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Q-Link Pendant?

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  • #31
    Hi Nadine

    The name of the site is a bit misleading in that it also contains other products besides water. He (site owner) also has EMF protection in pendants and 'e crystals' and that is why I posted it here.

    Just want to clarify that the site isn't only about water and *does* have EMF protection!

    Paths To Your Success


    • #32
      Hexagonal Water EMF / EMR

      Hi there, Ann-ticipatingSuccess & Nadine, thank you for getting me started this is sooo applicable

      Many ways to skin a cat. Funny that, Hexagonal info all over the place,...

      Dr. Emoto test: Two bottles of with the words 'Love & Gratitude’ written by hand....the other just left plain....put them both in microwave (this destroys the structure if water in just one minute)

      After the 'ping'... take bottles out...take 50 drops of water from each and put in 50 petri dishes...put all 100 samples in freezer 25 below....Freeze yer butt off in -5 cold room taking pictures with Nikon strapped to microscope x 300 zoom + back lit...record data from each batch of 50.

      1)Water micro-waved for 1min no intention programmed through writing.= No, nada, zip crystals out of 50. (mush is not considered to be a crystal)

      2)Water micro-waved for 1min with love & gratitude hand written with simple felt pen = Beautiful (although somewhat squiff) HEXAGON crystal. (not sure of the % out of 50)...but still a crystal, by any other name..

      Knowledge Center

      Love this stuff

      Ps. Long story short? Thought & Intentions DO become things...there are thousands of photos that show this = PATHS has good chance of programming similar intention into client = human body +- 70% water, brain +- 90% …I don't see anyone writing LOVE & GRATITUDE on their noggins....better to program from inside = PATHS

      OH Oh, same test, this time with cell phone in call for 5min (If I remember correctly) Same outcome....Love & gratitude saves the day. (just like in a fairy tail…and in a scientific lab too…funny that)
      What an exciting adventure


      • #33
        cell phones

        My experience with cell phones is that I used to use them too much. After 2-3 minutes, I could feel my head warming up and had an uncomfortable pressure in my head.

        This was greatly relieved when I started to use WIRED ear pieces. I believe this to be different than an actual antenna since it is audio signals out and not high frequencies that are used in actual transmitting and receiving.

        The only cell phone protection I used before was s small screen that was supposed to be embedded with calcium or something that was supposed to block the radiation. It stuck over the ear piece. Great concept except for the fact it is a fraud. I didn't know at the time. The radiation to my understanding is at the base of the antenna and not the speakers. So all the little device did was block some of the sound and 'maybe' some radiation from the the antenna.

        Certainly wireless ear pieces are NOT the way to go since it is a non stop streaming high frequency machine attached to the side of the head.

        Besides a wired ear piece a few feet from the phone, I would recommend using the speaker phone option if you have it. Then just put it on your desk and kick back in a chair.

        The ultimate is to not use a mobile phone and I've considered giving mine up and transferring the # to a land line. Even though many people use wireless "land" lines now, there are still normal wired home phones that work better than wireless anytime.

        Even if not using the cell phone a lot, it is usually still attached to the body where you are still receiving the radiation...not as strong as when it is receiving and transmitting a conversation, but is still there.

        Also, there are various models that can be turned on by the phone company and others so that any sound in reach of the phone can be monitored and you will think that the cell phone is simply hung up on the side of your hip or wherever. Not all models have this capability but more and more are becoming like this.

        Myself and so many others have said, "I just can't live without my phone." Well, we managed for so many years that I think we'll all do just fine without these little electronic slave masters.

        There are plenty of pay per minute services if you absolutely need one while traveling for emergencies, etc... but even with that, there aren't too many occasions where there isn't a pay phone nearby..unless you're out on the road.

        I think besides killing your television (which I haven't done but I don't watch tv programming and only rented movies once in a blue moon), that killing the microwave oven for sure and probably the cell phone does a body good.
        Last edited by Aaron; 09-25-2007, 02:40 AM.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #34
          Hi Aaron, he he you too? Nice to see you here.

