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LIPUS for Tooth Regeneration

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  • LIPUS for Tooth Regeneration

    I've been looking on line to see if anything's become of Dr. Tarek El-Bialy and team's Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) device for tooth regeneration.
    Here are all the media reports from Rex Research:
    Jie CHEN: Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration -- 3 Articles & US Patent -- regrow teeth

    Interesting related technical papers:
    IJMS | Free Full-Text | Genes Responsive to Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound in MC3T3-E1 Preosteoblast Cells | HTML

    Rami Nagel's Cure Tooth Decay book has been helpful. Low Intensity Pulsed Ultra Sound doesn't seem to be of any help.

    I'd like to see if the LIPUS therapy is available anywhere.

    Comments/info much appreciated.

  • #2
    tooth regeneration

    That's interesting Bob.

    Red and Infrared led's pulsed at 292 hz corresponding to ectoderm tissue should do the same thing. I witnessed that completely heal a tooth that was hit and turned dark brown - today it is perfectly white and in perfect shape. That wasn't a cavity but it did reverse the tooth damage, which I'd imagine some of the nerve was damaged also - all of that is ectoderm tissue.

    That frequency is based on the Nogier frequencies corresponding to tissue types based on the embryological origin of tissue. He used pulsed magnetic fields but when I was working with a MD, etc. on all of this, we used red and infrared led's.

    For cavities, I think taking some good silica like Biosil (the best silica) and a good hydroxyapetite calcium about an hour before would probably help. Resistance against bones helps to uptake calcium and I think it is probably the same with teeth than pressure on them can do the same so maybe chewing gum a half hour after taking those supplements then doing the treatment after might speed it up.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      regrowing teeth with lasers

      Just found this:

      Scientists just discovered how to regrow teeth using laser beams | Digital Trends
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        The best i have seen is nutrition. It will not completely repair a badly damaged tooth but it does stop decay, some new dentine forms in the cavity or damage and then a new layer of enamel.

        If you had a minor cavity you end up with a dimple where the cavity was, I lost a crown on a molar and I’m seeing some improvement. First it went black after the glue used for the crown fell out, not good. I learned about the nutritional tricks and I have seen the black lighten to a yellowish brown. It does seem as though there is some dentine and enamel forming.

        ok its not a new tooth and it will always be unsightly and hasn’t increased in size noticeably but its mine and it seems healthy.

        On another tooth that had been root filled there is no improvement so the new material is coming in through the root.

        I will never have a Donny Osmond smile but they are my teeth and not plastic. I suppose I can describe it as like a scar on the teeth instead a small cavity and where the crown was its like the stump of an amputated limb.

        I have read that the earlier you catch the cavity forming the less apparent the healed area looks, best of all, get on a good diet and you don’t get the cavities.

        It does not seem as if it is sugar that causes the problem, but lack of nutrients and minerals in the food, of course if you have a bad diet and eat sugar the decay is accelerated.


        • #5
          Thanks for the frequency info and the very promising article. I wonder if stimming stem cells might be as simple as pulsing them with a simple over the counter low power laser light.

          I also wonder if there's a common element in these regenerative therapies, perhaps related to shared properties of sound and light - perhaps the dielectric element in both? I say this after reading Theoria apophasis' work, based on EPD's research.

          I can't help but wonder if accesing the aether, perhaps thru the dielectric (via a variety of modalities), is a way to bodily regeration and wellness.
          Thanks again,


          • #6
            Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds pretty promising, given that you were dealing with what was left after a cap fell off.

            My wife and I basically eat Paleo, and I notice that eating liver (cooked, and blended up with onions and oil after as pate) really helps (especially if I have a toothache - basically gone aftereating liver). My teeth seem to harden up after eating cooked heart as well. Two other things I do on a daily basis:

            Oregano Oil: A couple of drops of oil of oregano on a toothbrush to brush the teeth. Hulda Clark maintained that the oil of oregano would run along the roots of the teeth and kill the clostridium bacteria hiding there. I've found it very helpful when I've had any kind of inflammation around teeth. Basically knocks it out on short order.

            Home-made Tooth Powder: I use my own tooth powder combining the following
            + bentonite clay (for minerals)
            + comfrey root (good bone knitter)
            + horse tail (for silica to help rebuild teeth)
            + bicarb of soda
            + salt (for minerals)

            I generally brush with the oreg oil first. 5 or 10 minutes later, I'll wet my toothbrush and pat it into the poder and massage it into the tops of the teeth and along the gums. It kind of sits there like a paste during the night. I do believe it helps in my case. Teeth feel harder in the morning.

