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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Pamela, the most Powerful Feminine Energy in existence!!

    Pamela, I LOVE YOU!!


    • My wonderful MOXIE!!

      Hi Maggie,

      How was your "Summer Sisters Cottage week"!! I love the idea of this!! How wonderful!

      I did have a wonderful flight back home!! Thank you for your wonderful wishes!

      I do recommend the books that Dr. Yuen has on his website, but I have evolved (as he once told me I would)my practice of CEM, so what I teach will be slightly different than what he explains.

      I am also happy and grateful for the Reiki Work you are doing!! All of this energy work has such a profound effect on this beautiful world of ours!! Thank you Maggie for being YOU!!


      • Gorgeous Allen!

        Can I be with you in Main?

        I am still so amazed at the hummingbird experience! I am so happy and grateful that you also know the JOY of witnessing such a spectacular event!!

        Joy, Happiness, Bliss all flowers of the feeling of GRATITUDE!!

        I look forward to talking with you again very soon. You are beautiful Allen!


        • My Sweet Alan!

          Hi Alan,

          All I can say is that I work on you and your Family DAILY!! I have been traveling extensively, but there have been many times that I have been sitting in LIMBO if you will, so I have been able to make more corrections on you and your family than if I were in my own home!!

          In fact, this is what all this traveling this summer has provided! The time to work on the group! I have not been able to post or read posts daily so all I have done is make "energetic corrections" on the group!!

          The truth of the matter is, is that all I need do is "tune in", but yet it always makes me happy to have Pamela Sweda read me the current posts when I am unable to log in!

          I want to take this time to tell all that are "viewing" that I do not need hardly any information to "tune in"! So if you are a bit fearful of posting please don't be!! I basically just need your first name or less, and I will be able to address your "issues"!!

          Alan, you are so important to me, and I want Sandra to know that she is so close to being free from the torture of "NO SLEEP"!! Please keep us all informed! YOU are a blessing! Much love and Gratitude to you and Sandra and the boys!


          • Relationships & Healing

            As most of you will be aware, Grace has been performing a lot of corrections for us all regarding relationships, as well as dealing with specific health issues.

            I have been thinking about this subject for quite a while now as I believe it has such an important impact on our daily lives. Over time I have come to know & understand that the relationship that we have with others & most particularly with ourselves is the biggest contributor to the state of our own health. I believe that we all have the capacity to heal ourselves just as we are all the manifestors of our ill health or disease. Disease or dis-ease occurs when our spirit, mind, emotions & body are out of balance. So if our relationships are "out of balance" this is clearly going to have huge ramifications on our general well being.

            I have been writing this post over the past week now but have delayed posting it until I could track down a couple of references that I'd like to share with you later on in the second part of my post. I have written it really as two parts - The Manifestation of my Illnesses & The Road to Recovery. It is really the second part that is most important & that I really want to focus on.

            I decided to finally write a bit about my own experiences & share them here in this thread as I am a very good example of how we can cause major illnesses to manifest within ourselves. I hope that by doing so, I can really impart to you all an understanding of what we do to ourselves when we practise living a life with negative thoughts, particularly when they are turned inward on ourselves.

            It has taken me a very loooong time to put all the pieces together & come to this understanding, so it is my earnest hope that I may save some of you the long trip, avoid making some of the mistakes that I did & aid you on your journey to healing yourselves all the quicker.

            To understand where I'm coming from you need to get a bit of an idea of my personality.Some time ago, I came across this article Highly Sensitive People: Emotional Sensitivity which describes me perfectly.All my life I have tried to deny these aspects of myself & suppress my feelings. I have found it a real burden trying to live with myself & I have constantly waged an inner war against myself. From early childhood I always felt that I was different. I was very shy, anxious, ill at ease & did not like myself.

