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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Bobi
    Originally posted by Grace View Post
    Hi Bobi,

    I test that your health is extremely good! But when I test if you believe it is, it tests very weak. This is common, yet this is what I have been focusing on since I started making corrections for you. When I tested to see which of these methods you should be on, all of them tested weak, which means you need nothing at this time!

    My advice is for you to sleep and drink more water because you need to process. You need to process the work you have already done for yourself! I will continue with corrections, yet you must rest. All is perfect and whole for you. Enjoy!!
    Grace, you are such a dear. Truley, Grace is a perfect name for you to wear and wonderfully expresses the gift of your presence and attentions.

    Thank you for your corrections and advice. I will embrace and delight in my robust constitution -thankyouverymuch -and let those limiting beliefs fizzle away. I will drink water, sleep and believe.

    HAPPY 2008!

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  • JanKnegt
    Grounding and other...

    Dear Grace and all members of the CEM thread,

    First of all I want to wish everybody of this thread a very happy, joyful, healthy, prosperous, loving, spirutual evolving and self-empowering 2008!
    Also I want to thank all members for all their support, help, healing and understanding. I appreciate that very much!!!
    I loved to read all the posts of all the members who are taking control and direction in their own hands and who helped each other to get more and more power and control.
    I had a very challenging year and probably some challenging years will come. But I think that with all Your help I will overcome these challenges.
    The last period of this year I had not much time to support this thread but hope with this post I will contribute some more.
    A Belgium lady who developped her own kind of therapy called LTA:

    According to the insights of LTA, man is a soul in a body. The soul incarnates into a body and leaves the body when that person dies. Then it incarnates into another body. The soul is kept prisoner in an eternal reincarnation cycle. More or less the same events occur in every life.

    The soul or consciousness is surrounded by the subconscious mind, which surrounds a person in the form of matter and energies. This matter was called 'the programme' or the negative subconscious mind. The energies are the positive subconscious mind.

    The programme or the matter around the soul is the cause of people's negative behaviour and of the suffering in the world. It is located in and around the body and it consists of millions of different 'patterns' or 'programmings'.

    Patterns and energies around a person

    When a person has an anxiety, that anxiety surrounds this person in the form of matter. Someone who is prone to setbacks is the victim of a pattern around him or her that causes those setbacks. A selfish person is not responsible for this behaviour. It is the pattern of 'selfishness' around this person that controls him or her. He or she does not act out of free will.

    If a certain pattern is not present in the subconscious mind, this negative characteristic does not occur in a person. Someone who is not surrounded by the pattern of financial setbacks or of a certain disease will never have financial setbacks and will never suffer from that disease.

    Positive behaviour, success, talent, intelligence, right truth, good health and everything that is positive in the world is the result of the energies. For every good quality a person may have (e.g. intuition, empathy, joy, self-confidence, aesthetic sense, leadership qualities, being successful, will power, honesty, etc.) there is a specific energy that surrounds this person. When somebody lacks a certain quality, the energies for this quality are suppressed by the patterns.

    LTA stands for Liberty - Truth - Ability. It means that people are freed from patterns and that they can think and act freely (Liberty), find the right truth on the basis of energies (Truth) instead of the so-called truth that the patterns make a person believe in, and reach the highest possible level of ability (Ability).

    Total destruction of the patterns

    With LTA Personal Development, people are solely treated from a distance after a first contact (personal, by telephone or by webcam). Patterns are broken layer by layer, and underlying energies are released. The patterns are wiped out completely from the subconscious mind, and the cause of a complaint is removed completely and permanently. When a person has had sufficient hours of treatment, the programme starts to disintegrate automatically. Since the LTA technique makes it possible to work at incredible depths in the subconscious mind and since patterns are peeled off completely and keep disintegrating automatically, the desired result can always be achieved with this technique, either in the short or in the long term. Some people progress quickly, others somewhat more slowly, and 25% of the people progress very slowly.

    LTA believes that psychoses, symptoms of autism, criminal behaviour, etc. are the result of the patterns that surround a person. When those patterns are broken and the underlying energies are released, this person will be able to function normally.
    (see for more information Persoonlijke ontwikkeling, psychische problemen, gezondheid, persoonlijkheid, financieel succes)

    When a person has a lot of matter of these programs it can take a lot of time to clear this person of those matter before real change will take place. If a person has not much subconscious matter of programs it will take not much time to realize major change.

