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Cancer Cause & Cure
There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
Originally posted by ewizard View PostThat could be a dangerous solution IMO as eating apple seeds is a bit like chemotherapy without the controls. It tries to kill the cancer with poison and hopes it kills the cancer before it kills you. I think there are much better solutions and cures.
Apple seeds
Originally posted by ewizard View PostThat could be a dangerous solution IMO as eating apple seeds is a bit like chemotherapy without the controls. It tries to kill the cancer with poison and hopes it kills the cancer before it kills you. I think there are much better solutions and cures.
World Without Cancer - Worldwithoutcancer.org.uk - B17 Laetrile Vitamin B17
laetrile injections
Laetrile doesn't work in all cases but it has proven to be effective for some.
Naturopathic doctors in Nevada actually had approval to give B17 injections to cancer patients - I know a lady who had this therapy and it cured her cancer. I don't remember what kind of cancer but she is about 80 now and in good health. That was about 10-15 years ago.
I don't know if B17 injections are still legal in Nevada or not.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
Here is a question: Some alternative views on cancer say that cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. Some say cancer cannot grow in an oxygenated environment. My question is: if an acidic biological terrain is more
oxygenated (Bohrs law), then it would seem the two theories are at odds with one another. Perhaps someone here could elaborate on this question.
Perhaps I am looking at two completely different environments.
Originally posted by wyndbag View PostHere is a question: Some alternative views on cancer say that cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. Some say cancer cannot grow in an oxygenated environment. My question is: if an acidic biological terrain is more
oxygenated (Bohrs law), then it would seem the two theories are at odds with one another. Perhaps someone here could elaborate on this question.
Perhaps I am looking at two completely different environments.
It's the first time I've read that.
Usually alkaline is more oxygen rich because alkaline creates an electronic environment that attracts oxygen. Acidic, as a lot of us understand, not.
I met a man that is a "free" energy inventor and also make a disease curing machine. It's awesome but in Internet you cannot find information about that. And he is known as the Spanish Tesla. The Ford automotive company called him to go to USA to speak with engineers. He built a fuel-less car in the 1960's and the car received the power from Earth's magnetic field.
He also invented a wireless telephone with an awesome coverage of 500 Kilometers!!! (310 miles). A lot of people around the globe have visited him (even from China and Germany). A man wanted to record a film about his life.
Well, so the machine consisted in 4 connections: 2 metallic plates for the feet, 2 copper bracelets for the wrists. Then he connected a machine that draw 500 Volts into your body but you didn't get shocked!
He was able to light a 100 Watts light bulb while you was connected to the machine.
He claimed that the machine's radiation cleaned the blood. I connected myself to the machine for 20 minutes and I felt great. No side-effects.
He based his machine in Lakhovsky. He let me like a small book he made explaining how the machine worked. I couldn't read the entire book, but I saw some pages.Last edited by AetherScientist; 04-29-2012, 07:24 PM.
Originally posted by wyndbag View PostHere is a question: Some alternative views on cancer say that cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. Some say cancer cannot grow in an oxygenated environment. My question is: if an acidic biological terrain is more
oxygenated (Bohrs law), then it would seem the two theories are at odds with one another. Perhaps someone here could elaborate on this question.
Perhaps I am looking at two completely different environments.
Cancer cells ferment sugar for fuel since they are anaerobic cells - hence the lack of oxygen where cancer cells are.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
Originally posted by ewizard View PostInteresting article. I am familiar with Sutter General Hospital. There is evidence that certain toxins in the body lend a person more susceptible to getting cancer once exposed to such fungus. One big one is isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol. It's not only in rubbing alcohol but many cosmetics and lotions.
Ash do you have info on MMS (Jim Humble) on Panacea? It is one of the more powerful and inexpensive cures I have seen. It's one I think would be very beneficial for everyone to be aware of.. You have a few factors that trigger cancer, even doctors are now admitting the inflammatory response from "toxic relationships" can lead to cancer and other chronic disease, if you combine the proceed food, enviro toxins/products and STRESS, than you have a perfect environment for this disease to begin.