            By the time I had spent the first 18 years of my life being my constant critic & not accepting myself I had set the stage for some pretty good manifesting of visible physical negative results to start occurring, which they soon did, & pretty impressively for the next 12 years of my life

            I won't go into all the boring details here, suffice to say that I was in hospital having surgery at least once a year, sometimes more, for 12 years & ended up requiring major surgery. I had a rare condition (that's the story of my life, always having the unusual & rare! ) - which manifested as a precancerous growth which was "active" & could develop into cancer if left, so I was always having to have the growths whipped out straight away. During those times if there was a way for the unusual or a complication to occur, including with both my pregnancies also, you can bet that it happened!

            Looking back I can see that my physical results were an outward expression of what I had been reflecting back to my inner self all those years - that I was unattractive, unworthy & not likeable. So my illnesses were my punishment to myself!

            Now, I have also come to understand that when we have ill health appear there can also be certain attachments associated with it which may in fact prolong the recovery process. In my case there was an attachment to seeking attention & also to pride. "I'm good at dealing with challenges! I'm strong! I can deal with whatever life throws at me! I can cope & I can do it by myself! I'm stubborn, That's life, Get over it!" Yep, Got to love those little attachments! In a perverse sort of way my having my illnesses was my own way of making me feel good about myself because then I got to prove that I was actually good at something. I was good at "soldiering on".

            So of course I kept on throwing up more challenges in my path to deal with & continued to be my own worst enemy until finally several years ago I developed a rare autoimmune disease (another rarity, nothing mundane for me! My attachments were obviously still working strongly for me then! ) & I also developed a problem with my digestive system (which I have mentioned elsewhere in this thread). So there you have the culmination of all my negative thinking about myself! Thankfully, I finally saw the error of my ways!
            Theta Healing
            Paths 2 Potential

            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


            • On the road to recovery! Through a lot of reading I finally came to understand that my healing is my own responsibility. That it is possible to create healing through forming positive intentions & visualisations so I proceeded to do so & I have to say that I've made great strides with my autoimmune disease & that it has caused me very little trouble in the past 6 months. Formerly, it had been quite debilitating. So I made a good start but I was still missing a major concept.

              When I first came across the article 'Highly Sensitive People' it was with a feeling of great relief as I finally understood why I had been like I was when I was a child ( & the rest of my life).It provided me with a missing link. Reading this article enabled me to come to terms with a large part of myself & it enabled me to get rid of a lot of the animosity that I had about myself.

              I realised that I had to start first by acknowledging & accepting myself, ALL of myself & that the part of my nature that I had always tried to suppress was in fact not a burden, but a gift. A gift that I was supposed to be using to help other people.

              I realised that I would not be able to help others as I truly wished to do so however, until I had helped myself first. I have always been very independent & thought that I had to solve my own problems so I have always found it very difficult to ask for & accept help. I have always felt that I was not worthy, so it has been no less difficult to ask myself to allow me to help it,

              However, I knew finally that the missing concept that I needed to complete my healing, that had taken me so long to discover was FORGIVENESS. I needed to forgive myself & in doing so allow myself to love myself! A pretty hard concept for me to practise!

              These days I'm feeling pretty good about myself so I have every certainty that I will soon be perfectly healed in every way & my dietary issues will have transformed themselves. For now though, there a just few recalcitrant cells that don't seem to have quite got the message yet! But I've put them on the Academic Supercharger module so I'm sure that they'll learn the message soon!

              So my message to you all is PLEASE don't take as long as I have to learn about the power of FORGIVENESS!

              Please be kind to yourselves, accept yourselves at whatever stage you are at in the now & love yourselves. We are all equally deserving of love. The relationship that we have with ourselves can be one of the most destructive or the most creative forces in our lives.

              If we love our inner self this will in turn be reflected outwards to others. If we create our own personal harmony & peace within ourselves we will also create peace & harmony externally.

              In the wise words of Buddha "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love & affection"

              I've posted this video of Forgiveness earlier in the thread but I wanted to include it here again as I think it's message is so important.The ability to let go & forgive others & especially ourselves is one of the most important gifts that we can give ourselves. YouTube - Forgiveness and the Freedom of Letting go

              It was no accident that I found this video, when I did as I realised that it was also highly significant to me. In the past 12 months I always seem to attract the message or information that is meant for me to hear.

