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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Grace
    For Raindancer!

    Originally posted by Raindancer View Post
    I have had tremendous interest in CEM through the work that I've seen Grace do here and I have had a desire to similarly serve humankind and All that Is through the practice. I have taken Matrix level one and two and will be taking level three this weekend which I am most excited about! Last week, on the Matrix forum, someone posted about a modality that is taught by a certified Yuen master teacher that is a Yuen method based home study course. This method is called Into this Moment and is by Barbara Robins. I purchased her home study course the other day and have been just thrilled with it! I have so appreciated learning about and experiencing the benefits that Grace has shared here and it is a delight to have such easy access to learn the modality for myself in an inexpensive and convenient manner. I had been planning on travelling to do the workshops with Dr. Yuen and am feeling super abundant to have this home study course instead! It's neat too that there are testimonials of certified Yuen practitioners on her site commending her course. If you're interested you can check out the site:

    Into This Moment: Yuen Method Based Home Study, Sessions

    Love, Light and Gratitude,
    Hi Raindancer!

    What an abundant find!!! This is Absolutely Fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing this Link! Now so many more can learn Chinese Energetic Medicine! Together with the Paths Energetic Practitioner's Module
    that I helped Paths develop for the CEM portion, you will be moving at lightening speed like Yuen or Better!!

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  • Raindancer
    I have had tremendous interest in CEM through the work that I've seen Grace do here and I have had a desire to similarly serve humankind and All that Is through the practice. I have taken Matrix level one and two and will be taking level three this weekend which I am most excited about! Last week, on the Matrix forum, someone posted about a modality that is taught by a certified Yuen master teacher that is a Yuen method based home study course. This method is called Into this Moment and is by Barbara Robins. I purchased her home study course the other day and have been just thrilled with it! I have so appreciated learning about and experiencing the benefits that Grace has shared here and it is a delight to have such easy access to learn the modality for myself in an inexpensive and convenient manner. I had been planning on travelling to do the workshops with Dr. Yuen and am feeling super abundant to have this home study course instead! It's neat too that there are testimonials of certified Yuen practitioners on her site commending her course. If you're interested you can check out the site:

    Into This Moment: Yuen Method Based Home Study, Sessions

    Love, Light and Gratitude,

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  • Grace
    For ChristineG!

    Originally posted by Christine G. View Post
    I'm doing better thanks Grace!!! Staying happy and feeling good

    Hi Christine!

    I have been checking in on you daily! Thank you so much for posting, I love getting confirmation of what I have already muscle tested. It brings a Hugh smile to my face!

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  • Grace
    For Ayurved!

    Originally posted by Ayurved View Post
    Grace good luck with your super bowl project and many blessings!

    I'm asking for all and any good energies for my daughter....she is sick again, or not getting better with her tummy troubles. I have been giving her gobs of treatments, prayers ect. Blood tests and xrays show nothing amiss.

    Grace, you had mentioned before that her problem was related to stress from kids at school, and that is exactly right. I had her jyotish chart done and although she is a capricorn....she has 4 major things incl rising in Pisces, so is very sensitive (knew that!) and it goes straight to her gut.

    She's getting marma treatments, warm herbalized oil massage, special creams on tummy and liver, medicine in her water, facial and head marma massage, essentail oils, really nice food. I get her feeling good and then get a call from her dad she's sick again.

    I would love to hear if you pick up on anything.....we talk a lot about not taking things in when they're negative, positive thinking, she knows meditation. (she just turned 12). I also know its connected to her hormones.

    Thanks so much!!!
    I'm used to seeing her so energetic and happy....its got me so worried!!!

    Hi Ayurved!

    I am working on your daughter's Emotional Body, Mental, and Spiritual bodies. Her Physical Body tests strong which is good. I will do more corrections on her not "picking up on other people's energies that don't serve her". It is not as bad as it seems, even though I know you are worried. I will make corrections for you too, worrying does not serve you or your daughter. Seeing her perfectly healthy in your minds eye, is what you need to focus on. "Fake it till you make it" as they say! The dis-ease is truly the Illusion here. Thank you for posting!

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  • Grace
    For Sunshine!

    Originally posted by Sunshine View Post
    Hi Grace

    I have a couple of questions. I hope that is ok?

