For SallyJane, and Blake!
Hi SallyJane, and Blake,
I have to tell the both of you how utterly thrilled I was in reading your posts! I only wish I had made the time to post immediately! On May 27th I skyped Sharyn Hayes to thank her for posting her thread on the ArchAngels,.
I knew that the energies of these magnificent beings were working heavily on all of us, and I had been feeling much of these energies personally, especially recently. I began making corrections for more of these energies to come through, but without too much "detox, and processing" that comes along with acclimating such energies into our consciousness.
Then to my delight you both post about the Arch Angels!!!
For me it was confirmation that what I had been receiving was indeed for all of us here!
For one thing, I feel extremely connected to all that are aware of this thread.
I am experiencing intense feelings lately and I wish I could explain what I have been experiencing, but it would take too long. Suffice it to say that, the CEM corrections I have been making and the work that you all have been doing is shifting us as a whole in MAGNIFICENT ways. In ways that we all need to be aware of!
Do not try to look for miracles, just know that they are happening all around you, and some are so subtle that they are easily missed. So be calm and at peace and I guarantee, you will begin to experience them more and more!
Thank you again SallyJane and Blake for your ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS posts!!
Also, I have of course been making the requested corrections and more, because many times what you are asking for is not the major issue. Yet, with a simple request for whatever, the major issues always come forward first for corrections. Your HigherSelf always knows what you need.
Hi SallyJane, and Blake,
I have to tell the both of you how utterly thrilled I was in reading your posts! I only wish I had made the time to post immediately! On May 27th I skyped Sharyn Hayes to thank her for posting her thread on the ArchAngels,.
I knew that the energies of these magnificent beings were working heavily on all of us, and I had been feeling much of these energies personally, especially recently. I began making corrections for more of these energies to come through, but without too much "detox, and processing" that comes along with acclimating such energies into our consciousness.
Then to my delight you both post about the Arch Angels!!!

For one thing, I feel extremely connected to all that are aware of this thread.
I am experiencing intense feelings lately and I wish I could explain what I have been experiencing, but it would take too long. Suffice it to say that, the CEM corrections I have been making and the work that you all have been doing is shifting us as a whole in MAGNIFICENT ways. In ways that we all need to be aware of!
Do not try to look for miracles, just know that they are happening all around you, and some are so subtle that they are easily missed. So be calm and at peace and I guarantee, you will begin to experience them more and more!
Thank you again SallyJane and Blake for your ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS posts!!
Also, I have of course been making the requested corrections and more, because many times what you are asking for is not the major issue. Yet, with a simple request for whatever, the major issues always come forward first for corrections. Your HigherSelf always knows what you need.
