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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Musingmus

    Hey sweety, I just want you to close your eyes and feel me wrapping a warm blanket of LOVE around you. Now I am filling your heart with LOVE (although it really already is filled to the top with LOVE, but needs to be opened to that love). Yep that is me giving you a big huge bear HUG!

    I don't know if you have read through all of the posts on this thread, but trust me, I know what despair is! Grace can and so do the past posts a test to that fact. I use to come here in tears begging for Grace's help, especially back when I was still living in the shelter and it seemed like I would never get a house or a job! Grace kept telling me to focus on Gratitude! Focus on Gratitude! Focus on Gratitude! Yes it was hard at times to focus on Gratitude, and even now I sometimes forget to focus on Gratitude, but now I catch myself, and I quickly regroup and start to praise or thank the Universe for everything I have in my life. I would go into the bathroom of shelter and dance and sing thank you, thank you, thank you, and so on and so on.

    Depression, anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety, and such all stem from FEAR! FEAR manifests more of whatever you FEAR! So the more you give into FEAR the deeper you will go into the depression... The answer although tough is GRATITUDE! GRATITUDE goes hand in hand with LOVE and FORGIVENESS! When you are in GRATITUDE you have to forgive to stay there, and without GRATITUDE, and FORGIVENESS, LOVE is impossible! Start with gratitude and forgiveness and LOVE.

    By the way HAPPINESS is the LOVE pouring forth out of your heart. It might help when you are feeling so down to take your eyesight off of yourself and help someone else... Something very uplifting... It can be just small thing, but have such a big impact on your outlook.

    To open your heart up to LOVE, sit quietly... Take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth very slowly... Visualize yourself sinking down into your sacred heart or soul (located in the center of your chest area by your heart, but more on center). Sink down deep into it and visualize it opening up to let you inside it. Now I want you to grow it as big as you can... Bigger than your own body, just keep growing and growing your heart... Practice this everyday as many times a day as you can possibly fit into your day! I would also really suggest when you are ready to change out a module, to add UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to your account... Very powerful! Listen to your heart and it will tell you when it time to change out a module... I always pick my modules intuitively, just listening to my heart... then I test to see if they are right by either muscle testing or with my pendulum.

    I remember one day not long ago, I got up and was getting ready to go... when I looked in the mirror to add makeup, and saw my own beauty, and thought "WOW! I don't need makeup!" It was an awesome experience! Lately I have been meditating on connecting to the earth and bringing up the earth's energy, and then connecting to God, and bringing the LIght of God (The source, Universe, whatever you want to call it) down into me filling me up... and then connecting to all the people in the world... As I was doing that one day all of a sudden the God that had always been up there someplace came down into me and took it's rightful place in my sacred heart! It was awesome!

    This is getting long, so I will end for now... Wrapping you in another blanket of LOVE... Now feel the warmth of that blanket, embrace that LOVE! Remember LOVE is the most powerful energy in the Universe! Now if we could just harness it to run our cars on... I believe with enough LOVE pouring out of us we could run our cars on it, and imagine... There would be no road rage! Oh one more thought... NO JUDGING! Nothing is bad or good... It just is and that goes for people too... Just love as is, and this will take some practice, but it is powerful!

    LOVE LIGHT and BLESSINGS Sallyjane
    Hand painted blessings home page
    Last edited by zartgirl; 04-16-2009, 05:02 AM. Reason: Challenged with spelling tonight


    • For SallyJane, Belle, Empath, Doug, KimJ, Maura, Bill, Musingmus, and Sunshine!

      Nothing brings me more Joy than to read this thread every morning! I am very aware when someone posts, and I also know when I need to put extra attention on a particular person, or the group in general with energetic corrections.

      What also draws my attention daily to this thread is of-course the Love that is in all the posts and hearts of everyone here. I literally FEEL the LOVE when I read these posts. It is a nourishment that is unlike any other for me.

      Thank you SallyJane for your power and inspiration! I absolutely love how bright you shine!


      thank you too for your beautiful words of wisdom. You are correct concerning my Karate. In fact I am preparing for the greatest tournament of my Martial Arts career to date this June 27th. The 3rd Uechi World Cup for Peace.

