Zrii Testimonies
If you have been drinking Zrii we would love to hear from you and what you have experienced. Zrii is a nutritional beverage that ESM is endorsing, see banner ad to the right of your screen.
Suggested Rules:
Please keep your testimonies to what you experience.
Please leave a way to be contacted for more details if you don't mind.
Feel free to give your story including surrounding circumstances.
Byron Pirolo
I had recently started wearing reading glasses when sitting at my computer or reading papers at my desk. When I wear my contact lenses for distance it messes up my near-sighted vision. A week after starting to take Zrii I noticed the computer screen was clear without my reading glasses. I went to the eye doctor and my prescription had changed from -2.25 to -2.0. When I started with my new prescription this made my near-sighted vision even better.
I did a search on the internet on the ingredients in Zrii because Zrii does not say anything about improved vision. Three of the ingredients, Amalaki, Schizandra, and Haritaki, are used in other countries for treating eyes and improving vision. I found this very interesting because I had not heard of eyes getting better after they go bad.
I also experience a better since of well-being.
If you have been drinking Zrii we would love to hear from you and what you have experienced. Zrii is a nutritional beverage that ESM is endorsing, see banner ad to the right of your screen.
Suggested Rules:
Please keep your testimonies to what you experience.
Please leave a way to be contacted for more details if you don't mind.
Feel free to give your story including surrounding circumstances.
Byron Pirolo
I had recently started wearing reading glasses when sitting at my computer or reading papers at my desk. When I wear my contact lenses for distance it messes up my near-sighted vision. A week after starting to take Zrii I noticed the computer screen was clear without my reading glasses. I went to the eye doctor and my prescription had changed from -2.25 to -2.0. When I started with my new prescription this made my near-sighted vision even better.
I did a search on the internet on the ingredients in Zrii because Zrii does not say anything about improved vision. Three of the ingredients, Amalaki, Schizandra, and Haritaki, are used in other countries for treating eyes and improving vision. I found this very interesting because I had not heard of eyes getting better after they go bad.
I also experience a better since of well-being.