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Monatomic Gold (white powder of gold)

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  • #31
    Colloidal Silver & Gold

    Originally posted by ecenur View Post
    I am using colloidal silver at the moment and I'm really happy with it actually, looking into making it my self when I learn the steps a bit more. I have never tried colloidal gold, but I think I'm going to give it a go in a couple of months to see if that might work better for me.
    I've had some good results with both. I've been making the silver colloid myself by the very simple process of DC electrolysis. Just wire 4 x 9V batteries in series making 36V (works as low as 24V too). Then connect the -/+ poles to two lengths of 000 purity silver wire at opposite ends submerged in a jar of distilled water. Wait for a few hours, and you'll have a concentrated suspension of silver in water that will be more potent than most commercial colloidal silver products. The silver wire, though relatively expensive will last a long time and produce gallons of silver water. I want to look into Bob beck's way of producing it too.

    Small supplements of it seem to benefit health in general and especially boost immunity. With larger doses, I've cured infections like toothaches in less time than a prescription antibiotic, among other benefits. There's been times, however that a flue got to me no matter how much silver water I administered to myself. I've had quite a bit of success using it topically also. Knocked out an onset of conjunctivitis in an hour by putting drops of it directly in my eyes. Topical applications can be full strength, but oral supplements of it should be diluted quite a bit with more distilled water.

    I've tried commercially available colloidal gold as a supplement. For me, the noticeable benefits experienced were mostly mental. I think it helps you think faster. I would also speculate that it benefits the whole nervous system and possibly the heart and circulatory too. I haven't been using it lately simply because of the cost, but as I recall, it helped uplift my mood too.

    A knowledgeable holistic healer I know and trust did caution me that ingestion of metals can be overdone, and that people with certain body types might react badly to any amount of it at all. So if you haven't tried the gold yet, maybe it's a good idea to experiment with small amounts first.

    I'd love it if someone would post information on how to make colloidal gold at home. So far, I've seen very little info out there about it and the commercial producers lead one to believe that it takes very expensive equipment which involves high voltage arcing.

    - Godfrey
    Last edited by Godfrey; 11-22-2010, 09:32 AM.


    • #32
      Colloidal Gold DIY info

      No responses yet for my requests for more info on making colloidal gold at home. Maybe the techies on this forum just aren't in a charitable mood?

      As is often my experience in life, if you want something done, do it yourself.

      Being a sharing kind of person usually pays off somewhere down the line, however, so here's what I've found myself about the subject so far. Not much in the way of website links but some information leaks on youtube:

      Making Colloidal Gold from Gold Wire and Electrolysis:
      YouTube - Making Colloidal Gold from Gold Wire and Electrolysis

      Make Colloidal Gold from Gold Chloride:
      YouTube - Make Colloidal Gold from Gold Chloride

      colloidal gold generater parts 1 & 2:
      YouTube - colloidal gold generater part1.3gp
      YouTube - colloidal gold generater part 2.3gp

      The History of Making Colloidal Gold - 6 Parts
      YouTube - Part 1 - The History of Making Colloidal Gold
      YouTube - Part 2 - The History of Making Colloidal Gold
      YouTube - Part 3 - The History of Making Colloidal Gold
      YouTube - Part 4 - The History of Making Colloidal Gold
      YouTube - Part 5 - The History of Making Colloidal Gold
      YouTube - Part 6 - The History of Making Colloidal Gold

      I haven't yet explored these methods, so don't take this as any kind of endorsement, just doing my best to pass on info I find.

      - Godfrey


      • #33
        I never try making colloid but maybe this help.

        Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post

        Glad to see a discussion of genuine import in these threads!

        As for the "Elixir of Life", one such preparation is Colloidal Gold. Properly made, it is the best aid to meditation I have ever experienced. Even some of the commercial preparations are sufficiently active to show the trend of growing "light in the mind".

        Since Gold and Sun Light are the SAME SUBSTANCE, the simplest method to make the preparation is to take a small piece of pure gold and place it in a shallow saucer covered with water from a natural spring. Then simply take a magnifying glass and focus a beam of sunlight down through the water to strike the piece of gold. The energy of the Etheric Gold (sunlight) upon the physical gold will produce Liquid Gold, a colloidal suspension of extremely small gold particles in water that is also enfused with the energy of gold (like a homeopathic preparation).

        When ingested, this elixir lights up the mind space, making the "meanings of things" self-evident. This is what real "mono-atomic gold" can do.

        Alchemy is about the "transmutation" of the base human character into the fully awakened "child of God" by the process of actual purification (not symbolic). It is about bringing "substance" under the complete control of "essence", as spoken in "the old tongue".

        As Jesus told his Disciples, it is the "Pearl of Great Price", that when it is found, everything else is sold or disposed of in order to possess it!

        But the elixirs are only a catalyst, and ultimately cannot make up for a genuine lack of "true intent" to fulfill the "purpose of Essence" (the Will of God).

        A real Alchemist can transmute himself into the Light of Life without any external elixirs.

        "He who has an ear to hear, let him hear."


        I came accross interesting silver colloid making:
        Colloidal Silver Generators | "A Closer Look" by Peter Lindemann
        Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
        Hi Amigo,

        I built and sold Colloidal Silver Generators for over 10 years. This link takes you to an article I wrote for Borderlands Magazine back in 1997. Its a good background piece.

