Hi Grace. So I just got a platinum theater and read on another thread that i would be a good idea to contact you. I would be very interested to hear what you have to say.
No announcement yet.
Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace
Hi Sallyjane
Well I can certainly identify with the emotions you have been going through! It's no picnic is it?!?!I was so sure I was doing the right thing moving but right now I'm not so sure. I still think I needed to move from where I was but I just don't know where I'm meant to be and it's very unsettling. You so take for granted things like having a home, job, family etc but when you don't have any of them it kind of makes the world look different. Right now I've got blocked ears which has made my strange new world a pretty silent one! They're about 95% blocked and whilst I can't tell what people are saying I've got loud buzzing in my ears and a horrible squelchy sound when I eat and everything sounds loud and echoey. Very weird. I hope they clear themselves soon as I also feel off balance but then I guess that's how I feel anyway. Meanwhile I'm just going with the flow and praying that things will very very soon be clearer. Any corrections you can give to assist with this Grace would be much appreciated.
Grace, or anyone, could you help me with corrections?
I've just moved into my first own flat, I've been house-sharing for four years and have grown thoroughly tired of it. So as you might expect I've been really excited about turning my little studio into a beautiful haven of peace and joy. But, I've also been very worried about expenses (I've already spent way over my budget on furniture etc, and I'm not making much money at the moment). I find myself stuck in thoughts like "There's so much clutter here, it's draining my energy!" (three weeks and I still haven't unpacked everything due to time and lack of storage furniture that I yet need to buy), "I have so much stuff to do!", "I'll never get all this done", "I'm going to end up spending so much money on this place", "It'll never look the way I want it to look".
Of course, I've noticed how these thoughts have really slowed my progress with the new flat. I buy a fan and it breaks the next day so I have to spend money on a new one. A section of a shop closes before hours so I can't get the furniture I need. A chest of drawers that has worked fine before suddenly breaks. The loft bed I buy second-hand is so unstable that i need to hire some handymen to fix it, making it cost twice the price. Et cetera...
I've been making an effort to think positive, but I don't know where to start! It feels like my brain is so full of these thoughts and emotions like fear and worry that it's difficult to find even a glimmer of something good that i can work with! I'd really appreciate some corrections to help me along, so that I can find a space where I can focus on gratitude for my own beautiful little home instead of fear.
Oh girl, I am so sorry, I have been wanting to reply to you, but my wireless network went down and the only computer I could get online with was the one that this site will not let me sign into on. So I was not able to reply to you till the network guy came out and reprogrammed my wireless network. Normally I can fix this kind of stuff, but it was the cable companies equipment that was the problem this time, so I could not fix it myself. I felt so lost with out the internet on my computer and having to do everything on my X's computer till I could get this fixed.
I do know how you are feeling, as I have felt exactly what you are feeling. I know I am supposed to be not in Walla Walla, but "OH MAN!" has this been a tough ride down here. I have experienced a lot. "Experienced" is my new word, as I am taking issues, challenges, problems, and etc. out of my vocabulary. I have also decided to take out the word learning or lessons, because I believe when I am looking at it that way the Universe says "Oh, she wants to learn!" and keeps giving me more to learn verses what I really want.
Focus on anyway you know of to clear those feelings. I have recently learned EFT at a free meetup. I am finding it awesome to be able to tap old beliefs as I find them lurking below the surface. Last night my little guy of 10 years old came home from school with lots of Math homework, and in the past he would get very overwhelmed by his Math homework. He started freaking out about it and how he could not do it. I guided him through a tapping of the issue, and then told him to go watch some TV we would deal with Math in the morning. I then went to get his sister, and left him in front of the tv. When I got back, he was back at the desk and was almost done with the Math. It was soooo awesome to see the change in him and soooo quickly! I was amazed, even though I know it works. I am using it to transform my thoughts to keep them from diving into low vibrational thoughts and to keep me in high vibrational thoughts. It has been very powerful. Find a way to process those thoughts as you go. Another great system I have used in the past is "The Busting Loose from the Money Game". It is awesome! I used that process all the way through living in the Shelter and into my house I got.
