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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Originally posted by Grace View Post
    I have been making corrections on your back. I still do not have full strength yet with you, so keep me posted! On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the worst pain, and 10 being perfectly healthy. I have you now at a 2 , Which to say the least, means more corrections necessary.
    Thank you so much for your swift response, Grace. I woke up this morning, and for the first time in weeks I was able to get out of bed without pain, and spend the rest of the day standing straight and tall. It felt SO wonderful and freeing, and I just knew it was your work! However throughout the day I still have twinges now and again. Right now I would say that I'm at a 6 or 7 on your scale - my spine now feels nice and flexible, unlike the horrible stiffness of the last few weeks, but every time I lean to one side, the left part of my lower back hurts. Sometimes the pain shoots down into my left leg.

    I will do the lovely visualisation exercise that you offer. I am a great believer of light work and I often practice sending out light to others ... it just never occurred to me to do it for myself until you mentioned it! Thank you so much, Grace!


    • Dear Grace and Doug

      Thank you Grace and Doug

      Grace, I understand what you say,.... "There are three key items to accepting corrections, and they are able, willing and ready. you are Able and willing, but not ready. Because you are not ready I will patiently wait until you are......"

      I did not know that I had to be "ready" in that sense to recieve corrections, or else I would not have asked you to do it. I know I don't have the faith in myself, or the universe. I had faith in you, but didn't know I had to have it in myself for CEM to work. So I apologize for any time spent on me that was of no use. Thank you so much!! You are a sweetheart

      Doug, Wow, there is a lot there, and I don't want to make this a novel in answer to your post, it would drag everyone down, and doesn't really belong in this thread if Grace says I am not ready for corrections, but I would like to answer briefly.
      You are very kind. You always put a smile on my face, even when I feel like cr*p! Okay, only a few points.....I do not believe this is cog-dis. I am like this NORMALLY. I know myself very, very well, and know what my beliefs are without writing them down.

      I don't believe Paths is working yet. If it is, it may be subtle at this point...but not major. I have always had the child who wants to survive and the depressed person who doesn't believe.

      Example: I have spent the afternoon in almost panic, because in exactly 2 1/2weeks, my husband will go on a business trip for 2 days, and I will probably be in the midst of another abdominal pain attack.....the last time he was on a trip he had to come home early to take care of me, I get that sick. I cannot ask him to do that again, so I am very scared of being left alone again, and I have a sick cat to take care of at the same time. Based on this past summer, I have every reason to expect another attack, but I do not have the strength to fight the thought. You will say how destructive this thinking is, I agree!! But don't know how to combat it.

      I am not sure what you mean about being creative with my thought, about any of this....mabye that needs to be clarified?

      I will be 45 next month, and I have a lifetime of illness behind me, and see it getting worse. How do I have faith?? Where do I get it from? My parent's didn't have it, through my life I haven't found it, (I have had HOPE often, but often let down) and this is why I came to Paths, because my options for help are almost gone. I have "hope" that Paths will work, but don't know yet.

      Anyway, to wrap this up, I am a kid and a perfectionist, like you.
      You asked me to tell you if any of what you said made sense....most of it did, and I thank you so much for your loving response.

      Thank you both Grace and Doug,
      I apologize for the downbeat energy of this thread, that is just how I feel right now, and Doug you are correct, I am very matter of fact. I know myself very well....too well.

      Last edited by VJoy; 09-07-2008, 08:59 PM.
      Blessings and Peace to All --Val


      • Affirmations

        I had mentioned earlier that I would post some affirmations here to help anyone wanting to take the next step... I find this very helpful when I am meditating / breathing to stay focussed on the high vibrational thoughts and to shut down the egoic mind chatter.

