the force - dependent of the qinetic energy - thereby will be transmitted onto the object touched. There can occur a crash, or motion of the object thus touched. When this object is a lever of a fly-wheel, the latter will be propelled in gearing. The fly-wheel(s) balance the pulses.
    The contrivance is arranged in form of a lift: on one side the up-going weight masses, on the other side the falling weight masses which drive the fly-wheel(s) (that can be coupled in order to accept the whole heavy pulse of the falling mass without rest, transforming into rotation).
    Whilst a weight mass is being lifted upwards, the elevator lift is to be in balance with the other side, the pulse of the falling weight; but being there pulses fiftyfold as heavy as the weight mass, there is much overload on the other side for the moment of energy transmitting by stroke.
    Therefore the weight that is to be dropped can be divided into several smaller pieces, any of which achieve an inert force power, so that during the lifting process (which is to be held absolutely even and steady without increase of acceleration) these several light pieces in falling counterpoise the one weight going up. The surplus in driving energy is visible.

    Yes, we must re-define the character of "mass" and of "force". We cannot continue sleeping, but the gravity motor stands before our doors. The input work (when lifting a mass in even motion) is less compared with the output qinetic energy of same mass when falling heavily. Nobody can deny it any longer. Gravity therefore is stated to be a kind of energy, can no longer be regarded as a mere field of power, it is more. This energy in the end originates from the atomic spin of the materia. It is an echo stemming from the big bang of the origin of our galaxy (and others, too).

    Did you get me?
    yours truly, venceremos!

    ---hdito ~*~

    Sun over Earth.

    satyagraha - la vero vencas - die wahrheit siegt - truth is prevailing,

    from here to eternity.