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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Hello Grace and everyone here. I want to start off by saying that I am feeling much better over the past few days so thank you for all the help from everyone who was working on me
    Second off I had a question for grace or any one, and if this falls outside of what you might do on this forum please let me know. So I am interested in learning some form of healing modality so that I can take a very active role in healing myself and then to take a more active role in helping to heal others. So my question is, Do I test stronger for any certain one, i.e., Matrix Energetics, CEM, ect..??
    Thank you all again


    • For Heather!

      Originally posted by heat_georgia View Post
      Hi Grace... Hi everyone...

      Okay.. so I was feeling much better and trying to focus on getting better, when I relapsed once again with "----" the man that I have been obsessed with for over a year now.. So last night I told him that I thought he was a liar, and that I didn't think I could be his friend anymore. I will admit I have tried that a few times now without much luck, because I really do want to be his friend. I just keep getting drained by my habits, yet seem to be unable to correct them on my own. I know, based on law of attraction, that maybe its not best to identify myself as codependent but these are the symptoms:

      Characteristics of Co-dependent People Are:

      An exaggerated sense of responsibility for the actions of others
      A tendency to confuse love and pity, with the tendency to “love” people they can pity and rescue
      A tendency to do more than their share, all of the time
      A tendency to become hurt when people don’t recognize their efforts
      An unhealthy dependence on relationships. The co-dependent will do anything to hold on to a relationship; to avoid the feeling of abandonment
      An extreme need for approval and recognition
      A sense of guilt when asserting themselves
      A compelling need to control others
      Lack of trust in self and/or others
      Fear of being abandoned or alone
      Difficulty identifying feelings
      Rigidity/difficulty adjusting to change
      Problems with intimacy/boundaries
      Chronic anger
      Poor communications
      Difficulty making decisions

      And well... I really feel i need more help with these issues. I feel horrible today because I said I couldn't talk to the man anymore... I accused him of lying... and I still feel so attached.

      Anyway... I feel guilty for repeatedly asking for help with these issues, but I haven't been able to move past it and I'm feeling sooo drained.

      Thank you..
      LOve heather

      Hi Heather,

      I muscle tested all the characteristics you posted to determine what level of expression you were at with all of them. I muscle tested each one of them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being you were most definitely expressing that particular characteristic excessively (not good for you), and 10 being you were completely free of this particular characteristic (very good for you).

      Characteristics of Co-dependent People Are:

      An exaggerated sense of responsibility for the actions of others ~ 8
      A tendency to confuse love and pity, with the tendency to “love” people they can pity and rescue ~ 6
      A tendency to do more than their share, all of the time ~2
      A tendency to become hurt when people don’t recognize their efforts ~10
      An unhealthy dependence on relationships. The co-dependent will do anything to hold on to a relationship; to avoid the feeling of abandonment ~ 8
      An extreme need for approval and recognition ~ 2
      A sense of guilt when asserting themselves ~ 8
      A compelling need to control others ~ 10
      Lack of trust in self and/or others self~ 2 others ~ 10
      Fear of being abandoned or alone ~2
      Difficulty identifying feelings ~10
      Rigidity/difficulty adjusting to change ~8

      Problems with intimacy/boundaries
      intimacy ~2 boundaries ~8
      Chronic anger ~4
      lying (to self) ~2 dishonesty ~10
      Poor communications ~2
      Difficulty making decisions ~8

      Out of 20 expressions of co-dependency you muscle test with only 8 out of 20 that are muscle testing under 5, 10 being the best. Anything that muscles test over 5 is not going to be a big issue for you. Now to bring yourself into perfect expression, focus on all that you are doing correctly. Now that you can review this list in a new light. You can begin to communicate to yourself that you are not co-dependent, yes you have a few issues to bring light into, but the way to do this is to focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

      If you wanted to see into a dark cave, would you wait for night fall, or would you bring in a flash light in the day time?
      Focus on your strengths always. The more you do, the more strengths you will see. The more you will be led to create more strengths and see life more clearly for yourself and others. Practice thinking and envisioning yourself perfect with an immense feeling of gratitude for your immense power to create your world.

      At first you will see the same old same old, but if you keep looking carefully enough, you will see the light. Your light!!