        Affirmations for the Root Chakra
        I am safe and secure at all times.
        I am divinely protected and guided and my way is made smooth and easy.
        I love my feet. They show me the way.
        I love my legs. They give me support.
        I am open to expanding my awareness of life.
        I am willing to release all my old patterns of fear and insecurity to live with joy and well-being now.
        I know that I belong. I know that I am safe.
        People now support me in an easy and pleasurable way.
        It is safe for me to enjoy my life now.
        I am willing to be my own good mother and look after myself properly at all times.
        I am responsible for the quality of my life.
        I am open to new ideas, new thoughts, and new people in my life.
        I am willing to consider the possibility that there are new approaches to enjoying
        life which will enhance my sense of being alive and give me pleasure.
        Life is good.
        I trust life supports me in fulfilling my purpose.
        I have a right to be me, just exactly as I am.
        I have a right to express myself and manifest my dreams.
        I can have pleasure.
        I trust in the process of my life to unfold for my highest good and greatest joy.
        I love my life just exactly the way it is. I am free to make whatever changes are necessary for my future.
        I can risk doing what I feel is right.
        I am a life enhancer.
        I am creating a healthy foundation on which creativity can flourish.

        Affirmations for the Sacral Chakra
        I unconditionally love and approve of myself at all times.
        I trust in my own perfection.
        I am good enough to have what I want.
        I release my negative attitudes which block my experience of pleasure.
        It is safe to have life easy and pleasurable.
        I allow pleasure, sweetness, and sensuality into my life.
        I allow abundance and prosperity into my life.
        I am in control of my own sexuality.
        I give myself permission to enjoy my sexuality fully.
        I trust the Infinite Intelligence to give me everything I need for my growth
        and development.
        I am enough. What I do is enough. What I have is enough. Who I am and
        what I do is enough.
        I open myself to the beauty, joy, and harmony of the Universe and I enjoy it.
        I trust the process of life.
        I love myself exactly as I am right now.

        Affirmations for the Solar Plexus
        I deeply love and approve of who I am.
        I am worthy of my own-self-love.
        I love and respect myself at all times.
        I trust in love.
        I trust my worthiness.
        I am worth my weight in gold.
        There are no failures. I learn from everything I do.
        I believe that everything is for my highest good and greatest joy.
        I love life.
        I listen to and trust my deepest insights.
        I am worthy of the very best in life.
        I release judgment and let my life flow.

        Affirmations for the Heart Chakra
        I deeply and truly love and approve of myself.
        I am adequate at all times to do that which is required of me.
        I love who I am.
        I am willing to love everything about myself.
        I trust in love.
        I open my heart to love.
        I forgive myself
        I forgive those who need forgiving for not being what I wanted them to be.
        I acknowledge my own loveliness.
        I am pure, good, and innocent.
        Love is the purpose of my life.
        Love is everywhere.
        I open myself to the healing powers of love.
        I follow the path of the heart.
        I am confident that the healing power of God's love will heal my mind,heart, and body.

        to be continued...


        • affirmations continued...

          Affirmations for the Throat Chakra
          I am able to harness my will power to control addictive influences in my life.
          I am ready to put my negative habits to one side and openly develop my
          I substitute love, joy, and creative expression for old patterns of addiction
          and abuse.
          I willingly give up (smoking, alcohol abuse, dope, overeating and unhealthy
          dieting) to enhance my own creative gifts.
          Love opens the door for me to feel whole and complete.
          Everything I do is an expression of love.
          It is now safe for me to express my feelings.
          I love and trust my creative gifts.
          It is now right for me to express the best of who I am now.
          I release the fear and doubts which block the way to my creative expression.
          I am confident in the healing power of love to open my throat for greater

          Affirmations for the Brow Chakra
          I think positive thoughts about myself and everything around me.
          I open myself to my intuition and deepest knowing.
          I acknowledge I am the source in creating my life the way I would like it
          to be.
          I accept that I am an unlimited being and that I can create anything I want.
          I focus on what I love and draw it to me.
          I release all the impediments which block my growth and development.
          I am open to new ideas, people, and situations which will enhance my joy
          and happiness.
          I live in the truth of my grace, beauty, and intelligence.
          I am responsible for the quality of love and happiness in my life.
          I rethink all negative thoughts about myself and others and change them to
          positive energy.
          I create clarity and unlimited vision for myself about my life.
          I trust whatever comes to me is for my greatest joy and highest good.