I am learning to look at the experiences as blessings and just trusting in them. Last week I found out that although I thought all of my mortgage was paid by my X I had been working for, in fact he had only paid 1/2 of it. Awe man! At first I was freaking out. Then he told me he was not going to pay the rest. I started to freak out. I went and got the help I needed from a different direction, but knew it would come up a little short... Then yesterday I talked to the person about my mortgage and I am fine with the half till I can get a job and catch up. We have to just trust the Universe that it knows what is best and put aside all the doubts. Again tapping or the likes would be helpful in that.
Hope this helpful
Love, light, and blessings
Well something must have been cleared since I wrote my post because things have been a lot easier since then!
As I said, I had to buy a new fan... I went to the shop and found one for £16.99, paid for it, then went to collect it and saw a sign saying that the fan was 12.99. I asked the salesperson about it, and apparently it was an old offer that they had forgotten to remove... But since I had seen the sign, they gave me a refund and I ended up paying 12.99.
I have also had some friends staying with me, they have just moved to London and I offered my futon for them to sleep in until they found a place of their own. They were really grateful for this, and offered to help me out with my flat as a thank you. They are both into interior decorating and have given me many tips, and one of them has some DIY skills too. They helped me buy a shelf and attach it to the wall, and have been very helpful in unpacking some of my stuff and giving me advice, and as a result most of the things that have been weighing down on me are done, and I feel a lot less overwhelmed.
For All!
A Note to God by Charice
If I wrote a note to God
I would speak whats in my soul
I'd ask for all the hate to be swept away,
For love to overflow
If I wrote a note to God
I'd pour my heart out on each page
I'd ask for war to end
For peace to mend this world
I'd say, I'd say, I'd say
Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love cause love is over due
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you
Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on
If I wrote a note to God
I would say whats on my mind
I'd ask for wisdom to let compassion rule this world
Until these times
If I wrote a note to God
I'd say please help us find our way
End all the bitterness, put some tenderness in our hearts
And I'd say, I'd say, I'd say
Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love cause love is over due
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you
Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is goin wrong
On this road we're on
No, no no no
We can't do this on our own
Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love cause love is over due
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you
Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on
If I wrote a note to God
Hello again to everyone on this forum. So first off I would like to thank Grace very much for her assistance and guidance.
A little while ago I asked Grace to take a closer look at me( not really sure how else to word it). I also sent her a private message because I did not feel like I was able to open up totally on this thread, I've always been kind of a closed person. But as she recommended I will start to share a bit more so that others that are working on the same things will be able to pick up on the corrections that are taking place. That will be for a later post since I am at work and just on a quick break but for now I just wanted to say thank you.
PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
I just wanted to say how much I love this thread. I started to read it from the start and am up to page 13 so still a ways to catch up, but it is just great to hear all the miracles that are going on here. I am so glad that I have manifested this into my life.
Hello Grace,
It's been a while and I haven't heard much from you. I thought I'd pop in and tell you what's been going on lately. I remember you telling me on skype to do whatever brings me joy weather it be making orgonite or printing t-shirts or making necklaces.
Here's what's been happening. I've started a you-tube channel with a video about my orgonites and I've started a thread on the energetic forum about orgonite. I've also put my orgonite pieces for sale on etsy.
So far I've only sold one of my little decagon disks and I haven't had any other responses.
I've tried to sell my t-shirts. I've managed to sell a few to the people I work with at the printing company but not much else.
I recently went to the flea market to try to sell them and guess what happened. I didn't sell one single shirt! While I was up there I met a lady that did tarot card readings. I brought with me my tribute to Nancy orgonite piece and the tarot lady was very interested in having me make one for her. I told her about what orgone energy was. She told me she wanted to have one to do her psychic readings through. I gave her my name and phone number and she was suppose to call me but she never did.