      Relapses are only opportunities for you to get back in the game with a new awareness as quickly as possible. You may not think you caught the relapse in time to shift, but it gets quicker, easier and more effortless each time you go "aha! this time I caught these negative habitual thoughts and feelings before they did major damage to my sub-conscious, and attracted more of that negativity for my future". "Now I will immediately switch my thinking and feeling to anything I can think and feel that is good, constructive, joyfilled, and full of the vibrations of Love and Gratitude. Love and Gratitude the true language of the sub-conscious mind our Soul!



      • For KimJ!

        Originally posted by KimJ View Post
        Like many, I'm sure, I feel like "here I am again" asking for corrections. I avoided coming here yet again as I know Grace has told me what to do countless times, but I just don't know which way to turn anymore.

        This is not about my son this time, though have 'taken in' all you have told me Grace, so have my intentions set with all that in mind, but my store is just crumbling before my eyes which is just stressful beyond belief as it's making us sink faster and faster in personal debt to try to keep it afloat. Part of it may be just the time of year but it did not do this even close to this bad last year at this time and we've been either up 10 or staying neutral since we opened...

        Last month we had our best month ever, I thought the shift was FINALLY occurring after all my 'hard work' of visualization with feeling, gratitude, etc. This month, however, it has absolutely died and it is about to finish as one of our worst months ever since we opened. If we had a cushion that would be one thing, but we will be lucky if we can make payroll and rent....nevermind all the bills we are now so far behind on.

        Again (and again and again), I know what to focus and I've been doing that but now, based on results, I feel like I've been sticking my head in the sand, living in my little dreamworld... It's not like I've not been working hard as well at the same time with marketing, customer service, etc... All I can guess is that I'm just pretending to feel these positive thoughts/gratitude, but buried below is the undercurrent that I just can't shift.... I'm pretending so well that I actually have believed it, thought I was doing it all "right", yet the results are the opposite. It would be one thing if things were just staying neutral, but we're about to go under.... I never live in thoughts of fear like this (except for in the last week or so as I'm seeing it happen) so I truly don't know why this is happening.... My fears are a result of what I'm seeing in front of me now, yet before when things were not great but at least slow growth and I wasn't going around worried that this would happen. Admittedly there have been thoughts of it not growing fast enough, maybe we should sell, why is the growth so slow (compared to the same businesses in other cities), etc., but not that we won't make our payroll!

        I am at the point where I would sell it tomorrow and probably leap for joy with relief, except that it won't sell for enough yet (with the bad financials) and we'd still owe on it, far more than we could actually pay so it would bankrupt us personally.

        Corrections on whatever is going on here would be greatly appreciated, and I apologize as I know I've been told 'what to do' countless times but I just don't seem to be hitting the mark or something. I try to spend time each day doing what you (Grace) have said and then throughout the day if any fear/lack-based thoughts come up I immediately 'delete' them and switch my focus yet.... here I am, posting yet again.... I'm sorry....

        Hi KimJ,

        Please Kim, don't apologize, you are voicing the same concerns that thousands feel each day. You are taking action by posting here, you are also determined to do all that you can. Which shows me you have the winning attitude necessary to overcome these challenges and to "flip" them into your good. You are not only asking for a miracle, you are determined to get one.

        As we grow in consciousness we create more effortlessly and more quickly, but with this comes a greater temptation to fall back into un-focused, scattered thinking, which always includes feelings of fear, because it is much easier to do, than to take the time necessary daily to focus and concentrate your mind on your ideal with feelings of gratitude. When things are going well we forgo the hard work of focused concentrated thought with feeling. We then in a state of unawareness allow the outer world to pull us back into common patterns of fear.

        When things start to go really good, we forget to focus on gratitude and begin to take life for granted, and this is when the temptation is great to fall back into old habitual ways of focusing on the outer-world, instead of your inner world. When you begin to start looking for everything to please you in the outer world, BAMMM, that's when you get smacked, and smacked to the degree of how long you have gone without consistently going within.

        When the "**** hits the fan" this is when you have to remember with faith, that you have done the inner work, and if something is being ripped away from you then a better life is going to take its place. Let go in the moment, and instead of looking to the outer world, and trying to figure out what to do, just stop what you are doing, and go within. Even if you are driving, or working, there is always time to go within and give thanks, to "BE" grateful.

