Originally posted by wantfreeenergy
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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace
Last edited by ImBill; 11-04-2009, 07:01 PM.My reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.
There's one more thing that I thought of that you've probably already heard or read. Typically we think we are in a have-do-be system. In other words, before we can be something, we have to have whatever that something would have, then we do what the something would do, then, finally, we would be that something. Say you want to be a doctor. You would get the education, get the tools (office, chairs, receptionist, practice), and whatever else you think you need to be a doctor. Then you would do the things that a doctor does. Finally, you would be a doctor.
In truth, we live in a be-do-have system. You already are whatever you want to be. Do what the people that are what you want to be do and then you will have what they have. Using the doctor example from above, you already are a doctor. Do the things that a doctor does (learn about the body, medicines, practice diagnosing your friends, alternative methods of healing, etc.), and then you will start to accumulate the things that a doctor has.
Hope this is of some help!
BillMy reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.
Hi Grace and everyone
This is going to be a quick post because I really should be going to bed I'm so tired but I just got my internet back this evening and so have just been catching up on all the posts. I've really enjoyed reading them all. I've been feeling better than I have and more settled which is a reliefI've had quite a few interviews which I didn't get the job and have had three more interviews in the last two days and am now just hoping that I actually get offered a job - which would be lovely. I've also applied for a job which I'd really like to do but have to wait another week to hear if I've got an interview. Some of the jobs I can't say that my heart would be in doing them. It's more a case of needing the money. But this one would be something I'd love to do so I'm hoping they will want to interview me. Anyway, it's good that I'm at least getting interviews. And I've been able to feel more positive and grateful about things so I've been making the most of that and enjoying it. Got to go as sleep is calling!
Hi Grace and other Path posters
i havent posted in a while, because i felt too needy and then felt that none of this stuff was working-
and i was right- because im beyond deeply depressed and still an emotional wreck.
I have intense anger issues and still i cry hysterically.
the only thing left that i can think of is to really end my life, then no one ever will need to hear me complain or be depressed, because honestly there is nothing that will ever work.
take care
Hi Musingmus! Glad to see you on here!
Oh you just don't know how many times I've thought of leaving the world too. But not because of not being able to *deal with* life or the world. I used to really HATE myself sooooooooooo much you can't BELIEVE how much I used to totally and absolutely HATE myself! And what do you do when you hate someone so much so much so much you just can't STAND having that person in your life? Well you KILL that person! You hate them so much that you try to kill them. For example if you hated your boss so much maybe you'd go into their office one day with a knife and stab them, or if you hated your boyfriend one day you just take a knife out of the kitchen and kill him, you hate him that much. Well I never hated anyone that much that I wanted to kill them, except MYSELF. Except I didn't think of myself as *myself*, I looked at myself like I was looking at someone else, like *Serena* was that horrid person standing over there across the room from me and I was a different person, looking at Serena whom I hated so much. And I wanted Serena dead and out of my life forever, so I wanted to kill her. But not kill myself, you understand, whenever I felt that way I didn't feel like I was Serena, I felt like I was someone else and if I killed Serena I wouldn't die, only Serena would die. I wouldn't die because I wasn't Serena!
But along came Paths and this forum and fixed it all up right and good for me! It's amazing! Which modules have you tried? I think for me mostly Self-Esteem and Trauma Free were what did it for me. Trauma Free just worked through it soooooooooooo softly, gently and subtly, just went and dissolved any murderous hatred that I felt for that alien in front of me called Serena and taught me to love her.
Okay so I know maybe your problem is different, I suppose you don't actually hate Musingmus and want him/her dead, you just want to get out of your life. But just think, that isn't the way to solve your problems. The only way to solve your problems is to work through them. If you don't you'll just have to come back in a century or so and do it all over again. I know a girl that was going through that. She had been married in her past life to a man who deceived her and left her with a load of debt. In that life she didn't know what to do with it so she killed herself. Guess what? Here she was all over again dealing with the same problem, she married a man who then left her after amassing thousands of dollars in debt. He disappeared and since they were married and he had gone all the creditors were going after HER to pay them. She thought of killing herself to get away from it (again!), but before she did that she decided to talk to an intuitive counsellor. So she realized that killing herself wasn't the solution.