I also met another lady who was selling insurance. She was set up a few feet from me and we talked a bit. I suggested the idea of printing up t-shirts with her company logo on them. We talked about how the flea market was set up and how we were in a small dead end area of the place. We would probably do better with a better location. She told me that when she was out at the flea market a few weeks earlier she had a small spot along the main outside walk way and got a lot of business that day. So we talked about the possibility of getting a booth on the inside of one of the buildings. I called the owner of the flea market and inquired about how much it was to rent a space inside the building. I talked with the insurance lady about the prospect of splitting the cost of an inside booth. I talked with her a couple of times and she told me that her schedule had changed so she didn't know when she would be coming back to the flea market. So that idea was out.
For Heather!
Originally posted by heat_georgia View PostHi Grace,
Just wondering.... do you still suggest which modules test strong for someone? Its been a little over a year since you suggested modules for me, and for awhile I noticed things shifting faster. I feel that when I went with your recommendations, I had quicker results, but lately I've been wondering if the modules I've been choosing are the right ones for me.
I have a platinum theater now as well, and I've had it for about 3 months....but I havent really noticed much. Its possible that my instructions are not specific enough. I asked for things like being happier, and laughing more, and feeling smarter with school, finding purpose etc.....not sure if thats specific enough.Its possible that its just taking longer, so it feels like not much is happening, but maybe I will look back in a few more months from now and see that things have changed. I did put in my theater that I wanted a new computer, and I did end up buying one this week. YAY!
Any advice you might have would be appreciated, when you have time.
Hi Heather!
Here are the modules that muscle test strongest for you with an overview below.
Switch over when it is most convenient for you. I will be making a post on how to create a perfect Custom Module since I have helped many to do so, and now others have asked recently for the same information here on this thread.
1. Increased Business Productivity and Creativity
This Module assists your mind in directing:
Creative problem solving
Increased motivation to finish tasks quickly
Increased mental focus
Increased energy
Increased motivation
Creating profitable opportunities
Increased confidence
Increased ability to set and reach goals
Increasing company sales
Increased confidence
Stimulation of creative thinking
2. Pms Reduction
This Module can support your mind’s ability to:
Stimulate ovary health
Balance estrogen/progesterone/testosterone levels
Calm your physical body
Increase serotonin production/absorption
Increase calm feelings
Increase all opioid peptide production/absorption
Stimulate regular menses
Increase estrogen/progesterone production/absorption
Increase sexual desire
3. Successful Living Phase 3
This Module assists your mind in fostering:
Increased confidence to act on inspired ideas
Increased desire and ability to follow your bliss
Increased ability to create beneficial opportunities
Increased ability to receive and project only positive energy
Increased ability to actualize your thoughts
Increased understanding that you are an unlimited being
4. Energy Mastermind
It has been very interesting that This Module has been coming up strong for many people. I take for granted what I have gained by Practicing my Energy work on almost a moment to moment basis. I now shift into a higher level of consciousness without any disturbance.
I now understand why this module is great for people who are not so much interested in inventing energy devices, but they do desire to "Re-invent THEMSELVES"! In other words, to shift in consciousness effortlessly by connecting with Great minds such as these who have been "In the Zone" most of their lives. The "Zone" meaning understanding how to maintain conscious connection with the sub-conscious.
The purpose of this module is to have your subconscious mind synchronize and link to the morphic field in the collective unconscious of Nikola Tesla, Johann Bessler, Nathan Stubblefield, Viktor Schauberger, and Wilhelm Reich. Specifically, it is to assist your subconscious mind in connecting to their wisdom and understanding of natural forces as it relates to understanding it and applying it in energy devices.
This module also helps to create in the collective a mastermind group as its own unique morphic field, which is made up of the above listed historical figures.
This Module accomplishes:
Grok the forces of nature with your own direct intuition plus drawing on the wisdom and understanding of the members of the Energy Mastermind.
