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Prostate Enlargement Normal

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  • BroMikey
    If you are sick taking bug killing drugs it's only a matter of time before you are resistant to that medicine. Then you go quick. This thing gets hundreds of strains of the crude.

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  • BroMikey
    Needless to say 3lbs of sugar per month could give you a disease, same with 5 pots of coffee or 10 smokes plus 5 cold one's. Come on make sense

    Blood charging ( not frequency dependent) before and after oh yeah take vitamin B17 for cancer.

    Surprise your oncologist today and live. Left is your blood on drugs. Right is cells all getting the work done 100x better

    Like charges repel, very simple giving each cell some elbow room to do their job

    Dragonfly75 is only one place to get one. I like his because it has a light on it showing just the right amount needed. You get to much and you may damage some of your blood, fill up your lymph bogging down your system. If this happens apply heat to the nodes.

    You can't miss

    Dr Beck gave us other electro-medical devices such as EEG And EKG machines in the 1950's, now this. Some have suggested that he is a MIB CIA agent sent to kill us all with his machines but what if you are half dead from cancer already?

    What do you have to lose? Why are you scared?

    Last edited by BroMikey; 05-10-2022, 03:24 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    I was in the leading cancer hospital 25 days, sent home with 6 months to live. April was my month to be buried and I am as healthy as a horse now. 2-3 full months I got treatment and bag after bag of blood to keep me half alive. Hemoglobin - 5.2 and would peak at 7.5 then more blood had to be pumped into me. I was dying.

    Then I tried many other things as fast as I could because I didn't feel like I was going to make it like they said. B17 and electrification 15 min per day killed it. I get my blood taken and tested every week for 6 months now. One week on Monday my body made some blood on it's own and the doctor was surprised. That wasn't suppose to happen with the treatment protocol.

    My cancer (leukemia) went into remission See "Dragonfly75" for a box Mine was $200 plus shipping 20-40 apricot kernels per day can help because the Gmo foods lack nitrilosides. Other names B17 or Laetrile can be had only outside the USA. The USA has 1 out of every 2 people contracting cancer, they can't cure any of it. Try mine instead and live. Your organs may be to far gone? Do something. At the very least you will get pain relief.

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  • BroMikey
    Laetrile (B17) kills some cancers and lowers blood pressure 28% systolic and 25% diastolic
    American's eat 90 lbs of sugar per person per year. Cancer loves sugar. Cut it off. For instance bears never get cancer in the wild but when put in captivity eating the zhitty food man feds them, they get it. Food deficiency, no vitamins, mineral, enzymes, acids and more. GMO dead empty foods by design

    Last edited by BroMikey; 04-13-2022, 04:58 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    It is better to buy this one instead of waiting for yours to have a blowout. Simple tea can save your life if you know your BP is running high. I like this one, yes I bought a cheap one for $15 and the readings went all over, one time 170/40 the next time 85/60 within the same 5 minutes. I returned that junk. You had to feed it batteries daily.

    This one is medically certified and has a name on it unlike the generic china lie. 4 months on a recharge lithium all built in and
    Bluetooth for phone app records

    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-16-2022, 06:11 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    This is how my pillow works. Much of what you see on the web is false but this information is what I use now. In 4 more weeks I will have healed 25% and after 25 weeks I should be 99%
    Always squeeze your pillow gently to your chest when you cough up anything. You will be glad for a new life of breathing the fresh air. When your air is restricted it eventually cuts completely off and the breath of life will leave the body.

    1% failure rate means that patients who are often 75-80 years having other body problems pass on from liver and kidney failure due to abusive drinking.

    Gmo foods is enough to ruin your liver and kidney's, it's different for each person. Glyphosate causes cancer and heart blockage. Aero-planes spew dense solutions over houses and fields making any escape impossible. You can do everything right as I have done for the past 30 years and you will still get cancer.

    This process I am describing is a global one, called "euthanasiation"

    Eeuthanasia (euthanasia from Greek: εὐθανασία; "good death") is the act of killing an allowing it to die by withholding extreme medical measures.

    Create the problem and withhold the cure. 1 out of 2 men now get cancer and 1 in 3 ladies. This is not an accident.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-16-2022, 04:58 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    All countries do bypass, the gmo food chain is not good to eat and we have few options. Walmart brings in the worst

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  • BroMikey
    I was the youngest guy at the Heart Hospital got me up on the 11th and was walking the halls 4 times a day.

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  • BroMikey
    I have talked about various problems old men have. Prostate is one and hemorrhoids can be mistaken for other pain. In my case a huge guy who hired into the Detroit steel workers jungle as one of the grunt crew. 40 years of heavy lifting.

    There is an electrical switch (nerve trigger) for relaxing the muscles to urinate and a bowel movement #2. One effects the other and in my case with each passing day I have faced excruciating pain especially since chemo therapy in Nov 2021.

    My electrical nerve locked up solid Xmas eve when my bladder filled to 2000 ml or 2 liters, Needless to say it felt like I would explode on the way to emergency. I was once again quite constipated and also swollen or completely obstructed from the hemorrhoids. I was in big trouble.

    It was light snow but only had to travel 20 long miles. My electrical pinching extended to my left leg sciatic nerve so I walked a few feet and had to sit down. My whole electrical system keeps going into shock and I can walk but must be bent forward when this triggering occurs. Next I get a head banger and can't hold up my head so I use my hand to hold it up.