The thing is once you solve your problems you will look back and think, oh that was so simple how come it never occurred to me before to do this or that? Once you solve your problems your life will become an absolute DREAM! The difficulty of course is to get there from here! But we can all get there.
I used to be with a very abusive man, I don't have any family to help me and I do have 2 small kids. I didn't have a job or any money or another home to run to. I didn't see any way out. Except maybe kill that S*B, but I'm not a killer and I didn't see that as a particularly spiritual or ethical solution!In the end I sent him off to the police and we went to live in a shelter. Everything worked out just grrrrrrrrrreat in the end, they kicked him out of our home and now I am living in it and paying the rent on it. I got full custody of the kids. He moved in with his dad and I'm living on welfare. I got a restraining order against him and everything is just groovy.
So you see everything has a solution. You said Paths doesn't seem to be doing anything for you, maybe you're not on the right modules? Have you tried Self-Esteem, Trauma Free and Deserving? And also maybe the Mood Elevation one. Or asked Grace if she could muscle test for you and see which modules would work best for you? Some people respond to Paths more quickly than others, I respond really fast and I plateau out pretty fast too, so I need to change modules around constantly because they have their biggest effect on me when they're new. For some people it's just the opposite, they respond very slooooooooowly, but then it usually takes several weeks to play out their full effects on them so they do better keeping the same modules for a few months. Considering how fast I usually am, Trauma Free and the Successful Living ones are the slowest ones for me, usually taking a few weeks to really give me an effect.
Oh well I'd write some more and I'd like to respond to Bill but I'm really busy right now, so I guess I'll take a rain check on that or whatever it's called and get back another day. You just don't give up and keep trying, Musingmus. Somewhere out there SOMETHING will work for you! And in the meantime:
By the way you could also try St. John's Wort tea and Bach Flower Remedies, have you looked into those?Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth: http://www.seasofmintaka.com/
Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging: http://theseasofmintaka.com/
For Musingmus!
Originally posted by musingmus View PostHi Grace and other Path posters
i havent posted in a while, because i felt too needy and then felt that none of this stuff was working-
and i was right- because im beyond deeply depressed and still an emotional wreck.
I have intense anger issues and still i cry hysterically.
the only thing left that i can think of is to really end my life, then no one ever will need to hear me complain or be depressed, because honestly there is nothing that will ever work.
take care
I would rather hear a thousand times a thousand complaints from you daily than to have you end your life when I know it is not your time. We will all be gone from this exquisite planet of ours soon enough, no need to go now. If all you feel the need to do is complain, then do it here, I assure you that within each word there is an intention behind that word, and I will hear you. We all will hear you.
The pain that you feel is real, you must understand that without the anchor of pain we would not know the Joy of flight. We need you just as much as you need us, even if it's to feel your pain with you, and be grateful that you are here to right yet another post.
I don't want you to hold back your words. My mother was a wonderful Latin woman who cursed all the time! I did not realize how filthy her mouth was, until years later when my aunt told me that she always had a filthy mouth. Today I find it very funny when someone curses. I am not the least offended.
I say this to you, because when I say don't hold back, I mean exactly this. Say what you want even if curse words are involved. I am sure the Forum will "star" them out anyway. Vent away. I know this is what you need, and we will all chime in with our compassion and empathy.
You and I are the same, we do not fear death. What we do fear is Love. You may think that I don't fear Love but I do. If it were not for this very Forum, I would not have allowed myself to feel Love at all. It is the absolute fact of working with all of you, that I have realized so many truths about myself.