    With muscle testing - why would someone struggle with it? I have tried a few different methods now and sometimes feel I get an answer with it but then I can ask a question I know the answer to like my own name and then use a name that's not mine and I'll get a yes for both! Or I won't get any answer at all. And I make sure I'm hydrated when I do it. I would really like to be able to do it for myself but at the moment it's just not working for me and I don't know why. Also, if someone else tests for you - say on which modules would be best for you at this moment - if you still couldn't feel drawn to something, why would that be? I really want to be able to muscle test for myself and get clear answers and be able to trust myself. I'm just wondering if it's possible that if you were told that you couldn't do this by someone that that could affect you subconsciously, even though consciously you dismiss this belief? And if so, how do you flip the switch?

    With CEM, I know that you do corrections for everyone who posts on here and who asks. Reading back through posts it seems that some issues respond quickly, whilst some take longer. So if you were doing corrections for someone who had lots of layers to deal with and whatever it was was taking longer to clear then do you just continue making corrections until they post that it's gone and until then you just sort of automatically adjust the corrections or would someone need to keep posting? It's knowing what is the right thing to do. Knowing that corrections are ongoing so there is no need to post or posting say once a week to say that corrections are still needed because you would need the feedback. Hope that makes sense. And also, I had another little wonder (sorry, my brain's been doing overtime!!! ) As things come up - say unwanted feelings, things that you know are coming up to be addressed, what is the best way to deal with them? Is it enough to send love to them as they come up or is there anything else that can be done? I seem to be getting quite a few "themes" coming up at the moment that I recognise . Even as I write this things pop out at me and I think "ooh, that needs healing". Old experiences and feelings and beliefs that I don't want any more. I'd love to be able to do CEM on myself as they arise but as I don't know how, is love enough?

    Hope you don't mind the questions. Only I want to be able to do as much as possible for myself. I really don't like asking for help or bothering people. Which is interesting because I love to help others and don't think they're being a pain so why do I give myself a different rule? And I'm understanding more and more how we are all connected and so whatever I give and receive in my life is given and received for others.

    Thank you

    Hi Sunshine!

    Great Questions! Muscle Testing and making Chinese Energetic Corrections, is exactly like learning a musical instrument, at first you perceive a struggle, but the more you practice the more you effortlessly play, and you don't think! You play! Thinking will get you out of neutrality and out of polarity. Being out of polarity and Neutrality will give you all sorts of crazy responses, until you practice yourself right out of this "noise" of the ego/mind.

    Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
    Vince Lombardi

    Perfect practice is trusting in who you truly are, ( you are the light and the feeling of Light is Love), following your joy with gratitude , and having faith in what tests strong, which is the Truth and the Light. The ego/mind and it's insane thoughts of separation is what causes you to NOT connect or attract with what tests strong for you and therefore what would bring you immense Peace and Joy. Muscle testing by-passes the ego/mind and gives you the truth. What tests strong is the Truth, because what tests weak is illusion, it does not exist. It causes pain and suffering because you believe in the separation from Infinite Potential, From God.

    It may seem that Logically and even intuitively you do not feel a connection with what has been muscle tested for you, and believe me I have felt this too. I have many times gone against what muscle tested strong for me, and I ALWAYS find out later (even if it takes a year) why it tested weak, and how I could have saved myself much error. Yet, it is also a great learning experience and has brought me Great Faith in Muscle Testing. A great book for you to read is Power vs Force by David Hawkins. If you have already read this, then go onto his other books. Incredible information!

    " I'm just wondering if it's possible that if you were told that you couldn't do this by someone that that could affect you subconsciously, even though consciously you dismiss this belief? And if so, how do you flip the switch?"

    This is simple, you muscle test what you are consciously thinking, and find out if it is weak or strong in you. For example, I muscle tested the question "I am just as good or better at making Chinese Energetic Medicine Corrections as Dr. Kam Yuen (my teacher) I then made corrections every time this statement came up weak. No matter how long it takes, keep making corrections until you get strength. This is how you "flip the switch".

    Fear is the only reason why others take a long time to see results and many heal instantly. It is insane yes, but I come across this more often than I would like, some people are so afraid of their own mangificense that they do not allow their awareness to believe in their immense power. They can't believe in their complete conncection and unity with God.They are fearful of being Happy, Grateful, Whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving and Harmonious all at once! This is why in my very first post on this thread, I quoted Marianne Williamson!

