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Pub Med studies on raw food and health!

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  • Pub Med studies on raw food and health!

    Athletes improved, cancer and many other diseases knocked out. Look at the 40+ LIST of ALL THESE conditions, show me some thing that has done this Seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables.. SURPRISE! They needed no "wonder "supplement or any other external input.

    In a few parts...Behavioral differences were also documented. Cooked fooders were more irritable. A role reversal occurred, with male cats becoming
    submissive and females becoming more aggressive.Furthermore, it was found that by returning kittens to the optimal diet of raw food, a gradual regeneration could occur. Yet from the secondgeneration
    deficient cats, it took three generations of kittens to get a litter that returned to the optimal health of the original cats! In the second
    generation of cats returned to raw food, deformities and allergies were still present due to their parents’ having eaten cooked food! It was only their
    kittens that could achieve optimal health.

    Pottenger made the following comments: “Man is rarely restricted in his dietary to a totally cooked food ration. It must be remembered that
    these cats do receive raw milk of market grade and that this is not sufficient to overcome the effects of cooked meat. Man seems to be more like a
    rat, having greater vitality than the cat, and he can apparently respond to deficient conditions in a better manner. The changes found in cats are
    nevertheless comparable to many of those that we see in human beings. Moreover, anthropologists today tell us that civilized man is physically
    steadily on the downgrade. May not the heat processing to which we are subjecting a great portion of our foods be a factor in this downward
    trend?”He went on to remark that his colleague, Dr. Weston Price, dramatically documented the same downhill spiral of civilized man in his book
    Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects. Although humans, rats and hogs are the
    most versatile mammal species on the planet, they still suffer when eating cooked food, as has been borne out by many experiments.
    There was even an experiment within this experiment. At some point, various types of milk were tested: raw, pasteurized, evaporated and
    sweetened condensed milk. Plants that sprang up in the various pens were observed. Those that had been fertilized with the urine and feces of the
    cats fed raw food were vigorous and healthy. Plants fertilized with the excreta of the cats fed pasteurized milk were less healthy. The growth was
    very poor with evaporated milk, and almost no growth occurred with the sweetened condensed milk. The implications of using fertilizer from
    cooked-food animal excrement are staggering!
    This criticism of Pottenger’s conclusions was found in the Wikipedia online encyclopedia: “Pottenger’s study was conducted in a time
    before the nutritional needs of cats were understood—especially the role of taurine in the diet. Since cats cannot synthesize adequate amounts of
    taurine, they must get taurine from food. Heat renders taurine inactive; cooked food without taurine supplements can cause health problems in

    While this appears rational at first glance, has anyone actually tried feeding a cat a diet of cooked food with taurine supplements? If not, how
    can anyone suggest that just adding taurine would compensate for all of the deficiencies of cooked food? The implication is simply untrue that cats
    need only taurine for optimal health and not all the other nutrients degraded by heat.
    This presumed refutation continues, “However, this finding does not apply to humans since humans, like most other animals, synthesize their
    own taurine.” What about all the other nutrients needed by humans that are destroyed by fire (see Chapter 9), many which have yet to be
    discovered?For more complete information on this experiment, read the landmark publication Pottenger’s Cats: A Study in Nutrition.

    6. Dr. Edward Howell’s Enzyme Research
    Dr. Edward Howell spent a lifetime researching enzyme biochemistry. He pored over hundreds of published scientific studies on enzymes
    and reached some startling conclusions. He found that the concentration of the starch-splitting enzyme ptyalin in the saliva of young adults was 30
    times stronger than that of people 69 years of age and older. In the older group, the digestive enzymes pepsin and trypsin were decreased to ¼ the
    strength of these same enzymes in the younger group.
    He found that enzyme activity for all metabolic processes, digestive and otherwise, weakens in old age because people have been on
    enzyme-deficient, cooked diets throughout their lives. He concluded that the fatigue people suffer starting in their 30s and 40s is due to exhaustion
    of their enzyme-generating potential, which is depleted due to unnatural needs of the body for digestive juices. These unnatural needs are due to
    the likewise unnatural habit of cooking the enzymes to death. Destroying the enzymes in the food supply causes early aging. Howell declared that
    “what we now call ‘old age’ could become the glorious prime of life” if we take in enzyme reinforcements (raw foods).
    Some of the studies reviewed by Dr. Howell also compared organ weights in humans versus animals. A cooked diet was associated with
    enlarged pancreases due to overwork. In addition, the brains of rats fed a cooked diet actually shrank! Their other organs became swollen and

    7. Calves Die on Pasteurized Milk!
    The British Medical Journal published a study entitled “The effect of heat treatment on the nutritive value of milk for the young calf: the effect
    of ultra-high temperature treatment and of pasteurization” (Vol. 14, Issue 10, 1960).
    Calves were fed their mothers’ milk after it had been pasteurized. The calves died before maturity in nine out of ten cases, proving the
    harmful effects of cooked milk, even for creatures designed to drink cow’s milk.

