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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Grace

    Originally posted by lusie
    There is no doubt that Chinese medicine are one of the best of all time and and I would like to thanks for providing such valuable post on energetic medicine. Steel libido is also one of that kind of product which makes you feel energetic.
    FEAR ~ False evidence appearing real.

    Lusie please do not post on this thread again.

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  • Grace
    For All!

    Quantum Physicist Nassim Haramein in his Movie the "Black Whole". WE ARE ONE, and the proof exists. Do you have the courage to wrap your mind around this truth? If you are reading this, then, not only am I making Chinese Energetic Medicine Corrections for you, but I am YOU!

    Link to the Movie "The Black Whole"
    Last edited by Grace; 02-12-2017, 06:20 AM.

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  • Grace
    For All!

    The Emerald Tablets by Thoth, the Atlantean.
    Last edited by Grace; 02-12-2017, 06:22 AM. Reason: signature

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  • KimJ
    Thanks, Grace!

    As always, I know what you say is Truth. The hardest but simplest work is just embodying it. Thank you for reminding me again and again.


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  • Grace
    For KimJ

    Originally posted by KimJ View Post
    Hello Grace (and serenac if you're still around!),

    Just a little update that literally a week or so after I last posted here we decided enough was enough and we shut down the business. To say it didn't cost us a lot financially and personally (reputation-wise as we got completely misunderstood in the closing as it happened rather abruptly as we literally ran out of money and people couldn't believe we didn't make money since it seemed busy, etc) is a massive understatement. However, we faced the fear and dove into it and have come out transformed. I haven't been happier in I can't tell you how long. I'm not sure if I could have changed the 'reality' of the business with correcting my thinking but it feels like I was on such a wrong path for me and now I've finally gotten realigned. Money is tight but we are no longer living in such fear and denial so it is not a worry any longer.

    So, while all that is beyond fantastic and I am so relieved to have let go of that, I still struggle with getting clear on what I really want and thus can't stay focused on anything long enough to be consistent. For me all I really want is the 'big picture' and I find that easy, but so many other teachings stress the details of an 'ideal' so I'm not sure if I need to narrow it down beyond a, loving, joyful, peaceful, abundant life, etc. If I am all those things, I know the house, etc, don't matter so I have a hard time focusing on those things long-term. I guess I just would like confirmation that that is enough.

    Lastly, now that I feel like a cloud has lifted, I'd love to know what you now see needing correction.

    Hope all is well and blessings to all who are reading.
    Hi Kim,

    I am so happy for Tim, Serena, and you Kim. Even though, it's the 27th of March already, I made the corrections for you on the 5th when I saw the email come into my phone. I made CEM corrections for Faith, purpose, inspirational motivation, and of course a higher level of Love and Gratitude.

    The Dictionary Definition of Purpose is: "The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal"

    What we strive for is to know God. What Exists is God, the aim, intention, or goal is to know thyself. To know that YOU are God.

    So in Reality there is nothing to do or be, since all is God, and your purpose is to let go and let God express through you.

    The simplest way to attract joyfilled experiences is to focus your mind on Gratitude. Be thankful that all is in God's hands. The only action one need take, is in the Beingness. "BE" in a state of Gratitude as often as humanly possible, especially when you feel overtaken by Fear based thoughts. You will be inspired and motivated with joy to take physical action in a very natural manner. It will not take effort when it comes from divine Spirit. (God in motion.)

    We are truly immense light beings infinitely within as well as without. This Light is Love. Take action and go "Within" in order to have it be reflected in your outer world.

    If your outer world is reflecting, in this present, a "not good" moment, then bless it with your heart's light, and remember it is only a reflection of the moment. Stay in Gratitude for the Lesson. Keep the faith that it is an opportunity in disquise for raising consciousness and therefore knowing more of who you truly are. A Light of this World.