        I was never able to do what I can do now, if it weren't for all the practice I do with thought, feeling and imagination. It has brought me the tools I have chosen to assist me in connecting with Spirit to the degree that I beleive and have faith in the only power that exists, Spiritual Power.

        Spirit to me is the power that moves everything in this world. Since all energy has its own vibration, all energy moves. Every thought, powered by feeling expresses a certain vibration (the language Soul uses to communicate to Spirit its desires) this efforlessly attracts to you what you are vibrating at (Being). This part of you is immensely powerful but non-judgmental. You will attract what ever you are Being. Love or Fear.

        The Collective Consciousness has many thoughts and feelings that are negative and fear based. This is why it seems as if there is no way you could have vibrated what you are attracting into your life. Yet, when you do not stay focused and concentrated on Love and Gratitude ESPECIALLY when what is showing up absolutely sucks, then you feel as if you are powerless. This is why when you don't go Within, you go without. If you don't go within and do the work, the sub-conscious will lean towards the collective consciousness to get the information necessary to create. Spirit MUST create. Whether willingly or unwillingly by you.

        So two main things to remember stay focused and concentrated with Imagination and Feeling on Love and Gratitude when things are bad because this is when fear will immobilize you, secondly stay focused and concentrated with Imagination and Feeling on Love and Gratitude especially when things are good, because this is when we tend to get lazy.

        When I ask you to think, I want you to understand thought is not of the ego/mind. We have to individually think and feel positive thoughts and feelings yes, this is how we can begin to connect with God, but you must also know that God's thoughts are the only truth, and they are always of the highest and finest vibration. When you Focus on Love and Gratitude you are attempting to connect with the ONE and only MIND. These thoughts are limitless. If you think you know something well now, think again. Daily connection with the ONE Mind will gracefully express through you greater and greater thoughts. Your powerful brain, the tool which gives us the authority to think, will begin with perseverance and persistence on your part to create corresponding brain cells for you to receive higher, greater, loftier thoughts, because you are in self realization of the only Truth. You are of One mind with God.

        There is no getting away from challenges of all types, but their is a Peaceful Kingdom that is perfect in every moment filled with Riches beyond imagination. This is your inheritance and your birthright. It is there for you always. You only have to know that this is the absolute truth and give off the vibration of belief in this kingdom so that Spirit will move energy to bring it to you and all concerned. The vibration of belief/faith is the language that Spirit understands that means "Green light GO"!


        • For Heather and Mozaar!

          Originally posted by Mozaar View Post
          Focus on whats good KimJ. I know this is difficult but keep trying. What is reflected without is whats being sown within. Keep sowing the good feelings and environments that you want. All of us struggle with this. I am here for you too.
          I tell myself over and over again. "The rough stuff is not real" I will keep my mind on the things I know will make me happy. I hope this works for you too!
          Focus Focus Focus

          Hi Heather,

          Thank you for the lovely card and "sumbody" products you gifted me!! I have told you already on facebook, but they are amazing, and I am so grateful and honored that you did this. I am also so grateful for your posts, they help so many people including me!

          Hi Mozaar!!

          I want to thank you so very much for your beautiful support on this forum and for me! Thank you for The lovely Congratulations Card you sent me, and the snickers bars, all I can say is you made me laugh out loud!! Snickers are my absolute Favorite candy!!



          • For Yari!

            Originally posted by yari View Post
            I really Enjoy the The Darkness Video and The Joy rising. I guess you do have to sit there and really go through the tough time in order to blossom

            Thanks for being there and all the corrections you made on Yamari I really need to get her Zinc level up. As for me Im doing better I have a friend thats coming over more to help me get out the house more. My panic attacks are less now. I do feel overwhelmed Ive been so disorganize and forgetful but im pulling through and getting it together. Thanks..

            Sebastian is having another of his tantrums again and it really got under my skin. I broke a lamp we had out of frustration. My friend really try to be on his side but even she got mad at him for being so disrespectful please make correction for him and me I really want to understand him and get along with him. I feel that I can be alot better if he and I didnt bump heads all the time. Also Mi vida Isn't and I was wondering if you can explain if this is her just not wanting to or she having trouble with her feet.. she doing alot better with her congestion and she always happy..

            Thanks alot lots of Love and Light, Yari
            Hi Yari!