    8. The Prisoner of War Diet Is Better Raw
    Prisoners of war in Japan during WW II were fed a scanty diet of brown rice, vegetables and fruit, totaling only 729–826 calories per 154
    pounds of body weight. In 1950, Dr. Masanore Kuratsune, head of the Medical Department of the University of Kyushu in Japan, thought that this
    diet might be a remarkable way to validate previous studies comparing raw and cooked food. He and his wife decided to be the guinea pigs. Both
    followed the raw version of the same diet for three periods: 120 days in winter, 32 days in summer and 81 days in spring. Mrs. Kuratsune was
    breastfeeding a baby during this time. Both continued to do their usual work. Remarkably, they both continued to enjoy good health. Mrs. Kuratsune
    even found that breastfeeding was less of a strain than before eating this raw diet.
    Next, they both switched to the same prisoner diet in cooked form. They became as hungry and diseased as the prisoners of war. They
    quickly came down with edema, vitamin deficiencies and collapse. It became so bad that they were forced to stop the experiment.
    This informal empirical study was recounted in a 1967 monograph written by Dr. Ralph Bircher-Benner of Zurich entitled Dr. Bircher-
    Benner’s Way to Positive Health and Vitality, 1867–1967.

    9. Lewis Cook’s and Junko Yasui’s Rats
    Described in their book Goldot, Cook and Yasui studied three groups of rats. The first group was fed a raw diet from birth. They suffered no
    diseases, remained very healthy and full of energy, and were never fat. They mated with enthusiasm, producing healthy offspring. These rats were
    gentle, playful and affectionate, living in perfect harmony with each other.
    They were killed and their bodies examined when they reached the equivalent of 80 human years. The rats were found to be in perfect
    health, with no sign of aging, degeneration or disease.

    The second group of rats was fed from birth a diet consisting of cooked food: bread, milk, salt, junk food, soft drinks, candies, vitamins and
    medications—in other words, the SAD. They grew fat. They developed the same degenerative conditions that humans do on such a diet: heart
    disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, colds, bouts of the flu and so on.
    Their behavior was also affected. They became nervous, mean, self-destructive and violent toward each other. They even had to be kept
    apart to prevent them from killing each other. Their offspring were the same. Many died prematurely.
    Autopsies showed great degeneration throughout their organs. All of the organs, glands, tissues, skin, hair, blood and nervous systems
    were negatively affected by the diet.The third group was fed the SAD too and also exhibited poor health. They were just as mean and vicious as the second group and had to be
    kept separated. But when they reached middle age, the equivalent of 40 human years, they were fasted strictly on water. Then they were given the
    raw, healthful diet of the first group of rats. This was alternated with periodic fasting in order to gradually detoxify the residual toxins remaining from
    the SAD.They gradually became as healthy, playful and affectionate with each other as the rats in the first group. They could co-exist in harmony and
    displayed no illnesses.Upon reaching the same age as the SAD-fed rats, they were put to death and autopsied. They were shown to be just as healthy as the
    group that was raw from birth.The implications of this are astounding! First, living organisms fed a raw diet and periodically fasted experience age reversal and
    regeneration. Second, although we have polluted our bodies, we can reverse much of the destruction with raw food diets. Third, living organisms
    can experience a speeding up of the detoxification process when a period of complete physiological rest is provided while fasting on water.
    The authors state, “The same principles apply to human life as there is only one truth! Thus it may be concluded that sick people may be
    restored to health simply by choosing the proper diet, fasting and observing the other rules of health. There is no mystery. There is no external force
    that will help—all healing being accomplished within the body by the body in accordance with the laws of organic life and health.”

    10. Stamina, Blood Pressure and Balance Improved on Fruitarian Diet
    Inspired by a 45-year-old woman he met who was in excellent health “despite” having eaten a fruitarian diet for 12 years, Professor B. J.
    Meyer of the University of Pretoria in South Africa performed an experiment. He fed a control group of 50 people fruits (mostly raw, though some
    canned or stewed) and nuts alone for six months.They became sickness-free, with greatly improved health and weight. Many claimed that their stamina increased, along with their ability to
    undertake serious physical tasks and compete in sports. The pH of their urine changed from acid to alkaline. The four subjects who were originally
    hypertensive had decreased blood pressures.
    The February 20, 1971 issue of the South African Medical Journal published the results in an article called “Some physiological effects of a
    mainly fruit diet in man” (Vol. 45, Issue 8, pp. 191–195, PubMed ID 4928686).

    11. Lipid Profiles and Glucose Tolerances Improved on Fruitarian Diet
    In the March 6, 1971 issue of the South African Medical Journal, Professor B. J. Meyer published an article, “Some biochemical effects of
    a mainly fruit diet in man.” The effect of the nut-supplemented fruit diet on glucose tolerance, secretions, plasma proteins and plasma lipids was
    investigated. It was found to be not merely adequate with respect to those measures, but even commendable.
    Last edited by ashtweth; 06-06-2012, 06:52 AM.

  • #2
    14. Dr. John Douglass: Alcohol and Nicotine Addiction Reduced on Raw Diet
    Dr. John Douglass, MD, PhD, of Kaiser-Permanente Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, prescribed raw foods to his patients and
    noticed that common addictions, such as to alcohol and nicotine, lose their addictive power over people on raw food diets.
    Experimenting with specific foods, he found that sunflower seeds in particular were especially effective at fighting the cravings of addictions.
    He found that when nourished on natural food in its original, raw state, the body becomes more sensitive to what is good for it and what is bad for it.
    (See also his other study below.)He discussed some of his findings in an article called “Nutrition, nonthermally-prepared food, and Nature’s message to man,” which was
    published in the Journal of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, Vol. VII, Issue 2, July 1982.