    Our purpose collectively and individually is to raise our consciousness in every moment by BEING the Truth. We are Love and Light. Then simply observe with Love and gratitude the light that is reflected back to you. Observe how necessary the Dark is in order to experience the Light.

    The Love is the Giving, and the Gratitude is the Recieving.

    The Past is history, the future a mystery, but this moment is a gift and why it is called the Present ~ Deepak Chopra

    With enough practice, in keeping in the moment, with Love and Gratitude in your thoughts and feelings, in order to express the highest level of God, you will observe this in your outer world as your greatest accomplishments, and experience that you did nothing, you let God handle it all.

    As your consciousness raises, God's thoughts will flow through you, and they will manifest instantly. If Fear should happen to sneak in, it will be distinguised quickly and effortlessly. Be love and gratitude, this is our only purpose.
    Last edited by Grace; 02-12-2017, 06:23 AM.

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  • KimJ

    Hello Grace (and serenac if you're still around!),

    Just a little update that literally a week or so after I last posted here we decided enough was enough and we shut down the business. To say it didn't cost us a lot financially and personally (reputation-wise as we got completely misunderstood in the closing as it happened rather abruptly as we literally ran out of money and people couldn't believe we didn't make money since it seemed busy, etc) is a massive understatement. However, we faced the fear and dove into it and have come out transformed. I haven't been happier in I can't tell you how long. I'm not sure if I could have changed the 'reality' of the business with correcting my thinking but it feels like I was on such a wrong path for me and now I've finally gotten realigned. Money is tight but we are no longer living in such fear and denial so it is not a worry any longer.

    So, while all that is beyond fantastic and I am so relieved to have let go of that, I still struggle with getting clear on what I really want and thus can't stay focused on anything long enough to be consistent. For me all I really want is the 'big picture' and I find that easy, but so many other teachings stress the details of an 'ideal' so I'm not sure if I need to narrow it down beyond a, loving, joyful, peaceful, abundant life, etc. If I am all those things, I know the house, etc, don't matter so I have a hard time focusing on those things long-term. I guess I just would like confirmation that that is enough.

    Lastly, now that I feel like a cloud has lifted, I'd love to know what you now see needing correction.

    Hope all is well and blessings to all who are reading.

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  • Grace
    Know your Heart!

    People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
    If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

    If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
    If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
    What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
    If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
    The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
    Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
    In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

    -this version is credited to Mother Teresa
    Last edited by Grace; 02-12-2017, 06:24 AM.

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  • Grace
    For All!

    I highly recommend for all of you to read this information. Happy 2012!

    Spirit Science 12_3 - The Solution - YouTube
    Last edited by Grace; 02-12-2017, 06:30 AM. Reason: very important Youtube video addition

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  • serenac
    Hey ho I'm back here on this thread! I always like to be here but I'm very very very very busy now.

    I'm so glad your eyes are well, Tim! Vision is so very important.

    I am now very very happy and life is always getting better and better and better. You think things are going so well they can't get any better, and then they DO get even better!

    I was living a pretty good life working freelance. Then someone called ME up to work for them. I wasn't even looking for a job. That gave me a great position to negotiate from, so I got a really good offer and decided to take the job.

    And now I am doing even better than ever. I've got a great job, a really groovy schedule. I feel grateful every day, and I've got tons and tons to be grateful for!

    That doesn't mean that life is perfect, because we all have dreams, aspirations, things we haven't done yet and we still dream of doing them.

    But life is still great.

    And I'm sorry I really can't share any secrets as to why I have such a great life now. But to get into a bit more detail, I guess, the way I see it, even though it might seem a bit simplistic, I find that whatever the secret formula for a great life may be, it includes these elements:

    - defining what you want and being very clear in your mind about exactly what it is that you want. If you don't know what you want, you'll never get it!
    - taking ACTIONS to go after what you want. We live in a physical, material world and if you don't take actions nothing will happen
    - being open to whatever shows up and not just automatically throwing possibilities out the window without looking them over first. I was happy working freelance so I often didn't pay any attention when people called me up and offered me a job interview, but I tried to be open to the possibility that there might still be a great job out there for me
    - feeling like you DO deserve good things
    - having faith that these good things will show up

    Well I'm no guru and I don't know what the New Age gurus out there are saying these days about this subject, but I find that this works for me!

