Athletes improved, cancer and many other diseases knocked out. Look at the 40+ LIST of ALL THESE conditions, show me some thing that has done this Seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables.. SURPRISE! They needed no "wonder "supplement or any other external input.
In a few parts...Behavioral differences were also documented. Cooked fooders were more irritable. A role reversal occurred, with male cats becoming
submissive and females becoming more aggressive.Furthermore, it was found that by returning kittens to the optimal diet of raw food, a gradual regeneration could occur. Yet from the secondgeneration
deficient cats, it took three generations of kittens to get a litter that returned to the optimal health of the original cats! In the second
generation of cats returned to raw food, deformities and allergies were still present due to their parents’ having eaten cooked food! It was only their
kittens that could achieve optimal health.
Pottenger made the following comments: “Man is rarely restricted in his dietary to a totally cooked food ration. It must be remembered that
these cats do receive raw milk of market grade and that this is not sufficient to overcome the effects of cooked meat. Man seems to be more like a
rat, having greater vitality than the cat, and he can apparently respond to deficient conditions in a better manner. The changes found in cats are
nevertheless comparable to many of those that we see in human beings. Moreover, anthropologists today tell us that civilized man is physically
steadily on the downgrade. May not the heat processing to which we are subjecting a great portion of our foods be a factor in this downward
trend?”He went on to remark that his colleague, Dr. Weston Price, dramatically documented the same downhill spiral of civilized man in his book
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects. Although humans, rats and hogs are the
most versatile mammal species on the planet, they still suffer when eating cooked food, as has been borne out by many experiments.
There was even an experiment within this experiment. At some point, various types of milk were tested: raw, pasteurized, evaporated and
sweetened condensed milk. Plants that sprang up in the various pens were observed. Those that had been fertilized with the urine and feces of the
cats fed raw food were vigorous and healthy. Plants fertilized with the excreta of the cats fed pasteurized milk were less healthy. The growth was
very poor with evaporated milk, and almost no growth occurred with the sweetened condensed milk. The implications of using fertilizer from
cooked-food animal excrement are staggering!
This criticism of Pottenger’s conclusions was found in the Wikipedia online encyclopedia: “Pottenger’s study was conducted in a time
before the nutritional needs of cats were understood—especially the role of taurine in the diet. Since cats cannot synthesize adequate amounts of
taurine, they must get taurine from food. Heat renders taurine inactive; cooked food without taurine supplements can cause health problems in
While this appears rational at first glance, has anyone actually tried feeding a cat a diet of cooked food with taurine supplements? If not, how
can anyone suggest that just adding taurine would compensate for all of the deficiencies of cooked food? The implication is simply untrue that cats
need only taurine for optimal health and not all the other nutrients degraded by heat.
This presumed refutation continues, “However, this finding does not apply to humans since humans, like most other animals, synthesize their
own taurine.” What about all the other nutrients needed by humans that are destroyed by fire (see Chapter 9), many which have yet to be
discovered?For more complete information on this experiment, read the landmark publication Pottenger’s Cats: A Study in Nutrition.
6. Dr. Edward Howell’s Enzyme Research
Dr. Edward Howell spent a lifetime researching enzyme biochemistry. He pored over hundreds of published scientific studies on enzymes
and reached some startling conclusions. He found that the concentration of the starch-splitting enzyme ptyalin in the saliva of young adults was 30
times stronger than that of people 69 years of age and older. In the older group, the digestive enzymes pepsin and trypsin were decreased to ¼ the
strength of these same enzymes in the younger group.
He found that enzyme activity for all metabolic processes, digestive and otherwise, weakens in old age because people have been on
enzyme-deficient, cooked diets throughout their lives. He concluded that the fatigue people suffer starting in their 30s and 40s is due to exhaustion
of their enzyme-generating potential, which is depleted due to unnatural needs of the body for digestive juices. These unnatural needs are due to
the likewise unnatural habit of cooking the enzymes to death. Destroying the enzymes in the food supply causes early aging. Howell declared that
“what we now call ‘old age’ could become the glorious prime of life” if we take in enzyme reinforcements (raw foods).
Some of the studies reviewed by Dr. Howell also compared organ weights in humans versus animals. A cooked diet was associated with
enlarged pancreases due to overwork. In addition, the brains of rats fed a cooked diet actually shrank! Their other organs became swollen and
7. Calves Die on Pasteurized Milk!
The British Medical Journal published a study entitled “The effect of heat treatment on the nutritive value of milk for the young calf: the effect
of ultra-high temperature treatment and of pasteurization” (Vol. 14, Issue 10, 1960).
Calves were fed their mothers’ milk after it had been pasteurized. The calves died before maturity in nine out of ten cases, proving the
harmful effects of cooked milk, even for creatures designed to drink cow’s milk.
