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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • For KimJ!

    Originally posted by KimJ View Post
    Hi everyone. I need some help with my staff again. I'm not sure how I ended up creating this as we've had great success with our staff over the last few months, but due to health issues of two stylists, we lost two abruptly and needed a new one urgently. So, we hired one - I hadn't met her as my husband does the interviewing, but I've not had a good feeling about her since I met her, and I've already had two pretty bad complaints from customers about her in about four days! Our store is dependent on our reputation, plus our "above and beyond" service is pretty much the whole reason I wanted to open this kind of salon, so these complaints are not something I take lightly. So based on my gut feelings, I'm positive we need someone else but my concern is we need applicants ASAP as we can't let this one go without replacing her due to being short-staffed, plus I was given feedback about this new stylist that she punched a hole in the bathroom of a place she was fired from (found out after hiring her). Please help us find new great staff (1 FT or 2 PT) and let the other one go easily and without conflict.

    Grace, if you have any insight as to how I created this, I'd love to hear it! I thought I was doing so well, attracting practically perfect staff, then boom, two of my great employees have to leave due to no fault of their own or ours, and almost their opposite is in their place! Don't ask me how my husband didn't pick up on this during an hour-long interview! Though to be fair, he was pretty stressed about our short-staffed situation so felt stuck.

    Thank you!
    Hi KimJ!

    Glad you are posting on my Fan Club page on Facebook too! I just posted back to you there. I have been making the CEM corrections per your request. I do also wish to give you some information that will assist with your new staff.

    As you grow in consciousness you will manifest what is in your mind very quickly. Good or Not Good. What is powerful is that the moment you perceive "Not Good" in your outer world, the higher your consciousness, the more effortlessly you can "flip it" or shift your reality instantly to serve you and the greater good.

    To do this, you must recognize that the "not good" is only a perception on your part. A momentary forgetfulness of the Perfection of everything. You are projecting outside of yourself, what you refuse to acknowledge that is within.

    I will make Chinese Energetic Medicine Corrections for you to attract more perfect staff asap, but I would like for you to view this new person in a different light. You have heard "not so good" things about her, and you have "not so good" feelings about her. This can all be shifted instantly.

    As with all others, look for what is Good in her, and focus your mind on those things. Allow the infinite potential within her to shine forth. If she chooses to leave by some account, then so be it. If she changes day by day into a perfect staff member, then so be it. Send her (everything, everyone) Love/Light, and do not allow the ego/mind to keep you in imperfection.

    Love is Truly all there is.



    • For Nancy!

      Originally posted by Ayurved View Post

      Very very Cool Grace!!!!

      I had the best day today! Not because anything special happened....but I'm feeling the turning point where I'm creating instead of reacting!

      I had an appointment to have my hormones checked...b/c I have been experiencing physical crumminess, prob from the mercury in my mouth....coming out starting on the 12th!!! (yea!)

      It all went sooo smooth! Found immediate perfect parking spot in impossible crowded area. Left late but got there in time. She knew exactly what I was talking about!! I got exactly what I was hoping for!!! And...all for $100.!!!

      That doesn't sound like such a big deal....but for me its HUGE!!! And it was mostly the feeling.

      I've been on Allow Healing, Synchronicity, just went back on Good Fortune...
      and experimenting with the other dimension stuff.

      Life is getting Grander every day!!!
      I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!!! (now isn't that different??)




      • For Yari!

        Originally posted by yari View Post
        Hey there,

        Today was a pretty good day I did what you told me and it works!!
        Graditude is everything...I would like your insight on where I live can you help me with
        The lady who runs the place.. I still feel something isn't right with her I get really negitive vibes from her. I try to visualized her always in good terms with me at least it helps me to relax alittle. Sebastian says he had a good day today!!!!He told me to ask you for some courage he says he needs it when he plays well as 4 myself I'm happy with how my day went and how I learned to stay calm Jonathan also has been more attentive today! Big plus
        Tomorrow he's going to the studio to make some changes on my song can you make cem on him he really is putting his all into this song he wants it just right.. I bring you a cd so you can hear it also he has myspace letyourselfprosperhoestly on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads. by the way I been doing money collections too and I got a lot more done!! Great idea

        Much love to you and Graditude

        Hi Yari!

