For Val!
Hi Val,
I am so happy Dani is doing better! You also have shifted, you just have not allowed yourself to trust this truth yet. Let me explain it this way. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being your perception of dis-ease, and 10 being your perception of perfect health of your projected physical body, you were a -3 when I began making corrections, and now you are a 3. I know you want to be a perfect 10, but you must first have faith in your power to create this effortlessly.
I can make corrections for eternity on you, and know that they have all been effective, but unless you have faith in yourself and who you truly are, you will fall back into your mental habits that no longer serve you, and continue to project the same dis-ease. Feeling as if you are a "lost cause" is nothing more than a choice to fall victim to the ego/mind and it's insane notions that you are separate from God, and therefore you have no power. I know Val that your reasoning mind already knows these things, but you are wondering why you have not experienced perfect health yet.
The reason is because your ego/mind is looking for A BIG MIRACLE. The big miracle where everything is PERFECT RIGHT NOW! This is a way for the ego/mind to once again prove to you that "you see, I am a lost cause", because that BIG MIRACLE has not happened, and therefore it probably never will. This causes you to be in a constant state of a "crisis of faith". I have been making corrections on many other issues and layers of fear for you, but these are just a few. We are an infinite being and the ego/mind (if you give it power by believing in it) will use infinite ways to attack.
It will be important for you to focus your mind now on catching all the "small" miracles. No matter how minute, a miracle is a miracle, and the size does not take away the immense power that you have for creating even the smallest one. Dani and you feeling a bit better is one. Catching yourself smiling is another. Feeling a sense of peace even for a slight moment is another. Finding this Forum is yet another.
As you begin to focus on these small miracles, your faith in yourself will begin to take root and flourish!!
You will realize that YOU are experiencing these small miracles, therefore you are attracting them, and also you are allowing the healing to take place.
You also have a tendency to drift in and out of the "Dark night of the Soul". Once again this is nothing to fear, we have all been there, but now it is time for you to awaken to the fact that you are creating this drifting back and forth. Now you can put the effects of the "Dark night of the Soul" to benefit for you. I want you to watch this video, and I will continue to make the necessary corrections for you. DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL
Thank you so much for posting Val, this is resonating with more people than you can imagine, and you are being of great service to all. Also, as you finally allow the complete healing to take place, you will inspire so many to do the same! There is always a brilliant silver lining to every dark cloud.
Originally posted by VJoy
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I am so happy Dani is doing better! You also have shifted, you just have not allowed yourself to trust this truth yet. Let me explain it this way. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being your perception of dis-ease, and 10 being your perception of perfect health of your projected physical body, you were a -3 when I began making corrections, and now you are a 3. I know you want to be a perfect 10, but you must first have faith in your power to create this effortlessly.
I can make corrections for eternity on you, and know that they have all been effective, but unless you have faith in yourself and who you truly are, you will fall back into your mental habits that no longer serve you, and continue to project the same dis-ease. Feeling as if you are a "lost cause" is nothing more than a choice to fall victim to the ego/mind and it's insane notions that you are separate from God, and therefore you have no power. I know Val that your reasoning mind already knows these things, but you are wondering why you have not experienced perfect health yet.
The reason is because your ego/mind is looking for A BIG MIRACLE. The big miracle where everything is PERFECT RIGHT NOW! This is a way for the ego/mind to once again prove to you that "you see, I am a lost cause", because that BIG MIRACLE has not happened, and therefore it probably never will. This causes you to be in a constant state of a "crisis of faith". I have been making corrections on many other issues and layers of fear for you, but these are just a few. We are an infinite being and the ego/mind (if you give it power by believing in it) will use infinite ways to attack.
It will be important for you to focus your mind now on catching all the "small" miracles. No matter how minute, a miracle is a miracle, and the size does not take away the immense power that you have for creating even the smallest one. Dani and you feeling a bit better is one. Catching yourself smiling is another. Feeling a sense of peace even for a slight moment is another. Finding this Forum is yet another.
As you begin to focus on these small miracles, your faith in yourself will begin to take root and flourish!!

You also have a tendency to drift in and out of the "Dark night of the Soul". Once again this is nothing to fear, we have all been there, but now it is time for you to awaken to the fact that you are creating this drifting back and forth. Now you can put the effects of the "Dark night of the Soul" to benefit for you. I want you to watch this video, and I will continue to make the necessary corrections for you. DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL
Thank you so much for posting Val, this is resonating with more people than you can imagine, and you are being of great service to all. Also, as you finally allow the complete healing to take place, you will inspire so many to do the same! There is always a brilliant silver lining to every dark cloud.