            You make me so happy Yari, I am so proud of you. I know how challenging Life has been for you, and I feel so much excitement, because I know you will be greatly rewarded for all your hard work and effort you put into yourself Sebastian and the girls. It won't be long now before all these challenges will be behind you and you will then know how powerful you truly are.



            • for Sunshine, Serena, and KimJ!

              Hi Sunshine, Serena, and Kim,

              All your posts are so wonderful!! What a blessing it is for me to have connected with such powerful Ladies!! The way that you have supported each other makes my heart sing!!

              Such great advice and what a fabulous topic of conversation! How does one create money when the thought of "Lack" seems to show up with a vengeance? How does one focus on Gratitude when your getting smacked in the face, sometimes literally?

              It's time to put it all into a neutral perspective. Money has such a negative charge to it for most people that correcting this can be challenging.

              First of all Money is only energy just like everything else in this Universe. Second there is space in-between the particles of energy, and this is infinite potential. Infinite Potential the stuff we are made from, and the substance we are swimming in energetically. The key word here is infinite!

              I make CEM corrections for Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance daily. If I remember correctly it was the Fabulous Pamela Vicik-Smith that brought this idea to my attention back in early 2007. I WAS the type of person that never thought about money in any constructive manner before this new awareness. I needed someone to ask for CEM corrections for me to first go within, and see what I was resonating with, make those corrections on myself so that I could make CEM corrections for these issues.

              I have discovered and corrected many issues revolving around money since then. With each request it forced me to go deeper and deeper within myself to discover why I cared so little about money. Most of it was because I was not focused and concentrated about Money. When I say money I mean, coins, dollars, cash, 100 dollar bills, thousand dollar bills etc.

              It wasn't until 3 months ago, that I realized that I was not focused and concentrated on Money for myself on a daily basis, just for others. It hit me hard, until I realized why. For me the "why"s do not matter, but in this case I needed to know so as to better explain how to create money to others.

              If money is energy than how does one attract it with focused, concentrated thoughts and feelings using imagination? The Big Secret, and here it comes, you won't believe it because it's so simple, so read carefully with the feeling of gratitude, and the intention to "get it", because you will, the secret is that in order to attract more than enough money, you have to be of service.

              In order to Receive you have to Give. You must Give first, before any money will arrive. Now here's the simple part, what do I give? What you INTEND to give is Focused Concentrated thought that includes the GOOD OF ALL!!

              Yep, I know, you don't beleive it's that simple, but it is! When you focus and concentrate with Feelings of Gratitude on Receiving joyfully more than enough money to do all that you desire you must always intend for this to serve THE WHOLE.

              I will use myself as an example. I love Karate, and I love Chinese Energetic Medicine. I kept seeing the kids getting hurt all the time, in class and in the tournaments. The adults were also getting pretty banged up. Coincidently (I don't believe in coincidence) I began focusing and concentrating my Mind on "How can I do what I love and get paid for it?"

              I had always believed that if you do what you love the money will come. Unfortunately at the time I was not doing what I loved. I was a Real Estate investor and although I was doing well, It was boring. I would buy a piece of property fix it up then sell it.

              When I started Paths, I immediately sold a piece of property (Increased Business Potential module) that was losing me money big time. I decided after I sold it that I was going to do only what I loved doing which at that time was Karate and Chinese Energetic Medicine. I began to focus on my Karate and CEM, then inspiration hit me. I need to figure out a way to bring the Martial Arts and the Healing arts Back together again!! I knew that this would be doing something that I absolutely loved, and serving others at the same time. Well this has evolved into my newest fledgling business "Winning without Injury".

              Using all my Karate Accomplishments, and my Accomplishments with Chinese Energetic Medicine (Muscle Testing~ Kinesiology and "Business Begins Within") I have put together a program "Winning Without Injury" that has become popular enough for me to go from people's homes to a Larger Venue! Many of the people I worked on I did not charge, but now with all the great results and the latest being a young 12 year old Junior Olympic Champion, I am able to charge $35 per child doing what I love with the powerful intention of serving the whole, of Raising Consciousness. It is not just for the sport of Karate, it will teach kids and adults involved in all sports how to enjoy what they do with no fear!

              This program is for kids, but adults will immediately see how this is also an analogy for "How to Play the game of Life without Pain or Suffering"! Once I am done writing my Book "Winning without Injury" this will also serve many people and create Money for me at the same time.