          [QIOTE] (which I haven't done but I don't watch tv programming and only rented movies once in a blue moon), [/QUOTE]

          Unfortunately for me, the appliances have to stay, but I do take precautions to minimize exposure (sitting as far away from the wireless router as possible, can't escape that one) The head phone thing, this morning again watching PATHS +- 2min into the presentation I start to feel a sort of burning, (like yesterdays sunburn) very gentle at first, and does not bother me till end of presentation. However after an hour or so when listening to music or on Skype, I have to stop, even if I risk being rude to whoever I'm in a conversation with. Ah this point it definitely a burning sensation on the skin but now with a low, heavy pain (pressure), and I mean pain behind both ears (in stereo) I have to walk around outside or something, what I'm describing here is the big daddy of what I used to feel with those little ear grommet speakers, except I could endure much longer periods with out a hectic mood swing, also the pulsing sound that comes over those speakers, right in your ear is irritating but does not hurt as much (that sound when I checked did NOT come from my phone) Now I try to find headphones with the smallest speakers that sit 'over' the ear and hope to hell my I switched my cell off as that signal interferences on headphones that are not even inserts like little module hearing aides bleating that familiar 3beat signal directly into my ear drum in the middle of the presentation. The burning sensation does take much longer to build up with the cell chip & Q-link but when wired up to headphones, my tolerance is getting shorter and shorter, al though to effects do go away quicker with those products it's still an awful feeling non the less. Hell even the little speaker in the landline phone gets to me after a while (that low pain I described although its the small scale version) I still take about 5 to 10 min to get back to balance afterward. This is how I came to start questioning and came across Biopro however it did not make me bullet proof, but definitely helped my endurance and recovery, that coupled with evasive action has done the trick for me over the last two years but has not made it any easier when focused EMF is pumped directly into my ear channel. Aah, speaking of which, do you know any thing about a PATHS module that can more consistent results? I'm ok with the Q-link etc and have made it a habit to lessen exposure for so long now I forget all about EMF, however the head phone thing does bring back detailed memories every I wear them, I was genuinely surprised when I saw the Q-link post on this site. I am gratefully though when I think about the people I've met who had so much exposure during their lives that they drop their jobs no matter what and run off to the country and have NO electrical devices at all. One of the people was an advertising exec now the only way to reach the woman is to drive for an hour out of town, she can't even tolerate a long car trip (EMF bouncing in confined metal box with windows and steering wheel) l have been told and have experienced for myself that these effect are accumulative. Some people more so than others, that gives me an idea, if one don’t know what the common symptoms are as they are hard to define and link directly to EMR , maybe I'll get permission from some of these people to post their experiences here just in case some one happens to be suffering and not even knowing a highly probable cause. It would be silly for them to endure if they can avoid, lessen or recover quicker. I'll need time to organize that but I have a good friend in the electro safety committee this lady was diagnosed with a form of skin cancer some years ago, it was very serious, she to ran away and lived in a caravan for some years, fixed herself with magnets, came back with a vengeance started an action group, lobbied government etc He he I thought I was peed off with the EMF pollution problem, you should meet Vicky, although I don't blame her, she told the technical people and specialists in their field where to get off, EMF radiation nearly cost her her life, so I suppose she is driven. I'll get some factual info from her and post it here, he he this is very much her topic.

          Ok enough of the scary stuff, but the results are already in and have been for over 10 years now, there is still test results pending for the head set devices that attract external EMF thus my 'walking Arial' comment and I know full well that these types of studies of detrimental effects can take years, think smoking for example. Oh, one I am currently living, is that a detox and nutrition + natural herbs caused four certified HIV people to test negative after 4 to five months (some doctors even got abusive, and insisted on another test, when that was the same, they asked the patient to 'leave'...) But hey that’s another story, maybe I'll post the video or pictures of these people on the relevant thread some time soon, but I don't need to tell you about how technology, even if you are running a working radiant energy motor in you garage...powering you radio that you've been listening to for years, it is real for you every day you wake, but for some reason people say its impossible ...simply because mainstream science cant prove it yet, some even get violent about it.

          Aah I must pm you something I think may be of interest (its right up your street)



          • #35
            emf sickness.

            Hi Joel,

            On a PATHS module to help with this stuff...stress relief is probably one of the best since it generally calms the body and mind. No matter what, I think that all the EMF is just going to get stronger and stronger.

            Ever see Johnny Mnemonic? NAS - Nerve Attenuation Syndrome? Something like sickness from all the emf.

            You are very sensitive to this more than most people it seems. One MD friend of mine who is very conscious...years ago...went on a car ride with one woman...this was back in the day when most MD's thought people suffering from any emf illness or even environmental toxicity were all mental and it was nothing more than psychosomatic illness...anyway, this MD and some others put her in a car and had something over her eyes and blindfold or something. Everytime they started to approach a large powerline over the road, she started to go into convulsions until the passed it and were far enough about sensitive!

            There is a movie called SAFE...very slow moving movie but about a woman with environmental toxicity...this was quite a while back. Eventually moved to a little commune with others who suffered the same away from all chemicals, etc... eye opening for back then.

            Our bed springs can amplify emf. Also, we evolved being grounded to earth which probably helps to discharge a lot of what is building up. There are some mattress pads with cords that are to be grounded in the earth. Not sure if or how well they really work, but the concept seems valid. Only testing will prove but there are so many ways to skin a cat.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #36

              Sleep Module, which comes with every package automatically. This addresses the immune system.