    15. Sir Robert McCarrison’s Monkeys: Cooked Diet Results in Colitis and Ulcers
    In India, Sir Robert McCarrison fed monkeys their usual diet, but in a cooked form. The monkeys all developed colitis. Autopsies revealed
    that they also had gastric and intestinal ulcers. The book Raw Energy describes this study on page 37.

    16. Guinea Pigs Developed Several Disease Conditions on Cooked Diet
    Swiss researcher O. Stiner put some guinea pigs on their usual diet, but cooked. The animals quickly developed anemia, scurvy, goiter,
    dental cavities and/or degeneration of the salivary glands. When 10 cc of pasteurized milk was added to the diet, the animals developed arthritis as
    well. The book Nature’s First Law refers to this study, as do several web sites. It is also reviewed in Raw Energy, page 37.

    17. Dr. John Douglass: Hypertension and Obesity Reduced on Raw Diet
    Dr. John Douglass, MD, PhD, of Kaiser-Permanente Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, published an article with five other
    researchers entitled “Effects of a raw food diet on hypertension and obesity,” which was published in the Southern Medical Journal, July 1985,
    Volume 78, Issue 7, pp. 841–844, PubMed ID 4012382.
    They examined responses to cooked and uncooked food in 32 people with hypertension, 28 of whom were also overweight. Patients acted
    as their own controls.
    After a mean duration of 6.7 months, average food intake of uncooked food comprised 62% of the calories ingested. The mean weight loss
    was 3.8 kg (about 8.3 pounds)! Mean diastolic pressure reduction was 17.8 mm Hg, both statistically significant figures. Perhaps most interesting
    was that 80% of those who drank alcohol or smoked stopped spontaneously.

    18. Energy and Endurance Increased in Mice on Raw Diet
    Dr. Israel Brekhman of the former Soviet Union performed a simple experiment with telling results. He fed mice cooked food and live, raw
    food at different times. When these mice ate only the raw food, they had three times more energy and endurance than when eating cooked food.
    Dr. Gabriel Cousens writes about this in Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine (p. 117).

    19. Body’s Defenses Boosted on Raw Diet
    An article entitled “Raw food and immunity,” published in Fortschr Med (June 10, 1990, Vol. 108, Issue 17, pp. 338–340, PubMed ID
    2198207), summarizes research on the raw diet, “Uncooked food is an integral component of human nutrition and is a necessary precondition for
    an intact immune system. Its therapeutic effect is complex, and a variety of influences of raw food and its constituents on the body’s defenses have
    been documented. Such effects include antibiotic, antiallergic, tumor-protective, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory actions. In view of this,
    uncooked food can be seen as a useful adjunct to drugs in the treatment of allergic, rheumatic and infectious diseases.”

    20. Colon Cancer Risk Lowered on Raw Diet
    Quite a few controlled studies of the raw food diet’s effects have been performed at the University of Kuopio in Finland. Researchers in the
    department of physiology published a paper called “Shifting from a conventional diet to an uncooked vegan diet reversibly alters fecal hydrolytic
    activities in humans” in The Journal of Nutrition (1992, Vol. 122, Issue 4, pp. 924–930, PubMed ID 552366).
    The test group adopted a raw vegan diet for one month and then resumed a conventional diet for a second month, while the control group
    consumed a conventional diet throughout the study. Blood levels of the chemicals phenol and p-cresol, daily urine output and fecal enzyme activities
    were measured.
    Within one week of commencing the raw vegan diet, fecal urease had decreased by 66%, cholylglycine hydrolase by 55%, betaglucuronidase
    by 33% and beta-glucosidase by 40%. These values remained lowered throughout the diet. Within two weeks of resuming the
    conventional diet, however, the fecal enzyme activities returned to the higher, baseline values.
    In plain English, these results suggested that the raw vegan diet resulted in a bodily adaptation: a definite decrease in bacterial enzymes
    and certain toxic products that have been implicated in colon cancer risk.

    21. Nutrient Status and Weight Control in Rheumatoid Arthritis Improved on Raw Diet
    The department of clinical nutrition of the University of Kuopio in Finland also wrote an article entitled “Effect of a strict vegan diet on energy
    and nutrient intakes by Finnish rheumatoid patients.” It was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (October 1993, Vol. 47, Issue
    10, pp. 747–749, PubMed ID 8269890).
    Forty-three Finnish rheumatoid arthritis patients were divided into two groups. The experiment lasted three months. The experimental group
    of 21 patients ate uncooked vegan food and had tutoring by a living-food expert. The control group of 22 ate their usual diets and had no tutoring.
    It was found that shifting to an uncooked vegan diet resulted in a significant increase in the intake of energy and many nutrients. The raw
    vegan dieters also lost 9% of their body weight.

    22. Lung Cancer Risk Reduced on Raw Food
    A study published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research (June 1993, PubMed ID 8340248) showed that the odds of incurring lung
    cancer among smokers and former smokers are reduced with raw vegetable and fruit consumption. The study was entitled “Protective effects of
    raw vegetables and fruit against lung cancer among smokers and ex-smokers: a case-control study in the Tokai area of Japan.”


    • #3
      22. Lung Cancer Risk Reduced on Raw Food
      A study published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research (June 1993, PubMed ID 8340248) showed that the odds of incurring lung
      cancer among smokers and former smokers are reduced with raw vegetable and fruit consumption. The study was entitled “Protective effects of
      raw vegetables and fruit against lung cancer among smokers and ex-smokers: a case-control study in the Tokai area of Japan.”