      I have been practicing Karate since Feb of 1996, I have won 26 medals,and 7 trophies to date, but my greatest achievement is that I have never harmed one person in my dojo or in any Karate event I have been involved in.

      Since I began practicing Chinese Energetic Medicine in January of 2001 I have never been harmed myself. Sparring/karate is a beautiful dance of feeling energy. There is no separation and bringing forth the light from within myself and my partner is pure Joy!

      The greatest gift I have learned from Practicing Martial Arts is the power of focusing the mind. Putting attention and Focus on a target backed by the intention to bring Truth to the experience. In other words, in every moment to vibrate the feeling of Love and Gratitude. This continues to wipe out layers of Fear not only in me, but in all I come into contact with.

      Glad to see you posting again Belle!

      Thank you KimJ for posting the Kabbalh link. It tests strong along with Doug's Optimum D-Tox product. Doug!

      Hi Maura, I always love to see your thoughts and posts here and on Facebook too!

      Hi Bill,

      Sallyjane is right, you caught me during a challenging time to keep up with my varioius obligations. Also you caught me at a time where I was focused on being in the silence. I do this often. I am very focused on this because it is the only way to stay in the flow and hence be able to assist others more. It does not mean I am not aware of what is going on, or that I have stopped making corrections, on the contrary I am actually doing more by "creating" than by "pushing the river", but it does seem as if I have disappeared! I am grateful you contacted paths right away, they are truly wonderul! I most definitely will email you soon. I am truly grateful you are posting here, and for being my Paths customer!

      Hi Musingmus,

      I am always happy and grateful to see your posts. As the beautiful Sunshine said in her post to you, "Try not to give it a time limit, or think it should be working quicker". I am never going to stop making corrections for you, I have been doing so daily, and the fog will begin to clear. It will seem like a small release from pain, but with each layer of corrections, your mind will begin to clearly see, and hence experience the truth of your power.

      Great post Sunshine!

      Once again Thank you Sallyjane for being in my life!

      to All for being so magnificent!



      • For All!

        "You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do" Master key Systems ~ Charles F. Haanel

        In order to manifest and create your greatness you must realize how powerful you are!

        God (infinite potential and supreme consciousness) extends into Light. Light is within the Mind of God. Light has the same Consciousness of God built within it. Light is Eternal. We as ONE are the Light. Light with the same infinite power of God projects out the light and this is what we experience as energy. The projection of Energy is felt as a vibration. This fine vibration is what we call LOVE. The vibration of Love, the energy of Love, is created by the Light. Love is what we are projecting with our consciousness. The very same consciousness that is completely whole and connected with supreme consciousness. This is why Feeling/vibration is the language of the Soul.

        The whole of everything, all the universes, anything imaginable in this dualistic projected reality is energy. Always remember that in between the spaces of energy is Infinite potential, GOD.

        We are One, because we are of ONE mind. We are embraced with the consciousness of God. This is how thought creates. Thoughts have vibrations, feelings. Thoughts of Light are fine and the closest to the Mind of God. Light is Truth. The feeling of Light is Love. In this dualistic projected reality we are feeling/experiencing energy, because energy has vibration. The fastest finest vibration is Love, and the slowest and most dense vibration is Fear.

        Here is the Miracle and if you have stuck with me so far you will recognize your immense Power!

        The slowest vibration is Fear, BUT it is still vibration! This is why Fear is an illusion! Do you see? All there is, IS THE VIBRATION OF LOVE! We are not our physical bodies. Our physical bodies are channels of Light in order to experience the feeling of Light which is the finest vibration that exists.

        We have been given the greatest gift and this is THOUGHT/Consciousness.
        Every thought has its own vibration depending on the thought. It is simple to know if the thought is fine or dense. You feel good when it's fine, and you feel not so good when your thoughts are dense.

        It is important here to remember that we are of ONE mind. This is why when you focus on finer vibrational thoughts you assist the whole! The collective consciousness. We are connected to the collective via the sub-conscious mind. The thoughts you think consciously or unconsciously are like "seeds" that root into the sub-conscious. This is why practicing staying Aware of your thoughts is such a great tool for creating good in your life.