8. The Prisoner of War Diet Is Better Raw
Prisoners of war in Japan during WW II were fed a scanty diet of brown rice, vegetables and fruit, totaling only 729–826 calories per 154
pounds of body weight. In 1950, Dr. Masanore Kuratsune, head of the Medical Department of the University of Kyushu in Japan, thought that this
diet might be a remarkable way to validate previous studies comparing raw and cooked food. He and his wife decided to be the guinea pigs. Both
followed the raw version of the same diet for three periods: 120 days in winter, 32 days in summer and 81 days in spring. Mrs. Kuratsune was
breastfeeding a baby during this time. Both continued to do their usual work. Remarkably, they both continued to enjoy good health. Mrs. Kuratsune
even found that breastfeeding was less of a strain than before eating this raw diet.
Next, they both switched to the same prisoner diet in cooked form. They became as hungry and diseased as the prisoners of war. They
quickly came down with edema, vitamin deficiencies and collapse. It became so bad that they were forced to stop the experiment.
This informal empirical study was recounted in a 1967 monograph written by Dr. Ralph Bircher-Benner of Zurich entitled Dr. Bircher-
Benner’s Way to Positive Health and Vitality, 1867–1967.
9. Lewis Cook’s and Junko Yasui’s Rats
Described in their book Goldot, Cook and Yasui studied three groups of rats. The first group was fed a raw diet from birth. They suffered no
diseases, remained very healthy and full of energy, and were never fat. They mated with enthusiasm, producing healthy offspring. These rats were
gentle, playful and affectionate, living in perfect harmony with each other.
They were killed and their bodies examined when they reached the equivalent of 80 human years. The rats were found to be in perfect
health, with no sign of aging, degeneration or disease.
The second group of rats was fed from birth a diet consisting of cooked food: bread, milk, salt, junk food, soft drinks, candies, vitamins and
medications—in other words, the SAD. They grew fat. They developed the same degenerative conditions that humans do on such a diet: heart
disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, colds, bouts of the flu and so on.
Their behavior was also affected. They became nervous, mean, self-destructive and violent toward each other. They even had to be kept
apart to prevent them from killing each other. Their offspring were the same. Many died prematurely.
Autopsies showed great degeneration throughout their organs. All of the organs, glands, tissues, skin, hair, blood and nervous systems
were negatively affected by the diet.The third group was fed the SAD too and also exhibited poor health. They were just as mean and vicious as the second group and had to be
kept separated. But when they reached middle age, the equivalent of 40 human years, they were fasted strictly on water. Then they were given the
raw, healthful diet of the first group of rats. This was alternated with periodic fasting in order to gradually detoxify the residual toxins remaining from
the SAD.They gradually became as healthy, playful and affectionate with each other as the rats in the first group. They could co-exist in harmony and
displayed no illnesses.Upon reaching the same age as the SAD-fed rats, they were put to death and autopsied. They were shown to be just as healthy as the
group that was raw from birth.The implications of this are astounding! First, living organisms fed a raw diet and periodically fasted experience age reversal and
regeneration. Second, although we have polluted our bodies, we can reverse much of the destruction with raw food diets. Third, living organisms
can experience a speeding up of the detoxification process when a period of complete physiological rest is provided while fasting on water.
The authors state, “The same principles apply to human life as there is only one truth! Thus it may be concluded that sick people may be
restored to health simply by choosing the proper diet, fasting and observing the other rules of health. There is no mystery. There is no external force
that will help—all healing being accomplished within the body by the body in accordance with the laws of organic life and health.”
10. Stamina, Blood Pressure and Balance Improved on Fruitarian Diet
Inspired by a 45-year-old woman he met who was in excellent health “despite” having eaten a fruitarian diet for 12 years, Professor B. J.
Meyer of the University of Pretoria in South Africa performed an experiment. He fed a control group of 50 people fruits (mostly raw, though some
canned or stewed) and nuts alone for six months.They became sickness-free, with greatly improved health and weight. Many claimed that their stamina increased, along with their ability to
undertake serious physical tasks and compete in sports. The pH of their urine changed from acid to alkaline. The four subjects who were originally
hypertensive had decreased blood pressures.
The February 20, 1971 issue of the South African Medical Journal published the results in an article called “Some physiological effects of a
mainly fruit diet in man” (Vol. 45, Issue 8, pp. 191–195, PubMed ID 4928686).
11. Lipid Profiles and Glucose Tolerances Improved on Fruitarian Diet
In the March 6, 1971 issue of the South African Medical Journal, Professor B. J. Meyer published an article, “Some biochemical effects of
a mainly fruit diet in man.” The effect of the nut-supplemented fruit diet on glucose tolerance, secretions, plasma proteins and plasma lipids was
investigated. It was found to be not merely adequate with respect to those measures, but even commendable.