      23. Raw Diet Is Best Vegetarian Diet for Mice
      Dr. Stanley Bass, ND, DC, PhC, PhD, DO, DSc, DD, spent four years experimenting on hundreds of mice, feeding them every form of
      vegetarian diet imaginable. He published his results in 1994 in In Search of the Ultimate Diet: Testing Nutritional Theories on Mice. This report is
      available at his website, Dr. Stanley S. Bass: Super nutrition and superior health -- Natural Hygiene theory - drug-free healing.
      He found that on diets completely devoid of animal products, such as fruitarian and vegan diets, the mice would become cannibalistic,
      particularly toward their vulnerable newborns. There was a great deficiency of B vitamins, especially B12, Vitamin D and other factors perhaps not
      yet discovered. In humans, it could take years for such deficiencies to show up in a person’s health status.
      After two years of experiments, he determined that a 75–85% raw vegan diet supplemented with raw animal products was best for his mice.
      He found raw egg yolks to be the best supplement, as the mice on that diet had the healthiest babies. Eggs are the most complete source of
      protein and all other essential nutrients.
      In part two of his mouse studies, Discovery of the Ultimate Diet: Testing Nutritional Theories on Mice, Volume 2 (1996), Dr. Bass
      concluded that it was possible to remain in perfect health on a 100% raw diet that included a minimum of ½–1 ounce of animal food, such as one
      raw egg yolk, a day.
      I called him to find out why he had earlier suggested that the ideal for humans might be only 75–ss85% raw. He said that was simply
      because most people cannot stay on a 100% raw diet. He admitted that a 100% raw is ideal, provided there is at least a “silver dollar-sized
      amount” of daily animal protein.
      His advice to include small amounts of animal foods echoes recommendations of the late hygienic doctors John Tilden and Christopher
      Gian-Cursio. However, it should be noted here that modern science has determined that the protein requirements of rodents exceeds those of
      humans and other primates.

      24. Dr. Robinson’s Live Food Cancer Therapy
      As President and Research Director of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, Dr. Arthur Robinson studied the effects of
      ingesting live foods, including wheatgrass, as opposed to taking synthetic Vitamin C, on cancer in laboratory mice.
      He used various groups of mice, giving them skin cancer with ultraviolet radiation and then feeding them on differing diets that included
      supplementary Vitamin E and varying amounts of Vitamin C. The control group got “standard mouse feed” only. Some of the groups got raw foods
      similar to those recommended by Dr. Ann Wigmore.
      It is important to point out that although Dr. Robinson was aware of a lowcalorie, raw food diet’s nutritional contribution toward empowering
      the body to totally reverse cancer, this experiment was designed merely to test the effects of the raw food diet in slowing down cancer growth.
      Cancer incidence decreased by about 75% for those on living foods alone. This could be duplicated with Vitamin C supplementation only by
      giving doses so massive as to be nearly lethal for the mice and far beyond any reasonable range for humans to consume.
      However, when high protein, high fat foods were added to the diet, even raw ones like nuts and seeds, cancer suppression stopped. Only
      when subjects were fed raw fruits and vegetables, which are lower in calories, was cancer reversal noted.
      In other words, if these rodent results translate to humans, a diet considered healthful and ample for a healthy person could nevertheless be
      deadly to a person with cancer, who really needs calorie restriction in addition to a raw produce diet to starve the cancer.
      “The effect is so large that, in my opinion,” states Robinson, “if diet restriction were practiced by all cancer patients in the United States, the
      resulting life-extension might equal or surpass that resulting from the combined efforts of the entire current medical oncology effort.”
      Interestingly, Robinson also found that Vitamin C supplementation at less massive megadoses of from 1–5 grams daily actually resulted in
      accelerated cancer growth. Only near-lethal doses of about 100 grams could yield the same cancer-suppressing effect as the raw fruit and
      vegetable diet.
      This discovery was so disturbing to Dr. Linus Pauling that Robinson and Pauling terminated their 16-year professional collaboration! Dr.
      Pauling was not willing to accept the fact that artificial Vitamin C supplementation in moderate megadoses accelerates cancer growth.
      Robinson’s study, “Suppression of squamous cell carcinoma in hairless mice by dietary nutrient variation,” Mechanisms of Ageing and
      Development, July 1994, pp. 201–214, is described in an article entitled “Living Foods and Cancer” that can be found at
      Introduction - Nutrition and Cancer.

      25. Fibromyalgia Symptoms Reduced on Raw Diet
      Researchers in the physiology department of the University of Kuopio in Finland found that a raw vegan diet had beneficial effects on
      fibromyalgia sufferers.
      Fifteen control patients continued their omnivorous diet while 18 ate the raw diet for three months. Those eating the raw diet experienced
      significant improvement compared to the control group. Their pain lessened, joint stiffness diminished, sleep patterns improved, and general health
      improved. Serum cholesterol and urine sodium were lowered. A majority of the patients, overweight to begin with, lost weight.
      Results were published in an article called “Vegan diet alleviates fibromyalgia symptoms,” which appeared in the Scandinavian Journal of
      Rheumatology (2000, Vol. 29, Issue 5, pp. 308–313, PubMed ID 11093597).

