I began a Ho'Oponopono thread in our Mastermind Healing forum some time ago with some links & articles on the subject which I am now posting here. This is a tremendously empowering concept for self healing, yet it is very simple process to practise.
I'm thrilled that PATHS has brought out the fabulous Ho'Oponopono module as I believe that this will be one of the most powerful modules that they have produced with huge benefits to all who use it.
The following information may you give you a bit more of an insight & understanding about the whole process.
Love, Light & Blessings,
I'm thrilled that PATHS has brought out the fabulous Ho'Oponopono module as I believe that this will be one of the most powerful modules that they have produced with huge benefits to all who use it.
The following information may you give you a bit more of an insight & understanding about the whole process.
Love, Light & Blessings,