This is really to ask Sallyjane for help - or anyone that can assist. Wasn't sure where to post it but I know Sallyjane visits here. I read about what you did with your neighbour and his dogs.
The problem I need help with is that there is this REALLY AWFUL noise and vibration coming from next door. It's so bad that I can hear it upstairs and downstairs and there's nowhere to go to escape!!! I didn't sleep at all last night it was so bad. And I'd taken sleeping tablets!!!!
Anyway I have seen that it is a huge dehumidifier they have got in their kitchen. I've been having noise problems generally with them and know I need to speak with them. The problem is they have gone away!!!!! And left the noise on!!! I really need them to come home so I can ask them to turn it off at night and also I have actually got a viewer coming on Sunday -
only about 30 hours away! I've not had anyone want to look at my house for 3 months and this one has nothing to sell!!!
I really don't want to put them off by this dreadful noise. There's no way I can disguise it by music or the tv. It's too loud!!!
And I need to sleep!!
I have been sending love to the house and the neighbours and been picturing love on the wall and going through to them and asking them in my head to come home so I can talk to them. But I'd really appreciate a hand with this. I'm doing what I can. I've plucked up the courage to speak to them and I'm trying to focus my energy on it being quiet but I could really do with some assistance. If I didn't have the viewer coming Sunday and if I wasn't so desperate for sleep I'd just crack on by myself and work on it because I don't really like to ask for help
on this.
So I hope people don't mind me posting this and asking.
This is really to ask Sallyjane for help - or anyone that can assist. Wasn't sure where to post it but I know Sallyjane visits here. I read about what you did with your neighbour and his dogs.
The problem I need help with is that there is this REALLY AWFUL noise and vibration coming from next door. It's so bad that I can hear it upstairs and downstairs and there's nowhere to go to escape!!! I didn't sleep at all last night it was so bad. And I'd taken sleeping tablets!!!!

I have been sending love to the house and the neighbours and been picturing love on the wall and going through to them and asking them in my head to come home so I can talk to them. But I'd really appreciate a hand with this. I'm doing what I can. I've plucked up the courage to speak to them and I'm trying to focus my energy on it being quiet but I could really do with some assistance. If I didn't have the viewer coming Sunday and if I wasn't so desperate for sleep I'd just crack on by myself and work on it because I don't really like to ask for help

So I hope people don't mind me posting this and asking.