      26. Cancer Risk Reduced on Raw Vegetables
      The Journal of the American Dietetic Association, October 1996, Issue 10, pp. 1027–1039, PubMed ID 8841165, published an article
      entitled “Vegetables, fruit and cancer prevention: a review.” A review of 206 epidemiologic studies on humans and 22 studies on animals
      examined the correlation between fruit and vegetable intake and cancer risk. It found that a diet predominating in raw vegetable consumption
      correlated more strongly with reduced cancer incidence than conventional diets of cooked food.

      27. Blood Lipid Improvement Found on Mostly Vegetarian Diet
      A study entitled “Effect of a diet high in vegetables, fruit and nuts on serum lipids” was published in Metabolism (May 1997, Vol. 46, Issue 5,
      pp. 530–537, PubMed ID 9160820). The effects of a diet high in leafy green vegetables, fruit and nuts on serum lipid risk factors for cardiovascular
      disease were assessed. Ten healthy volunteers consumed their habitual diet for two weeks and then for another two weeks ate a diet largely
      consisting of vegetables, fruits and nuts.
      After two weeks on the plant diet, the lipid risk factors for cardiovascular disease showed significant reduction in comparison with the
      control diet. The reduction in total serum cholesterol was 34–49% greater than would be predicted by differences in dietary fat and cholesterol.
      The researchers concluded, “A diet consisting largely of low-calorie vegetables and fruit and nuts markedly reduced lipid risk factors for
      cardiovascular disease. Several aspects of such diets, which may have been consumed early in human evolution, have implications for
      cardiovascular disease prevention.”


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        28. Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Reduced on Raw Diet
        Researchers in the department of physiology of the University of Kuopio in Finland also performed a study that found that a raw food, vegan
        diet benefited patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In this study, the benefits were found to be both subjective and objective. Subjectively, the patients
        felt better. Objectively, joint stiffness was reduced, and significant increases of antioxidants (protective chemicals) were found in the blood of the
        raw fooders.
        This study was published in the British Journal of Rheumatology (March, 1998, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 274–281, PubMed ID 9566667). The
        article is entitled “Uncooked, lactobacilli-rich, vegan food and rheumatoid arthritis.”

        29. Favorable Weight Loss and Amenorrhea Effects Noted on Raw Diet
        Published in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (1999, Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 69–79, PubMed ID 10436305), this study was called
        “Consequences of a long-term raw food diet on body weight and menstruation: results of a questionnaire survey.” It was performed at the Institute of
        Nutritional Science at Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Germany.
        The study involved 216 men and 297 women who ate raw diets varying from 70–100% raw for 3.7 years. An average weight loss of 22
        pounds (9.9 kg) for men and 26 pounds (12 kg) for women was observed. About 30% of the women under 45 years of age experienced partial to
        complete amenorrhea (cessation of menstrual bleeding). Those who ate a large percentage of raw foods (over 90%) were beneficially affected
        more than those who ate a moderate percentage of raw food (under 90%).
        The study concluded that raw diets are associated with a high loss of body weight and amenorrhea. The writers of the article stated, “Since
        many raw food dieters exhibited underweight and amenorrhea, a very strict raw food diet cannot be recommended on a long-term basis.” This
        statement reflects three significantly mistaken cultural biases ingrained in our belief systems concerning health.
        The first myth is that being underweight is not healthy. In fact many studies show that the lean person lives longer and in better health than the
        so-called normal weight or overweight person.
        The second myth is that menstrual bleeding is normal and healthy. In fact monthly bleeding is a sign of advanced toxemia. This fact is
        backed up by observation of other primates. Female apes in the wild, eating their natural diets, do not bleed with menstruation. Some modern-day
        apes do bleed slightly, perhaps due to environmental pollution and zoo diets that are seldom nearly 100% raw.
        The third myth is that monthly bleeding is a requirement for fertility. Ovulation generally occurs at the opposite pole of the monthly fertility
        cycle whether or not discharge of the resulting placental lining is accompanied by bleeding.
        In humans, menstrual bleeding is thought by raw food experts to be a sign of toxicity and/or Vitamin C deficiency. It would be nonsensical to
        state that people should not be on a raw food diet for a long-term basis when that is how we, as all animal species, evolved over millions of years!

        30. Antioxidant Status Improved on Raw Diet
        An article called “Vegan diet in physiological health promotion” appeared in Acta Physiologica Hungarica (1999, Vol. 86, Issues 3–4, pp.
        171–80, PubMed ID 10943644). It was again authored by members of the department of physiology at the University of Kuopio.
        Subjects eating a diet of raw vegan food displayed increased levels of carotenoids and Vitamins C and E. The results also showed lowered
        cholesterol concentrations, as well as urinary phenol and p-cresol. Several fecal enzyme levels that are considered harmful were also lowered. The
        patients that had arthritis reported a lessening of pain, stiffness and swelling of joints. Those with fibromyalgia lost weight. Upon resuming their
        normal diet, the pathological conditions returned and worsened.

        31. Raw Diet Benefits Shown in Just One Week
        The ambitious Finnish group at the University of Kuopio also published a study entitled “Effects of eating an uncooked vegetable diet for 1
        week” (Appetite, Vol. 19, pp. 243–254, PubMed ID 1482162). This study concluded that such a vegetable diet was shown to be of some benefit in
        the short term but that any longer-term use required further evaluation.