    I continued to go to many Dr's while in this condition and none of them could identify the problem. It's been 6 weeks and I got my catheter pulled out and yesterday got what is called for short an endo-scan. It is a machine on the wall with a long cord 5 ft and a handle with water valve trigger plus the optical viewing scope.

    A little cream is injected into the entrance of the penis where the endo-scope slowly moves in, all the way to the bladder. The patient gets to watch the 30" monitor while the Doc explains what you are seeing. First the perfectly round tube called the urethra, the clamping restriction of the prostate, rectum passage and finally the bladder.

    You can barely feel anything until he fills the bladder and I let out a yip in pain. The clean water shoot right up and out if a person can pee on their own. Yup everything good and I took some pills to help all of this along. No more bag and hose feels good. Surgery coming
    Last edited by BroMikey; 02-08-2022, 06:29 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Hello I am back to go over what I thought was prostate enlargement. It was tested on PSA levels and it is perfect so the milk machine works well. I found out why I could not urinate. I have lifted heavy equipment 40 years and over the years I got a tiny henia at my belly button.

    in 2017 the Dr said FlowMax was my answer. Problem is not only did I have a visible hernia but also some invisible ones in the form of hemorrhoids. These are tiny expanded blood vessels that develop at the exit port of the anus. Each time (every 24 hrs) #2 stool comes, damage occurs to these many small grape like obstruction and with it infection. Bloody stool sometimes is a sign plus it become a condition of constipation for every bowel movement.

    In turn came urinary track infection to the point I needed to be catheterized. This is what happened to me while going to many many doctors. None of them knew what I needed. Then on Xmas eve when all of my 7 doctors offices were all close I had to drive to a nearby hospital because I could no longer urinate.

    It has been over a month and still not one of my Doctors could tell me what was wrong or even knew which Dr I might need. Finally after 3 months of pleading with all my Doctors I got the answer and still must wait another month however I am receiving treatment now.

    Everybody is a specialist now-a-days and they all pass the buck but the patient has no clue, don't want stinky hands.

    This is the most painful enduring event I have ever experienced. Then the heart Doc let's my BP (blood pressure) go to 70/30 and scolds me, threatens to disown me because I adjusted my 3 BP medicines one day so I could make it into his office for a 10 minute appointment.

    The pace at a clinic is so fast with money as the goal people are not served well.

    The chemo is what caused the flare up. I am fighting AML leukemia. I needed a heart bypass 20 years but had no insurance. Everything is happening all at once.

    Here are the 2 procedures I must go thru to get peace in my body

    I was at the KU medical hospital 27 days by airlift when I collapsed but my Doctor said all I needed was FlowMax and that my heart was like a hammer. Turns out there are some incompetent Doctors. I had cancer and FlowMax was the only prescription plus my heart has been operating at 30-50% capacity for years but that Doctor never knew it or checked. I spent $1300 cash on blood tests and all tests were clear in 2017 yet I continued to degrade rapidly. For the next 2 years I sat in a chair working and wondering why I felt so bad.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 02-03-2022, 08:11 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Hook these two together m_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=US&_force _currency_code=USD&pid=googleadwords_int&c=%7Bcamp aignId%7D&ad_cid=5dddf01dfc5c331540e41922&ad_cc=US &ad_lang=EN&ad_curr=USD&ad_price=319.00&campaign_i d=7203534630&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0caCBhCIARIsAGAfuMx8VAP bb3RjDJbV04Kca_x5UrF60ok7g-huRFxMaqwLNVYNc9QHqbUaAh0sEALw_wcB&share=web

    4 part protocol

    Silver water, colloidal silver water
    Ozonated water
    Blood electrifier
    Magnetic pulser

    Just the magnetic pulser and ozonated water take down the swelling of the prostate. I did minimal magnetic pulsing for 3 weeks and all I ended up with was more upset tummy. Just like we are all told would happen due to what is known as "DIE OFF" this die off is a result of the pulsing energizing the blood or charging of the blood so the blood can do a more proper job of cleansing the body.

    No voodoo. Just an electrical charging which separates the individual cells stuck together unable to perform the task the cells know oh so well. 50% reduction in 3-4 weeks. Many doctor offices now have PEMF beds. These beds are nothing more than the same thing as a simple device with 1 coil. The beds have what are called coil pads. Their are multiple coils to cover the entire body all at once and require a larger circuit to power all of these coils at once. Those doctor office PEMF units run $20,000 and up.

    Remember the blood electrifier does produce die off so be careful, only 10-20 minutes at first.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-17-2021, 11:32 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Does anyone know if John Bedini would say that these machines are the same as Rife.
    This site is all out of Rife boxes from what I read. How about these guys?

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  • BroMikey
    Here is the circuit diagram for the high quality parts list. I contacted him on EBAY
    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-07-2021, 01:40 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    My mistake 2 year warranty. This one is 230v for the UK

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  • BroMikey

    I found him on youtube. 1 year warranty, I like his PEMF because he has high quality components, not that cheap plastic with no fan. Any unit with no fan is weak. The doctor office units range from $6000-$20,000 dollars which is out of my price range. This guy is in the middle range and works for him money.

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