          Affirmations for the Crown Chakra
          I am open and receptive to all life.
          Love is eternal.
          Love makes me free.
          I am willing to go beyond my limitations to express and experience greater joy.
          I am always willing to take the next step in my life.
          I am divinely protected and guided.
          I am safe and all life loves and supports me now.
          Love surrounds me, protects and nourishes me.
          I go beyond limiting beliefs and accept myself totally.
          I acknowledge that the source of love is within me.
          I am willing to be responsible for the quality of love and joy I have in my life.
          The more love I give the more there is to receive.
          I am open to the goodness and abundance of the Universe.

          - The Book of Chakras, Ambika Wauters

          I hope this is all very helpful, and if you want more and or different ones the best search I have found is: chakra affirmations... I find these to be powerful.

          Blessings Sallyjane


          • val

            [quote=VJoy;28727]Thank you Grace and Doug

            Grace, I understand what you say,.... "There are three key items to accepting corrections, and they are able, willing and ready. you are Able and willing, but not ready. Because you are not ready I will patiently wait until you are......"

            I did not know that I had to be "ready" in that sense to recieve corrections, or else I would not have asked you to do it. I know I don't have the faith in myself, or the universe. I had faith in you, but didn't know I had to have it in myself for CEM to work. So I apologize for any time spent on me that was of no use. Thank you so much!! You are a sweetheart


            I just wanted to first send you another big HUG! You know that first of all you are not the first person who is not ready to accept corrections... It is not that you are not ready for them, but that you are growing and changing and working towards accepting them! It is very important that you ask for them, and that you go through this part of the journey to get to the point where you can ACCEPT THEM! I am not sure anyone arrives here with a strong faith... We all came searching, with out answers, and needing to find the truth of who we are! If we already knew who we are and we had all the answers then we... Well we would probably not be here on this plane of reality as well we would have finished our reality and gone back home to just spirit

            At the core of your disbelief or lack of faith is a worthiness issues. You know I had those issues when I got here too! When Grace would tell me that I would get custody of my children and a home to live in and and and... I had a hard time believing her just like you do! Faith is something that grows within us... not something you can buy, make, or wave a magic wand for. A part of the journey is finding the faith that is already within us. Our Higher Self creates this limiting beliefs as a challenge for us to find who we are... This life is like a school where we our spirits take on a body come to this place and then proceed to learn about who we are. It is like a game of hiding go seek. For you personally it has taken on a pain body to bring you to this place with this group of people so you can remember who you really are. For me it was severe emotional pain body as the threat of loosing the most important thing to me, my kids to someone who was only doing it to hurt me... Now as I look back, I (my higher self) was writing his script and still am, so when I start to think of my X as a evil tyrant trying to destroy me... I am really looking in the mirror at my own ego mind! Today I was explaining to my daughter that the way you get your X husbands to pay you more child support, or your little brother to obey you and be kind to you is not through physical control, but through love! Yes, I could have the courts raise my child support from 100 dollars, but that would not make my X pay it! But once I release it and ask the universe for more money, my X calls me up and tells me he is trying to get together the money to help me, and will also help me with my moving expenses to California! Damb! I am powerful!

            At the core of self worth problems is a lack of self love, and at the core of your sickness is a lack of self love! Every bible, or faith book states that one should love thyself!!! It is funny once one starts to read all the religious books you find they all say the same thing! Yep!

            To be continued...


            • Val Continued....

              Val (continued from last post)
              So how does one grow ones faith... Well, it is just a process of shedding layers upon layers of hurt and pain that we have taken on. In the book "Busting Loose From the Money Game" he outlines a process that I used to really shed the layers of pain that I had. What I loved about it was that it was the first thing I had used that made me deal with my "emotional feeling".

              The Process I use...
              I am the awesome power of God (use the term that feels the best to you... Universe, source, God, whatever you like).
              I created this (my higher self created this as a path to enlightenment)
              This is not Real! This is fake! This is an illusion! (any, one, or all of these will work)
              I reclaim all the power from this issue (or egg as I like to call it) Right now!
              (now it is important to move into gratitude, and gratitude for having created something so big in your life often does the job, because if you can create the non-preferred things then you can create the awesomely desired things too) Damb! You are powerful if you created everything in your life right now!!!! Whoooo hoooo! if you can create all this pain and sickness, then imagine what awesome high vibrational things you can also create!