              I would also like to share a couple of affirmations that may be used or reworded as the case may be to fit your own situation if you find them useful. These are from Shakti Gawain's book Creative Visualisations.
              Accepting Ourselves
              I accept myself completely here & now.
              I love myself as I am.
              I accept all my feelings as part of myself.
              I'm so beautiful & lovable however I'm feeling.
              None of my feelings are negative. They are all important parts of who I am
              I am now willing to experience all my feelings.
              It's good to express my feelings.
              I now give myself permission to to express my feelings.
              I love myself when I express my feelings.

              Clearing Affirmation

              I am now releasing my past.
              I am now dissolving all negative, limiting beliefs.
              I now forgive & release everyone in my life.
              I don't have to try & please others.

              I am naturally lovable & likable no matter what I do!
              I now let go of all accumulated guilts, ears, resentment,
              disappointments, & grudges.
              I am free & clear!
              All of my negative self-images & attitudes are now dissolved.
              I love & appreciate myself!

              May you all have abundant health, forgiveness for yourself & others, & have immense LOVE & COMPASSION for yourself!

              All My Love & Blessings,
              Theta Healing
              Paths 2 Potential

              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


              • Sharyn,
                Thank you for taking the time to share your story.
                You know, I think we are twins. Everything you said applied to me also. I appreciate the fact that there is indeed another person like me. Everything I have gone through was always the unusual. I was never like anyone else. I was a very "aware" child in a sea of people that didn't understand me. That set me up for not understanding myself. And like you, I developed into a Type A overachiever that did everything for myself---I guess to prove to myself that I was worthy and could fit in. Immune problems, cancer and digestive issues are still here for me. I'm working on them.

                I haven't read the article about highly sensitive people, could you please tell me more about it and where I can read it.

                I am far more hopeful these day than I have been in a long time. EFT, PATHS, and my work with the Quantum SCIO are all helping to root out the emotional issues.

                Now, I have also come to understand that when we have ill health appear there can also be certain attachments associated with it which may in fact prolong the recovery process. In my case there was an attachment to seeking attention & also to pride. "I'm good at dealing with challenges! I'm strong! I can deal with whatever life throws at me! I can cope & I can do it by myself! I'm stubborn, That's life, Get over it!" Yep, Got to love those little attachments! In a perverse sort of way my having my illnesses was my own way of making me feel good about myself because then I got to prove that I was actually good at something. I was good at "soldiering on".
                EXACTLY! You have presented exactly what I was doing also! Amazing and right-on insight.

                It really helps to know that I am not alone on this journey---that there are others like me. That is validating in a very nice way.

                So again, a great big THANK YOU for sharing your story )

                Love and Blessings,

                Dr. DeAnn Upton, A.M.P.
                My PATHS Affiliate Website


                • DeAnn

                  If you click on the link (in blue) in my last post it will take you straight to the article, "Sensitive People". You need to scroll down halfway to get past the advertising to reach the full article.

                  There is also this one Highly Sensitive People: Being Sensitive In An Insensitive World

                  Well, it is nice to "meet' another "twin", Deann . Yes, it is rather amazing what we can end up doing to ourselves at times isn't it? Not only was it bad enough having to cope with myself but I also found that coping with my physical environment was also very challenging at times.

                  When I was young I used to feel so upset & ashamed if I thought I'd been bad that I would go & hide under my bed or in my wardrobe! I was a regular "Miss Goodie Two Shoes" so I rarely got into trouble, it was all of my own imagining half the time!

                  I'm very sensitive to loud noises - I can't cope with them at all. I can't drive my car with the radio on, I have always avoided parties & noisy concerts etc. I seem to have very acute hearing & it tends to "take over" at times, which can be very disconcerting!

                  I'm also very sensitive to a lot of drugs & anaesthetics & even the weather affects me! I don't like extremes at either end. I was interested in studying archaeology for a career (briefly) but then I decided that I wouldn't cope too well with the weather conditions that I'd have to work under so I very soon gave away that idea!