        Tell Johnathan his music is Absolutely Fabulous!! I listened to all four songs from the myspace link! How Wonderful to have such amazing and talented people all around me! Life is truly Divine! Music is very powerful, and as we clear our minds from ego/mind fears, we infuse our work with higher and finer vibrations/expressions of Love. Johnathan's music will only become more and more attractive to the masses the more he releases fear.

        Making CEM corrections for him is an honor and a pleasure, knowing that he is touching the hearts of so many! Tell Sebastian he has more courage in his little pinky, than is needed to conquer or slay any fear! I am happy to make corrections for Sebastian to feel the courage that is already within him.

        As for the Lady who runs the place, I want you to read and do the same thing, I told KimJ to do. Send Love/Light from your heart center, and always expect the shifts to happen instantly. Always expect Miracles! Miracles can be seen in every moment for those who are earnestly looking.

        ps. Your dreams are so powerful! The one you metioned to me, about your baby walking is a Success Dream! It shows immediate and quick success. So stay focused on Gratitude as in any moment you can "pop" what you desire into your reality!


        • Hi Grace

          Just to keep you updated.

          I was wondering how the "healing takes time" belief is going and whether it's reduced any? I still have that belief but am hoping that it is getting less Also other beliefs that have surfaced are "nothing works for me", "nothing I do makes any difference". And I would like to not have those beliefs! I know they are ridiculous and one part of me knows they're not true but something in me still believes in them. I have been working on gratitude and with the prosperity exercise and focusing on what I want and ignoring the rest . The good news is that most days I am able to do this. I have had days were I couldn't. I felt very resistant. some days I feel acceptance of what is and feel peace. But then others I feel frustrated and disheartened and like I'm not getting anywhere.

          Transformational Paths
          Experience a Paths theater for free


          • Sunshine and Grace


            I just wanted to tell you that I could have written your exact post and can relate to your frustration. It is very hard to "see" the difference in myself versus what I was like, what I believed, a few years ago, yet I know there is a difference; however, I still struggle with those same beliefs you talk about. I say different words than I used to, visualize believing, etc., but underneath the conscious effort I'm thinking there is still a current of the opposite beliefs running - at least based on results. A lot of it for me stems from seeing the physical reality as pretty much the same as it was when I started all this. Yet, as I type this I know that that tells me that I must really usually be focusing on what is rather than love and gratitude even though I think I'm not, and the whole cycle just continues....!! What I have noticed lately though is that people will say things or do things I was literally just thinking about. This is very new for me, so I'm hoping it's a sign that I'm getting there.

            Sorry this isn't particulalry helpful, but I do relate and hopefully Grace can make the corrections on both of us! Have faith.

            I knew you were going to say what you did about my new staff! I just have to somehow get myself out of allowing the focus on fear. I don't even realize I'm doing it, yet just on reading my post, it's pretty blatant, hey? I haven't connected the dots with how to "deal" with what is without focusing on it in a negative way I guess.

            One thing that is interesting is that yesterday I found out my old manager who left us in a very bad position last year (no notice during our busiest time of year) is moving back to town very soon. We've kept in touch as I'm not one to hold grudges and once the dust settled I knew it was all how it should be, but I've wondered if I should offer her a job again - definitely not as manager but just a stylist... I see the cycle she's created for herself though and can tell she's not in a good place within herself, stuck in seeing only what is and constantly reacting, but "interesting" timing... Any thoughts? I'm sorry though, here I am again so focused in the what is and "figuring it out"... You've told me many times what to focus on and it's really so simple, I just have to do it consistently! So thank you everyone reading for allowing me to have this conversation with myself!

            Blessings and thanks!


            • Wow, Grace, you're good!

              I've had four new applicants today!

              Thank you!



              • Dear Grace

                Thank you soo much... Yesterday I ask Nubia to make some flowers for my landlady and when she got them she was so grateful, it really made her day!! I ask Sebastian today about football and he was like good and ya he felt more courage... today Me and Jonathan had an thought and I told him that he must act quickly and not hesitate and so he did. He found a recording studio that works with well known artist and they also have an record label!! now he's feeling more excited. We need to attract more money to us to help pay the studio cost. How can we do that?
                Well I feel we already getting on the right track something will come up. Jonathan says thanks also he felt God is blessing him... Ill let him know what you said too. Thanks again ill keep you in my prayers you are truely blessed!!

                Much love and mucho Amor!!!