              So When you Focus and Concentrate your thoughts and feelings make sure your powerful intention is to serve the whole. If I had known this before 2 years ago, I assure you it would have happened much sooner, so take this secret to heart. When you want a new home, make sure you visualize your new home with feelings of gratitude knowing that this will serve the whole in a most beautiful and amazing way. Know that what you receive you are receiving for the whole, and it is good for everyone concerned. You will have to take baby steps with this, for example for over a year now, I have been singing a little affirmation in my mind "I have an amazing business, in an amazing way, I give amazing service for amazing pay"! I beleive this now more than ever before.

              It is the most blissful feeling to do what you love and have it help others in such a great way. You will find that money and opportunities will Race towards you even if you are homeless, because you will have discovered the greatest truth of all. We are ONE!




              • For gtrlvr83!

                Originally posted by gtrlvr83 View Post
                Hello Grace and everyone here. I want to start off by saying that I am feeling much better over the past few days so thank you for all the help from everyone who was working on me
                Second off I had a question for grace or any one, and if this falls outside of what you might do on this forum please let me know. So I am interested in learning some form of healing modality so that I can take a very active role in healing myself and then to take a more active role in helping to heal others. So my question is, Do I test stronger for any certain one, i.e., Matrix Energetics, CEM, ect..??
                Thank you all again
                Hi Josh,

                I am so happy you are feeling better! I won't stop making CEM corrections for you, but do continue posting!

                I could not find the link to a home study course that one of Dr. Yuen's students teaches, but it is a great place to start. Chinese Energetic Medicine does indeed test strongest for you to study! When the money starts rolling in, you can then take Dr. Yuen's Workshops. I highly recommend them.

                I know that the link to this home-study course is on this thread somewhere, I had it on facebook which would have been much easier for me to retrieve for you, but facebook "poofed" my Disscussions pages. Hopefully someone reading this will know and re-post it for you. Or you can read the whole thread and try to find it! The bad news is that there are over 80 pages, but the good news is you will pick up on even more corrections that resonate with you!

                I will also repeat some very important advice. Do not work on others until you have sufficiently worked on yourself. I do not consider myself a "healer". I focus on one thing. Raising my own Consciousness. With this comes more benefits than you can imagine. Helping others without becoming drained is one extremely important benefit!

                I am very excited for you Josh! Take your time with this, begin to focus and concentrate your mind, on your desire with the intent of serving the whole. Spirit will move things toward you quickly.



                • Hi Grace! Grrrrrreat to hear from you! Thanks so much! Gush gush gush!

                  I was wondering if you could muscle test on something for me, if it's the right thing or a good thing for me to do right now? It's kinda personal and I don't really want to post it on this public forum, cause maybe then later it turns out it isn't right for me and then everyone would have read all about it here already!

                  Do you think I could PM you about it? If you're not too busy and don't mind that is? Thanks for all!
                  Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                  Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                  • Hi Grace and all...
                    I haven't been on here for a while...but I have been going through MANY transformations, coming to some conclusions that I never imagined would how I think, explain and respond to things that happened in my past.

                    I've had money and abundance issues all my life, coming up better and then falling backwards again. I use to think I was blocking myself out of of punishment or something, but that line of thinking wasn't helping or changing anything. Then it hit me it was about loving the people who have moved on (basically my whole family...both my older brothers died when I was young, and parents). It was more about LIVING than $. How can I prosper when they cannot? It actually took me by surprise even tho it would seem obvious.

                    I also had a real breakthrough about my mother. I had accepted that I just didn't have a mother figure this time around. Then something got me thinking I very much thought I was brought up on 'the wrong planet' b/c I was so unfathomable to my family and many of my goals/passions went against theirs. Then I realized, I was in the exact right family b/c we were all going through so many transformations.

                    As I have tried to be open to the concept that we choose what souls to join up with at conception (choose our life situation and parents) even when you can't imagine why you would....its weird and maybe hard to explain...I'm trying to keep it short...I got this image of my mom being like 'my colonel', like we had this job to do....and maybe it wasn't very motherly, but I must have trusted 'her' to go into battle with me so to speak. These are issues I haven't thought about in years, and never thought I'd find something beyond being 'philasophical' about having this crappy past to finding a completely diff viewpoint.