        32. Pain and Joint Stiffness Decreased on Raw Vegan Diet
        Yet another study conducted at the University of Kuopio in Finland entitled “Antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders” was
        published in Toxicology (November 30, 2000, Vol. 155, Issues 1–3, pp. 45–53, PubMed ID 11154796).
        A living food diet of uncooked berries, vegetables, roots, nuts, germinated seeds and sprouts was fed to one group, whereas the control
        group ate the typical omnivorous diet.
        The raw food eaters reported decreased joint stiffness and pain, as well as improvement in their health. They also experienced
        improvement in objective health measures when tested.

        33. Fibromyalgia Sufferers at Hallelujah Acres Improved on Mostly Raw Diet
        A study was done at Hallelujah Acres, a center founded by Rev. George Malkmus, who advocates an 85–100% raw food diet. The study is
        entitled “Fibromyalgia syndrome improved using a mostly raw vegetarian diet: an observational study,” published in BMC Complementary
        Alternative Medicine (2001, Vol. 1, Issue 1, p. 7, PubMed ID 11602026).
        Fibromyalgia patients generally suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, poor quality sleep and depression. Thirty patients were put on a mostly raw
        vegan diet. After several months, 19 of the patients experienced significant improvement as measured by tests like shoulder pain at rest and after
        motion, abduction range of motion of shoulder, flexibility, a chair test and a six-minute walk.

        34. A Largely Vegetarian Diet and Reduced Risk of Colon and Heart Diseases
        A study entitled “Effect of a very-high-fiber vegetable, fruit, and nut diet on serum lipids and colonic function” (Metabolism, April 2001, 50[4]:
        pp. 494–503, PubMed ID 11288049) demonstrated that a very high vegetable fiber intake reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and colon

        35. Mostly Raw Diet and Improved Quality of Life
        Michael Donaldson, Director of Research at Hallelujah Acres, published the study “Food and nutrient intake of Hallelujah vegetarians” in
        Nutrition and Food Science (2001, Vol. 31, Issue 6, pp. 293–303).
        For 28 months, 141 followers of the Hallelujah Diet, which is 100% vegan and at least 85% raw, kept dietary journals. Members reported
        significant improvement in health and quality of life after adopting the diet. Mean daily consumption of fruits and vegetables was 6.6 servings and
        11.4 servings, respectively. The mean energy intake was 1,460 calories for women and 1,830 calories for men. It was found that with some
        modification, this diet pattern allows people to adopt a low-calorie diet sufficient in most nutrients.
        Critics of this study may argue that the results are subjective. Ask the patients if they care!

        36. Raw Diet Fuels Intelligence Increase
        Renowned raw food teacher Victoria Boutenko performed a raw food study herself. A university professor conducted the experiment. The
        control group did not eat raw food. The experimental group ate raw food for only two days. (She wanted them to do it for a week, but none thought
        he could!) The subjects were given an intelligence test before eating raw and after.Although many people still believe that IQ is something static, her amazing findings were that after eating raw for only two days, the average
        IQ was raised by 40%! Victoria discussed her findings at a workshop. She may be contacted through her web site at Raw Family - Victoria, Sergei and Valya Boutenko - Raw Food Diet.


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          37. Dr. Jean Seignalet’s Hospital Study: Raw Diet Yields High Patient Success Rate
          Dr. Jean Seignalet of the hospital St. Eloi in Montpellier, France, undertook a large-scale experiment with a diet he prescribed to hundreds
          of patients. The diet consisted of as much raw food as possible and excluded all dairy and wheat products. Success was defined to consist of
          remission with a 50% reduction in disease or ailment symptoms. He tested people with dozens of different diseases and syndromes.
          Success rates for all ranged from 75-100%. Patients enjoying a 100% success rate included those with the following medical conditions:
          systemic lupus, scleroderma, juvenile diabetes, Crohn’s disease, acne, atopic eczema, hay fever, rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, edema and more.
          Patients enjoying a 92–98% success rate included those with these conditions: fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, multiple
          sclerosis (MS), depression, spasmophilia, irritable bowel syndrome, urticaria and asthma. (See L’Alimentation ou la Troisième Médecine
          [Nutrition or the Third Medicine], Dr. Jean Seignalet, Édition François-Xavier de Guilbert, Paris.)

          38. Preadolescent Children Thrive on Live Food Diets
          Dr. Gabriel Cousens of the nonprofit Tree of Life Foundation in Patagonia, Arizona, decided that research needed to be published on the
          effects of live food diets on children since so many raw food parents get harassed by the authorities for “child abuse.”
          Preliminary results as of June 2004 showed that the heights of 74% of the children were above the lowest 25th percentile and the weights of
          68% of the children were above the lowest 25th percentile. All children were above the 10th percentile. The heights of 37% of the children were
          above the 75% percentile. Over 60% of the children were above average for both weight and height as measured by the National Center for
          Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
          Dr. Cousens notes that these children are also not under the influence of the stimulating effects of growth hormones to which the majority of
          nonvegan children are exposed since the vegans do not consume meat and dairy, which contain hormones. He also notes, “The preliminary
          conclusion of our data is that a live food diet has no major positive or negative effect on height and weight. None of the children in the study have a
          score above the top 90th percentile or below the lowest 10th percentile. Therefore, the children fall into the middle 80% of normal height and
          This study has not been published, as it is not yet finished. The preliminary results were written in a handout passed out at the 2004 Raw
          Food Festival in Portland, Oregon.
          Note: Dr. Cousens is very aware of one risk for children on a raw vegan diet: the potential lack of Vitamin B12. He is very careful to monitor
          the children for this, which all responsible parents of raw vegan children should do. (See Chapter 17.)