After a lot of research and feedback from volunteers it shows beyond any doubt that the best non toxic treatment and preventative treatment is a plant based whole food diet with juicing and detox, as it simply re balances the immune system,(the best doctor/medicine) which is why the Gerosn therapy have a list of 52 so called "chronic" disease knocked out by their method(not just cancer).
Thats also why In the Documentary "reversing the irreversible" (Full Doc http://vimeo.com/18267272) you have Acid Reflux, Allergies, Anemia, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, Eczema, Fibromyalgia, Heart Disease. Hormone Imbalances, Improved Skin Heath, Injuries, ITP, Mental Clarity, Moles/Warts, MS, Osteoporosis, Psoriasis, Rheumatios, Seizures, Sinus Problems, Weak Bones, Weight Loss.knocked out by the raw food diet.
These true, documented healing testimonials come from people all across the world who have opened their eyes to the truth that the "drugs and surgery" medical industry refuses to acknowledge. They have lifted the veil of pharmaceutical delusion and come to discover that your body wants to heal itself. All it needs is the right ingredients, not patented synthetic chemicals.
Cheap and prevents MANY OTHER DISEASE too. Limit your exposure to the EMF's dont use toxic products(shampoo, deodorant etc), have a 3 day (at least) exercise regime with breathing stretching (like Yoga etc) and you have the cheapest most powerful disease preventative regime.
The spokes person for Nike cured her inoperable brain tumor with Yoga, you can verify that yourselves, Then, in 1983, she was diagnosed with a terminal, inoperable brain tumor. Determined to get well, she incorporated yoga into her treatment plan and recovery. More than twenty years and countless marathons and triathlons later, Kimberly is still cancer free, and credits her yoga practice with helping her develop both the inner and physical strength she needed to save her life.
Kimberly Fowler, Creator of Yoga for Athletes, Signs with Nike | Yoga
The power of the mind to over come Stress is a powerful tool, but humanity needs to go back to a mostly 70-80% plant based ORGANIC RAW diet in order to TREAT AND PREVENT chronic disease (not just cancer)
Recently we have been creating an open source plant based whole food and raw/organic food video resource for all, will take a few months to finish, Here is an overview of the menus, surprise others there have cured disease , yes i said CURE.Organic Raw Food Nutrition
In the new Chanel and video of ours coming up you will see such examples where the plant based whole food diet has reversed chronic disease
Here is a BRIEF list of "terminal disease" and "terminal cancer" being cured CHEAP with plant based whole foods, juicing and Detox
Holistic Voice | Allison Biggar
HUNGRY FOR CHANGE ® | Hungry For Change Home
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead | a Joe Cross Film
May I Be Frank? Stunning new film documents the food-powered life transformation of a 54-year-old Brooklyn man
Raw food is still the cheapest and most powerful. I can tell you MUCH MORE DOCS.If you look at the Gerson therapy records, you have most of Big Pharma gone.Here is a list of their conditions (not just cancer)
1) Acne 2) Addictions 3) AIDS 4) Allergies 5) Anemias
6) Ankylosing Spondylitis 7) Arthritis 8) Asthma 9) Cancer
10) Candidiasis 11) Chemical sensitivities 12) Chronic Fatigue
13) Constipation 14) Crohns disease 15) Cushings Syndrome
16) Depression/Panic attacks 17) Diabetes 18) Emphysema
19) Endometriosis 20) Epilepsy 21) Fibromyalgia 22) Fibroids
23) Genital Herpes 24) Gout 25) Heart and Artery diseases
26) Hemorrhoids 27) Hepatitis 28) High Blood Pressure
29) Hyperactivity 30) Hypoglycemia/Hyperglycemia 31) Infertility
32) Intestinal Parasites 33) Kidney Disease 34) Liver Cirrhosis
35) Lyme Disease 36) Lupus Erythematosus 37) Migraines
38) Macular Degeneration 39) Mononucleosis 40) Multiple Sclerosis
41) Obesity 42) Ocular Histoplasmosis 43) Osteomyelitis
44) Osteoporosis 45) Phlebitis(Varicose Veins) 46) Psoriasis
47) Premenstrual Syndrome 48) Shingles 49) Stroke 50) Tuberculosis
51) Ulcerative Colitis
Lets ask Prince Charles
“I know of one patient who turned to the Gerson Therapy having been told that she was suffering from terminal cancer and would not survive another course of chemotherapy. Happily, seven years later she is alive and well. So therefore it is vital that, rather than dismissing such experiences, we should further investigate the beneficial nature of these treatments.” Prince Charles of Wales (2004)
There are cheap and powerful dietary changes that can be made even for you now to prevent cancer, a maintenance dose of the Budwig diet(Alternative Cancer Treatments) is one making the absorption of the Omega oils and is effective (you can use Kifer or Quark if lactose intolerable) .
