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Chinese Authorities Lose Control as Village Revolts

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  • Chinese Authorities Lose Control as Village Revolts

    Chinese Authorities Lose Control as Village Revolts - YouTube

    That is AMAZING. That is the situation our own government, banks and other other financial elite see in the near future all over America and is why they rushed so hard to be able to detain American's without due process.

    They want to be able to label any American that dissents against the govt as a terrorist so they can sweep them up and take them to one of the hundreds of Fema concentration (re-education) camps across the country. A lot of people used to laugh about these camps being disinformation but they're very much out in the open now.

    Everything Hitler did was legal by the book because everything was based on laws that were actually passed through their own form of congress.

    It is a matter of time until that kind of revolt spreads through China I think and as our own govt knows, is a matter of time until it spreads through the USA. Starving them out is what our govt will do to us. Unless we are stocked up ourselves.

    The grocery stores will be empty and they will stop shipments to get people to surrender for food and off they go to the FEMA concentration camps that are already setup. This is also why the federal govt has been testing in Tennessee for example going to Mormon food canning operations demanding customer lists of everyone that is stocking up on food. Because when the you know what hits the fan, they will go confiscate people's storage of food. They can't out gun the American people but they can starve them.
    Aaron Murakami

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  • #2
    Its great this news was able to get "out". Censorship is a most dangerous form of control. We dont know how lucky we are to be able to tell people what we think on the internet.


    • #3
      Yes but they are working that, they talking about copying the Chinese system of internet censorship.

      But first congress recently passed a new defense authorizing bill and one of the unique extra items that was snuck into it was a provision that virtually destroys our constitutional protection. While it is said to be an anti-terrorist law in reality it can be applied to anyone. All that is required is for government to “claim” someone has committed a belligerent act and thus they’re a terrorist. At that point no evidence is needed, no appeals can be made, legal representation maybe denied and they can be indefinitely detained. These individuals are effectively dropped into a black hole as if they never existed.

      Somehow I don’t believe that this is what the founders of the constitution had in mind, and if that is not bad enough what about these presidential executive orders just waiting the correct crises to be signed in to law.

      #10995 allows for the take over of the news media. (No 1st. amendment)
      #10997 & #10998 allows the takeover of all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals and all means of transportation, including personal cars, and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.
      #10999 allows the take over of all food resources and farms.
      #11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. (Slave labor)
      #11001 & 11004 allows taking over all health, education and welfare functions and the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations. (All individual choice is removed)
      #11921 allows the FEMA to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. (The constitution is now null and void)

      Unfortunately there are many more like these so those who like the idea of a big government coming to take care of them, well here it is, welcome to your brave new world and a total police state.


      • #4
        good point, which is why they have the abilty to suppress so much. It has been a police state for a long long time. I think ron paul is the only one ive seen speak out against it. To a degree i can understand why the government would want those laws, but as with anything they can be fully abused by the wrong people. People dont realize how fragile society is. We are so dependent on our infrastructure things can get really ugly, really fast if a catastrophy were to hit any peticular area. Millions of people are all grouped together in cities throughout the country, none of them harvest or keep food storage. With no storage supplies it only takes 3 days for things to get ugly on a massive scale.

        As far as terrorism, I understand people wanting to be safe but how would we ever stop terrorism while pumping trillions of dollars into the middle east for their black gold. I say stop invading our liberties in the name of "anti-terrorism", get our military out of the middle east, stop contemplating attacking iran, use our military to guard our OWN borders and start pumping oil in america. We are basically borrowing money from china to protect iraq, while we cant even protect our own borders. Where has common sense gone? We are in trouble.


        • #5
          Has much thought gone into the idea as of what these "terrorists" might want? All that has been addressed is that there are terrorists and they supposedly want to terrorize us....Well, who is even "us" at that it the everyday average american joe? or is it the political system and the government? I think a lot of clarity must be added to this situation for us to even identify what this so called terrorism actually is. Maybe this has become the portrait of an outspoken country/culture/people that do not believe in the atrocities created be the rise and fall of an egotistic nation of exploitation. Some times we, as humans, know not how to react. Some act through violence, some through retribution, nevertheless maybe the time has come where we as the ants that build and live upon this colony out here in North america, find a new way of action...not through violence, not through peace, but through non-action. This does not imply complacency or apathy, but rather a psychological and spiritual evaluation as to what it is we are doing with our lives. Are we striving for material and personal/ego "success." Are we already complacent and apathetic in our everyday lives? Now is a time for not only social/political revolution, but a conscious/spiritual revolution at the forefront. Here we sit fighting tooth and nail against eachother over the argument of black/white right/wrong my belief vs. your belief. This is no longer about peace or violence. This is about our own personal action of participation, right now.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nadda View Post
            Its great this news was able to get "out". Censorship is a most dangerous form of control. R4We dont know how lucky we are to be able to tell people what we think on the internet.
            I agree with your thoughts!
            R4R4i GoldR4i