              Just relax module for stress reduction (autonomic-sympathetic and parasympathetic-"fight or flight"-also closely intertwined with immune function)

              Increased energy and motivation

              Academic Super Charger for mental functioning


              Wow. I have been really busy away from the computer a lot the last week or so. Just read your virtual bombshell post and other posts.

              Before delving into the subject, I would like to point out that

              "Truth is like a shattered mirror scattered, he who finds a piece, thinks he's found the whole".

              There are so many facets to the EMF issue- in terms of dangers, what causes it, which are worse, and what can be done to ameliorate the potential damage.

              I have looked at all the links in this thread so far. While some say that they protect from EMF, when you really look at what they are saying you see that they are simply stating that they strengthen the bodies ability to deal with the electropollution (emf's).

              The mret technology from biopro says that they actually change the EMF so that it is not as damaging. They do not say that they neutralize the damaging EMF's, but that they make them less damaging. They say they do this by superimposing a non-harmful frequency on top of the harmful frequencies, thus blunting the effect of the harmful frequencies on the body. This is a bit of a stretch for me to believe...I suspect a quick way to test it is to attach one of their devices to a cell phone that was barely in range. If it did blunt the signal, then it would seem that the phone would then fall out of range. Maybe someone with more experience in this arena could analyze their statements and see if this would be a valid test.

              Of course, the rubber meets the road in real life. If you get headaches using a cell phone, and then attach one of their devices to your cell phone and no longer get headaches, that is a powerful indicator!

              Anything that a person can do to reduce their exposure to damaging EMF, by changing their environment is obviously beneficial.

              After that, it is a matter of empowering the body/mind to deal with what unavoidable EMF's it is exposed to.

              PATHS technology does NOT work via subtle energy fields and frequencies like so much of what is in this thread. PATHS RDT is a direct communication with the subconscious, via the universal language of the subconscious (which is NOT frequencies). This communication with the subconscious can result in very specific benefits, based on the instructions in the module.

              I live a bit out in the country...not under any power lines (Thank God!) But we do have computers (only LCD screens), cell phones, TV, microwave, etc.

              We use PATHS modules that strengthen the bodies ability to deal with the EMF's we are exposed to. (which is what biopro's ERT says it does and Qlinks SRT says it does).

              A little off subject, but the SCIO also has quite a few protocols for dealing with EMF's and what they call "perverse energies". It is effective also, albeit much more expensive in the long run than PATHS or any of the other devices listed in this thread.

              Joel, since you seem VERY sensitive to EMF's, I would suggest you try the PATHS modules listed above that are particularly aimed at the areas that are affected by EMF's. I would be interested to hear how it goes for you.


              PATHS For Healing
              Energetic Science Ministries
              Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

              ESM Forum Support Link


              • #37
                Check it out!

                Talk about synchronicity!!!

                Within one hour of me finishing my post above about the different PATHS modules that could be used to offset exposure to EMF, I got an email stating that there was a new Module out!

                Check it out!



                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link


                • #38
                  Air-tube Headset

                  I ran across this originally on BioPro's website a couple of years ago. BioPro no longer carries it (don't know why), but I found it on another website and thought some of you might be interested.

                  Air-tube Headset

                  Paths To Your Success


                  • #39
                    Interesting video about the q-link on this webpage

                    Q Link


                    • #40
                      Hey Guys,
                      I have a Q-link but originally bought a bio shield years ago, in '95. their site is Bioelectric Shields: All Natural Energy Protection and Enhancement Products I met Virginia Brown - head of the company at a health show in Pittsburgh back then. I knew about the EMF and was selling Claurus devices for "in the home" and always wished there was something to carry around. My bioshield is made of silver and w/brass accents which amplify the effects. I wanted to check out the Q-link since it's plastic, lighter, and doesn't have to be charged once a month - for 3-6 hrs.
                      At the health show for the bioshield I did a strength test. Using your thumb and pinkyfinger holding them together w/someone pulling on them. doing that once and then placing a digital watch on my heart for a min. or so, I did the test again and was weaker! The third time (I should be the weakest for the 3rd try) my strength easily returned. I was amazed. Okay, this might be old school, but having a woman be stronger with this test had me trying my hardest on each attempt. was I trying to show off? Not very scientific, you might say, but it worked for me. for the "bio" they did Kirilian photography - before, after and 6 mo.s I'm sure the results would be similar with the Q- link.
                      Now with all this said and done yes, PATHS has a module for EMF
                      If I didn't have the Q-link already, that would be one of my modules....

                      Peace out

                      With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                      Hear how here: Live the Energized Life