Boost your understanding of the energetics of quantum potential.
Increase ability to visualize the outcome of projects before starting them.
Boost the ability to comprehend the “Free Energy” concepts as mastered by proven innovators in this field
Developing a deeper intuitive understanding of open system thermodynamics
Hi Grace
Hi Grace...
wow.. we must be on the same wavelength because I had just come on the forum to check in , and also to see if you had thought about which modules would be good for me. I had written a message to you and was about to post it, and then I looked down, and saw your post that you just sent.
Thanks a bunch!!!
I also wanted to report that I am taking five classes at school, and have never really been the school type. i get distracted really easily and lose focus. I've never really been very goal oriented, so that could also be part of it. I have also been missing my past relationship. I was doing well for awhile, and felt like I was letting go, but now I find I'm back to missing, and obsessing over it, and him.I know... everyone says it takes time. I guess there is a part of me that is still hanging on. I feel very lonely.
So any corrections would be very much appreciated.
Hope everything is going well for you.
p.s. Hello to everyone on this forum. Thanks for all the wonderful post.: )
For Josh!
Originally posted by gtrlvr83 View PostHello again to everyone on this forum. So first off I would like to thank Grace very much for her assistance and guidance.
A little while ago I asked Grace to take a closer look at me( not really sure how else to word it). I also sent her a private message because I did not feel like I was able to open up totally on this thread, I've always been kind of a closed person. But as she recommended I will start to share a bit more so that others that are working on the same things will be able to pick up on the corrections that are taking place. That will be for a later post since I am at work and just on a quick break but for now I just wanted to say thank you.
PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
I appreciate greatly your posts! When I connect with a person, I begin immediately tuning in and making CEM corrections many times even before they ask. When I muscle test what they need most, it is almost always not what they think they do! Yet when I finally get strength for their "Being"(their "I"), I know it will assist in what they truly desire.
Never feel as if you have to give details that make you uncomfortable, or explain what you desire to me. I know the truth and the Truth of what we want is the same. Your life looks different than mine, but we are on the same Path. We are Creators. What we desire to create is more Love. It is so simple that we fail to believe that this is all we are doing.
All energies have their own vibrations, which is the Language of the Soul (sub-conscious). When you post, even just a thank you, your energy is in the post of "thank you", and people will resonate with YOU. They may not understand why they resonate with your personal posts, but they do just the same. This is the way one person can assist many like them. Like attracts like even if you have never met.
By the way my next post will be on how to create a perfect individualized custom Module.
This is not just for Josh but for all viewing and posting:
I DO desire in order for you to "pay if forward" is to post here on Energetic Froum or on my Fan club page on Facebook (search on facebook for Grace Haeusler two pages will come up, one with a single pic of me which is my regular profile, and the other is my Fan club page, which has a four pane pic of me in the form of Andy Warhol). You only need to post your request on one or the other. Whichever is most convenient for you at the moment. If you get a thought when on facebook, then post there, if you happen to be on Energetic Forum then post here. If you are on imagekind then become my Fan.
I receive great joy in being of service to as many as I can, and this has been the best way so far. Even still, I get many private requests for my personal time. This is why I set the price at $350 per hour for one on one consultation. I can do much for a single person but there always needs to be an energy exchange of some kind. This is universal Law. We all have experienced "energy vampires" and this will only break down both people and will come to no good if the receiving is only one way. When you recieve you either have to give to one or "pay if forward" for many.
I am bringing this up because, I also have many of you that have sent me the most beautiful flowers, cards and gifts in gratitude. You have felt the urge to do this because you know that "being" grateful and showing it keeps the energy in balance for all concerned. Once again this morning I read an email asking again what they could do for me. Not everyone can afford an hour of my time, nor need it, but they still want to give back. Each time I would say "no I don't need anything", or "I don't know, you decide, anything would make me happy".
