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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Hi Casseiopeias

    Just hang in there. I know what you're going through. When you get these feelings just go with whatever feels best for you and know that they will pass. I know it doesn't feel like it at the time. It could just be the modules you are on bringing stuff up. I know when I was on the trauma release module I went through a pretty rough time I know what it feels like when you just feel that nothing will ever change and you're just really weary of how things are. If you are able to sleep then that can help. You will still be processing things whilst you're asleep. And Grace will be doing corrections for you because you posted on here. I don't know if you've read all the posts on here (there a quite a few! ) but when you get a moment it can be helpful reading what you can because you will pick up the corrections from previous posts and it can also help reading what people have been through.

    Sallyjane. I am so so happy that you've got yourself a house and that your California move is getting closer. And that you've got interviews lined up and that things are flowing. That is just so awesome. And it's encouraging to read that you had doubts about abundance and managed to move beyond and things are happening for you.

    Grace. Can't wait to hear what you have to say about freedom and release of fears. Both of these have been coming up strong for me in the last few weeks. Please would you be able to do some corrections for me regarding freedom from things I don't want/need anymore? Also anything that I need to release to allow things to fall into place. Like Sallyjane, I am having doubts as regards abundance and have also just had a bad episode with my mcs which is still affecting me so I'm feeling a bit out of sorts right now. I need to be fully functioning to handle moving, finding somewhere to live and a job etc and could really use some help right now.

    thank you.

    Transformational Paths
    Experience a Paths theater for free


    • I've already been working on letting fear go when it comes around for the past few weeks. I am replacing it with confidence and a devil-may-care attitude. Who needs it? Thanks for the reminder! I am extremely happy to hear how wonderful things are going for you, Grace. Keep up the good work!
      My reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.


      • Grace's post about freedom triggered some explorations. My exploration has to do with the literal unhealed wounds on my ankle and feet and how the metaphor of Chiron as both a mythological and astrological entity may help me with this lesson.

        What I found on Martin Lass's site works on many levels, addressing several recurring themes of this thread.

        Love and Wholeness,

        Martin Lass - The Moon

        The Healing Power of Gratitude
        Chiron’s Final Trump Card

        The Miracle of Gratitude
        Healing is about gratitude. I have glimpsed the divine plan behind my creation and acknowledged the part played by my father, mother and violin teacher (and many more). I love my father for everything that he was and was not—just for being who he was for me. I love my violin teacher for everything that he was and was not for me—just for being who he was. I love my mother for everything that she was and was not to me—just for being who she was. Without these people being exactly who they were, I would not be the person I am today. I thank them for that; I thank God for that; I thank myself for that. I am grateful for my life… that is what healing is all about.

        Perfection exists in every way throughout the universe. The more we see this perfection, the more gratitude we have. The more gratitude we have, the more healed we become. The more gratitude we have, the more love we experience. The more love we experience, the wider our consciousness expands—the more we evolve. We are actually infinite beings, extending in all directions to infinity in the universe. Science is beginning to understand this in terms of wave/particle interactions and field theory.

        Simply put, what we have learned to love in our lives determines the rim of our sphere of consciousness. What we have yet to love is what lies outside that sphere of consciousness. What we love we are the masters of. What we have yet to love rules us. Seeing the inherent perfection and balance in the mis-perceptions that we call ‘wounds’ and ‘blockages’ brings gratitude. Gratitude is the levitative force that bring us to greater love. Healing is the process of discovering that our true nature is love.

        Every day now, in the morning and at night, I list the things in my live that I am grateful for. I keep listing and digging deeper until my heart opens once more and tears of inspiration flow from me. In this space of gratitude and love, we can hear the messages of the soul more clearly. We can know where we come from, where we are going, why we are here and who we are. Would that not be worth it? The process is now known and is scientifically proven and repeatable. It our choice now.


        • Thanks, Sunshine

          When I posted that I was crying hysterically and considering cutting myself because that felt like the only way to numb the pain out (used to be a cutter way back when, thought that was over and done with but lately I've been having a lot of relapses!). But some short time after reading this thread and posting I calmed down, and went through some really interesting, albeit painful stuff, just lying and feeling the pain and where in my body it originated. Mostly it struck me how subconsciously I really don't want to let go of my pain, for several reasons - because change is scary, the pain is familiar and a part of me that I've lived with for so long, because the pain is tinged with some kind of strange pleasure - and so on. And those reasons are still there, but it was interesting to realise just how much I'm clinging on to my issues for dear life.