In a few parts...Behavioral differences were also documented. Cooked fooders were more irritable. A role reversal occurred, with male cats becoming
submissive and females becoming more aggressive.Furthermore, it was found that by returning kittens to the optimal diet of raw food, a gradual regeneration could occur. Yet from the secondgeneration
deficient cats, it took three generations of kittens to get a litter that returned to the optimal health of the original cats! In the second
generation of cats returned to raw food, deformities and allergies were still present due to their parents’ having eaten cooked food! It was only their
kittens that could achieve optimal health.
Pottenger made the following comments: “Man is rarely restricted in his dietary to a totally cooked food ration. It must be remembered that
these cats do receive raw milk of market grade and that this is not sufficient to overcome the effects of cooked meat. Man seems to be more like a
rat, having greater vitality than the cat, and he can apparently respond to deficient conditions in a better manner. The changes found in cats are
nevertheless comparable to many of those that we see in human beings. Moreover, anthropologists today tell us that civilized man is physically
steadily on the downgrade. May not the heat processing to which we are subjecting a great portion of our foods be a factor in this downward
trend?”He went on to remark that his colleague, Dr. Weston Price, dramatically documented the same downhill spiral of civilized man in his book
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects. Although humans, rats and hogs are the
most versatile mammal species on the planet, they still suffer when eating cooked food, as has been borne out by many experiments.
There was even an experiment within this experiment. At some point, various types of milk were tested: raw, pasteurized, evaporated and
sweetened condensed milk. Plants that sprang up in the various pens were observed. Those that had been fertilized with the urine and feces of the
cats fed raw food were vigorous and healthy. Plants fertilized with the excreta of the cats fed pasteurized milk were less healthy. The growth was
very poor with evaporated milk, and almost no growth occurred with the sweetened condensed milk. The implications of using fertilizer from
cooked-food animal excrement are staggering!
This criticism of Pottenger’s conclusions was found in the Wikipedia online encyclopedia: “Pottenger’s study was conducted in a time
before the nutritional needs of cats were understood—especially the role of taurine in the diet. Since cats cannot synthesize adequate amounts of
taurine, they must get taurine from food. Heat renders taurine inactive; cooked food without taurine supplements can cause health problems in
While this appears rational at first glance, has anyone actually tried feeding a cat a diet of cooked food with taurine supplements? If not, how
can anyone suggest that just adding taurine would compensate for all of the deficiencies of cooked food? The implication is simply untrue that cats
need only taurine for optimal health and not all the other nutrients degraded by heat.
This presumed refutation continues, “However, this finding does not apply to humans since humans, like most other animals, synthesize their
own taurine.” What about all the other nutrients needed by humans that are destroyed by fire (see Chapter 9), many which have yet to be
discovered?For more complete information on this experiment, read the landmark publication Pottenger’s Cats: A Study in Nutrition.
6. Dr. Edward Howell’s Enzyme Research
Dr. Edward Howell spent a lifetime researching enzyme biochemistry. He pored over hundreds of published scientific studies on enzymes
and reached some startling conclusions. He found that the concentration of the starch-splitting enzyme ptyalin in the saliva of young adults was 30
times stronger than that of people 69 years of age and older. In the older group, the digestive enzymes pepsin and trypsin were decreased to ¼ the
strength of these same enzymes in the younger group.
He found that enzyme activity for all metabolic processes, digestive and otherwise, weakens in old age because people have been on
enzyme-deficient, cooked diets throughout their lives. He concluded that the fatigue people suffer starting in their 30s and 40s is due to exhaustion
of their enzyme-generating potential, which is depleted due to unnatural needs of the body for digestive juices. These unnatural needs are due to
the likewise unnatural habit of cooking the enzymes to death. Destroying the enzymes in the food supply causes early aging. Howell declared that
“what we now call ‘old age’ could become the glorious prime of life” if we take in enzyme reinforcements (raw foods).
Some of the studies reviewed by Dr. Howell also compared organ weights in humans versus animals. A cooked diet was associated with
enlarged pancreases due to overwork. In addition, the brains of rats fed a cooked diet actually shrank! Their other organs became swollen and
7. Calves Die on Pasteurized Milk!
The British Medical Journal published a study entitled “The effect of heat treatment on the nutritive value of milk for the young calf: the effect
of ultra-high temperature treatment and of pasteurization” (Vol. 14, Issue 10, 1960).
Calves were fed their mothers’ milk after it had been pasteurized. The calves died before maturity in nine out of ten cases, proving the
harmful effects of cooked milk, even for creatures designed to drink cow’s milk.
