WOW! I can feel the shocks from here!!! Miranda sounds like a spit fire, and you have a great sense of humour, Joel!! I can't wait to see what Grace and the others can come up with for you!!! again....WOW!!!!
No announcement yet.
Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace
Hi Joel,
Having gone through similar circumstances, but in different contexts (but, yes, a horse was involved - 'nough said), I can relate to what you are going through. We have been on a healing journey for ten years now. Funny thing is now I am having some physical pain in my hip and leg also - but I digress, that's another issue.
I am no expert, by any means, but I have spoken with and listened to several healers and Jeanie is an amazing source of information on all things healing.
Feels to me like Miranda is having a grounding issue. You are correct, she is very powerful energetically and from what you have said probably has the potential to a be great healer in her own right - she just needs to learn to channel her energy properly. Your analogy sounds fairly accurate - she is an energy lightning rod, she is drawing and attracting energy from all around her (both physically and spiritually) and instead of directing or channeling that energy, she is sending it out in all directions.
Again, I'm no expert and have no real foundation for my statements above - I just feel that is what is going on. Hopefully someone with more definitive abilities in these areas will chime in.
Whatever the case, you have come to the right place and are on the right track! I'm confident that you and Miranda will get all sorted out!Blessings on the journey, Glenn
Handmade Ceramic Gifts
Earthing Miranda
Hello Glen, gee, I don’t feel so alone. Sometime I’d like to hear more about your similar experience in different circumstances if that’s ok, it’s the horse bit that intrigues me. Pls don’t sweat the expert thingy your insightful interpretation is incredibly informative. Conjures up images of the Highlander.
[I have spoken with and listened to several healers and Jeanie is an amazing source of information on all things healing.]
Aha, do I understand correctly, that are you talking about Miranda here? If so, wow thanks and yes an amazing source of incredibly enlightened and caring individuals.
Well you’re all right, the stage is set and Miranda is the target for so many wonderful intentions (Tee Hee she won’t know what hit her) I can’t wait to see this adventure unfold. I must say she is a most deserving soul, heart of gold, and a dynamo in the boardroom. Thanks so much for all your encouragement. Seeing your replies, well it like opening Christmas pezzies, only these unique gifts last much longer.
Aaah I forgot about this bit, two years ago there was an electrical storm going on and a lightning bolt shot along the overhead telephone wires 10mtr from our house. It knocked the power out, house in darkness, Miranda swoons and does a tree point landing on the kitchen floor before I could catch her, she was dazed for 10 min after that. As for me I enjoy the exhilarating feeling and the smell of electrical storms, it was only Miranda and the fuse box that were knocked out. She is very EMF intolerant.
Grounding Miranda
Hi Nadine, [WOW! I can feel the shocks from here!!!] yep she’ll sure pulse yer petals, but in the nicest possible way. (Grace will see to that)
Yes me too, I also can’t wait to see what happens, and yes, that 5ft dynamo, she still jump starts my heart…and the car etc but I still love her anyway.
Thank you muchly.
Enerjette S.J.
[QUOTE=S.J;8732]Hey Joel! You made it here! WoohooAnd thank you for calling me an Enerjette. Boy, do I love that!! hehe.
Well...Hi there, there Enerjette S.J, I’m so glad you like that term (energetic usherette) I grant that title to you.It's so you. Thank you for guiding me here, I shall now take my seat and wait with great anticipation and profound appreciation...umm, where do I get the popcorn?
Great post Re: Theda, I had a quick squizz during intermission. WoWee, now that takes some digesting and an impressive body of text it is too…the sheer mass of it.(I'm a two finger typist, in awe)
Love, light & may the fluffy popcorn of joy fill your worldJoël
Get Ready, Joel!
Hi Joel!
WOW!!! Your Miranda is certainly a Firecracker!!!
I'm just popping in for a minute to tell you that Jamie and I are on the phone and we are making corrections on your Beauty right NOW!!! We are sending Light to her Spiritual and Emotional bodies at the moment and we will continue to do so. Grace had a very busy weekend and is off to the Land of Nod, but I will catch up with her in the morning and you can be sure that she will begin working on Miranda also!
Many Blessings to you both, Dear Joel!!!We are all so Happy and Grateful that you have posted here!
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Hi Joel,
Glad to see that you found your way here.I've added Miranda to our MasterMind Healing session this week. So she'll be hit with the lot!
Love, Light & Blessings,
Originally posted by Joel View Post
Well...Hi there, Enerjette S.J, I’m so glad you like that term (energetic usherette) I grant that title to you.It's so you. Thank you for guiding me here, I shall now take my seat and wait with great anticipation and profound appreciation...umm, where do I get the popcorn?
And you're welcome!!
I'm glad you made it I just know you'll love it here
Here you go!
Great post Re: Theda, I had a quick squizz during intermission. WoWee, now that takes some digesting and an impressive body of text it is too…the sheer mass of it.(I'm a two finger typist, in awe)
A few parts made my eyebrows raise lol
Have a great day!!!!
Looking forward to more healings with love
Pamela. Re:The firecracker that moves me.