        The combination of your thoughts put out a vibration. This is what you are "Being". The Law of Attraction or the Law of Love which is universal Law, and is also viewed as "like attracts like" will bring to you as a "mirror" to experience that which you are being.

        It is all Love, but to what degree? Fine vibration or dense? What vibration of Love/energy are you BEING NOW?

        It is challenging for many to feel Love. You can look out into the world and see that I am telling you the truth. Love is expressed in infinite ways and is too abstract for many to understand. This is why I am constantly focused on Gratitude, and why I tell others to do the same. Gratitude is the next finest vibration closest to the Light.

        Everyone knows the feeling/vibration of Gratitude. The beauty of Gratitude is that there are infinite things to be grateful for! Gratitude brings you closer and closer to finally experiencing the Truth! The Truth that will set you free! LOVE.

        The vibration of Gratitude when you are focused and BEING grateful will attract more of what you are BEING! It is Law. The hardest work you will ever do is to think thoughts of Love and Gratitude, yet this is the only vibration that will attract into your life the finest of things and experiences.

        Visualizing Light is a brilliant way to start because Light is LOVE and Gratitude.

        So when you are experiencing anything that is "not so good" look away from that vibration. It can be shifted instantly. Maintain a higher finer vibration as often as possible. Stay aware, dense thoughts will only slow down the greatness that is at your fingertips do not let dense thoughts take root!

        One fine thought will always blow away effortlessly any dense thoughts, just as easily as turning on the light proves that darkness has no power.

        Last edited by Grace; 04-17-2009, 08:44 PM.


        • Grace,
          Beautifully said! And I read this post immediately after I forwarded a Morning Message received today, The channel talks about a Container of Gratitude, lovingly and joyfully tended like a gardener.

          Morning Messages

          _________Message from the "Team"_________
          I wanted to share the personal message I received from the "team" about both of my loved ones. I believe this message is one to be shared with everyone as we all experience the challenges of the change in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends.
          It is important to remember that it is far more effective to hold all that you are concerned with in the container of gratitude. It may seem difficult, however, we invite you to continue to be creative and envision the best rather than worry about the worst. Begin to see the most amazing outcome happening, hold that vision with the tenderness of a gardener and her new seedling. You are far more effective in supporting their healing and well-being by seeing them at their best. When a thought of concern or worry comes to your active mind, quickly find something about this situation in which you are grateful. It can be a simple gratitude. Pre-plan these gratitude's, have a file of miracles, blessings easily ready to grab when needed. The minute you are aware that you are dropping into a place of worry or concern, take a deep breath, sigh and replace the worry thought with one that has a lighter flavor, a more coherent frequency. This is a conscious exercise, it is what is yours to do right now. You can be the anchor for your loved ones to hold on to, the vibration that they will entrain with, the link to their strength and well-being.
          During these times of great change and great evolutionarily shifts, it is most important for those who are aware to hold a firm and stable platform for all those who are striving to transform some dysfunction. Remember that you are a transformer; everyone is a transformer of dense, dysfunctional patterns and energy. However these dysfunctional patterns and energy manifest in your life and the lives of others, they are there to be processed and transformed through the conscious system of an awakened multidimensional being. This is the same tool to use with any situation and thought patterns that do not support your joy and well-being, whether it is health, finances, personal relationships, jobs or family.
          You can align yourself with the flow of well-being, and joy simply by holding a clear and firm frequency of gratitude. The mind loves to solve problems, to worry, to fret, to be concerned. That is what the mind loves to do and the mind will hijack your time doing just that. This is the old paradigm; this is what you are shifting and transforming. Realize that it is just a pattern of thought; it is just an old emotional frequency that still resides inside the system of your mind. It is important to understand and realize that you are moving into a new paradigm in which you will hold a vision, a thought, and intention of what you desire to manifest and it will be so.

