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adam: what salt you recommend?

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  • #46
    Water Kefir an Option for replacing probiotic enzymes?

    Adam Ant: quote -
    "When you are done Top loading, and you are pretty confident that your bathroom trips are over, you MUST REPLACE YOUR PRO-BIOTICS/ENZYMES. do this with yogurt or kifir."
    Greetings, Adam Ant
    Can you say whether water kefir is suitable for this purpose and, if so, how much should be taken and for how long?

    Where I live there is no kefir or genuine yogurt to be bought so I have purchased both milk and water kefir starter [the genuine growing, reproducible stuff - but dried for overseas buyers] from the 'kefirlady' [].

    However, the milk kefir requires days of feeding on organic milk to get started. The water kefir can feed on brown sugar, which is easier and less expensive, but it is not as concentrated as milk kefir.

    So I wish to know if water kefir is a viable option and how much of it is required, and/or for how long.



    • #47
      Wow, it has been some time since I have been to these forums. Interesting to see that people are still reading these topics.

      Anthropos: I believe that the kifir you have is valid, you can also use apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar in small amounts.
      As for duration, You can use it every day if you want, but 2 or 3 days is enough to replenish your system.


      • #48
        Hi adam_ant
        It has indeed been a long time since I saw you here last time. Over the years I have learned a lot, I am sure that you have too. I tried to e-mail you several times, but it was always rejected by a spam filter or something. Can you PM me an e-mail address that I can use to reach you? I have some things I want to discuss with you.
        Thank you!
        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


        • #49
          I'll post it right here, anyone can email me with any questions, especially you.


          • #50
            Originally posted by adam ant View Post
            Wow, it has been some time since I have been to these forums. Interesting to see that people are still reading these topics.

            Anthropos: I believe that the kifir you have is valid, you can also use apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar in small amounts.
            As for duration, You can use it every day if you want, but 2 or 3 days is enough to replenish your system.
            Thanks Adam.
            2 or 3 days understood.
            But how much per day? The replenishing is important and I haven't a clue whether 1 or 4 cups a day in 1/2 cup quantities is adequate.

            Furthermore, I am doing this with two friends [having provided them gathered info about sea salt] and am supplying them with the salt, distilled water and probiotics.

            You expressed surprise that your posts were still being read. Well the printed word is seed, and the Internet exponentially exceeds paper or any other medium as a means of broadcasting that seed.

            Four years later, in a small village of a distant island country someone has heeded your hint about ormus and sea salt. My two friends and I have benefited from MMS and now we will experience the power of salt.

            You have no way of knowing how many lives could be touched by a seed sown years ago and forgotten. The Web is an amazing tool for democratizing information. We will share our findings with others.

            Anyway ... give us a clue; about how much per day [in what amounts]?

            Thanks again.


            • #51
              That was pretty deep!

              The thing that makes me hesitant to give out actual numbers is that they can be different for each person depending on weight, body mass, circulation, intestinal blockages (sometimes even after a cleanse), dietary routines, and believe it or not, internal body temperatures as well as external temperatures can change things. We are, after all, talking about pro-biotics which are simply beneficial bacteria. There are so many different types, and so many different functions that I don't believe anyone knows them all. Your specific type of kefir I am unfamiliar with as far as specific pro-biotics.

              Either way, it does not take much to "colonize" a healthy and clean digestive tract. I personally gulp down a large mouthful of kefir or a few tablespoons of Greek style yogurt for about 2 or 3 days. After that I will drink it as I feel the need with any odd digestive issues.

              I also use apple cider vinegar (NON-pasturized, and NON-filtered) in small amounts (like a teaspoon with a glass of water and a dash of honey for taste) or even a high quality balsamic. Now I am making my own vinegar, can't wait to see how it turns out.

              Kombucha is another pro-biotic out there, but I have yet to test it out.

              Even eating a piece of good cheese or raw whole milk will do the trick.

              I hope this helps.


              • #52

                Thanx Bryan,
                I get it that there are many variables affecting how much of what kind of probiotic is adequate. Users must use what is available and affordable [from all the options] and be attentive to their own bodies' feedback.

                You have shown that there is a quite a variety of probiotic options (including homemade), so availability, cost and quantity is no longer a problem.

                btw, I have discovered some sources of locally made yogurt and also Mountain High Yogurt, which seems to be a quality product at a reasonable cost. So I'm on my way.



                • #53
                  Sounds great! When do you plan on doing the cleanse?