              Also, above these two posts I posted a bunch of affirmations that you can use with focussed breathing. Breath in, Breath out... is all I do, and I slowly sink down into a deep trance. Your trance at first will probably not be as deep as it takes practice. Don't worry about how deep you go or if you are able to finish it all in one meditation. Just find a quiet place and breath in high vibration and breath out low vibration. If you need help with this PM me and I will help you in more detail!

              I decided today that I need to change my beliefs about my cooking skills. Before I got married I thought I was a wonderful cook, but my X (via my scripting ) constantly told me I was a horrible cook! So today I decided to start doing guided visualization picturing myself as an awesome cook, and all my friends wanting my recipes, and wanting invitations to my house for dinner!

              Oh another powerful technique... Open ended questions! While breathing in and out, nothing fancy! Ask yourself open ended questions. "What does it feel like to be strong? What does it look like to be Strong? What do I notice that is different about me since I became strong? What would transformation look like in my body? What would wholeness look like in my body? What would it feel like? continue to ask your higher self what you desires for yourself would look and feel like and what is different about you now? At the end ask what the wave of transformation looks like collapsing these things into reality for you looks like, and feels like?" These are powerful powerful tools for change... All of the above will change you. Remember we are on a journey, and if it was a magic wand effect (instant) we would not learn from it what we need to learn from it, so be patient! You can do this! We all know you can, now you just have to know you can! Breath in corrections working, Breath out I am not good enough for corrections... Breath in Breath out...

              for VAL
              From Sallyjane


              • SallyJane

                Thank you SallyJane,.....

                You wrote a lot, and want to thank you for trying to help me. I saw the affirmations,and I have been trying my own for years....they don't work for me. And, I cannot meditate or go into a trance. I have tried EVERY type there is, my mind is just rampant. For YEARS now.....

                I don't trust God, I have been angry at God most of my life, and I don't like the "lessons" we are supposed to learn, they just cause misery and heartache for so many people, and myself. Most people don't "get" the lessons, and I think that is cruel. I just don't want it, honestly. Yes, resistance. I know. I do believe that we probably create all this ourselves, but I think it is so terribly cruel and unfair to suffer like this. I know other people who study spirituality and feel the same way.

                I know most people who come to Paths start like me, or else they wouldn't be here to try it.

                I will PM you about something else....

                Thank you hon, you are a sweetie.......

                Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                • For Val!

                  Hi Val!

                  Sallyjane is correct, and absolutely Fabulous!!

                  I also need to explain, that I need to first make corrections on getting strength for you to be "ready" to accept Faith in knowing that you can be completely healthy in your physical body.

                  This is where you are not "ready" to believe this can be true for you. This is only one issue. You have received many corrections effortlessly on countless other issues (on your emotional body, mental body etc), because you were: able , willing, ready, deserving, committed, neutral, to see it, believe it, expect it, imagine it, imagination to reality, and finally to emerge and ascend.

                  In order to have the corrections "stick" you must first be strong for all these things mentioned above for any one issue. Or group of issues, all tied to manifesting the same dis-ease.

                  Early in the first two years of practicing CEM I used to have to constantly make corrections on myself for complete neutrality, because it would pain me when it seemed as if the corrections did not take, or "stick".

                  Dr. Yuen explained to us that without neutrality, the ego gets too invested in getting specific results. There are many times that the person being worked on has other more important spiritual issues to take care of first, before the physical body will shift, and heal.

                  As a healer maintaining Neutrality will bring much faster results. I have to work right now on continuing to make corrections on you Val, until I finally get strength with you being "ready" to have Faith in knowing that you are already completely perfectly whole and healthy. As of now, I am still making more corrections for this.

                  Now, I hope I explained what is going on a bit better, but promise me that you won't be so quick to count yourself a hopeless case next time I don't get strength right away!




                  • Grace

                    Dear Grace,

                    Thank you for clarifying, I did not understand. Yes, I would like you to continue on the corrections for whatever you feel the process should be for me. I trust you completely.

                    I can't thank you enough!

                    Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                    • Val...

                      Dear Val,
                      I know I have in the past tried to use affirmations myself to NO avail... I believe it has to do with not having the rest of the answer!