    I have probably a lot of all these kind of matter so it takes a lot of effort and time to remove these programs or patterns. Maybe why everybody has different results with PATHS, CEM or other energetic modalities?

    On the website of Fred Payne (see Fred Payne & Pheonix Vibrational Healing -- self-empowerment) You can find some information about grounding:

    Many people who are energetically sensitive (I believe I am also) have difficult time to stay in their bodies. This results in a state where the energetically sensitive person may be is in a lesser state of resonance with the 3-dimensional reality and other people vibrating at a lower rate than they are. The sensitive people often feel 'out of sync' with their environment and many other people, and may even have difficulty synchronizing with their own physical body. Being not in the body for moments or all the time makes healing on a deeper leve impossible. You have to be ull in the body to become healed on all deep levels.

    Maybe can CEM contribute to be in the body all the time?

    Greetings from Holland,

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  • Grace
    For Bobi!

    Originally posted by Bobi View Post

    Could you help me out with some detoxing questions? I was gifted a day at a Korean spa which was absolutely lovely though it kicked me in to a strong and uncomfortable detox with much aching and strong kidney/low back discomfort.

    Obviously my body could use some cleansing!

    The spa is 200 miles away over a snowy mountain pass so continuing there to help detox won't work. I had planned on doing the Sea Salt top load Adam Ant suggested following the holidays so already have my De Sousa salt. But, because of the intensity of my current *dump* I'm wondering if I should consider other options - Hulda Clarks liver/gall bladder cleanse and The Master Cleanse come to mind.

    The more I research the less certain (and a bit overwhelmed) I become. Can you test for me and offer suggestions? The choices will need to be a homemade approach since there are few to no facilities locally (for colonics, etc).

    Back in the 1990's I spent the better part of 6 years overcoming a severe toxic exposure. I regained my life but never felt I cleared my body completely. Now I work as a metalsmith so metal and various toxins are a daily possibility in my world - and, I admit, I'm a bit relaxed in keeping vigilant - though getting progressively better about that.

    Your generous help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
    Hi Bobi,

    I test that your health is extremely good! But when I test if you believe it is, it tests very weak. This is common, yet this is what I have been focusing on since I started making corrections for you. When I tested to see which of these methods you should be on, all of them tested weak, which means you need nothing at this time!

    My advice is for you to sleep and drink more water because you need to process. You need to process the work you have already done for yourself! I will continue with corrections, yet you must rest. All is perfect and whole for you. Enjoy!!

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  • zartgirl
    Unconditional love

    I have been getting this sense or intuition that I am supposed to be on the Un-Conditional Love module.

    Currently I am on:
    Deserving module approximately 2+- months
    SLP3 1 month
    Ho Oponopono 1 month
    Breakthrough to Enlightenment 1 month

    I am testing that I should replace Deserving Module with Unconditional Love towards the end of January of 2008. I am I testing right on that?

    New subject... The kids! Actually in the last few days or so I have noticed the two of them interacting much better! Although if Nat does just the wrong thing or touches her or something in the wrong way, she hauls off and slaps him! I kind of knew that Iza was taking out her anger on Nat, but I did not know what to do with it!

    One more thing, Tomorrow I go to court and the paperwork that Keith signed on Friday will become final. I believe the whole divorce will be final! This is huge for me! Christmas day we spent at the kids Dad's house, I kind of made Iza go there cause I thought it was important! I do believe that it helped with Keith signing off on things. Now Keith wants to know when Iza will start doing visitation. I am encouraging her to do so, as I think it would be good for her and give her some time to interact with friends outside of school, and then give her some time to work out her anger. Am I right to do this? Should I encourage this for her? It feels right to me, and as I told her tonight it might help her Dad when the time is right for us to move to Calif. ( I notice the less I fight against him, the more he gives me what I want... Yea, I know that is how it works and is very powerful!) That is another reason why I think it is good for her to do visitation... Visitation is all he is getting, the kids will live with me full time and visit their dad.

    Thanks for you help on all of these issues, and I will continue to work on them. Do you by any chance know what my issue is that is creating me being physically sick? I keep clearing and processing these things, but what ever it is, it is zapping my energy! Some of the energy tests as being from so many layers coming off too... Just wondered?

    Love and Light
    Sallyjane zartgirl

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  • Grace
    For the Goddess Adrienne!