Paprika is second ranked to Turmeric BTW in chemopreventaive substances.
Turmeric dishes in a raw salad for example,
Raw Food Recipe: Turmeric Pumpkin Seed Salad —Raw Food Rawmazing Raw Food
now add some of the apricot kernals in there (as a preventative example). Have at least 75-80% raw and juice at least 3 times a week. Try a lemon juice in water before breakfast, Have some pro-biotics in fermented dishes and herbal teas in your weekly diet simple. BTW Clinton ate the apple seeds/core i think its in his book some where.
Here is the bottom line any how
All the elements the macrobiotic diet(cancer treatment diet) , metabolic diet (B17 one), Gerosn, raw food, Budwig ETC all have one thing i common and what is that?
WHAT THEY DONT EAT.WHAT THEY LEAVE OUT OF THEIR DIET, start doing that today, Get rid of the junk food cravings to transition
1 small Jerusalem artichoke, scrubbed well
3-4 carrots, scrubbed well, tops removed, ends trimmed
1/2 small beet, scrubbed well
Pour into a glass and drink as soon as possible. Jerusalem artichoke juice combined with carrot and beet is a traditional remedy for satisfying cravings for sweets and junk food. They key is to sip it slowly when you get a craving for high-fat or high-carb foods.
so when we say CURE, we would say what you do for preventative measures
There is nothing more universal and cheaper than going to your produce Section,
eating raw, seeds, nuts and organic meat (10% meat) if you have 70-80 percent raw, watch what happens to your energy levels and doctor bills.
This is a whole new world of healing truth that "the establishment" absolutely does not want you to know about because it sets you free. It releases you from being a slave to the medical system.
you dont need any supplements, or any other expensive junk for your body to get to this stage of more energy and disease treatment prevention. Try this FIRST before drugs, surgery and Chemo, they are LAST resorts
I would say Cancer needs a holistic treatment.
Will have more to add when i get time
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 04-30-2012, 02:03 AM.
Great advice Ash, eat raw ! to be healthy !
And vegetarian, because the killing of animals is a burden for your unconscious mind, it knows that killing isn't necessary.
To the contrary, meat is the carrier of illness.
I myself eat only vegetables and nuts
Around 1000 kcal per day, and I am over 6 foot tall.
But the less I eat, the more RAW I eat my vegan diet, the stronger and lighter I feel !!! Amazing indeed !!
Here is an example of what I can do know, that I couldn't when I was eating 3000 Kcal a day :
I take my bicycle around noon, no breakfast no lunch, and drive to the beach for some swimming. Round trip 75 kms (46miles), in less than 3 hours, swimming included !!!
And I don't take lunch, I eat only at evening, a plate of vegetables. (I must mention that here, near the equator, the sun is close by and hot 35C, 95F, and humidity at 80%)
AND I have no muscle aches as I used to have when I was young and not vegan. The meat and all sort of other food are TOXIC to the body, and it's a hell for the body to eliminate it !!!
Eat raw vegan, and your life will become light and easy !!