                  DeAnn, I'm glad that my story helped you! I actually started writing it about 6 weeks ago because I wanted to share the concept about "forgiveness" but I have "binned it" several times because I thought maybe I was being self indulgent, so it has taken me a while to come out of the closet!

                  Sending lots of (((positive thoughts))) your way!

                  Love & Blessings,

                  Theta Healing
                  Paths 2 Potential

                  "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                  • Forgiveness is Loving yourself!

                    Hi Sharyn,


                    Great minds do think alike!! I just posted this last night about what Paths Module I would love to see next!!


                    I also want to thank you again Sharyn for giving us the youtube "Forgiveness and the Freedom of letting go" link. The first time you gave it to us, I immediately put it on my signature page. It is so beautiful, just as you are.

                    DeAnn, I am now working on you and Sharyn concerning these specific issues. For both of you it is stemming from your mental bodies and your emotional bodies. Anyone else reading this who are also resonating with these issues will pick up the corrections instantly as well.

                    Just to remind everyone again, I make daily Group Corrections for Health, Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity and Relationship issues.

                    I also work individually on each of you that post your requests etc.



                    • Hello everyone,

                      Thank you for practising.

                      Sandra reports Zain woke at 11:30, 3:30, 4:30 and then 8:00. Kai was ok through the night

                      We are getting there

                      Thank you all for practising

                      With love and gratitude
                      Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                      Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                      • Grace, your wonderful prosperity corrections seem to be working! I've been experiencing all sorts of delightful surprises in this respect, even finding money on the street! Please keep working on it. Also, please help me out with my summer heat exhaustion, I've been feeling really wrung out the past few weeks. (I'm another one who is unduly affected by weather conditions, like Sharyn.) Thank you so much. It's lovely to see you back on board!


                        • Cem

                          THANK YOU!
                          There are times during the day when I think I can feel you working on me. They are times when I feel very LOVED. I appreciate each and every one of those moments coming into my consciousness. Wow!

                          Truly, you have opened up a whole new world for me. I looked at the article and sights that talk about Highly Sensitive People and I fit every one of the criteria.
                          That means there are LOTS of others out there like me. Geez, we sure are a quiet bunch. The noise thing is a big one for me---just can't tolerate Theme Parks, cities, barking dogs, etc. ha ha...the list would go on forever. I also love being alone and am never bored with myself. I love those deep one-on-one conversations so that I can really get to know a person. Don't like lots of people and idle chit chat. Love nature and the natural world.

                          How in the world did I make it ten years in the military I really loved it though; it was like being in a big extended family. The stress of the last three years finally wore me out though. I'm glad I called it quits at the end of ten.

                          Wonderful Sharyn, by opening me up to these new understandings, I have been able to forgive myself and very importantly my mother who I have HUGE issues with to this day. She simply didn't (and doesn't) understand me. I can now forgive her for that. It's such a good release. And I like my unusual gifts, I always did, but there was no one to validate them. Not so anymore.

                          When I was a young child I would have visions of Native Americans walking through the Buttes in the area of California that I'm from. I never told anyone about it. That was one of my first who-would-believe-me-anyway moments. As soon as I walked into church (which my mom dragged me kicking and screaming to all my young life) I knew I didn't agree with anything that was said there. I hated it and was forced to go. I learned to shut my mouth at a very early age. There wasn't anyone to share it all with.

                          Even at age 47 I still have only one friend that is interesting in and gets all the deep thinking and visions etc. You on this forum are kindred spirits, Yay!

                          Even though I have always been a happy person, I recently realised how much fear and terror is in my energy field. Our family moved almost every year and a half (Navy brat) and my mom took me to every sightseeing place she could. Bravo for her for that, but it was tough on me because I was afraid of new places and crowds.

                          I've worked on some of that with EFT. Still have physical issues with the stuff I mentioned earlier. Hopefully Grace can help me out with that. I know my Power, it's incredible, and I'm deeply appreciative for it.