    Originally posted by Adrienne View Post
    well i hope you had a great x-mas...
    I have discovered for myself that i have been a bit of scrooge about x-mas... and soooooo, not enthused about it... glad it is over.. I am thinking that working in a grocery store with tones of people shopping for x-mas and there parties has gotten me down (cuz i allowed it) perhaps some self pity too.. cuz it was just Tristan and I for x-mas and i have desperately desired celebrating the holidays with many friends and family... so I think i focused more on what i didn't have then what i did have...

    hey SallyJane,
    although not the same type of kid stuff... alot a pissy attitude from my son this holiday cuz of an absent father...Sigh...
    So if ya could add Tristan in for some of those attitude adjustements corrections...

    Ultimatly I really think/coming to realize that this is all a creation of my consciousness... so no matter what is happening in my world... I am creating it...
    and it seems that i have this attatchement to chaos and drama.. although not quite as intense as it has been for me... the situation doesn't have to be big, but the emotional experience i have around it is what I am noticing...GEEZE...
    Sooooo, in this need for attachement i notice when i go to use ME.. i have a definite agenda... cuz i want it to be better.. and also this agenda seems to be serving the purpose of hanging onto it too... cuz OMG if i didn't have these dramas and emotional chaoses in my life.. What would i do.. I would be so board....
    Yes this sound kind of insane... and it feels insane to me..
    I think that if i let go i could experience so much wonder and amazement...
    Not sure what i am getting at... but attachement is what stands out for me...
    So point being.. my son is still on crutches and his x-ray has come out fine and he also saw the doctor and the doctor says his reactions to what he was checking for are inconsistent.. yet he insists on hoppingon one leg and using crutches..... I am at a loss... and regardless I am creating this...Sigh..
    And my freakin eye is still acting up...the right eye...
    Oh BTW Grace i switched over to the moduals you recomended for me... and wow... Thank you... have had an odd range of emotions...
    like feelings of being alone/lonely then the thought of OMG i am so blessed...Wierd...
    I am on the Gratitude mod SLP1 and 3 and the heart health mod...
    that is am amazing combo for me...
    thanks and i absolutely love you
    just wanted to share...have an awesome new year everyone
    Love and light...Adrienne

    How I love your posts!! I learn so much from you, and now since you gave me a personal ME session I am truly filled with gratitude. You have assisted me and I feel blessed. I was on a very long skype conversation with a truly powerful soul tonight and I kept thinking that the work you did on me allowed me to be more aware of my heart connections! It is all so very synchronistic and truly beautiful! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you!! I will be working on you again tonight because I am grateful for what you have done for me! We are all here to assist each other! LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!

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  • Grace
    For Rin!

    Originally posted by Rin View Post
    Grace, first of all, I wish you the happiest of Happy Holidays! And secondly, I want you to know that whatever you are doing regarding my hormonal/menstrual issues, it's working! In the last couple of weeks, I am not experiencing any irregular bleeding at all (after two and a half years of suffering, and various tests and medical treatments). These days my energy level is high, and my overall mood is great. Please, whatever you are doing, keep doing it. I will do all that I can on this end to ensure my good health. I am so happy and so relieved about this. I have a feeling that 2008 is going to be great, don't you think so? Thank you so much, Grace!
    Hi Rin!

    You make me so happy Rin! Yes, I most earnestly believe that 2008 will be a great year for ALL!!

    Thank you so much for your beautiful post, and know that I will most definitely be working on you Now and in this most auspicious new year!!

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  • Grace
    For Iza and Nat!

    Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
    Grace and everyone else who does energy healing here... Could you please do some work on my kids? Iza is 14 a teenager and Nat is 8, and they fight something horrible! Their fights get physical too! I don't like that at all! If one does something accidentally to the other then the other one retaliates by hitting or hurting the other physically! Nat especially! But Iza is not innocent in this either, and sometimes they will cry out when nothing has been done just to get the other in trouble! This is very disturbing to me not to mention frustrating! I want them to learn to live peacefully and to treat each other and others with respect.

    As soon as I can I want to get them started on Paths, and I am wondering which modules would be most beneficial to each of them. Also Iza is very frustrated with her weight she has had to start wearing a size 4-6 from a size 0-3 (She is maybe 5'1" tall and the 3s are more where she should be, but I don't like the frustration that is developing around this topic)! I believe this to be emotionally based! I just don't want her to get too focused on the whole weight issue!
    Thank you and Bless you
    Sallyjane Zartgirl

    Hi SallyJane,

    I have made more corrections for Iza than for Nat. She is taking out her frustrations of her father onto Nat. He feels very frustrated because he doesn't understand why his sister is so mad at him. Please keep me posted, and let me know if you have seen a difference in their behavior since you first posted.

