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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace
For Sallyjane,
Originally posted by zartgirl View PostGrace,
This morning about 5:45 am I slipped and fell down a flight of stairs. I am okay but in pain! My back is tender, but my ankle is the worst. It is a little swollen, has a small gash in it, and hurts like hell! I don't think anything is broken as I can walk on it fine... So I am just in pain!
Any relief and healing you can send my way would be greatly appreciated! Also some energy to get through this day and get accomplished what I need to accomplish... I have a lot to get done today!
Thank you andBlessings Sallyjane
I am still making corrections for your Back and ankle. The issues of the back pain and ankle pain are different yet similar. The ankle is stemming from the emotional/Spiritual Body (thoughts of "not allowing" pleasure into your life until these feelings are dealt with first). The Back pain is Mental/Spiritual (Guilt for not doing enough, and hence too much mind chatter about it all). In short many issues pertaining to Guilt, and the resistance (ego/mind) to allow yourself to feel pleasure without Guilt etc.
I am only giving you a few of the issues causing the dis-ease, and hence the accident, so that you can further tune in and do more for yourself as I assist by doing more corrections with Cem. Please keep me posted on how you are feeling.
for SallyJane
Dear SallyJane.......
First.......OUCH!I am soooo sorry you fell down the stairs and are in pain!!! I do hope you feel better very soon!!!
You wrote a lot for me, and I appreciate that. I truly appreciate any help you can give me....I will try what you say......I have only one question.
What is "two point"? And, how does this apply to how you used your son as for me? LOL, sorry, to be so blunt, but what did you do? It sounds interesting...... I don't understand this post.------
I two pointed my son Nathaniel using him as your surogate being. Nathaniel, melted clear to the ground for you... I two pointed Peace, a quieting of the ego mind, and a filling of love in you as well as overflowing of forgiveness.
Val the newbie.....
Thank you SallyJane, feel better!!!!
Last edited by VJoy; 09-08-2008, 09:17 PM.Blessings and Peace to All --Val
For Val
Hi Val!
What Zartgirl was referring to was Matrix Energetics!! You can read more about it in this thread started by the fabulous Stephen!
Matrix Energetics thread
I'm glad you are feeling better Val!
~Viviana -
Originally posted by VJoy View PostDear SallyJane.......
First.......OUCH!I am soooo sorry you fell down the stairs and are in pain!!! I do hope you feel better very soon!!!
You wrote a lot for me, and I appreciate that. I truly appreciate any help you can give me....I will try what you say......I have only one question.
What is "two point"? And, how does this apply to how you used your son as for me? LOL, sorry, to be so blunt, but what did you do? It sounds interesting...... I don't understand this post.------
I two pointed my son Nathaniel using him as your surogate being. Nathaniel, melted clear to the ground for you... I two pointed Peace, a quieting of the ego mind, and a filling of love in you as well as overflowing of forgiveness.
Val the newbie.....
Thank you SallyJane, feel better!!!!
"The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba
For Al!
Originally posted by ANTIQUER View PostHi Grace;
Thanks for the answer on truth. Now let's see if I understand what you said.
I think you are saying the bottom line is to have faith in yourself, focus only on the good things in your life and this will attract the good things in the universe to you and improve your life in all areas. Also don't waste time and energy on negative things it will only impede you.
I am saying that there is no bottom line!I am also saying that there is no Good or Bad. There is only a perception of these things. Dualism is linear, and meaning this moment has incorrectly been perceived by the i, the individual, the ego/mind, as the moment that is passed, and the moment yet to come. This gives the "i" the perception of separation.
This whole Universe and beyond is nothing but a projection of the ONE, a play, a dream. The ONE is the Light of this World. Just as God extended himself into the Light/Love, this Extension/Light/Love, having the same power as God, projected the Universes and Beyond. All of this was to be able to experience the DIVINE SELF. Experiencing the Truth, knowing who you truly are, is the purpose of this projection of the ONE. In order to experience Divinity, Dualism was created in this projection by the ONE.
Once you transcend the ego/mind (the belief in separation) then you will see the Truth. That you are the whole, the ONE. The Light of this world.
I am saying that Faith is the "knowing" that you are God. In this "knowing" there is immense, Love, Gratitude, Peace and Bliss in the NOW. There is nothing else.