By the way we still need free electricity for the undeveloped places !
I forgot to mention that the mind is your first TOXIC product !!
Since I practice several hours of meditation per day (self-inquiry, see http://www.wearesentience.com/), my mind is much quieter, and my life much happier.
When I practice sport, I bring my attention to the navel center, staying put there, the mind is quiet, and the body works out without getting much tired.
The chatting of the mind, when you are used to be concerned by it, makes you tired and stressed, and finally ill.
SO, relax first !
Thanks for reading
If I remember right, oxygen release is triggered by elevated acidity: the Bohr effect. Not N. Bohr, the quantum guy but Christian Bohr his daddy.
Its quite hard to make changes in the local pH because the blood stays between 7.35 and 7.45 slightly alkaline. Any change from that range is not conducive to life.
Cancer cells seem to be sugar hogs and do seem to exploit the anaerobic pathways that Warburg discovered. One thing some German clinicians have tried is putting cancer patients on the Atkins diet because it restricts sugar.
I think there is something to be said for alkalizing the body, but if you are sick enough to have cancer you are going to have to hurry the process up.
One thing I investigated for alkalizing the body was urea suppositories. Urea is cheap and natural. It readily breaks down into ammonia which is about as alkaline as you can get. The body has multi back up systems for dealing with higher ammonia levels. If your pee smells like ammonia then its not a good idea to use something like a urea suppository cause you are already sick. A urea suppository is a gentle way of raising the alkalinity of the system. Or for the harder core explorer, there is drinking urine. Urine is usually acidic but the urea get cracked back into ammonia pretty easily in the gut.
misc cancer
There is enough information to know that cancer can be and is caused by numerous issues.
If cells are deprived of oxygen, they will turn cancerous.
Some viruses cause cancer - look at HPV.
Toxins can cause cancer such as food colorings, environmental toxins, etc...
We supposedly all have cancerous cells on a daily basis but our bodies are normally able to defeat this.
I think one thing we can all agree on is that cancer is not caused by a deficiency of radiation, chemotherapy or surgery.
Many modalities and understandings are of course related but the connections are usually not made so there are dozens of modalities, etc... and most cross each other's paths. But if most is understood holistically, only a small handful of modalities can cover just about everything.
Even thought that is the case in my own opinion and from my personal experience working with medical doctors, etc... hands on with many cancer patients, it is important to always put their needs and wants first so that their dignity is preserved. Not all of them want to change their entire lifestyle or have different modalities or diets shoved down their throats.
It is irrelevant what works - what do they need or want and how can we make them the most comfortable while supporting their wishes?
Anyway, I think that is important to always keep in perspective without making grandiose claims about how many things any particular thing can "cure." I can show an equal amount if not more with ascorbic acid drips or red light therapy alone.
If we look at the Budwig protocol, we know it is nothing more than an extension of Warburg's work. The fatty acids, which are extremely important, demonstrate success with her protocol because of the connection to respiratory pathways - oxygen. But obviously oxygen isn't the end all be all connection to cancer.
A while back, I worked with a medical doctor (one of the original pioneers in orthomolecular medicine) and an inventor/qigong master who were both friends of Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron. Looking into the voluminous research into ascorbic acid, cholesterol, etc... shows that eliminating meat from a diet is practically irrelevant and is more of a personal preference. This is a fact when looking at the data.
There are many myths associated with cancer and diet as there is with diet and cholesterol. The same goes with cholesterol and heart attacks - where over 55% of people that die from heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels! These days, the bogus cholesterol theories are starting to move aside in favor of oxidative stress theories, which show that it is an electrical imbalance, at the foundation.
Anyway, looking at the Pauling and Cameron info, we know that cancer cells release hyaluronidase, which of course dissolves hyaluronic acid, which is the like the mortar between bricks and the bricks of course is collagen. So, this is the method that cancer cells use to weaken connective tissue and start spreading. So when people get IV drips of ascorbic acid, there is plenty of material to build strong collagen and use the hyaluronic acid to build strong tissue again. This can cause the tissue to "encapsulate" the cancer and suppress its growth.