    I have tested four modules for Iza and Nat in order of importance. Once they get started (when ever you can) keep them on these modules for at least two months, then I can test again which modules they need then.


    1. unconditional love
    2. just relax
    3. take it off
    4. mind set for money


    1. effective communication at home
    2. Successful living 3
    project one world (it's free)
    3. Successful living 1

    Thank you for posting as I have been doing many corrections lately on relationship issues for many people and for many reasons.

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  • Bobi
    cleanse decisions


    Could you help me out with some detoxing questions? I was gifted a day at a Korean spa which was absolutely lovely though it kicked me in to a strong and uncomfortable detox with much aching and strong kidney/low back discomfort.

    Obviously my body could use some cleansing!

    The spa is 200 miles away over a snowy mountain pass so continuing there to help detox won't work. I had planned on doing the Sea Salt top load Adam Ant suggested following the holidays so already have my De Sousa salt. But, because of the intensity of my current *dump* I'm wondering if I should consider other options - Hulda Clarks liver/gall bladder cleanse and The Master Cleanse come to mind.

    The more I research the less certain (and a bit overwhelmed) I become. Can you test for me and offer suggestions? The choices will need to be a homemade approach since there are few to no facilities locally (for colonics, etc).

    Back in the 1990's I spent the better part of 6 years overcoming a severe toxic exposure. I regained my life but never felt I cleared my body completely. Now I work as a metalsmith so metal and various toxins are a daily possibility in my world - and, I admit, I'm a bit relaxed in keeping vigilant - though getting progressively better about that.

    Your generous help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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  • Adrienne

    well i hope you had a great x-mas...
    I have discovered for myself that i have been a bit of scrooge about x-mas... and soooooo, not enthused about it... glad it is over.. I am thinking that working in a grocery store with tones of people shopping for x-mas and there parties has gotten me down (cuz i allowed it) perhaps some self pity too.. cuz it was just Tristan and I for x-mas and i have desperately desired celebrating the holidays with many friends and family... so I think i focused more on what i didn't have then what i did have...

    hey SallyJane,
    although not the same type of kid stuff... alot a pissy attitude from my son this holiday cuz of an absent father...Sigh...
    So if ya could add Tristan in for some of those attitude adjustements corrections...

    Ultimatly I really think/coming to realize that this is all a creation of my consciousness... so no matter what is happening in my world... I am creating it...
    and it seems that i have this attatchement to chaos and drama.. although not quite as intense as it has been for me... the situation doesn't have to be big, but the emotional experience i have around it is what I am noticing...GEEZE...
    Sooooo, in this need for attachement i notice when i go to use ME.. i have a definite agenda... cuz i want it to be better.. and also this agenda seems to be serving the purpose of hanging onto it too... cuz OMG if i didn't have these dramas and emotional chaoses in my life.. What would i do.. I would be so board....
    Yes this sound kind of insane... and it feels insane to me..
    I think that if i let go i could experience so much wonder and amazement...
    Not sure what i am getting at... but attachement is what stands out for me...
    So point being.. my son is still on crutches and his x-ray has come out fine and he also saw the doctor and the doctor says his reactions to what he was checking for are inconsistent.. yet he insists on hoppingon one leg and using crutches..... I am at a loss... and regardless I am creating this...Sigh..
    And my freakin eye is still acting up...the right eye...
    Oh BTW Grace i switched over to the moduals you recomended for me... and wow... Thank you... have had an odd range of emotions...
    like feelings of being alone/lonely then the thought of OMG i am so blessed...Wierd...
    I am on the Gratitude mod SLP1 and 3 and the heart health mod...
    that is am amazing combo for me...
    thanks and i absolutely love you
    just wanted to share...have an awesome new year everyone
    Love and light...Adrienne
    Last edited by Adrienne; 12-26-2007, 06:43 PM.

