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A world without cancer

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  • A world without cancer

    I wasn't sure if anyone had seen this video. And I was wondering what people think of it.

    G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17

    The entire video is about an hour long and I haven't watched the whole thing, but the main points are covered in the first ten minutes.

    Real products that activate dormant spiritual abilities

  • #2
    Laetrile - Vitamin B17

    Thanks for posting that Stacey!

    I didn't watch the video but am familiar with laetrile.

    In the states, the only place I know where it is "legally" used as a treatment was in Nevada. I know some people from my local area that went there and received laetrile injections and were CURED of cancer. I don't know what the success rate is overall, but it worked for them.

    It may still be an available treatment in Nevada...not sure.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      About 3 years ago, my sister was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. Apparently this is the 'worst' kind you can get (luckily they didn't tell her that), and is deemed as being 'incurable' - meaning curable from within.

      A friend of mine suggested Apricot kernels, which has a high level of B17, along with Essiac tea.
      My sister took this everyday for several months, along with chemo and radiation therapy, and after several x-rays and blood tests, everything was showing great improvement. They could no longer detect any cancer in her body, and asked her what she was doing/taking as they were astonished by the results. She told them about the kernels and the tea, and they said to keep up whatever it was she was doing as she healed so quickly.

      When I looked up B17 on the net a couple of years ago, I did come across some tribe somewhere, where they have B17 in their every day diet, and apparently so far they have never had a case of cancer.

      Today, while looking for some cleansing remedy for a friend whos son has Asbergers (sp), I came across this site which seems very interesting. Zeolite
      and that too, seems to produce some very interesting results for people.

      Much Love,
      Moria x
      Intuitive Readings
      Web design by Hannah King


      • #4
        Thank you Aaron and Moria for your replies. When I posted this, it was the first time I had ever heard of B17 deficiency and it's relation to cancer. In fact it's the first time I am aware of even hearing of B17. I was looking up vitamin deficiencies in general and found info on various vitamin B complexes but I find it odd that vitamin B17 is rarely mentioned. Almost as if it doesn't even exist. (Aka, nitrilocides, Amygdalin or laetrile) I know so many people who are struggling or have struggled with cancer. And some who have died. It makes me sad to know that this is so unnecessary. Not just sad but angry too. When I posted this I was wondering if anyone else had heard of it, because it sounded so well, out there. But now I realize that this info has been around for a long time and many credible people are aware of this and have used this information. And I also thought that if it's true, people should know, and I hope that this helps someone out there who needs this info.

        Real products that activate dormant spiritual abilities


        • #5

          Interesting posts...

          Oxygen kill cancer cells too.



          • #6
            oxygen and cancer

            Otto Warburg got the Nobel Prize for the oxygen/cancer connection...or lack of oxygen/cancer connection I should say.

            The Oxygen-Transferring Ferment of Respiration

            The oxygen/enzyme connection is what Johanna Budwig's flax oil/cottage cheese method is about...the fatty acids are THE primary key for this oxygenation system.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              B17 and Hoxsey

              My Mom's cancer went away using B17 and Hoxsey.
              She was treated in Mexico because it "does not work" in the USA.
              Her cancer has not returned for over 25 years now.
              Byron Pirolo
              ESM-Zrii Support
              click here for esm-zrii website


              • #8
                Vitamin B-17

                Dr. Castillo? Does he use B17 too?
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9
                  b17 laetrile

                  Yes, Dr. Castillo uses Laetrile and Hoxsey.

                  Laetrile Information Page, treatment for cancer
                  Byron Pirolo
                  ESM-Zrii Support
                  click here for esm-zrii website