          So this day we invite you to return to a state of gratitude as often and a frequently as possible. Know that your loved ones also have patterns to shift and transform, that is theirs to do. Know that your loved ones are also magnificent multidimensional beings who agreed to assist in the transformation of dysfunction on this planet, in all its many forms. Each one has a purpose, an assignment, a soul agreement that they are in the process of completing. Support them with your highest and your best thoughts and emotions for them. They will feel this on the subtle planes of consciousness. Your blessings will embrace them and lift them up, your joy will light their way.
          We invite you to call upon the celestial and divine realms of truth, love and light, assistance and support is as close as the request. Know that we are always as near has your heartbeat and as close as your breath. Be at peace beloved, know that all is well.


          • For Empath!

            Originally posted by Empath View Post
            Beautifully said! And I read this post immediately after I forwarded a Morning Message received today, The channel talks about a Container of Gratitude, lovingly and joyfully tended like a gardener.

            Morning Messages

            _________Message from the "Team"_________
            I wanted to share the personal message I received from the "team" about both of my loved ones. I believe this message is one to be shared with everyone as we all experience the challenges of the change in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends.
            It is important to remember that it is far more effective to hold all that you are concerned with in the container of gratitude. It may seem difficult, however, we invite you to continue to be creative and envision the best rather than worry about the worst. Begin to see the most amazing outcome happening, hold that vision with the tenderness of a gardener and her new seedling. You are far more effective in supporting their healing and well-being by seeing them at their best. When a thought of concern or worry comes to your active mind, quickly find something about this situation in which you are grateful. It can be a simple gratitude. Pre-plan these gratitude's, have a file of miracles, blessings easily ready to grab when needed. The minute you are aware that you are dropping into a place of worry or concern, take a deep breath, sigh and replace the worry thought with one that has a lighter flavor, a more coherent frequency. This is a conscious exercise, it is what is yours to do right now. You can be the anchor for your loved ones to hold on to, the vibration that they will entrain with, the link to their strength and well-being.
            During these times of great change and great evolutionarily shifts, it is most important for those who are aware to hold a firm and stable platform for all those who are striving to transform some dysfunction. Remember that you are a transformer; everyone is a transformer of dense, dysfunctional patterns and energy. However these dysfunctional patterns and energy manifest in your life and the lives of others, they are there to be processed and transformed through the conscious system of an awakened multidimensional being. This is the same tool to use with any situation and thought patterns that do not support your joy and well-being, whether it is health, finances, personal relationships, jobs or family.
            You can align yourself with the flow of well-being, and joy simply by holding a clear and firm frequency of gratitude. The mind loves to solve problems, to worry, to fret, to be concerned. That is what the mind loves to do and the mind will hijack your time doing just that. This is the old paradigm; this is what you are shifting and transforming. Realize that it is just a pattern of thought; it is just an old emotional frequency that still resides inside the system of your mind. It is important to understand and realize that you are moving into a new paradigm in which you will hold a vision, a thought, and intention of what you desire to manifest and it will be so.

            So this day we invite you to return to a state of gratitude as often and a frequently as possible. Know that your loved ones also have patterns to shift and transform, that is theirs to do. Know that your loved ones are also magnificent multidimensional beings who agreed to assist in the transformation of dysfunction on this planet, in all its many forms. Each one has a purpose, an assignment, a soul agreement that they are in the process of completing. Support them with your highest and your best thoughts and emotions for them. They will feel this on the subtle planes of consciousness. Your blessings will embrace them and lift them up, your joy will light their way.
            We invite you to call upon the celestial and divine realms of truth, love and light, assistance and support is as close as the request. Know that we are always as near has your heartbeat and as close as your breath. Be at peace beloved, know that all is well.
            How Fabulous you ARE!! for being on this Forum!!



            • OMG! I am Powerful!

              Omg, I am soooo powerful at manifesting! So tonight I was talking to my X husband... and he has decided to pay me $1000.00 dollars a month to help me become self sufficient (remember my post above about releasing my X of the expectation of him paying child support) Now he is tripling his payment to me, after shortly doubling it a couple of months ago! Not only that, but to assist me in moving down to Calif., he is going to buy me a place to live in Calif. He also asked me which town I wanted to live in as he is looking at houses in two towns both of which I would be happy to live in.