                • Hi Grace

                  Thought I should let you know that things aren't good right now. I know you'll be doing corrections for me and I thank you for that. I just don't know what's going on but it's not good.
                  Transformational Paths
                  Experience a Paths theater for free


                  • looking for a little help!!!

                    Hi Grace!
                    I think I've mentioned a little bit about how far I've come after my life had to 'de-construct'....and the many many miracles that have come my way since. Its been all about moving up to a whole new level.

                    I've been embracing Faith and taking on things I wouldn't have dreamed of before. this month alone...I've worked through a lot of problems with my building in regards to my ex; I'm getting the mercury out of my mouth started after so many years of wanting to; some overdue repairs....

                    The most exciting thing for me is progress with my advanced training!!! I was initiated into a part of my teachers 5000 yr old lineage to learn the vibrational mantras to heal various nadis (like meridians). In fact, I'll be in LA near end of month for part 2 of vibrational medicine!!!

                    My big issue is keeping worry about $$ at bay!!! I have worked through so much....with the help of Deserve, Trauma Free, Mindset for $......and Financial Pc and Freedom is wonderful...on that my thinking has really changed. I seem to have some blockage around...'just not me'. Its ok to have just enough....but I need to get rid of the belief 'sacrifice one in order to do the other'!!! This is way more on my financial plate than I usually do....I need to let in the ease to fulfill these 'desire orders'!
                    I'm trying to figure out my faulty thinking. Could you please do some corrections for me Grace? After completing these things this month...I have a whole buttload of 'accomplishments' for next month...and on!!!

                    Thanks so much!!! I really need to get past this...I have things to do!!!!

                    With Much Love and Gratitude!!!
                    Life in Balance Ayurveda



                    • Hi Grace, I have just gotten over almost 3 weeks of sore throat/bronchitis and had to take antibiotics. I am better everyday. My boyfriend however is quite sick and has been on and off for over a month. He is on his 2nd course of antibiotics. He owns 2 furniture stores, one is a totally green store with beautiful furniture. 2 months ago there was a fire in the building near his and his store got severe water damage and has been closed since. The Insurance company is not wanting to pay so he is having to get a lawyer. He is taking care of his parents who live 45 min away. Bottom line he is stressed to the max. He works 7 days a week and goes to his parents 3-4 times a week.... I don't get to see him much.

                      He tests weak for the "Prosperity loves and accepts him" He tests strong for abundance and weak for wealth. Can you give him a push in the right direction? He has been on Paths, but has had 2 identity thefts so his bank doesn't want him to use the recurring charge. We are asking Paths to see if he can call in monthly with his card. He was getting some really good results with Paths. He has been off it for 2 months.... about when the fire happened.

                      As for me, I am still testing positive for Prosperity and I really feel it. Even tho I'm still not making much money the future looks bright! I spent 5 days in the most beautiful place I know of in the world: Esalen, a workshop center in Big Sur. It fed my soul and I feel relaxed and at ease. There is so much love out there and in here!

                      for gratitude, Inika



                      • HI Grace

                        Things are going better here. The whole family seems more calmer than usual. I was wondering if you can help me with my neck, I feel a lot tension there. Is been like that for a lot of years. In lighter side I feeling more graditude and I have to thank you again for that....

                        Lots love and graditude!!



                        • For All!

                          I Will be back soon to answer individually! Just know that I am in awe of all of you, and I am making the CEM corrections per requested. I am always amazed at how your requests resonate with me so deeply! I am Always with you!
                          IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                          • Whooohooo! It is all Done!

                            My website for my Hand Painted Blessings is finally complete and up on the Web.

                            Home I am very excited! Click on the underlined home, as it is the link to my website.

                            I would love for all of you to check it out!

                            Blessings and LOVE & LIGHT!
                            Last edited by zartgirl; 03-14-2009, 06:05 PM.


                            • Sally Jane

                              Your website is awesome!!!!! You are brilliant!!!
                              With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                              • Congratulations Sallyjane. I just took a look at your website and it's lovely. Your artwork is amazing. You must be so proud of yourself for having achieved this. I really wish you lots of success with it.
                                I don't know if you're able to edit your post on here and on the healing with art thread 'cos you missed off a "p" in the http bit and I wouldn't want anyone to not be able to get to your website.

                                I think you're brilliant!
                                Transformational Paths
                                Experience a Paths theater for free