It is impossible in this Dualistic projected Reality to focus on only the good. Because the opposite will always show up. You must see past the illusion of Good and Bad, and into the Truth in order to BE AT PEACE in every moment. The Eternal NOW. The good and hence the bad exists only if you believe in the illusion/Dualism/Separation. When you Know the Truth, that you are ONE with God, then the Gratitude is immense, and this expression of Gratitude, puts out such a Brilliant light, and such a powerful vibration of Love that you Attract experiences that will give you even more opportunity to Feel even more Love and Gratitude. It is infinite.
I am able to tune into anyone, anything, any time, any place, and muscle test, and intuit, and make corrections because there is no separation of the Mind of God! Every one is capable of this, because Every thing is ONE.
When ever you fall back into old habits of the ego/mind and forget the Truth, this is the perfect opportunity for Forgiveness. To forgive yourself. The outer world is a Projection of YOU. So is there anyone else to Forgive but YOU?
I am also saying that there is truly nothing negative. Unless you beleive in the illusion. Then in these moments of giving into the illusion you will be impeded. You will suffer. You will suffer only as long as you stay in the illusion. So the choice then becomes, which chair will I sit in Now? The chair of Illusion? Or the chair of Truth? Every experience will give you the opportunity for Rejoicing if you remember the Truth.
Finances, faith and a bit of good luck, please!
Hi Grace,
It's been a while since I've posted. I didn't want to post until I had good news, but you told me to ask for help anytime, so I'm asking.
Any help you can give for the situation with my friend who owes me money is greatly appreciated. I know you've been working on this, and it looked like it was going to be resolved last month, but that didn't happen. She told me she'd have $500 on 8/2 and the rest on 8/15, but she only gave me $200 on 8/2 and she's been telling me she'll have the rest "any day now" since August 15th. I was counting on that money to carry me over for the next 3 months and now I'm in a financial bind. I didn't have enough money to pay my car insurance and I've had 2 bounced checks.
I've found a wonderful place to live about 45 minutes from where I am now. It's a partially furnished mother in law apartment and the owner is a friend from a local LOA group. I'm supposed to move in 2 weeks. I've met many loving, like-minded people in the area and I know this move is right for me and everything is in Divine Order. My ego however, is trying to convince me otherwise. There's that belief in lack and separation showing up again.
As you know, I'm on disability and my 8 modules plus platinum take half of my current income. I'm considering canceling my platinum, which ironically has all of my financial and faith instructions. I'm doing affirmations and I'm watching my modules almost every day, sometimes more than once a day.
I know sometimes the corrections I need are not what I think they are, so please do whatever corrections are needed to help me through this experience with faith and gratitude.
Thank you Grace. You are an angel and a blessing to this forum.
Originally posted by Grace View PostHi Sallyjane,
I am still making corrections for your Back and ankle. The issues of the back pain and ankle pain are different yet similar. The ankle is stemming from the emotional/Spiritual Body (thoughts of "not allowing" pleasure into your life until these feelings are dealt with first). The Back pain is Mental/Spiritual (Guilt for not doing enough, and hence too much mind chatter about it all). In short many issues pertaining to Guilt, and the resistance (ego/mind) to allow yourself to feel pleasure without Guilt etc.
I am only giving you a few of the issues causing the dis-ease, and hence the accident, so that you can further tune in and do more for yourself as I assist by doing more corrections with Cem. Please keep me posted on how you are feeling.
Man does what you are talking about sound soooo true about allowing myself pleasure!!!! Oh and the guilt and not doing enough... OMG! That guilt of not doing enough is causing havoc in my job right now... I am sooo glad you are doing these corrections for me, and now that I know why it happened I can be gratefull that those issues were brought to the top where they could then be dealt with! Funny, but the pleasure issue has been showing up in everywhere I turn!
Well I don't think I can sit much longer, so I am going to walk around my house very slowly before I lay back down! I will do guided visualization on a me allowing pleasure in my life, and also on the pain leaving my body tonight... Thank you so much!!!
Blessings Sallyjane
Not a lot of energy tonight for this, but just a quick overview... A two point is where you find two points either on the person or serogate (a doll or nathaniel) or the in their energy field and then you relax and just ask those open ended questions and fall into a deep trance or altered state. Nathaniel volunteered to stand in for you, and as we are all connected it works the same as if I was working on you or your energy field (aura).
Like Vivianna mentioned there is a whole tread devoted to it. Stephen was my teacher as I have only read the book and had instruction from him, but never attended a seminar. It is my healing modality for now, as it is what I know how to do... Someday I will go to an Matrix energetics seminar, and I very much want to learn to do what our Dear Grace...