                    Grace, would you please do some corrections for me around joy, self-care and feeling love coming in no matter what. I feel like my life kinda went 'clear slate' so I could build it up again better from the ground up. I have one more transition to deal with as my mother in law has terminal liver cancer. I'm pretty shook as she has been a wonderful mother figure for me. I'd like to be in a better $ position to help as she's across the country. Not to mention all my life is waiting for me to snap out of it and learn this something!

                    Thanks for all you do Grace!!!!
                    All the posts have always helped me quite a bit!
                    Your class sounds wonderful!!!

                    In Love,
                    Life in Balance Ayurveda



                    • For Serena!

                      Originally posted by serenac View Post
                      Hi Grace! Grrrrrreat to hear from you! Thanks so much! Gush gush gush!

                      I was wondering if you could muscle test on something for me, if it's the right thing or a good thing for me to do right now? It's kinda personal and I don't really want to post it on this public forum, cause maybe then later it turns out it isn't right for me and then everyone would have read all about it here already!

                      Do you think I could PM you about it? If you're not too busy and don't mind that is? Thanks for all!
                      Hi Serena,

                      It does not test strong that this is the right thing for you to do right now. I am leaving for Miami, and I won't be back till Monday. So if you still would like to PM me just know that it will take me awhile to get back to you. Only post what you feel comfortable with. Muscle testing goes past the logical mind and straight to the truth.
                      IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                      • For Nancy!

                        Originally posted by Ayurved View Post
                        Hi Grace and all...
                        I haven't been on here for a while...but I have been going through MANY transformations, coming to some conclusions that I never imagined would how I think, explain and respond to things that happened in my past.

                        I've had money and abundance issues all my life, coming up better and then falling backwards again. I use to think I was blocking myself out of of punishment or something, but that line of thinking wasn't helping or changing anything. Then it hit me it was about loving the people who have moved on (basically my whole family...both my older brothers died when I was young, and parents). It was more about LIVING than $. How can I prosper when they cannot? It actually took me by surprise even tho it would seem obvious.

                        I also had a real breakthrough about my mother. I had accepted that I just didn't have a mother figure this time around. Then something got me thinking I very much thought I was brought up on 'the wrong planet' b/c I was so unfathomable to my family and many of my goals/passions went against theirs. Then I realized, I was in the exact right family b/c we were all going through so many transformations.

                        As I have tried to be open to the concept that we choose what souls to join up with at conception (choose our life situation and parents) even when you can't imagine why you would....its weird and maybe hard to explain...I'm trying to keep it short...I got this image of my mom being like 'my colonel', like we had this job to do....and maybe it wasn't very motherly, but I must have trusted 'her' to go into battle with me so to speak. These are issues I haven't thought about in years, and never thought I'd find something beyond being 'philosophical' about having this crappy past to finding a completely diff viewpoint.

                        Grace, would you please do some corrections for me around joy, self-care and feeling love coming in no matter what. I feel like my life kinda went 'clear slate' so I could build it up again better from the ground up. I have one more transition to deal with as my mother in law has terminal liver cancer. I'm pretty shook as she has been a wonderful mother figure for me. I'd like to be in a better $ position to help as she's across the country. Not to mention all my life is waiting for me to snap out of it and learn this something!

                        Thanks for all you do Grace!!!!
                        All the posts have always helped me quite a bit!
                        Your class sounds wonderful!!!

                        In Love,

                        Hi Nancy,

                        I am Making CEM corrections right now for your Emotional, Psychic and Spiritual Bodies. Also to assist you with the grieving process for your Mother In-Law. I will also make CEM corrections for her too. When someone is ready to pass, they can always use love, prayers and support from all sources.

                        Concerning your Mother, Money and Family issues. Much of what has caused your Money and Mother issues are the same. "Fear of not having enough". Enough Love, Affection, attention, and Support, similar to not having enough money, affection of money, attention to money, and source of financial support.

                        You are now ready, willing and able Nancy to paint on a new canvas, you have done such great inner work, that now you are ready to receive. Spend time thinking about Money as energy. Put an intention behind every chore you already have to do, and intend to get paid a specific amount of Dollars for it. Focus your Mind on how fun it is to have money come to you effortlessly, while you are doing exactly what you are doing. My favorite is "I get paid $200 each time I empty the dishwasher".

                        This helps to keep my vibration joyful about money and the excitement of receiving money for simple things that serve me and my family.