8. The Prisoner of War Diet Is Better Raw
Prisoners of war in Japan during WW II were fed a scanty diet of brown rice, vegetables and fruit, totaling only 729–826 calories per 154
pounds of body weight. In 1950, Dr. Masanore Kuratsune, head of the Medical Department of the University of Kyushu in Japan, thought that this
diet might be a remarkable way to validate previous studies comparing raw and cooked food. He and his wife decided to be the guinea pigs. Both
followed the raw version of the same diet for three periods: 120 days in winter, 32 days in summer and 81 days in spring. Mrs. Kuratsune was
breastfeeding a baby during this time. Both continued to do their usual work. Remarkably, they both continued to enjoy good health. Mrs. Kuratsune
even found that breastfeeding was less of a strain than before eating this raw diet.
Next, they both switched to the same prisoner diet in cooked form. They became as hungry and diseased as the prisoners of war. They
quickly came down with edema, vitamin deficiencies and collapse. It became so bad that they were forced to stop the experiment.
This informal empirical study was recounted in a 1967 monograph written by Dr. Ralph Bircher-Benner of Zurich entitled Dr. Bircher-
Benner’s Way to Positive Health and Vitality, 1867–1967.
9. Lewis Cook’s and Junko Yasui’s Rats
Described in their book Goldot, Cook and Yasui studied three groups of rats. The first group was fed a raw diet from birth. They suffered no
diseases, remained very healthy and full of energy, and were never fat. They mated with enthusiasm, producing healthy offspring. These rats were
gentle, playful and affectionate, living in perfect harmony with each other.
They were killed and their bodies examined when they reached the equivalent of 80 human years. The rats were found to be in perfect
health, with no sign of aging, degeneration or disease.
The second group of rats was fed from birth a diet consisting of cooked food: bread, milk, salt, junk food, soft drinks, candies, vitamins and
medications—in other words, the SAD. They grew fat. They developed the same degenerative conditions that humans do on such a diet: heart
disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, colds, bouts of the flu and so on.
Their behavior was also affected. They became nervous, mean, self-destructive and violent toward each other. They even had to be kept
apart to prevent them from killing each other. Their offspring were the same. Many died prematurely.
Autopsies showed great degeneration throughout their organs. All of the organs, glands, tissues, skin, hair, blood and nervous systems
were negatively affected by the diet.The third group was fed the SAD too and also exhibited poor health. They were just as mean and vicious as the second group and had to be
kept separated. But when they reached middle age, the equivalent of 40 human years, they were fasted strictly on water. Then they were given the
raw, healthful diet of the first group of rats. This was alternated with periodic fasting in order to gradually detoxify the residual toxins remaining from
the SAD.They gradually became as healthy, playful and affectionate with each other as the rats in the first group. They could co-exist in harmony and
displayed no illnesses.Upon reaching the same age as the SAD-fed rats, they were put to death and autopsied. They were shown to be just as healthy as the
group that was raw from birth.The implications of this are astounding! First, living organisms fed a raw diet and periodically fasted experience age reversal and
regeneration. Second, although we have polluted our bodies, we can reverse much of the destruction with raw food diets. Third, living organisms
can experience a speeding up of the detoxification process when a period of complete physiological rest is provided while fasting on water.
The authors state, “The same principles apply to human life as there is only one truth! Thus it may be concluded that sick people may be
restored to health simply by choosing the proper diet, fasting and observing the other rules of health. There is no mystery. There is no external force
that will help—all healing being accomplished within the body by the body in accordance with the laws of organic life and health.”
10. Stamina, Blood Pressure and Balance Improved on Fruitarian Diet
Inspired by a 45-year-old woman he met who was in excellent health “despite” having eaten a fruitarian diet for 12 years, Professor B. J.
Meyer of the University of Pretoria in South Africa performed an experiment. He fed a control group of 50 people fruits (mostly raw, though some
canned or stewed) and nuts alone for six months.They became sickness-free, with greatly improved health and weight. Many claimed that their stamina increased, along with their ability to
undertake serious physical tasks and compete in sports. The pH of their urine changed from acid to alkaline. The four subjects who were originally
hypertensive had decreased blood pressures.
The February 20, 1971 issue of the South African Medical Journal published the results in an article called “Some physiological effects of a
mainly fruit diet in man” (Vol. 45, Issue 8, pp. 191–195, PubMed ID 4928686).
11. Lipid Profiles and Glucose Tolerances Improved on Fruitarian Diet
In the March 6, 1971 issue of the South African Medical Journal, Professor B. J. Meyer published an article, “Some biochemical effects of
a mainly fruit diet in man.” The effect of the nut-supplemented fruit diet on glucose tolerance, secretions, plasma proteins and plasma lipids was
investigated. It was found to be not merely adequate with respect to those measures, but even commendable.