              Okay as if that is not enough he asked me if I would use my "Wizard Thing" to test for strength if the career choice he is thinking about making is a good direction! At first I could not figure out what he was talking about... I kept hearing could you use your lizard.... I was like What? Finally I figured out he was talking about my pendulum. Hmmm... maybe this explains why he acts afraid of me... He thinks I am a wizard! Oh, I just thought it was the funniest thing, but also felt honored that he feels he can ask me that.

              Know that you too are just as powerful as Grace and I and the other healers on this forum! YOU too can manifest in the same way!

              Love Light and Joy


              • Empath - thank you for your lovely post. That was just what I needed to read right now. And Sallyjane, too. That is so awesome, manifesting having a home bought for you exactly where you want to live. I am so happy for you. And that's really funny about your lizard/wizard!
                I've been having my worry head on about my move and where I'm going to live and how I'm going to support myself because all the "evidence" shows me that I just don't have the money and just can't afford what I need and how am I going to sort all the other stuff etc etc . It takes constant effort to not allow these thoughts and remind myself that money is only energy, houses are only energy and to really focus on my picture of what I want and how I see things and to relax and trust that everything will work out for the best. Keeping your vibration high and focused on being whole and healthy and abundant and happy isn't always easy! and it's important to remember to help each other see ourselves as our best and not focus on what's "wrong" and these posts really help. The MasterKeys system is really good too, thanks Grace. I have been studying it and finding it helpful.

                Transformational Paths
                Experience a Paths theater for free


                • Depression

                  I just wanted to pay respects to grace and express my emotions on here.
                  I feel horrible letting loose, so ill keep it simple. Im also at the stage of thinking no one really wants to read about someone being so depressed.
                  But if my emotions resonate with anyone, then it will help grace to help us all.

                  Ive been severely depressed for quite sometime now. too me it seems to be at the wrong time, since these years should be my prime time of life.

                  i have so much fear, which keeps me in the negative thinking, i think im worthless, i feel i have nothing to contribute to others, i feel lost, i feel if something could make me happy, that i dont deserve it, so it passes by me. im so jealous and hurt that soooo many people are gifted and talented. I resent them. i cant even watch susan boyle because it depresses me, im sure she is so amazingly talented, but i wont even see for myself. i cant watch movies, or listen to new music, it all depresses me. when i see someones artwork, or creations, i cant say WOW thats amazing, i get hurt and hate god for making me this stupid plain person.
                  I want to create so badly, i want to heal others so badly, i want to be alive so badly, i want to feel happy and peace so badly.
                  but obviously not bad enough if im consistent in staying in this negative place.
                  Im depressed and i see no light at the end of the tunnel.
                  im constantly wanting a end to this miserable life.
                  i feel i have nothing to give to others. only my negative attitude, which nobody in their right minds want.
                  im alone, because of this depression.


                  • Musingmus,

                    I just wanted to let you know that today I post about having a house bought for me, and all kinds of cool stuff, but it was not always that way...

                    I encourage you and everyone to read through the thread from beginning to now. Somewhere in 2007 I started posting here and asking for corrections (it would be the last half of the year), but read from start to end as much healing you will receive from all the past corrections. When I was living in the shelter and everything seemed hopeless I would come here in tears asking for help! Now I come here to help others too... I could not have ever imagined that way back then!

                    This was the toughest part of my journey to learn to stay in Gratitude and LOVE, and those two will bring forgiveness naturally! They are three of a kind! They go together! Before I came here people in the church used to tell me to forgive, but I could not do it... Then I came here and they told me to live in Gratitude and I just forgave everyone, including myself (Especially myself!). I went from living in hatred to living in Joy! Happiness is the LOVE coming out of your heart, so to live in gratitude and love will naturally take away the depression. I really encourage you to read the old posts as so much of the healing and corrections will come through to you, and you will receive the same wisdom I did from Grace as you read through my transformation!

                    Right now I am sending you a Blanket of LOVE to warm your heart and soul. Let it crack open you heart to let the endless love that is in your heart already flow outward and heal you from the inside out.

                    I am sooo excited for you as you have started this journey and all the exciting things and power you are about to discover within yourself! Congratulations!

                    Love light and JOY!