          39. Cancer Risk Reduced More with Raw than Cooked Vegetables
          A study entitled “Raw versus cooked vegetables and cancer risk” was published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention (Vol.
          13, Sept 2004, p. 1422–1435). It consisted of a review of the medical literature from 1994 to 2003 that summarized the relationship between raw
          and cooked vegetable consumption and the risk of various cancers.
          Twenty-eight studies were examined. Most showed a direct correlation between consumption of vegetables, raw or cooked, and lower
          cancer risk. Nine of 11 studies linked eating both raw and cooked vegetables to lowered cancer risk, but only four studies linked eating only
          cooked vegetables to lowered cancer risk.

          40. The Roseburg Study: Sex Life, Stomach Acid and More Improved on Raw Diet
          Victoria Boutenko and Dr. Paul Fieber, MD, conducted this study on the effects of raw green smoothies on patients who had low levels of
          hydrochloric acid (HCl). HCl is necessary in the gastric juices for proper protein digestion.
          Twenty-seven participants drank a quart of green smoothies prepared by Victoria’s husband every day for 30 days, adding it to their normal
          diet. Three participants dropped out; 66.7% of those 24 remaining showed vast improvement in their HCl levels. The doctor did not expect to see
          such dramatic results in such a short period of time.
          The participants reported many other beneficial effects, such as improved sex life—one man even saying it was like being 15 years
          younger!—reduced cravings for bad foods, better sleep and elimination and much more. For further details on this study, read Green for Life by
          Victoria Boutenko. See Appendix C for more on her revolutionary raw green smoothie diet.

          41. Gastric Cancer Risk Reduced on Raw Diet
          A study published by the Kaunas University of Medicine in Lithuania found that higher consumption of raw vegetables, such as cabbage,
          carrots, garlic and broccoli, is linked to a decrease in the risk of stomach cancer. This study appeared in Medicina (Kaunas) 2005, 41 (9): pp.

          42. LDL Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels Found Favorable on Long-Term Raw Diet
          An article published in the October 2005 edition of The Journal of Nutrition (135, Issue 10, pp. 2372–2378, PubMed ID 16177198) is
          entitled “Long-term consumption of a raw food diet is associated with favorable serum LDL cholesterol and triglycerides but also with elevated
          plasma homocysteine and low serum HDL cholesterol in humans.”
          A reduction of some cardiovascular disease risk markers manifested in subjects on raw foods. However, the study emphasizes that raw
          fooders must make certain to take Vitamin B12 supplements, or they may accumulate excess homocysteine, a risk factor in heart disease and a
          marker for B12 deficiency. (See Chapter 17.) Additionally, some raw fooders in the experiment had lower amounts of HDL, known as the “good”
          The study makes mention that there was a high consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, but perhaps the participants were not eating
          sufficient nuts. Almond consumption, for example, was found to be associated with increased HDL in a study published in Circulation, Journal of
          the American Heart Association (2002). A study published in The Journal of Nutrition (2003) found that macadamia nut consumption yielded the
          same results. Additional studies have found that pistachio and walnut consumption correlated with improved HDL to LDL ratios.

          43. Cancer Risk Reduced on Raw Cabbage
          In 2005, a study done at the University of New Mexico showed that women migrating from Poland to the USA tripled their risk of breast
          cancer. This resulted because they no longer consumed at least three servings a week of raw cabbage and sauerkraut. These staples of the native
          Polish diet were found to contain glucosinolates that correlate with lowered cancer risk. Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale also contain
          glucosinolates. See Medscape: Medscape Access.

          44. Bone Mass in Long-Term Raw Fooders
          Dr. Luigi Fontana, MD, and associates at the Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, published a study entitled “Low bone
          mass in subjects on a long-term raw vegetarian diet,” which appeared in the Archives of Internal Medicine (Vol. 165, Issue 6, March 28, 2005, pp.
          684–689, PubMed ID 15795346).
          This was a cross-sectional study of 18 volunteers aged 18–85 who had been eating a raw vegan diet for a mean of 3.6 years. They were
          compared with people of their own age who ate a conventional diet. Both groups were measured for body mass index, bone mass, bone mineral
          density, markers of bone turnover, levels of Vitamin D and inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein and insulinlike growth factors.
          The raw vegans were found to have less inflammation, indicated by low levels of C-reactive protein, which is made by the liver in response
          to inflammation in the body. The presence of inflammation is a sign of disease progression and aging.
          The raw vegans also had lower levels of the human hormone IGF-1, which meant lower risk of breast and prostate cancer. Their bone
          turnover rates were normal. They had higher levels of Vitamin D, which Fontana initially thought was going to be a problem area since vegans don’t
          consume dairy fortified with Vitamin D. He attributed their high Vitamin D levels to their being conscientious enough to expose themselves to
          sufficient sunlight. Those on the raw diet also had lower body mass indices and lower body fat percentages.
          Interestingly, the raw fooders also had low levels of the hormone leptin, which is associated with high bone density. They exhibited lower
          bone mass in significant places, such as the hips and spine, which theoretically could lead to osteoporosis and fracture risk. However, they didn’t
          have the biochemical markers that typically accompany osteoporosis.
          Fontana proposed that despite having lower bone mass, those on the raw diet actually might have good, healthy bone quality. He
          hypothesized that since their bone turnover markers were normal, their Vitamin D levels above normal, and their inflammation levels low, it was
          possible that the raw fooders didn’t have increased risk of fracture. He theorized that perhaps their lower bone mass is related to the fact that they
          weigh less because they take in fewer calories.