    I did reflect a bit upon this phenomenon and go into it more deeply in this article that I wrote for my website: Law-of-Attraction and Natural Vibrations. If you'd like to drop by and check it out I'd feel real pleased!

    Now let's see if I can apply this advice to myself in order to attract a great partner into my life too!

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  • timh651
    I had my eyes looked at by Dr. Smith at the Cincinnati eye institute yesterday. He said my retinas look fine and I have an average number of floaters for my age. I have 20/15 vision in both eyes.

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  • Grace
    For Tim

    Originally posted by timh651 View Post
    I have an appointment to get my eyes looked at tomorrow. I've never worn glasses my vision has always been exceptionally keen, better than normal. I got some of those Gano Excel excellium capsules. I've been talking them for about a couple of weeks. I haven't noticed any changes.

    Hi Tim,

    Keep taking them.

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  • timh651
    I have an appointment to get my eyes looked at tomorrow. I've never worn glasses my vision has always been exceptionally keen, better than normal. I got some of those Gano Excel excellium capsules. I've been talking them for about a couple of weeks. I haven't noticed any changes.
    Last edited by timh651; 11-17-2011, 11:51 PM. Reason: left out a sentence

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  • Grace
    For Tim

    Originally posted by timh651 View Post
    Hi Grace,
    Something has happened. I haven't posted on the form in a long time but what I face now absolutely terrifies me like nothing I've ever experienced before in my life. I can't remember exactly when it started, but I remember when I went to get my drivers license renewed I noticed that my vision in my left eye was a bit fuzzy. I had to really concentrate to read the chart. I didn't think a whole lot of this since I didn't rinse my eyes out that morning and I thought it might be a bit of matter that was causing that. I've always seen what are called floaters from time to time but lately I noticed a big on in my left eye. On a couple of different occasions when I was in my room with my eyes closed and no lights on I noticed a flash of light but there was no way for this to be. I went looking for information on the internet about this and found out that floaters are normal and usually harmless but I also discovered the symptoms that I've had with the light flashes and increased floater size could represent something much more serious. I read that the vitreous humor can shrink and pull away from the retina and cause detachment or retinal tears. I understand this is treatable if done early but if left untreated it can cause permanent blindness. I have no idea who a good eye doctor in Cincinnati would be to see but I'm looking around for one. If I did need the surgery I don't have any insurance and I don't want to think about how much it would cost.

    Hi Tim,

    Relax, breathe and be grateful. Your eyes are fine. Not perfect yet, but fine. Go see an Optometrist and ask if you need new glasses. I have made the necessary CEM corrections to release your fears, and to focus and concentrate your mind on perfect vision. Remember, Tim, you are Whole, Perfect, Powerful, Strong, Loving, Harmonious, and Happy. The outer world is nothing but a reflection of your Mind. BE GRATEFUL!

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  • timh651
    Hi Grace,
    Something has happened. I haven't posted on the form in a long time but what I face now absolutely terrifies me like nothing I've ever experienced before in my life. I can't remember exactly when it started, but I remember when I went to get my drivers license renewed I noticed that my vision in my left eye was a bit fuzzy. I had to really concentrate to read the chart. I didn't think a whole lot of this since I didn't rinse my eyes out that morning and I thought it might be a bit of matter that was causing that. I've always seen what are called floaters from time to time but lately I noticed a big on in my left eye. On a couple of different occasions when I was in my room with my eyes closed and no lights on I noticed a flash of light but there was no way for this to be. I went looking for information on the internet about this and found out that floaters are normal and usually harmless but I also discovered the symptoms that I've had with the light flashes and increased floater size could represent something much more serious. I read that the vitreous humor can shrink and pull away from the retina and cause detachment or retinal tears. I understand this is treatable if done early but if left untreated it can cause permanent blindness. I have no idea who a good eye doctor in Cincinnati would be to see but I'm looking around for one. If I did need the surgery I don't have any insurance and I don't want to think about how much it would cost.