The RDA (recommended daily allowance) of Vitamin C in the USA was 60mg daily. That is a pathetically low dose. That is the bare minimum needed to prevent scurvy but that is it. That isn't enough to actually give anyone good health. So is cancer caused by an ascorbic acid deficiency? Cells have to turn cancerous first before the weak connective tissues are able to be dissolved by the cancer. But, how much of a role does Vitamin C play in preventing cells from turning cancerous to begin with?
The questions can go on forever. Bottom line is that there is no one single cause or cure for cancer.
I want to mention Alivizatos' work but don't have time. My mentor brought back copies of his patents, etc... almost 10 years ago and I open sourced them for the first time publicly quite a while back. Over 90% cure rate and it does tie into ascorbic acid, but also niacin and d-ribose. I see one clinic even trademarked his name! What a shame. Anyway...Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
raw food "cheaper"
Originally posted by ashtweth View PostI am not a cash cow for treatments, ASEA, or any thing else going, watch me show you i am not if any one challenges me on thisOriginally posted by ashtweth View PostCheap and prevents MANY OTHER DISEASE too.
Here is a BRIEF list of "terminal disease" and "terminal cancer" being cured CHEAP with plant based whole foods, juicing and Detox
Raw food is still the cheapest and most powerful.
There are cheap and powerful dietary changes that can be made even for you now to prevent cancer, a maintenance dose of the Budwig diet(Alternative Cancer Treatments) is one making the absorption of the Omega oils and is effective (you can use Kifer or Quark if lactose intolerable) .
you dont need any supplements, or any other expensive junk for your body to get to this stage of more energy and disease treatment prevention. Try this FIRST before drugs, surgery and Chemo, they are LAST resortsOriginally posted by ashtweth View PostRaw food is still the cheapest and most powerful. I can tell you MUCH MORE DOCS.If you look at the Gerson therapy records, you have most of Big Pharma gone.Here is a list of their conditions (not just cancer)
You have got to be kidding.
First of all, you can't even support or promote you own beliefs without disrespecting something else that you aren't even qualified to comment on.
Second of all, continuing to claim the Gerson therapy is cheaper, more effective, etc... than anything else is a joke. Gerson himself claimed 74% cure rate and there are modalities that have a higher rate!
And cheaper than $143 per month for different supplements? not a cash cow? lol And by the way, SUPPLEMENTS are part of the Gerson therapy! You are completely misrepresenting what the Gerson therapy is about.
17-20 pounds of food a day? The average person eats about 6.5 pounds of food daily. And you want people to give themselves 5 coffee enemas a day simply to increase glutathione enzymes? There are EASIER and LESS EXPENSIVE ways to do that without having to do 5 coffee enemas a day!!! I'm only saying this because you have the audacity to insult supplements that work (while the Gerson therapy uses $333 in supplements per month) and you have the audacity to continue to claim that raw foods are CHEAP!
If I didn't know better, I'd say you have never been to a grocery store in your life. Do you actually have any idea what it costs to buy raw food? Especially, raw organic food? If you say a raw food diet (according to the Gerson therapy) is cheaper, which is 13 juicings a day (not including the 5 coffee enemas a day), then you are completely blowing smoke.
So, someone has cancer and you want them to spend $1300 a month just on the therapy (after the cost of a juicer, etc...) while griping about something that could cost under $200 and they don't have to change their lifestyle?
This is from the Gerson Institute itself:
Rev. 6/2011
Cost Estimate on Gerson Therapy
This document is designed to estimate the cost for a patient on the full Gerson Therapy protocol.
This protocol is outlined on pages 196‐197 of Healing the Gerson Way. The price estimate for the produce for one month is a calculation based on 17‐20 pounds of food a day.
Supplement1 dosages will be adjusted depending upon response to the therapy, and such changes may increase or decrease the cost over time.