                      I am going to do some two pointing on you tonight, and tomorrow, and and and... as much as you need it, and as long as you need it... That your brain is quieting and that you start to experience the NOW. That quiet point where the ego just shuts up and you are nowhere or NOW HERE!! I don't know how to do CEM, but I have my ME and my pendelum to test with and I am also very powerful healer.

                      Do me a favor... Print out the affirmations, and read through them, and don't worry if they are working or not... HUMOR ME! Just read through them every morning and night! Don't worry about the rest... Leave it to me, and I will go into the trance and connect with you! As you try to do this over time practice breathing a little more and more, and soon you will be wondering what happened!

                      There is a thread on this forum called Ho Oponopono, and on it it has typed out something to say to yourself when you are feeling these feelings you are feeling right now. It is a hawiian forgiveness technique. It starts out:
                      I love you
                      I thank you
                      I ...
                      well I don't remember all of it, but I do have it on my computer somewhere, so I will get it for you... it is supposed to be very powerfull.

                      I know that the lessons can be hard to go through, but they bring joy at the otherside, and since the other option is to remain stuck in the pain and hardship... Well??? It is your choice! When I was going through the 16 year long abusive marriage, it was painful, but because I chose to stay in it and not seek the answers... I stayed in the pain. When I finally did leave and started seeking the answers... Oh yea, trust me the pain intensified, and at times I thought my heart was going to break into two pieces and never go back together, but remember our higher self will only give us as much as we can handle! Think of them as the fire under our butts to grt us to move. you can resist them, but the fire will just intensify, until you listen! resistense only brings more of what you dont want.

                      The cool thing about this, is that those of use that had to go through so much to learn the lesson... often come out the other side with so much gratitude and joy, and the transformation and manifestations are so much bigger and more awesome. That is why when I am struggling with something, I will often post that I am really close to something awesome and huge transformation is just around the corner. I personally think it might be easier for you if you were to give God a new name! Something that you do not associate with your suffering! The word God is just a word that we use to describe the matrix or the universe or the source! So you can use any of those terms or if it would be helpful for you to just call it something totally non-sensical, and maybe even humorous it would be fine. The matrix is the fabric that is the stuff between all the matter. The illusion that we see in our lives, is exactly the pattern we put into the matrix. It will only give us back what we give it as a pattern. It is not cruel as it only gives us what we ask for! It is made up of the highest vibrations and it is in everything! I also don't believe that you are as angry at the matrix as you say you are, although I do believe you are as angry as you say you are! I use to think I was angry at God, but what I was really feeling was a lifetime of not allowing myself to really feel my feelings, and release them. Crying does not relaese them either... Only forgiveness releases them! Through the process I outlined for you, one step I forgot was before you go through that process is to really just feel the feelings you are feeling, and then acknowledge who you are "I am the awesome power of (you don't like the word God, so lets call it... LOVE) LOVE. I created this! This is an illusion! I reclaim all the power from this egg, or issue right now! Man I am powerful! I am sooo awesome, thank you thank you thank you thank me!!!! I love me! I love me I love me!

                      Try this...

                      Hey it is really magic!


                      • Val

                        I two pointed my son Nathaniel using him as your surogate being. Nathaniel, melted clear to the ground for you... I two pointed Peace, a quieting of the ego mind, and a filling of love in you as well as overflowing of forgiveness.

                        It will come to you!



                        • Understanding truth

                          Hi Grace;
                          Thanks for the answer on truth. Now let's see if I understand what you said.

                          I think you are saying the bottom line is to have faith in yourself, focus only on the good things in your life and this will attract the good things in the universe to you and improve your life in all areas. Also don't waste time and energy on negative things it will only impede you.




                          • A little help

                            This morning about 5:45 am I slipped and fell down a flight of stairs. I am okay but in pain! My back is tender, but my ankle is the worst. It is a little swollen, has a small gash in it, and hurts like hell! I don't think anything is broken as I can walk on it fine... So I am just in pain!

                            Any relief and healing you can send my way would be greatly appreciated! Also some energy to get through this day and get accomplished what I need to accomplish... I have a lot to get done today!