I have said many times that when someone comes to me for CEM corrections, I first work on what I am resonating with. I make corrections for me first, then I go back and work on the other. ( you are the other part of me, as we are all reflections of each other). I can not give what I don't have. It is a MUST for me to work on myself first. This is why I am so immensely grateful for all of you. You have changed my life in ways you will never comprehend. Yet I know you can feel how my Love keeps growing for all of you, or else I would not still be here.
Musingmus, I asked you awhile back to not give up on me. I will continue to make CEM corrections on you, and as I write this, you ARE stronger. It is true that even though we have grown spiritually we don't feel like it's enough, and sometimes it feels worse! This is only because we still look to the outer world to confirm what we are feeling inside when this is not in our best interests. Do not compare yourself with the outer world in anyway. Notice more how you are currently dealing with the pain instead. If you are able to push through the pain even a bit better than before then this is GREAT!
Your body will resist, your ego-mind will resist, but the part of you that is eternal will whisper "keep going, it will be worth it". So go ahead and complain! We can take it, we are all Spiritual Warriors here. We are all ready to lend a hand, and to ask for what we need!!
You may not feel how loved you are right now, but you are DEEPLY LOVED!
Now do me a favor and use a couple of curse words in your next post, so that I can remember how much I loved my mother, (my best friend), and how fortunate I was to have her in my life just as I am fortunate to have YOU!
Dear Grace and All!
I just wished to drop in and say thanks so much for the energy, love and yummy goodness extended to help the people in Altai to save their lands as I had requested back in March!!! Their land has been able to be surveyed and saved so you all made a difference and I thank you and the people of Altai thank you with immense gratitude and love!!!
Love, Light and Gratitude,
Originally posted by musingmus View PostHi Grace and other Path posters
i havent posted in a while, because i felt too needy and then felt that none of this stuff was working-
and i was right- because im beyond deeply depressed and still an emotional wreck.
I have intense anger issues and still i cry hysterically.
the only thing left that i can think of is to really end my life, then no one ever will need to hear me complain or be depressed, because honestly there is nothing that will ever work.
take care
I felt just like that yesterday morning. I was crying hystericallybefore work (I wait tables, and I'm suppose to smile
)... An impulsive part of me said " I'll just kill myself right now and get it over with." My heart started to race... and I felt that little crazy part of me say " I'll do it" but I guess some logical part of me stepped in and said " What about your cat's, retard?" "Whose gonna put up with them?" So... here I am reading your post realizing... a lot of people probably feel this way. Sometimes I feel so ashamed that I don't appreciate enough, but sometimes I can't help my self
Guess I still haven't learned to take hold of my thoughts, and just say "I'm gonna tell myself the opposite of what I'm thinking." Things will get better.
Anyway... I hope this helps in some small way.
Dear Musingmus
I'm sure there are many of us on this thread who understand what you are going through and just how dark everything feels. And how hopeless. And like no matter what you do nothing changes. Sometimes it can take a lot of courage to post on here but please don't ever think you are being needy. The truth is like Grace says, that we are all one. We are all connected. This is a place where you can find help and support to get you through the dark times. I know that I have great respect and admiration for everyone who posts on here because it isn't always easy to "expose" yourself and appear, like you say, "needy" but I know many times I've read through people's posts and thought that's what I feel, oh, I've been through that and it's really helped just knowing that I'm not the only one and also people can then say what's helped for them and probably not everything will resonate with you but even if there's only one little thing that helps, that's something. And it doesn't matter if you complain or are depressed. Where's the rule that says you can't?!Obviously it matters to you because you aren't happy like you are, but that's the only reason to change, for yourself. Sometimes it can be like following breadcrumbs. You just take one tiny step at a time and you can't even see where it's leading or even if there's any point to it. You say there is nothing that will ever work. Do you know this for sure? Because I reckon that unless you try absolutely everything and it definitely doesn't work then you can't know that for certain. So that means there must be at least a little chance that something might work, that something at some point might make a difference. Of course you can't see that or know what that is right now because if you could, then you would be doing it.