          • #6
            45. Dr. Cousens: Diabetics Improve on Raw Diet
            A study of the raw food diet’s effect on diabetes has been documented in the film Raw for 30 Days. The following summary is provided on
            Dr. Gabriel Cousens’s web site, It should be noted that their dietary program consisted of 100% vegan, lowglycemic
            food, along with some mineral supplements, the proteolytic enzyme supplement Vitalzyme, and Natural Cellular Defense, another
            commercial supplement.
            Over the years, a significant number of people have returned to a normal, nondiabetic physiology from the diabetic physiology through
            our antidiabetic program at the Tree of Life. According to the research of the New York Times, there are 21 million diabetics and 40 million
            prediabetics, and diabetes is “incurable.”
            In order to test our clinical experience, in February 2006, we invited six people who were eating the traditional American fast and junk
            food diet and had been insulin-dependent diabetics for an average of five years. It represented a final test of our program. We invited an
            independent movie producer to film the month-long program, and we did “before and after” studies regarding the effect of a month of raw food
            and specific supplements.
            The results were outstanding. Although one person whose blood sugar dropped from 500 to 200 in two weeks dropped out of the
            program because he was not willing to … [continue] the live food program, the others had exceptional results. Within four days, all participants
            except the Type I diabetic were off insulin and oral antidiabetic medications. By the end of one month, two people had blood sugars regularly
            averaging between 70 and 85. Two had dropped from an average blood sugar of approximately 250–450 to around 120. All their blood tests
            became essentially normal. In other words, by the end of 1 month, the Type II diabetics had achieved a level of health according to their blood
            tests and daily blood sugar readings that was considered comparable with a normal nondiabetic physiology; i. e., the physiology of a healthy
            person. The Type I diabetic went from an insulin intake of 70 units to 5 units. Succeeding with a group who knew virtually nothing about live
            foods or the live food lifestyle and who had no particular interest in it was a real test for this program.
            Although no program can guarantee any results for healing diabetes in one month, we feel this program offers a reasonable, healthy,
            optimistic and realistic way to ameliorate diabetes.
            Of course one can only stay in a nondiabetic physiology if he or she continues to follow the healthy program outlined and experienced in
            the 30-day program. If someone does not stay on this program, we cannot expect he or she will stay with the normal healthy physiology.

            46. Cancer Markers Improved on Raw Diet
            A study published in the December 2006 issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (PubMed ID 17158430) assessed blood
            cancer markers in three groups of 21 people each.
            The first group ate a low-protein, low-calorie diet consisting of uncooked and unprocessed plant food. The second group ate a customary
            Western diet but ran an average of 48 miles a week. The third group consisted of sedentary people on the standard Western diet.
            When the three groups were compared, the lowest levels of the very powerful cancer-promoting human growth hormone IGF-1 were found in
            the group of raw food eaters. Additionally, the raw eaters exhibited low levels of the inflammation marker C-reactive protein, blood insulin and
            cancer-promoting sex hormones.

            47. Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure Reduced on Raw Diet
            An experiment filmed for British television enlisted nine volunteers to go on what was called an “evo diet.” They ate up to five kilos a day of
            raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and honey. The experiment lasted 12 days. For the last five days, they were given standard portions of cooked fish “as a
            nod to the hunter and gatherer.”
            The diet was based on research showing that if we ate as we evolved to eat over thousands of years, our cholesterol and blood pressure
            levels would be healthy. The results were published in the January 11, 2007 issue of BBC News Magazine:
            Once they were over the withdrawal from caffeinated drinks and some foods, they enjoyed good energy levels and mood. So the
            moments of “unhappiness and grumpiness” that the TV crew was primed to capture failed to happen…. Overall, the cholesterol levels dropped
            23%, an amount usually achieved only through anticholesterol drugs, statins. The group’s average blood pressure fell from a level of 140/83—
            almost hypertensive—to 122/76. Though it was not intended to be a weight-loss diet, they dropped 4.4kg (9.7 lbs), on average.


            • #7
              @ Wow Ash, what a great work you are doing on the health forums ! That's why you are less present on free-energy pages ...
              How strange is this pattern ! I mean we are several to have started on free-energy and evolved to health subject !
              Is it because we have already many solutions to apply right away in health domain, or is it because it is better to take care of people's health before looking for free-power ?

              Shall we abandon the quest for free energy and focus all our efforts on good-health for all ??????

              By the way I didn't notice these big part of the Energetic Forum, on health topics !! I have a lot to learn here !! (you see how dumb I am sometimes ahahaha)

              @ Man Aaron, your forum is the greatest place on internet Health, Agriculture, Energy !!!!!!!
              I am also impressed by your vast and technical knowledge on health matters !
              Do you also focus on health instead of energy as before ?

              Working together we can do more


              • #8
                Thanks JT, thankfully we have enough on board so we can keep up with the health AND FE, these food choices are important, mental function and energy levels with diet and disease prevention, this helps you do R and D , trust me on that