                    • thanks Zatgirl

                      i dont know how to feel gratitude or feel love.
                      i dont know how to access it, other than just saying it. In which return, i feel numb to it. i dont feel it. i dont understand when someone says be grateful.
                      i hate being alive and thats the one thing someone always says, "be grateful your alive".

                      the only emotions i feel is anger, sadness, and pain. i walk in pain.

                      i dont now. i really think im that one person who is a lost cause.

                      and yes, i have read every post. ive spent hours and hours reading post in this thread.

                      thanks for sending me a blanket of love...i didnt feel that either. i think maybe my energy is so corrupt with negativity, that anything positive bounces off it.


                      • Correction please

                        Grace if you could do some corrections for my sinuses. Again I am having trouble with them making me feel sick. I know it is a layer that is needing to come off right now! In the mean time I am at home feeling yucky!

                        Also a blessing, since quitting sugar I have lost more weight! I am at my lowest weight in years! In the last week I have lost 9 lbs! I was amazed when I stepped on the scale to see that weight this morning. 6 of them in the last few days!

                        Sunshine, I am sending you a blanket of LOVE too. Just know that your home is being prepared for you to move into and be thankful for that home. It will work out just like clockwork!

                        Musingmus, When I first started I didn't really know how to feel LOVE or Gratitude either, but I just kept repeating thank you thank you thank you thank you. I would say thank you for everything in my life... The Shelter I lived in, the little things too. I would just look for reasons. It takes time to reprogram your mind, and your heart to feel it. Just keep repeating over and over thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! Write on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself to say it. Eventually you will transform from where you are to where you want to be. Trust me, so many of us have been where you are, not knowing how, but we have been able to transform and so can you. You are working on remembering who you really are, and just how beautiful you are!

                        Just keep with it, and you will come out the other side!

                        Blessings Love light and joy


                        • correction request

                          Hello Grace,

                          Could you please send a correction to me?
                          My feet and ankles are all red and broken out. It's one of those conditions -- a frankly spectacular case of psoriasis/eczema -- that has drs shaking their heads and saying "oh that looks painful" -- but no relief offered -- unless I want to take some heavy duty drugs (that may or may not offer relief, but no cure... and may also give liver lesions, cancer, etc.)

                          I keep my good humor and gratitude with me... your posts are such a boost, they really help, thank you.

                          ...but I have a lot of stuff to do; places to go; people to see; gardens to nurture and am in deep need a healthy body and healthy legs, ankles, feet.

                          So an energy boost/correction is humbly requested.
                          Overall, I am a very proficient manifestor, but this issue is quite a challenge for me.

                          Love to all,


                          • Decision help please!

                            Hi everyone.

                            I just wanted to ask anyone and everyone who is able to test strength for things... I posted a while back but didn't get an answer about my kids' school, so here's a recap again. For various reasons (mainly financial and personal beliefs), I'm looking at switching schools from private to public. On the one hand I feel strongly that this is best for me personally (due to the personal beliefs) and for us as a family, financially speaking. However, my kids LOVE their current school and it serves their needs very well in the things they offer (fabulous music program, etc.), which the public school doesn't offer, plus my older son has a really hard time making friends, and he has just one friend who is a girl so thinking of taking him away from his only friend just about kills me. Sorry, I don't like to use negative words but you get the idea of where I'm at on this!

                            So, based on all that, I'm completely torn on which direction to go, which is the best for everyone. Testing myself comes out different depending on which perspective I'm coming from... does that make sense? I'd love it if someone else objective could test for this....

                            BTW, Sallyjane, you're manifestations are just amazing! Congratulations on taking it to such a high level - I know you've done so much inner work to get there! You're an inspiration to me.

                            Thank you!!


                            • especially for Musingmus

                              Sometimes, when you're awash in the abyss, is seems that there is no way out. While we tell you that is an illusion, there is always a way out; there is always light, hope, and love, you are in so deep that it is overwhelming.

                              You say you can't feel love or gratitude -- but you hang out here, in the lovingest and most grateful of threads I've ever seen on any forum anywhere... so I would say that the light and love here beckon and comfort you, despite it all. If you had no sense of love, gratitude and light you would not be here.