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  • Rin
    Grace, first of all, I wish you the happiest of Happy Holidays! And secondly, I want you to know that whatever you are doing regarding my hormonal/menstrual issues, it's working! In the last couple of weeks, I am not experiencing any irregular bleeding at all (after two and a half years of suffering, and various tests and medical treatments). These days my energy level is high, and my overall mood is great. Please, whatever you are doing, keep doing it. I will do all that I can on this end to ensure my good health. I am so happy and so relieved about this. I have a feeling that 2008 is going to be great, don't you think so? Thank you so much, Grace!

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  • zartgirl
    Request of my kids

    Grace and everyone else who does energy healing here... Could you please do some work on my kids? Iza is 14 a teenager and Nat is 8, and they fight something horrible! Their fights get physical too! I don't like that at all! If one does something accidentally to the other then the other one retaliates by hitting or hurting the other physically! Nat especially! But Iza is not innocent in this either, and sometimes they will cry out when nothing has been done just to get the other in trouble! This is very disturbing to me not to mention frustrating! I want them to learn to live peacefully and to treat each other and others with respect.

    As soon as I can I want to get them started on Paths, and I am wondering which modules would be most beneficial to each of them. Also Iza is very frustrated with her weight she has had to start wearing a size 4-6 from a size 0-3 (She is maybe 5'1" tall and the 3s are more where she should be, but I don't like the frustration that is developing around this topic)! I believe this to be emotionally based! I just don't want her to get too focussed on the whole weight issue!

    Thank you and Bless you
    Sallyjane Zartgirl

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  • zartgirl
    What a day...

    What a Day this was (Christmas)! Hmmmm... overall I guess it went well, I guess... I have this thing where I want so badly to make Christmas special for my kids in some way. Growing up Christmas day was always a WAR ZONE, and I don't want it to be like that for my kids! My dream Christmas growing up as a kid was to escape to the mountains to spend the whole time skiing by myself with out any family... Fortunately for me I had a family of my own and we have managed to make it something a little better!

    This year I did not want to have Christmas with the kids in the Shelter, so I took the kids to have Christmas at their dad's house. Well it went pretty good I guess... We got up and went over for breakfast and then opened gifts and spent the day having dinner and desert there. We played some games and watched a movie and then Iza and I came home and Nat decided to stay so he could play with some friends tomorrow.

    I had a big set back and that was as I was leaving he gave me a letter from the court stating we had a court date in 6 days! The letter was postmarked 11/27/2007 almost a month ago! I do not know why the court is sending all my correspondence to me through him as I have given them my address here! He swears he just found it in some paperwork, with his too! I am going to file for an extension as we are working through mediation right now, but it brought up all those old feelings of when he filed all the papers and the negative feelings and such! I am going to test right now to see if that is warranted or if I just need to clear some stuff!

    Well thanks for listening to my ramblings again! I really appreciate it! I am going to work on creating a new hologram around Christmas that has better feelings associated with it! Ahhhh You all would not believe what I got today, another gift card from the hospital that sponsored me, for 260 dollars! That is so going to help me set up my new home! Plus some cookware, and utensils, and kitchen towels, and a huge box of stuff plus a new pair of jeans and two tops to match! Keith even got me a toaster oven for my new place (so I wouldn't need to or want to take old one) Funny thing was I got him a toaster, so I could have my old one... Decided to return the one I got him and get him a some frying pans like I got.

    Well Bless all of you on this Holiday! Thank you for listening to me! Sallyjane zartgirl

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  • Grace
    For Nadine!

    Originally posted by nadine View Post
    Hi Grace,

    I think I see some improvement in my not "allowing"...could you please continue with this. I could really use the help!

    Thanks so much
    Hi Nadine,

    It is my absolute pleasure to do so!

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  • Grace
    For Kevin!

    Originally posted by redcar1957 View Post
    You are right I am about a 3 right now
    very good I will keep you posted
    (bad thing is my wife smokes also so
    its hard when you are around it always)
    Thanks a million

    Hi Kevin,

    I don't "test" that you are addicted, so once we remove enough layers of what is causing you to choose to smoke, then even if everyone around you is smoking, you would still not have the desire to smoke.

    I have known many people who have quit "cold turkey", it was simple for them because they had finally gotten to the Root issue whether they were conscious of it or not. By the way I test you at a 5 out of 10 now. Things are moving!!

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  • Inika
    Hi Grace!

    Originally posted by Grace View Post
    Hi Inika!

    I am so looking forward to talking with you! I sent you a Private Message, so please let me know when we can talk. I am thrilled that you will be in Florida and we can visit!!

    I just got your message and Pm'ed back.

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