Hmmmm... I am finding an interesting thread here... First I posted, then Belle, and then Nancy??? There seems to be an energy pattern here, and my feeling is that something big is about to happen for everyone here on this thread in the way of finances!!!!
I don't believe in coincidence, but more in energy patterns and transformations here are happening as a collective! Wow! This is going to be powerful, cause we are all working through this in unison!!!
Well I decided I needed to go in and talk with my FSM today, and I needed to let her see who I am... Who I really am! We came to an awesome agreement, and she totally understood. Sent me home to relax and get a little sleep today... I told her I needed to help her help me, by letter her get to know who I am and how I work!
After I posted earlier, I did a fearie reading and the first card was telling me to come back to earth, and be grounded, and the second card was friends, and when I turned it over I saw her as a friend, and not an enemy!! Not that I thought of her as an enemy, but I felt she was judging me!
Well I am off, so have a great day...
Hmmmm... I am finding an interesting thread here... First I posted, then Belle, and then Nancy??? There seems to be an energy pattern here, and my feeling is that something big is about to happen for everyone here on this thread in the way of finances!!!!

Well I decided I needed to go in and talk with my FSM today, and I needed to let her see who I am... Who I really am! We came to an awesome agreement, and she totally understood. Sent me home to relax and get a little sleep today... I told her I needed to help her help me, by letter her get to know who I am and how I work!
After I posted earlier, I did a fearie reading and the first card was telling me to come back to earth, and be grounded, and the second card was friends, and when I turned it over I saw her as a friend, and not an enemy!! Not that I thought of her as an enemy, but I felt she was judging me!
Well I am off, so have a great day...