I'd like to draw some attention towards the Rehydrating Electrolyte Mineral Mix sold at this summer's Energy Conference. It contains borax along with glucose, seasalt, baking soda, MSM, epsom salt, calcium citrate, potassium chloride, potassium iodide, and vitamin C. I tried it and found an improvement in my internal yeast over-growth problem. So, I did a little internet searching and discovered a lot of information about people using borax and boric acid for cleaning moldy clothes, interiors, and themselves (internally via miniscule oral ingestion - 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. borax per liter of water - or soaking in the bath with borax and baking soda). This product has very little boron, 0.27 mg per rounded teaspoon; I use far less than that per glass of juice or water flavored with a little maple syrup. It's sold for $25 by the pound in a glass jar by Direct Moon Sage and they might be reachable by their Facebook page...
Their mailing address is...
Direct Moon Sage
P.O. Box 2255
Billings, Montana 59103
suzettebrantley (at) hotmail (dot) com
telephone (USA)...
01 - 406 - 672 - 4433
Their mailing address is...
Direct Moon Sage
P.O. Box 2255
Billings, Montana 59103
suzettebrantley (at) hotmail (dot) com
telephone (USA)...
01 - 406 - 672 - 4433