Originally posted by Grace
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Thank you Grace and Maggie!!!! Maggie I love your poem! I think I will have to figure out a way to post it here in my room so I can read it everyday! How awesome is that! As I was reading it, the thought entered my head that I need to start writing again... I use to write really cool short stories as gifts to people I knew... Hmmmm... I guess I will have to start doing that again...
Grace thank you so much for being such an encourager to me! Well all of you have been huge encouragements to me! I tell you though when I got the visual of God being inbetween the physical matter in ME... I have to tell you it was soooo powerful! What an eye opener! I am such a visual person, that until an idea turns into a picture it can not sink in! For me, even doing Math problems... I transfer the problem into a visual and then solve it and transfer it back!

zartgirl Sallyjane