          Still, it's disheartening because I've been working *intensely* on my issues (mostly with EFT) for over a year now, and I've had so many of these moments that seem like healing crises, and I keep telling myself it's one step back, two steps forward, but really it just feels like two steps forward, two steps back all the time. Paths really feels like my last hope because I just don't have the energy to be optimistic about my ability to overcome this anymore.

          I feel better today. I hope all this @#%& is at least a sign that the Trauma Free module is working for me.


          • In need of your help Grace....Thank you so much for testing the modules for me!!!!!

            Im Valerie, and Belle told me I should ask you if you could help me choose which models are right for me.

            Currently, I am on New Vision, Inspired Luck, Ho'pononono, and Financial peace and prosperity.
            I chose new vision to see biological results so I want to keep that one.

            But my two main concerns are finances and career. Ive been a part time insurance agent for the last 2 yrs, and struggle with selling anything. Ive wasted so much money trying to make this business work, and failed time after time. I know a lot of it has to do with my negative thinking...and maybe past trauma perhaps...i dont know. Thats why I need your help to make sure I choose the right Module the first time to address this problem.

            I know I need to increased sales, because my sales is at zero right now, but there are so many other ones I can combine it with that I dont want to pick the wrong one for myself. I dont know which would help me. I know I want to keep my new vision module, and I know I want to increase my business sales, so I want the increased business and productivity module, but should I get deserving, keep the financial peace and prosperity module? Or should I get successful living series instead? Do I need the mindset for money too? How about trauma free module? Would that address my internal problem? Im stuck on this one. Theres just too many to choose from, and I only have room for 3 more modules.

            Thank you so much for your time. I feel bad asking you for help, because I dont like bothering people for help...but Im desperate...and belle said you were able to help me so here I am....forgive me for bugging you, if I am. thank you much.

            valerie ly long[/quote]

            Hi Valerie,

            I have gone ahead and "muscle tested" for you the three that test strongest for you now, since you were not aware of any fees for private work.

            They are:

            1. Positive Attitude
            2. Mood Elevation
            3. Energy Mastermind (read the bullet points on this one, you need to connect with how these amazing individuals new how to create their visions.)

            I will continue to make corrections for you individually if you copy and paste this and post it on the CEM thread. Only post this if you feel comfortable doing so.

            I spend a great deal of time on the CEM thread, and now the Facebook thread because it brings me great joy to see how we are all connected, and elevate eachother simply by resonating with various "issues" and focusing our minds on our strengths.

            Thank Belle for me for leading you to this fabulous forum, in fact I need to skype her back a few messages too. [/QUOTE]

            Hello again Grace,

            I went ahead, as you can see, and posted the PM on this thread. Thank you so much for your help!!! I actually just switched all the above 4 modules about a week ago to Trauma Free, Successful Liv 1, Increased business productivity and creativity, and minset for money. I guess I sort of have to wait a month or two before switching to the ones you test for me above.

            I was wondering if you could test the 4 new mods(traumafree,succliv1,increased business prod and creativity, and mindset for money) Im currently on right now? I appreciate your help Grace. Again, thank you sooooooooo much! You are sooooo kind!

            also, I have read the ENERGY MASTERMIND MODULE description, and I dont understand exactly what it is...if its not too much trouble, could you explain why I tested so strongly for this module?

            Thank you GRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Last edited by softsoul; 05-29-2009, 12:59 AM.


            • testing modules

              Also, I forgot to ask, since I am totally new to this...

              what does it mean to have a module test strongly for me...does it mean that it will work faster than others for me? Or does it mean that it is what I need to watch first? Thanks a whole lot!!!! Bless you Grace for your kindness!!!


              • Hi Grace

                Just wanted to ask if you would please do some corrections for me regarding my Mum. Thanks.

                Transformational Paths
                Experience a Paths theater for free


                • Originally posted by Grace View Post
                  Stop being complacent, and get off the mental couch and focus your thoughts and feelings on HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE!! Take the hour or more each day and exercise your MIND with Love and Gratitude! If you do this each day, YOU WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS!!

                  What do you Love, what are you grateful for? If you don't know this yet, then you better get busy! Do you want to create your reality, and be the master of your destiny, or do you want to be tossed around like a rag doll?