On page 15 in the Gerson Therapy Handbook, there is a grocery list for a week. It is recommended to make a copy of page 15, and write on each line the cost per pound of produce, in order to find your cost estimate.
2‐week clinic stay: $11,000 (travel expenses not included)
o Norwalk Juicer ‐ $2400 new
o Champion and Hydraulic Press ‐ $600
o Juice cloths (4 pack) ‐ $15 or refer to the Products & Resources List for cloth
fabric at $20/yard (fabric lasts 3‐4 months)
Organic produce for one month – (full protocol 600 lbs) $750‐1200
Organic Coffee ‐ (5 lbs) ‐ $38.50 + shipping (from Café Mam)
Clay ‐ $11/lb
Castor Oil ‐ $15/pint
Distiller ‐ $500 or RO Unit ‐ $300
Chamomile Tea ‐ $18/lb.
Peppermint Tea ‐ $15/lb. 1 Approximate Cost of Supplements for 3 Months – Est. $1000
(We recommend purchasing a second refrigerator due to the large amounts of produce Gerson
patients need to consume and store)
So, the bottom line is:
Organic produce for one month – (full protocol 600 lbs) $750‐1200
That is $975 per month average for produce estimated from the Gerson Institute itself.
Plus $333 per month for SUPPLEMENTS - there goes your 100% diet theory as the Gerson therapy is full of supplements and not just diet.
Don't give people false hopes to get the results of the Gerson therapy protocol without actually doing the full protocol! That is abusing people.
$975 + $333 = $1308.
Ash, I don't know what you mean by not being a cash cow or that the Gerson Therapy is the cheapest way to go but $1308 for one person for the Gerson Therapy - and that doesn't even include the juicer and other things that brings the average cost up, but $1308 is more than some people make in a month. How are they going to pay their rent, utilities, insurance, etc...?
At $2500 per month income for someone, it would take more than half of someone's income to stick to the Gerson's therapy. PLUS, all the time it takes for 13 juicings per day in addition to 5 coffee enemas.
If someone has a mortgage and kids, you're basically taking away their ability to function as a human being to their family.
I never knocked the Gerson Therapy's effectiveness, but when you start claiming that everything else is inferior to the Gerson therapy and especially when you start claiming that the Gerson therapy is cheaper than a supplement that is less than $150 per month in addition to what people already do, $1308 per month is completely outrageous!
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove but this is ridiculous.
I'm all for a good diet but stop abusing people by making people think they are going to save money by doing the Gerson therapy when in fact someone has to have a very above average income to go this route in addition to the fact that the time it takes - make it impossible for anyone to use this method if they actually have a job or kids.
So essentially, what you are promoting as the CHEAPEST (in your own words) way to go is in fact the most time consuming and most expensive! That is a serious example of double talk if I ever saw one.
People that need it can do perfectly well by remove garbage from their diet and increasing their raw food intake without bankrupting themselves. And this is with a moderate diet change while adding some supplements. That lets people persevere their dignity, while continuing to have a life, care for their kids, etc...
Don't get me wrong - I'm all for the Gerson Therapy and have promoted its dietary methods for a long time but to have people believe this is some cheap way to go is a slap in their face - please have the decency to not manipulate people in this way.
And OPEN SOURCE raw food diets???? Go search Google! As far as I have known, raw food diets have been open sourced for hundreds or thousands of years before the internet came around! lol
And if you're going to quote what the Gerson Therapy did for people - at least have the courtesy to admit what they actually did to get those results - the FULL Gerson therapy!!! 13 juicings a day, 5 coffee enemas a day, supplements, etc... Don't abuse people by misleading them into thinking that all they have to do is get on some raw food juicing diet! Have respect for their dignity - you are playing with people's lives!Last edited by Aaron; 04-30-2012, 08:34 PM.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
Originally posted by Jules Tresor View PostMe, I take my raw food from the vegetarian restaurants, I have 6 of them in town. I pay from 2 to 4 USD per meal per person, drink includedSincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io