Do you see where I'm going with this? I've asked myself these questions because I do know where you're coming from. Anyway, I'm in danger of starting to ramble here
. I just wanted you to know that I am sending lots of love your way.
Hi Grace I was wondering if you could do some healing on my brother and my mom? Neither have posted here so I am not sure if thats an issue. My brother is on facebook so that might help. Nothing really specific right now but I know that they could sure use the help, either way let me know if this is possible. Thanks for everything.
Hi Grace
Please would you do some corrections for me because I'm feeling a lot of frustration right now. I've had quite a lot of interviews recently - which is good - but no job.I haven't even managed to get a part-time temporary seasonal job at minimum wage which is so frustrating. I'm pretty sure of the "logical" reason why I'm not getting the jobs but it's something I can't change. But as to the "spiritual" reason I'm not getting them, I don't know. I know the sort of place I want to work and what I want to do and have taken all the steps to secure this kind of a job. Also I want to make friends in this new area I'm in and again have taken steps to join things but things aren't flowing or happening. Thus the frustration. Right now I'm just allowing myself to feel it rather than trying to make it go away but I feel pretty
so would really appreciate any help you can give with corrections because I'm also having to fight against not giving up. As I feel I've made contact with all the places I know right now I'm all out of ideas as to what to do next and feeling pretty fed up. Thank you.
I've got a request for corrections, Grace, regarding my love life again! There is a very interesting prospecton the horizon but I fear that my feelings of not being deserving or worthy, as very well as certain commitment issues, will mess things up for me (as they did very recently with a boy I liked).... Thanks....
Hi Sunshine
Hi dear Sunshine! How are you doing honey? Things going better?
Well I'm no Grace but today something was just happening and it made me think of you and your situation, so I thought I'd tell you about it. Maybe you can find some ideas here.
Anyways so I was chatting with some mothers and one of them had a friend, she said her friend was having a terrible time. Her friend worked very long hours and NEVER got to see her kids so she was in deep depression. She left for work very early in the morning and got home so late at night that she only had time to give her kids a bath and put them to bed. She didn't know what to do. So we were tossing about possible solutions.
We said maybe she could reduce her job to a part-time job just in the mornings?
No, her boss wouldn't let her.
Maybe she could ask to work less hours and have the corresponding pay reduction?
No her boss wouldn't let her.
Maybe she could work from home?
She said she actually did used to work from home when her kids were little. But since they started going to school they changed her responsibilities at work and now she had to be in the office all day.
Could she leave her job?
Well with the current crisis she couldn't leave her job because then she wouldn't be able to find another one. And she couldn't lose her job because her husband was unemployed. At any rate she enjoyed her job and earned a good salary, and since her husband was at home with the kids she didn't actually have to worry about her kids. She was just depressed because she didn't get to see her kids ever.
So as we were tossing around all these possible ideas I all of a sudden realized, she was never going to find a solution to her problem! Not because her problem didn't have a solution but because she was looking at it all wrong. She was looking at it from a place of fear and limitations, before any suggestions were ever suggested everyone ALREADY just KNEW it wouldn't work, it would fail! Everyone was ALREADY assuming that there just simply was NO solution to her problem. And since that is what everyone REEEALLY believed deep down inside, that is what she was manifesting in her life.
Well I'm no Dear Abby and I can't solve anyone's problems. But I was thinking, if I had her problem (which fortunately I don't hehe!), I would try and look at the situation from a place of empowerment, from a place of ALREADY KNOWING that the solution DID exist and it WAS really and truly somewhere out there just waiting to be found. That would change her vibrations and her mentality, she would really start to look hard and in earnest for that solution, because she would JUST KNOW that it WAS INDEED somewhere out there and she could find it. And in the meantime I would also count my blessings, at least she did have a job, she and her kids weren't starving to death, they had enough money to pay the rent or mortgage and money wasn't a problem in her life. And I would take advantage of the fact that since survival wasn't an issue, I could be free to take risks and branch out looking more pro-actively for more original, creative and daring solutions. Perhaps the solution to her problem wouldn't have been in getting another job at all, maybe she could've just started a new business online. Or perhaps she could've simply started her own business. Maybe if she didn't want to take a big risk she could work on her new business in the evenings after her kids went to bed and continue working at her regular job. If it was really something that she really wanted to do, she wouldn't be too tired to do it. If something is right for you you will WANT to do it all the time with all your might. You will never be too tired to do it. If you don't want it that much then probably it isn't right for you to begin with.