                  This analogy may help. If you do not focus your thoughts on Love and gratitude you will be on the outside rim of the wheel. You will ride up and down the roller coaster of life. If you focus your mind on Love with the feelings of Gratitude, you will forever be comfortably riding in the hub of the wheel. You will be in the center of the wheel where you can enjoy the ride. You will be centered and at Peace.

                  Be at Peace.

                  Most excellent post, Grace. Thank you.

                  And now, a musical response...
                  Lyrics from the Grateful Dead song The Wheel

                  The Wheel

                  The wheel is turning and you can't slow down,
                  You can't let go and you can't hold on,
                  You can't go back and you can't stand still,
                  If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will.

                  Won't you try just a little bit harder,
                  Couldn't you try just a little bit more?
                  Won't you try just a little bit harder,
                  Couldn't you try just a little bit more?

                  Round, round robin run round, got to get back to where you belong,
                  Little bit harder, just a little bit more,
                  A little bit further than you gone before.

                  The wheel is turning and you can't slow down,
                  You can't let go and you can't hold on,
                  You can't go back and you can't stand still,
                  If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will.

                  Small wheel turn by the fire and rod,
                  Big wheel turn by the grace of God,
                  Every time that wheel turn 'round,
                  Bound to cover just a little more ground.

                  The wheel is turning and you can't slow down,
                  You can't let go and you can't hold on,
                  You can't go back and you can't stand still,
                  If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will.

                  Won't you try just a little bit harder,
                  Couldn't you try just a little bit more?
                  Won't you try just a little bit harder,
                  Couldn't you try just a little bit more?


                  • just requesting some corrections for Love, loving and self worth.

                    thank you.


                    • Originally posted by musingmus View Post
                      just requesting some corrections for Love, loving and self worth.

                      thank you.
                      Awe, sending you a big blanket of that LOVE! Remember it is deep with in you and all you need is to open up your sacred heart!!! I have a feeling when you finally reach that deep within you and you find that place as you break open your heart and experience that Love again tears of Joy may come pouring out! You have been so closed off from your heart for so long that to feel those feelings again will bring an overwhelming joy! Just know it is within you, and know that you can reach it... First you will have to quiet that egoic mind of yours that keeps telling you that you can not do it!

                      Blessings Love Light and Joy!


                      • some corrections please!

                        Hello Dear Grace
                        I need some corrections tonight! I need to start doing some cold calling and I am having a hard time starting it. I am doing some cold calling from HOME, more importantly, and I do not know why it is so much harder for me to do than for me to do than at an office! I am doing some cold calling for my X to get me some extra money and help me get out of the dead end job that is testing so weak for me. I am trying to figure what I should be doing right now? I know I am moving very soon, but I am not sure if I need to get a new job or I need to just start promoting the new opportunity we were talking about... I guess I will be doing some testing, and see what pans out!

                        Okay, I am rambling here... Long story short my heart says to leave the insurance job as it is going no where for me, and just get myself and my kids to Calif as soon as possible!!!! Then just trust the Universe to take care to the rest. So I believe that is what I need to do!

                        Well Blessings Love and Light and JOY!


                        • As always Grace your posts are amazing. Thank you!!



                          • I had a rough day

                            I had a panic attack today and things aren't going so according to what I expected. I need some corrections on fear and forgiveness please...Thanks Grace!

                            Love and Light Yari


                            • im confused why the corrections are not working.

                              im still depressed, suicidal, angry, miserable and just so sick of living.

                              i dont know what else to do.


                              • Musingmus

                                Are you using paths Mood elevation and positive attitude? Maybe even Trauma free and Ho'oponono mod too? I know the later works wonders. I hated my mother in law so much before this module that I wanted her dead, but after one month of using it, I dont anymore...its like I forgive her for everything shes done and let it be....Im more at peace with her.

                                I just switched to mood elev and posit attit... 2 days ago, and I feel a small difference so far...Ive been going throu cog dis with SucLiv 1 that I was snapping at everyone, feeling depressed, angry...and Its only been 2 days.

                                Ive actually been like this before the succliv mod, but its gotten worse.

                                Grace actually tested it for me, and I believe she is right on because she didnt know I was going through this.

                                I hope you try the modules out. You should maybe have Grace, SallyJane, or Sharyn test what modules you need most right now.