                        Thank you so much Nancy for posting!

                        IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                        • Thank-you so much Grace!!!!
                          You are so spot on right....
                          what you wrote made me cry.
                          I don't know how to do what you say (receive that way) it so far looks like an empty room with black-hole vacuum! lol.
                          I printed out what you wrote and I'll keep looking at it....and do that exercise all I can. I've always felt like I was 'borrowing' the space I take up and the air I breathe. Now that I've 'cleared my slate', there's no where else to 'borrow from', its just me.
                          But so far, I'm still breathing!

                          ps: would you please do corrections for my daughter also....she is very close to her grandmother. Thank-you.

                          Have a great weekend in Miami!!!

                          Last edited by Ayurved; 10-31-2009, 05:46 PM.
                          Life in Balance Ayurveda



                          • Hi Grace! Oh thank you so much for muscle testing for me already! I didn't know you could muscle test for something without knowing what it is. That's amazing!

                            Have a wonderful time in Miami! I thought you WERE in Miami (since the place that puts where you are says you are in Florida, I guess Florida geography isn't my forte hehe!).

                            I was wondering if you could also muscle test for something else for me, it's not really important but it IS something that is driving me crazy worrying about it, so maybe if you could muscle test for it for me it could help put my mind at ease hehe!

                            I was wondering if I'm SUPPOSED to be trying to look for a job or for some other means of earning an income (ie. working for myself, web pages, home business, etc.) right now. Or if I should just be concentrating completely on the project which I am working on right now and not waste any time and energy looking for a job while I wait to be ready to bring this project to light and hopefully maybe start to earn some money from it? I keep getting signs and indications that I am not supposed to be looking for a job right now, that I am supposed to concentrate completely on this project and focus only on this project right now, and not get distracted looking for a job or worrying about getting a job.

                            However nonetheless I DO worry! I do worry that in the meantime something might happen and I lose my sources of income which I have right now, which are not based on any jobs.

                            Thank you so much dear Grace!

                            Just out of curiosity do you also muscle test for yourself when you have to make major decisions? And then make your choices based on how they muscle test for you? Or do you do other things when it comes time for you to make major decisions? What I mean is, can you muscle test for yourself, or only for other people? And do you rely solely on muscle testing when making decisions or do you also do other things when making major decisions (meditating on them for example, or whatever)?
                            Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                            Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                            • For gtrlvr83 and Grace

                              Hi there! Here is the link to the CEM home study course Grace was referring to. ZEMIRA: ITM 1 Home study Course

                              I've thought about doing it myself but haven't yet... I'd love to hear what you think of it if you do go ahead with it- keep us posted if you don't mind!

                              Love and blessings on your journey.


                              Thank you for your posts again and the reminders to keep going with it. Also thank you for your personal stories you shared.

                              I think part of my biggest 'challenge' is I'm constantly searching for the 'right way' to connect so I don't stay consistent with anything... It seems I'm flooded with hearing about different techniques, etc., and I'm always attempting to practice a different form of visualization/gratitude/connectedness, yet then without any consistency in method it's very scattered which probably isn't helping. I'm also struggling with picturing any 'ideal' as it's more the feeling I desire, not so much a specific house or career, etc., so I find it very hard to be clear. I just want to feel relaxed, joyful, and peaceful in all ways, however that comes about! Is it your view that we really need to specifically define what the ideal would look like and focus on that specifically every day?

                              This is where I get mixed up with my store. Honestly, at this point I don't really care if we had to sell it, as long we could at least break even with it. The store itself was never my passion; I just thought it was a needed service and good opportunity. I'd be perfectly happy to move on and create a new business. I hope it stays open by someone as I'm happy we were able to bring it to this town, but beyond that it doesn't need to be me specifically keeping it going. So...then I don't know if I'm inadvertently sabatoging myself and subconsciously getting what I want of not having it...?

                              Okay, enough about that. I didn't plan on asking you more questions! Can you muscle test though just on whether or not I should be focusing on us keeping it going and all that entails or instead shift to selling it and getting a good price for it.

                              Thanks so much.



                              • One more thing, Grace! )

                                I'm sorry, I could ask questions all day! You previously told me it tested strong for me to do the CEM home study course as well. Can you test if that's still the case?

                                Thanks a bunch!