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  • Grace
    For Kim and Serena

    Originally posted by KimJ View Post
    Hi Grace,

    I've been drawn to come back here over the last few days, to find today a new post from you!

    Anyway, I don't want to go into too many details but to put it simply, I feel very stuck right now, stuck in my business that I can't sell and is losing us money still and has caused a major downward spiral in our finances and life in general as we're just stuck working all the time in our other jobs to pay for it. My husband and I are just exhausted from working all the time, just in the effort to stay afloat and I just can't tell you how tired I am of owning this business that's sucked the life out of me. I just don't know what to focus on. I re-read your posts to me so know what you say is to focus on (love, truth), but I just can't seem to get out of the 'blah', resigned and confused feeling of it all. I 'know' the truth of it all, but just can't get that beyond an intellectual knowing. Can you make any corrections and/or make any suggestions? I feel like I'm not doing enough to focus on just love and like I need to visualize 'end results' and all that but I just can't seem to decide on what that needs to be (ie short-term - business success vs selling, or long-term ideals -freedom, etc). It's a bit of information overwhelm I think (too much reading) in combination of a degree of depression/resignation I think.

    Would love to hear from you.
    Thanks so much.
    Hi Kim, Serena, (I am always happy to see you both on this thread)

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." by Maryanne Williamson

    There is nothing to "do" only to "BE". What you think and feel on a consistent basis will show up, matching the same vibration you are putting out, and it will show up as a reflection in your outer world. What you are thinking, and therefore Feeling is what you are "BEING". We are Spiritual Beings expressing our GOD power. Whatever you are habitually thinking and Feeling needs review, and if it is not to your liking, then change what you are thinking and feeling in every moment! This is the most challenging work you will ever do (going within) but it is infinitely rewarding.

    As if your life depended on it, (which it does) Know that you and GOD are ONE, and stay focused on LOVE and GRATITUDE. This vibration is God vibration, and your true Self.

    Resist looking to the outer world as if it has power over you. All God's infinite potential is already within you seeking expression. Simply stay focused on the God vibrations of Love, Gratitude, Bliss, Joy, Love, Kindness, Harmony, Perfection, Inner Power, Strength, Happiness, and say, knowing that you are ONE with God, that I AM all that is Good/God. KNOW this, FEEL this Truth!

    What ever you are doing in your outer world, whether it be your second job, staring at your bills, driving, cleaning, organizing, are all perfect opportunities to bless the outer world, and focus your mind, body and spirit on the infinite power of God which you are expressing forth with your thoughts and feelings always and in all ways.

    The day that you posted Kim, I made CEM corrections for you. I will do more to help release more fear, so that you can feel your inner power, your inner connection to the infinite. Remember you are powerful beyond measure!

    Serena, Visualizations are a tool, to assist in raising the vibration of the person performing the visualization. When one is visualizing a specific desire, if it is a good desire, it will instantly make the person visualizing, FEEL Good. KNOWING, that God has already created this for you, will raise your vibration to the high state of Gratitude. One must visualize with the feeling of Gratitude, knowing that God has already created your desire. A good desire is always one that is good for all concerned. This will manifest for you much more perfectly, powerfully, and quickly.

    Go into meditation and visualization with the knowing that you are ONE with GOD, and full of Gratitude that God's power is your power. Any thought of separation will weaken, not only your ability to visualize but all aspects of life.

    "What the mind of Man can conceive and believe, he will achieve" ~ Napoleon Hill

    Ganoderma Lucidum ~ The Gano Excel Opportunity
    Last edited by Grace; 10-08-2011, 02:12 PM. Reason: add link

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