                              It is actually quite easy to feel gratitude. Start with something easy.

                              [Awaken Gratitude by awakening your senses.
                              No matter what your circumstances are, your senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch - can serve as conduits of Gratitude.

                              Your senses are always with you; they literally let you know you are alive an sentient. But your sense are always ready to do so much more. They can connect you to the very core essence of your being. All you have to do is bring your consciousness to the moment, breathe into the sensation and give thanks for the experience.

                              *Listen and to beautiful, moving music or listen to the happy voices of children at play
                              *Observe and rejoice in the colors around you
                              *Smell a favorite scent - a flower, food, perfume
                              *Feel the clothes upon your skin, enjoy the softness of a baby’s skin or a pet’s silky fur
                              *Taste the juicy sweetness of a favorite fruit

                              There are dozens of wonderful ideas posted on Stacey Robyn's Go Gratitude blog. The suggestion above is the one I contributed.
                              How do you Go Gratitude? : Inner Space …

                              I really suggest doing the Go Gratitude Experiment. All you do is sign up to receive a Gratitude message by email every day for 42 days. It is free, and quite liberating.


                              The Go Gratitude web site manifested to me right when I was in the throes of the abyss. I had lung xray and cat scans that suggested late stage cancer. I had also recently lost my job. After a week of gratitude messages (which I read and meditated upon) and an amazing ThetaHealing session, I had a very intense bronchoscopy - the drs tested EVERY spot they could find (20) -- and all biopsies were clear; three days after the bronchoscopy I was offered an excellent fit job at a pay 40% HIGHER than my lost job.

                              Amazing things happen when you drag your head out of the abyss and look to the light. That's all I did, really. I decided to live and love.

                              Love and Light to you!
                              Expect a Miracle!!!



                              • Originally posted by Empath View Post
                                Sometimes, when you're awash in the abyss, is seems that there is no way out. While we tell you that is an illusion, there is always a way out; there is always light, hope, and love, you are in so deep that it is overwhelming.

                                You say you can't feel love or gratitude -- but you hang out here, in the lovingest and most grateful of threads I've ever seen on any forum anywhere... so I would say that the light and love here beckon and comfort you, despite it all. If you had no sense of love, gratitude and light you would not be here.

                                It is actually quite easy to feel gratitude. Start with something easy.

                                [Awaken Gratitude by awakening your senses.
                                No matter what your circumstances are, your senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch - can serve as conduits of Gratitude.

                                Your senses are always with you; they literally let you know you are alive an sentient. But your sense are always ready to do so much more. They can connect you to the very core essence of your being. All you have to do is bring your consciousness to the moment, breathe into the sensation and give thanks for the experience.

                                *Listen and to beautiful, moving music or listen to the happy voices of children at play
                                *Observe and rejoice in the colors around you
                                *Smell a favorite scent - a flower, food, perfume
                                *Feel the clothes upon your skin, enjoy the softness of a baby’s skin or a pet’s silky fur
                                *Taste the juicy sweetness of a favorite fruit

                                There are dozens of wonderful ideas posted on Stacey Robyn's Go Gratitude blog. The suggestion above is the one I contributed.
                                How do you Go Gratitude? : Inner Space …

                                I really suggest doing the Go Gratitude Experiment. All you do is sign up to receive a Gratitude message by email every day for 42 days. It is free, and quite liberating.


                                The Go Gratitude web site manifested to me right when I was in the throes of the abyss. I had lung xray and cat scans that suggested late stage cancer. I had also recently lost my job. After a week of gratitude messages (which I read and meditated upon) and an amazing ThetaHealing session, I had a very intense bronchoscopy - the drs tested EVERY spot they could find (20) -- and all biopsies were clear; three days after the bronchoscopy I was offered an excellent fit job at a pay 40% HIGHER than my lost job.

                                Amazing things happen when you drag your head out of the abyss and look to the light. That's all I did, really. I decided to live and love.

                                Love and Light to you!
                                Expect a Miracle!!!


                                for sharing your experience. I found it very uplifting and encouraging.


                                PATHS For Healing
                                Energetic Science Ministries
                                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

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