So perhaps she was already working in the right profession for her, since she enjoyed her job. Maybe she just needed to change her working conditions, hours, etc. And maybe starting up her own business could've been the right solution. Well I don't know I think no one except each person can know what is REALLY right for them.
So coming round (at last! sigh!) to your situation, Sunshine. Well, maybe if you can't find a job maybe you're not supposed to be getting a job right now? Do you have some minimum form of income welfare maybe? If not maybe that could be the first thing that you could try and apply for.
After that, maybe you could see if there is something else you could do instead of getting a job. Maybe you could get a micro-credit and start your own business? Or maybe, well you said you have a caravan? Perhaps it might be time for you to take your caravan and travel around? (I mean I'm assuming it's a mobile home type of caravan.) Or perhaps, is there something you've ALWAYS dreamed of doing? Maybe now is the right time to do it. Maybe you love dolphins or dogs, or knitting, oh I don't know whatever it is you love to do and maybe have always wanted to do. Maybe it's carving woodwork, whatever.
For example, right now I'm getting welfare so I've decided to take advantage of that and do what I've always wanted to do. Since I decided to do that you just can't IMAGINE the AMAZING amount of synchronicities and signs that are showing up in my life to really help to push me forward and indicate to me that this is the right thing for me to be doing right now. I won't deny I still do have lots of doubts sometimes, just the other day I was feeling really guilty about not looking for a job and worrying about money, and then the most amazing thing happened, the government gave me 400 euros so I could stock up on food for me and the kids! I was so incredulous I was dancing around all morning hehe!Not only because of receiving the money itself, which is already an enormous, gigantic, tremendous and amazing help in and of itself, but also because it arrived JUST when I was wondering if I was doing the right thing and was feeling really guilty about not looking for a job and was worrying about money.
So I do have lots of doubts, I have a hard time trying to believe that we really do create our own reality and that I don't have to create failure for myself in the future, that I am the one who controls my future, not some fickle gods up there or a wheel of fortune. But every time that happens something amazing happens to show to me that I am doing the right thing and to remind me that I DO create my life, that we all create our lives.
Oh boy this is long! They're gonna have to stick it onto a new page just so it'll fit! So I'll just go now! Take care Sunshine!Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth: http://www.seasofmintaka.com/
Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging: http://theseasofmintaka.com/
Hi Serena
Thanks for your post and for thinking about me. It's good to hear about the synchronicities and signs that are showing up for you and the money that came your way.
Can't say I'm feeling particularly brilliant today as I didn't get any sleep last night due to a neighbour's outside light being on all night long. It's been on all day today too and it's extremely powerful and bright. Shines right through the curtains. I'm also in quite a lot of pain with my neck and back as I started a cleaning job today. I didn't get any of the jobs I wanted but did get this so I took it. Unfortunately I had to carry a hoover and bucket up and down a lot of steps and it's aggravated an old injury. I can't turn my neck to the right at the moment and I just don't know what to do about carrying on. I have been picturing what I want to do and taking all the practical steps to achieve it so that's why I've beenn feelingn downhearted that nothing has materialised. Except a job that really isn't right for me
heather needs corrections
I still feel sad, lonely, angry, and fearful. I just don't know how to get past these feelings. it feels like i'm wasting my life. i feel self absorbed and selfish.
it feels like i have nothing to offer others until i change. i feel like a broken record on this forum.
i hope everybody is doing well. : )
love heather