Wow Pamela…ellova!I don’t know what to say… as the feelings are beyond mere words, profound love, gratitude, excitement etc yaddah yaddah, and soo much more. So Thank You! gives the general tone coupled by the sensation of something under my ribcage rising up as if to pop out of my mouth causes a melting feeling in my abdomen that makes me feel as if I will be transformed into a cosmic cheesy grin.. I now understand the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland, except my smile transcends the physical, it is warm, fresh, vibrant, pink… maybe I should stop now as I don’t want run out of words just yet.
Firecracker you say? Its always good to kindle the spark of synergistic partnerships romantic and many others on all frequencies, but this is AMAIZING !! (to the power of 1000000000000000000+)
Its becoming so obvious, is not worth mentioning, but Miranda’s cracking force field may be responsible for maintaining an equidistant spacing between us and out goals for the longest time, no matter what we do or how we do it the result remains frustratingly consistent, this then whips us both into a frothie which then maintains the status quo. It defies reason that we both have been beavering away for over six going on seven years perfecting, optimizing and promoting our humanitarian project against enormous odds with a very real and devastating array of dire consequences most of which have already kept us firmly focused on personal survival that rips us from our automatic desire to be creative for the purpose of achieving a sustainable solution to serve as an imperative foundation to support the utopia that is the haven for creativity that gives birth to so many aspects of the human potential both tangible and energetic that collectively impact on all the kingdoms of nature in a positive and uplifting way upon which basic life on this planet and other realms is wholly dependant for its very existence…..then there’s the seemingly micro aspect of what is known as civilized society in which we are significant contributors, in this micro cosmism which through numerous factors and historically corrupt intentions continually congeal into the stagnant gel that supports the insensitive and arrogant mindset that ridicules and relentlessly attempts to sterilize the human spirit to preclude thoughts and actions that will lead in any way shape manner or form a seemingly insignificant little project that affords an individual the independence needed to ease out of societies destructive and inherently corrupt principals that maintain the rat race (hamster wheel)of which we are all wired into to our own detriment.
As you can see, this is not the kind of info that governments and business can relate to in order to generate understanding that inspires help rather than hindrance. As a result of this and too many other violations of common sense we found ourselves compelled to seek independent and abundant financial power to instigate the implementation of a template that addresses the basic needs of all individuals by affording the willing a Lifestyle change that starts with uplifting the uninspired (Poverty) by occupying their consciousness with simple sustainable clean food production, during this process the interaction between man and earth and the infinite mechanics that drive the processes of nature will then have a secondary effect of emotional / energetic healing or therapy this then qualifies the person to understand their interconnectivity to all that surrounds them. In so doing they have access to clean food and eating methods that improve mental capacity to absorb more of the benefits of a healthy body that has ALL WAYS had the ability to fix its self, once they’ve tasted this simple freedom it then becomes a practice that will be addictive and wholly dependant on sound and honorable interactions with their environments an all its inhabitants (humans included).
Some aspects needed to afford this so called luxury are, food /water, housing, energy and social harmony that are not dependant in any way on corrupt intention. Organic food, efficient abodes, natural resources, Clean non harmful energy generation.
Once this is achieved amongst the few, this spark of intention spring up across the spectrum resulting in a multitude of sustainable eco havens spanning beyond the limits of mankind’s colonization. Connecting these dots with equally sound principals in harmonic synergy we would then have effectively reached our interim goal.
So yes, any assistance offered to assist Miranda to address this little energetic crosswire would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing this firecracker become a perpetual skyrocket….One heck of a light show coming up.
Thanks for the thoughts. As you know this is an automatic flow from within you, thanks for directing a teensy bit her way. The thought is humbles me and inspires the gratitude that fuels my actions.
Signing up for Project Oneworld enhances this passion, reading S.j’s Interview with Theda, sheds light from a different angle that affords me the understanding to I can be a stubborn cookie want to be. (and now I see why)
Again, THANK YOU...past, present and future.
Geez… sorry to bend you ear...all I meant to say is Thank You!Joël
Enerjette S.J. ...whatcanIsay?
Originally posted by S.J View PostThanks Joel! I love it so much I've added it to my signature!And you're welcome!!
I'm glad you made it I just know you'll love it here
Here you go!
Glad you enjoyed it I did too, I was sent it from someone else and half way through reading I had the urge to share it here. I agree with you, it must have taken a while to type it all out!!A few parts made my eyebrows raise lol
Have a great day!!!!
Looking forward to more healings with love
Sincerely Me!Joël
Sharyn in the magical land of Oz
Originally posted by Sharyn View PostHi Joel,
Glad to see that you found your way here.I've added Miranda to our MasterMind Healing session this week. So she'll be hit with the lot!
Love, Light & Blessings,
SharynVibes of gratitude abound.
I now have cramp in my dimples. All good! Let er ave it
Thank you sincerely. Me (place flower smily here)
Gotta fly now, editing video evidence of miracles...don't askits all good.
I just love your posts Joel!!You have such great energy!
Now I know who the post was for I feel better because it wasn't the sort of post I would normally make
I totally get your cheshire cat syndrome too!I get it too every time I visit here & every time I think of the members
Here's to cheshire cat smilesand dolphin grins! (from the ME thread lol)