As many of you know the Fabulous Pamela Sweda is an amazing artist and has recently turned me on to her paintings on
Pamela Sweda - pamelasweda Artist Profile on Imagekind So I decided that if anyone wanted to give back to me personally they could buy one of my prints.
Grace Haeusler - Grace Artist Profile on Imagekind
I will be adding to my diamond Gallery collection in the future, and my daughter Sophia's prints as she creates her art now that she is in 4th grade.
As with this thread , and the CEM discussion on my Fan club page on Facebook, those that become a fan on imagekind, or buy a print will be included in individual Cem energetic corrections too. The more you connect with me, the more I make CEM corrections for you individually.
So let me be very clear. The most important gift you can give me is to post here or on the CEM discussion thread on my Fan page on Facebook. (not my profile, although I would love to be friends with you on my profile facebook page.) You do not have to post anything you are not comfortable with. I don't need anything but an awareness of you. I am aware of the viewers of this thread because there is a number for this, as of today there were 75,447 views. This is how I connect with all the viewers. They recieve "group corrections", and the posters receive individual personal corrections.
If you buy a piece of artwork or become a fan of mine on imagekind then that is yet another connection. By the way I have kept the prices as low as possible. It's a wonderful place for many different kinds of artwork so give it a look and enjoy! Make sure you look at Pamela's Gallery "Flowerings" it's incredibly beautiful and healing!
As like minded individuals unite we become an immensely powerful voice/vibration in this Absolutely Fabulous Universe of ours! I am truly blessed and immensely grateful for so many of us to come together consciously in Love and Gratitude.
$350 is cheap compared to what you mean to us.I always look forward to your posts!
Cannot wait to hear what you have to say on custom made modules, I am definately headed that direction soon. Apart from my Project1World, Path Affiliate and the meditation modules. My modules have centered around spirituality! Even though I would like some add some creativity, business and money modules, I believe spirituality would enhance any other modules I would later add.
You have been a big help for us Grace. Sending love your way
So I just wanted to say how impressed I am, and how thankful I am for the changes that have taken place in my life. A few things have happened in the last week or so. First off I started reading the whole thread and the day after I read about the work Grace was doing on prosperity back in 07 I received a small check from PATHS that I did not know I had coming
now second off and for me more important in the improvement in my relationships at home. I am now living with three of my friends, one is my ex and the others are her sister and her sisters fiance. Needless to say this was a bit weird for awhile but as of the last few days it seems like the friendship has improved.
I have an issue that I think some will resonate with, I have a huge desire to be an artistic person, and I know that I am, in music and writing and any other way, but there seems to be a block, maybe a fear it seems like that I can not get past, it keeps me from practicing or writing or really going after what I want so if you could look at that for all of the would be artist that would be wonderful.
thank you so much in advance for everything that you do,you are dear to all of us here
hello Grace
"I receive great joy in being of service to as many as I can, and this has been the best way so far. Even still, I get many private requests for my personal time. This is why I set the price at $350 per hour for one on one consultation. I can do much for a single person but there always needs to be an energy exchange of some kind. This is universal Law. We all have experienced "energy vampires" and this will only break down both people and will come to no good if the receiving is only one way. When you recieve you either have to give to one or "pay if forward" for many.
I am bringing this up because, I also have many of you that have sent me the most beautiful flowers, cards and gifts in gratitude. You have felt the urge to do this because you know that "being" grateful and showing it keeps the energy in balance for all concerned. Once again this morning I read an email asking again what they could do for me. Not everyone can afford an hour of my time, nor need it, but they still want to give back. Each time I would say "no I don't need anything", or "I don't know, you decide, anything would make me happy"."
I am glad to hear you say these things...thank you
It is by example that we show the world our greatness/their greatness
we see how wonderful we are through Reflections,Oneness... we are all connected... you are me and i am you
what a beautiful message
this makes my heart sing with joy!!!
Love and Light
AdrienneMatrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me