            The other thing I've heard helps is black walnut tincture. I make my own (you can take whole green walnuts before they go black and put them in a large wide-mouth mason jar and fill with 40% grain alcohol. I'm going to do a batch soon and will be using vodka, which is also 40%). I believe there's a connection between parasites and tooth decay. The b walnut seems to kill off some of these critters to allow the teeth to more easily self-regenerate.

            Anyway, thanks for your input. It's very encouraging. If you have any practical advice, I'd love to hear it.


            • #7
              eskimos have the highest rates of osteoperosis and they eat mainly a meat diet and bone meal wich is all calcium

              the problem is meat not lack of calcium

              meat is acidic and sticks in the gut longer. the body draws from bone marrow to alkalize the gut, (hence why they advertise tums for heart burn wich is calcium).

              so the more you eat meat the less dense your bones become, teeth falling out ect.

              physicall activity has to do with bone density too. so exercise before and after you study electricity and magnetism


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds pretty promising, given that you were dealing with what was left after a cap fell off.

                My wife and I basically eat Paleo, and I notice that eating liver (cooked, and blended up with onions and oil after as pate) really helps (especially if I have a toothache - basically gone aftereating liver). My teeth seem to harden up after eating cooked heart as well. Two other things I do on a daily basis:

                Oregano Oil: A couple of drops of oil of oregano on a toothbrush to brush the teeth. Hulda Clark maintained that the oil of oregano would run along the roots of the teeth and kill the clostridium bacteria hiding there. I've found it very helpful when I've had any kind of inflammation around teeth. Basically knocks it out on short order.

                Home-made Tooth Powder: I use my own tooth powder combining the following
                + bentonite clay (for minerals)
                + comfrey root (good bone knitter)
                + horse tail (for silica to help rebuild teeth)
                + bicarb of soda
                + salt (for minerals)

                I generally brush with the oreg oil first. 5 or 10 minutes later, I'll wet my toothbrush and pat it into the poder and massage it into the tops of the teeth and along the gums. It kind of sits there like a paste during the night. I do believe it helps in my case. Teeth feel harder in the morning.

                The other thing I've heard helps is black walnut tincture. I make my own (you can take whole green walnuts before they go black and put them in a large wide-mouth mason jar and fill with 40% grain alcohol. I'm going to do a batch soon and will be using vodka, which is also 40%). I believe there's a connection between parasites and tooth decay. The b walnut seems to kill off some of these critters to allow the teeth to more easily self-regenerate.

                Anyway, thanks for your input. It's very encouraging. If you have any practical advice, I'd love to hear it.
                sorry for the late reply

                The decay is linked to mineral deficiency, i forget which are the main ones and yes calcium is one of them. But even if you have a calcium rich diet, if your deficient in the others the decay will still happen. This often manifests in pregnant women as the minerals are striped from the teeth and bones to provide sufficient for the forming child.

                Its interesting what you say about liver, as this is the organ that processes these minerals, so you would expect to find more of them there than in other tissues.

                I could be wrong about this but i believe that any rotting of tissues requires enzymes to break them down. Any product that you apply to tooth decay that will destroy the enzymes present will slow or stop the rot. Bacteria produce enzymes, so killing the bacteria also helps.

                Stopping the rot is not enough, deadly sodium fluoride will kill bacteria but cannot prevent cavities and this is why normal toothpaste does little if anything to stop the process. We wont go into the damage done by fluoride here. It is the trace minerals and organic metals found in good foods that provide the building blocks for the teeth. Because these minerals and metals need to be in organic form, it is one of the reasons a lot of supplements dont work as well as you would expect.

                Putting it into the language that i understand, these minerals and metals have to be attached to proteins, fats or amino acids for the liver to work with them. For example putting elemental iron into your wheaties does not work.

                The roll acid plays in the process is to leach out the metals and minerals in the exposed dentine accelerating the growth of the cavity, obviously alkaline foods reduce this. It is interesting that foods that promote alkalinity in the body tend to contain the minerals that we need for out teeth.

                Grinding up bones and egg shells and baking it into bread apparently helps but its better to put this on your veg patch so that the plants take it up and then eat the plants.

                Like I say, I could be wrong about the biology of this, but it seems to work for me.


                • #9
                  Thanks for your reply. I didn't see it until now. Better late than never

                  Here's another interesting article on a hormone gel that seems promising in reversing tooth decay:
                  Hormone gel could regrow teeth cavities -

                  I went without a cavity for 25 years. As soon as I got off gluten and started dealing with parasites, the cavities started. I'm on a paleo diet, and continue to search for ways to improve dental health. I'm convinced that parasites and biofilm suck valuable minerals away from tooth regeneration.

                  More later...

