I've just discovered this site through connecting with someone on a networking forum, and I'm SO impressed with it, I wanted to share it:
Relentlessly Positive - Being Positive
Here's an excerpt from it:
"In the words of Baz Luhrmann, "Do not read beauty magazines. They will Only. Make. You. Feel. Ugly"
If you have ever put down a fashion magazine and wished you were six feet tall and a size two;
If you have ever finished a beauty magazine and decided that you must spend huge amounts of cash on expensive beauty treatments ... or just a paper bag to put over your head;
If you have ever despaired at the critical way women (and men) are written about in celebrity magazines, picked apart for having cellulite or nasal hair and criticised for every aspect of their lifestyle;
If you have ever bought a diet magazine and then wished you hadn't bothered;
You may be ready for Relentlessly Positive. This website is dedicated to making people feel GOOD."
There's SO much on the site - I've haven't had a chance to explore it fully yet, but was so excited to find such a well-presented, valuable "Good News" publication, I had to post it here in the meantime.
I'm going back to enjoy the rest of it now.
Love and Light and Magic xxx
Relentlessly Positive - Being Positive
Here's an excerpt from it:
"In the words of Baz Luhrmann, "Do not read beauty magazines. They will Only. Make. You. Feel. Ugly"
If you have ever put down a fashion magazine and wished you were six feet tall and a size two;
If you have ever finished a beauty magazine and decided that you must spend huge amounts of cash on expensive beauty treatments ... or just a paper bag to put over your head;
If you have ever despaired at the critical way women (and men) are written about in celebrity magazines, picked apart for having cellulite or nasal hair and criticised for every aspect of their lifestyle;
If you have ever bought a diet magazine and then wished you hadn't bothered;
You may be ready for Relentlessly Positive. This website is dedicated to making people feel GOOD."
There's SO much on the site - I've haven't had a chance to explore it fully yet, but was so excited to find such a well-presented, valuable "Good News" publication, I had to post it here in the meantime.

Love and Light and Magic xxx