Blessings Sallyjane
Corrections Please
Hi Grace,
I was wondering if you could make some corrections on my paychecks and my 1000 dollar bonus being paid to me. My paperwork for this paycheck did not show it as going to be paid yet, but that does not mean too much as sometimes my checks are bigger than the paperwork says it is going to be. I really need a freeing of finances and money into my life. So far this week (mostly due to the fall down the stairs) I have only had one appt, and no sales. I am onto my second appt. I am doing much better on the phones, but I need to jump start this so I will be able to pay rent this month. Tomorrow I am going to go business to business in the area and work on getting a full schedule of higher commission appt.
Today I will spend quite a bit of time on the phone and I just want that time to be ultra productive!!!
Thank you and HUGS!!! I appreciate you soooo much!
Love Sallyjane Woods
Hmmmm, interesting couple of days! Corrections please!!
Hi again. Well, the last couple of days have been crazy. Our finances (personal) just took a nosedive and we have to seriously consider taking our kids out of their school as it's over $600 a month and we are coming up short every month. As I said before, it's not my ideal school situation anyway, but this would just devastate my kids. My older one got moved around a lot before due to us traveling for my husband's job, and he has finally made a best friend (which is soooo hard for him beause with being gifted he's not a 'typical' boy), who he's now had for two years.
Alongside that, we had a bit of a blowup with one of the head honchos of our franchise who completely turned into a control freak and accused us of thinking we're "perfect" since we didn't agree with her about something. We've been threatened with her recommending extra mystery shoppers being sent to our store and if they're not 90% or above....threat...threat... you get the picture. Not fun!
So, while I'm trying not to focus on what is but rather what I'd like to have happen, extra corrections and guidance would be very much appreciated right now!
Thanks a bunch!
Corrections request
Hello Grace, thank you for all the corrections you do for everybody on this thread! I know they are very much appreciated by everyone!
As you know, I have not been one to ask publicly for corrections but I do have a request now.
Yesterday my uncle Beto had a tumor removed from his stomach as well as 70% of said organ (it was only to be 20% but the tumor turned out to be much larger than previously thought). The surgery went well but his body really took a beating and he is besieged by desperation as he taking ill, his diagnosis, surgery and now recovery has taken place in less than a week's time!
He is usually very positive and energetic but now he is experiencing emotions he is not at all too familiar.
His wife is also scheduled for surgery to remove a tumor in a few weeks and well, she is also in a "state."
I am humbly requesting some of your time for them and I thank you very much for your dedication and willingness to help.
Thank you!
~Viviana -"The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba
Originally posted by VJoy View Post
Example: I have spent the afternoon in almost panic, because in exactly 2 1/2weeks, my husband will go on a business trip for 2 days, and I will probably be in the midst of another abdominal pain attack.....the last time he was on a trip he had to come home early to take care of me, I get that sick. I cannot ask him to do that again, so I am very scared of being left alone again, and I have a sick cat to take care of at the same time. Based on this past summer, I have every reason to expect another attack, but I do not have the strength to fight the thought. You will say how destructive this thinking is, I agree!! But don't know how to combat it.
I am not sure what you mean about being creative with my thought, about any of this....mabye that needs to be clarified?
I will be 45 next month, and I have a lifetime of illness behind me, and see it getting worse. How do I have faith?? Where do I get it from? My parent's didn't have it, through my life I haven't found it, (I have had HOPE often, but often let down) and this is why I came to Paths, because my options for help are almost gone. I have "hope" that Paths will work, but don't know yet.
Anyway, to wrap this up, I am a kid and a perfectionist, like you.
You asked me to tell you if any of what you said made sense....most of it did, and I thank you so much for your loving response.
Thank you both Grace and Doug,
I apologize for the downbeat energy of this thread, that is just how I feel right now, and Doug you are correct, I am very matter of fact. I know myself very well....too well.
I just want you to know that I know that what you are going through to some extent. I am not a doctor, but you may find the following articles helpful. They sure helped me get my body and mind in a much better place. I also sense the trauma release module very strongly for you. If your brain is already nutritionally starving, adding paths might be a lot for it to handle, so brain nutrition is all the more important for you.
Altering the Brain's Chemistry to Elevate Mood
The Underlying Mechanisms of Brain Allergies - Tara Whitford, B.A.