                            Thank you and Blessings Sallyjane


                            • things are changing

                              Hi Grace,
                              I'm not so sure my news is so great this time. I paniced with this new man in my life. He drives here to see me 45 min each way almost everyday. It started to seem like he was too tired for this, and i told him it was okay to take a break.....but he still came anyway. he seemed different the last couple of times. mostly tired, but i started panicing that he was realizing something was not good enough with me. meaning...he's seeing the real me and doesnt like what he see's. i have abandonment issues, and quite a few failed romances.i kinda started to freak out a little and in an impulse i wrote this poem thingy and sent it to his e-mail.

                              wondering... is everything ok?
                              was it something i said?
                              the song doesn't sound the same..
                              did i speak to soon?
                              was i out of tune?
                              was it a dream?
                              not what it seemed?
                              nervous queezy feeling?
                              do i still inspire?
                              am I still the girl?
                              did the picture lie?
                              carried away?
                              forget about this day..
                              what do i say?
                              take my step back?
                              am i off track?
                              too fast?
                              not done with the past?
                              not over the last
                              with the plan?
                              back again?
                              as always..
                              emotions too intense?
                              missed the boat?
                              hanging from the edge?
                              without a rope?
                              too young?
                              new song?
                              over and done?
                              fell for the trap?
                              just awake.

                              the thing is he's 12 years older than me, and says he's not into drama. he's a very career oriented person that has alot going on and i think he doesnt want to deal with insecurities and stuff.
                              anyway... i really was hoping that i was done with reacting to my negative voices, but its obvious i still have a ways to go. i feel like i've been working on myself so long, and it kinda disappoints me that as soon as something really good was happening i started to feel like i didn't deserve it or something bad would happen.
                              anyway.... i could keep going, but i don't want this post to be a book.

                              any words of wisdom would be helpful. thank you!!!!!!!



                              • Wow, wow, wow!!!

                                And again, wow! Absolutely amazing posts here! I haven't had a chance to read all the recent ones yet, but this is like candy to me! I just LOVE it here!

                                I must say I soooo relate to the making yourself invsible thing. I've been doing that all my life! And you guys are going to think I'm absolutely nuts here, but I have my kids in a religious school (Christian). I know, very contradictory to my beliefs and I'm so torn about this issue. It's a long story as in why we chose this route (and my husband is relatively similar to me in beliefs), but in a nutshell, my oldest is extremely gifted academically so the public system was not working out for us at all due to there being no systems in place for him, plus bullying, etc. There are no other alternative schools here where we are and I can't homeschool due to owning a business (plus I would go crazy doing that), so this was the only place we could find that supported what we were needing. The good news is my kids LOVE their school, there are no bullying issues whatsoever, and they do let my son work at his own pace so he's challenged for the most part. Let's not get into what beliefs this is teaching them though - I have major guilt and turmoil about that and I just try to keep them as liberal about it all as I possibly can without creating too much confusion for them.

                                So, because of that, you can imagine though how I have to "closet" my true beliefs being surrounded by the religious aspect. I would LOVE to go to a Unity church to be around likeminded people, but that's out of the question. Anyway, in that way I definitely tend to make myself invisible as I can't get close to anyone given that I don't agree with their whole belief system. It's not much fun though living this "double life".

                                Boy though, did I ever go off on a tangent! The whole reason I posted is I wanted to ask Grace about a situation. Remember, we have a business and we've had staff issues off and on. Well, during our busiest time of year, our manager who we thought we had a great relationship with, abruptly left town without telling us (we've heard she feared we would offer her more money if she told us and she couldn't have said no, which is why she just left). Anyway, I've been intending my ideal staff and she wasn't really, so I'm wondering if that is what happened, making room for the ideal staff to come in, or if it was in fact the opposite and it was the result of any lurking under the surface limiting beliefs throwing up this challenge? Obviously the former would be much more encouraging, but sometimes it's hard to tell!

                                Another question is I attempt to manifest little things, LOA- like, just to help with the whole faith issue, yet I can't even seem to do the smallest of things. Can you help at all in that way? I feel like I've got strong faith, but it must be relatively superficial, as what I'm creating is that I can't seem to deliberately manifest even the smallest of things.

                                Thanks for your thoughts!

                                Love and light.