                          I bought the Yuen Method books---can't wait to get them. AND practice and work with you, Grace, on whatever you are willing to teach.

                          Can HSP's work on others energetically? Can I have a practice where I do my Quantum Biofeedback, my EFT, and maybe someday CEM??? without harming my own energy? I've always felt it was my calling, but now that I understand myself more, maybe I'm meant to work with energy more at a distance than directly.

                          Oh, and now I know why the ME seminars scared me a little. When I realised how crowded and noisy they were, I felt myself backing away. I'm OK with that now. I'm better off with private lessons from someone. That whole noisy crowd thing will totally throw me off.

                          The HSP thing can probably be a whole new Thread.

                          Wonderful! Another piece of life's puzzle revealed

                          Love you ALL,
                          Love and Blessings,

                          Dr. DeAnn Upton, A.M.P.
                          My PATHS Affiliate Website


                          • DeAnn,

                            I'm so pleased that my posting has helped you to understand yourself a little better & given you the breakthrough you needed with your relationship with your mother & yourself. I know that finding those articles made a huge difference to me.

                            Okay, let's start up a separate HSP thread after this post so that we don't end up off topic here! We have so much in common that we can discuss!

                            I must admit the sessions in Hawaii were concerning me a bit when I heard that Seattle had 400 participants. I've since learnt that the venue is much smaller in Hawaii though so there will only be a paltry 150! I can cope in a group as long as there aren't too many echoes & loud chatter going on, otherwise I can become disoriented . They'll be needing to perform ME to ME resuscitation on me!

                            One of my biggest concerns is the plane trip. I am very sensitive to having my personal space invaded. I tend to need a fair amount of space around me, so sitting squished up in those plane seats, elbow to elbow (or worse), for 10 hours non stop on the Sydney to Honolulu route could be a challenge! I can't imagine that I will be able to sleep! I'm trying to visualise that I'll have skinny minnies sitting next to me, preferably with the middle seat empty.

                            Getting back to relationships & healing - I also meant to post this lovely little video in my previous post.
                            YouTube - Art Of Letting Go

                            Love & Blessings to Everyone,

                            Theta Healing
                            Paths 2 Potential

                            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                            • Hi DeAnn

                              Again, not to sidetrack this thread (apologies Dear Grace ) but perhaps this might help you in deciding to attend a ME seminar: The people who go to these (at least the recent BIG one I went to in Seattle) are Awesome people! Its not the usual big noisy crowd you might find in malls, work training seminars and the like. I think there are a lot of people there who are sensitive to energies, their space, and so forth yet the atmosphere is SO positive and playful that its easy for most to get REALLY wrapped up in it!

                              The other thing is that ME is very possible to learn with private lessons or through the book, but is very rare for anyone to 'get it' fully, this way. The seminar 'state' that is specifically 'energetically' set up (in apostrophes because its hard to define it just as 'energy' and ME does not run energy like many other modalities), so that an attendee can really experience stepping out of consensus reality, do and practice ME with others or by a free demonstration on you by Dr. Bartlett (hehe now THATS an experience you'll never forget!!!) , and know that they too can do it!

                              Hope that helps! I often remind myself that it is my beliefs that create my reality. Beliefs are just things I've told myself over and over as 'real' until I believed them! Everything I say to describe myself is what makes that true for me, not the other way around! No matter how much I have said in the past, 'but this is a fact (lol! one definition of fact is something 'made up') I am this or that or these things have 'happened' *to* me, thats just the way it is', the truth of my 'reality' is that I'm making it ALL UP!

                              Ok ok, enough blabbing by me on Lovely, Wonderful, Amazing Grace's thread!

                              Love and light!



                              • Hi,

                                Thank you to everyone who is practising.

                                Zain was quite good last night with around two hour sleep periods.

                                Kai however was awake between 3:30 and 5:00.

                                But for some reason Sandra was awake between 12:30 and 5:00 and couldn't sleep during that period.

                                Please keep practising and hopefully Sandra can have a good night's sleep soon

                                With love and gratitude
                                Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                                Live your dreams through choosing PATHS