        Colloidal Silver Generators | "A Closer Look" by Peter Lindemann

        Please read this article before commenting further. It covers most of the issues you are discussing. I paid for the lab testing for particle size and total dissolved solids, and went back to the Chemistry books from 100 years ago to get the right answers.

        I completely agree with Aaron. Particle SIZE is the most important issue. It has to do with two very import realities. First, by making the particles smaller, the total SURFACE AREA of the silver's interface with the environment gets larger. There are also more particles for the same concentration. Second, by making the particles smaller, they can PENETRATE more different kinds of tissue in the body, and get to more locations, producing a better, all around benefit.

        Both John Bedini and I have experimented with making Colloidal Silver with his Radiant Oscillators. The particle size is super small and nothing ever precipitates after the solution is put in a brown bottle. The SG motor works fine, but the solid-state oscillators are simpler for this purpose. Use the standard, one diode, rectified output to the silver electrodes in distilled water.

        Its cheap, its easy, and the product is excellent.



        • #34
          Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
          A knowledgeable holistic healer I know and trust did caution me that ingestion of metals can be overdone, and that people with certain body types might react badly to any amount of it at all. So if you haven't tried the gold yet, maybe it's a good idea to experiment with small amounts first.
          from someone at davidicke:
          "I wouldnt use any zapper made by anyone else and I have bought them all.

          I wouldnt use any colloidal silver from anyone else in the world except the "colloidal silver transmuter" made by Joe.. I sell these.the power supply for the sliver transmuter doubles as a zapper.... its tuned to the bodies frequency...

          all the other zappers dont understand which hand the negative terminal is held in and so they have a 50% chance of actually damaging the body....

          I sell then for US$300

          so Joe's colloidal silver transmuter... actually transmutes the water into silver... or more importantly puts the frequency of silver into water.... so there are no side effects like blueing of the skin.

          you can kill some virus's by grabbing an electric fence... others by using a Beck zapper...

          Joe's colloidal silver maker has 4 silver rods all wired in a special way....

          yes just to place silver in the water imparts the frequency of silver in the water which is better than making tiny pieces of silver to drink... the type of water is important even with this rocking silver unit.... I would suggest spring water from the top or side of a mountain that naturally comes out of the ground and tastes sweet"


          • #35
            Stingo Colloidal Gold Generator

            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            I never try making colloid but maybe this help.
            A belated thanks is in order for your outstanding helpfulness, Sucahyo!

            The more I get to know Peter Lindemann, the more I like him! In his mystical talk about the Sun & gold relationship...he speaky my language!

            I gave his alchemical method a try, but found it difficult to focus sun through a magnifying glass on gold wire under water. The water adds optical distortion and the sun always moves. I did, however, experience a boost from the water produced...but this is highly subjective. I also noticed that when I did successfully focus a beam of sunlight on the gold, it reflected back a red light.

            His mention of using solid state oscillators for electrolysis did inspire me to apply your Stingo circuit to the task of colloidal gold production:


            - Godfrey


            • #36
              Thanks .

              Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
              I gave his alchemical method a try, but found it difficult to focus sun through a magnifying glass on gold wire under water. The water adds optical distortion and the sun always moves. I did, however, experience a boost from the water produced...
              It can also happen because you sun bath the water too I think. Not because of the gold.


              • #37
                ormus gold elixir

                I've been intending to post this inquiry for awhile...has anybody used this ormus gold elixir before? What did you think about it? Here's a link to the site:


                • #38
                  very helpful... thanks


                  • #39
                    Over my 10 year nutrition journey i have tried pretty much everything there is to try in the health market from vitamin and minerals, to gold and silver, zappers and orgone, stones and crystals, and everything in between. I have realized the best way to health is a good parasite cleanse, simple clean nutritious food (mostly raw), sun exposure as much as you can get, go outdoors as much as you can, and clean water. The rest the body will take care of.

                    Im a nutritionist and kinesiologist and author of 4 books on health which have helped over 50 thousand people all over the world. Health is simple, and it should be.


                    • #40

                      I to have used colloidal silver for some time know and can attest to the germ fighting capabilities. i had a caustic burn scar on my foot for years from me stepping a puddle of caustic solution in a refinery that literally eat my boot to the point of falling off my foot in 25 feet of walking. using a strong solution of colloidal silver the scars and excess skin growth went completely away and now i have supper smooth feet again. i also had a fungal infection in my little toenail that deformed my toenail and looked quite ugly. two weeks of drops later the nail is perfect and normal.

                      I also put drops in my eyes and have noticed my eye sight is slightly better and i can see more color and sharpness with everything looking brighter with no eye buggers any more.
                      it could be my imagination but i also seem to have more energy and generally feel better when i take it.

                      Silver is good, Gold is suppose to be better and apparently Titanium is suppose to be the best but i have not tried it. it works for me and i am very rarely sick.

                      Bob Beck's circuit.



                      • #41
                        Hydochloric Acid

                        Adam ant;

                        you had earlier posted that when stomach acid combines with pure Gold it produces Gold chloride which is dangerous to health.

                        the chloride ion in Hydrochloric acid consists of the non-reactive and non-toxic chloride ion so i am wondering where it picks up it's toxicity in this process when pure Gold is introduced.

                        Gold does not react to Hydrochloric acids but will react if mixed with Nitric acid in an Aqua regia, which is a mixture of the two.

                        so it seems the white gold powder might not be that bad after all.

                        that is why Colloidal Gold is not toxic and very helpfull.

                        just saying.

                        Last edited by marathonman; 02-19-2017, 10:54 PM.