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." by Maryanne Williamson, Quoted by Nelson Mandela

    Posting when you desire is all you need do. Post as often as you like, when you like. It assists so many others reading this thread, As of today, we have over 55000 views on this Chinese Energetic Medicine Thread, you posting helps those that resonate with you, and will then naturally pick up on those corrections for similar issues. I continue making corrections no matter how long it takes me until I get strength on the individual, but I also make group corrections for the whole. Group corrections are those issues that are prevelent in the collective consciousness of the group. This is very Powerful, as there is truly only One Mind. Remember Time is an Illusion. You are perfectly at Peace and Whole right now. Layers of Fear are the only thing that keeps you from the Truth. Chinese Energetic Medicine Corrections are like "flipping the switch on" to what is the Truth, and "flipping the switch off" to what is illusion. If you fear success, I will make a correction to turn that issue off. If you love success I will make corrections (bring in more light) to make this stronger and keep this switch turned on!

    You and I are ONE, we have access to the ONE power. I am only showing you that If I can do this for the ONE, you can too. Sending Love and Light, is a beautiful way to remove layers of Fear. The trick is to remember to practice ALL THE TIME, whichever way you choose to BRING FORTH THE LIGHT, which is Love. So many miracles happen daily your Faith becomes immense. Then the real fun begins! Money is energy, all in this projected reality is energy. The energy of Love, is the projection of the Light. The only reason why most can't see or feel the energy as Love is because they are fully invested in believing in Separation. Simply remember who you are, and practice practice practice in every moment. It gets better and better, more and more effortless with each practice.

    ""A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Lao Tzu

    Thank you Sunshine for your great questions!

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  • Christine G.

    I'm doing better thanks Grace!!! Staying happy and feeling good

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  • Raindancer
    Thanks, Doug!

    I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well with the two! I have ordered it and I look forward to its arrival.

    I hope that it helps my cat as his body looks like a huge pufer fish due to all the toumers...

    The good news is that last weekend he was at deaths door and my husband wanted to euthanize him and I said no as I knew the MMS would be coming soon...Monday it arrived and I got him started and all he did was sleep on the couch and wasn't eating hardly at all. Friday, I came home and he was at the door to greet me when I walked in, followed me around the house and used his scratch pad and ate a good was all very encouraging...he also did great on Saturday and then seemed to take a bit of a nose dive yesterday but is doing better again today...

    It's interesting as I was just looking back over this thread and I noticed that my email to Grace had been on Thursday and on Friday McGee was suddenly doing much better...coincidence? I think not!

    Love, Light and Gratitude,

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  • Doug
    D-Tox & MMS results

    Originally posted by Raindancer View Post
    Hi Grace,

    I've been giving Abbie and McGee the MMS that Sharyn talked about on the forum for about four days. Right now I'm muscle testing that if I don't give Abbie the MMS that she will need to be put down in three weeks and if I don't do it for McGee, he will need to be put down in two weeks. I've been giving Abbie the MMS with one raw egg and water and this tests ok . I am getting that giving the MMS by syringe for Abbie would not be a good idea. I was concerned about the die off with her bad liver and I have gotten that she will be ok with that. Any corrections you could make on this, I would deeply appreciate and will you please check my muscle testing for Abbie and McGee on this and let me know if it comes up the same for you. Thanks so very, very much!

    Love, Light and Gratitude,
    Hello Raindancer,
    Great News on MMS and I'm also taking the D-Tox that the sells as well. It's from another company: and after watching the 1 hr video, I had to order it for sure. They talk about the different pets people have, even some older ones are recovering quickly.

    The D-Tox is a natural version made from a yucca plant extract. Pets would only need a drop in their water. Adults take 5 - 8 drops twice a day in a glass of water. I'm glad it's been an easy journey w/o problems - pretty good actually. The cost is very low and for a pet, it would last a long time.
    After a month of using both MMS and the D-Tox, I'm noticing more energy and that's with cycling everywhere I need to go and working 30 - 50 hrs overtime in a two week period. Speaking of muscle testing, what's surprising lately is that I'm noticing my body feeling stronger and it feels like I'm lifting weights again. Even stomach muscles are in better shape w/o crunches! That's pretty wild. And how about those STEELERS!!

    I wish you the best,

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  • Ayurved
    good energy for daughter

    Grace good luck with your super bowl project and many blessings!

    I'm asking for all and any good energies for my daughter....she is sick again, or not getting better with her tummy troubles. I have been giving her gobs of treatments, prayers ect. Blood tests and xrays show nothing amiss.

    Grace, you had mentioned before that her problem was related to stress from kids at school, and that is exactly right. I had her jyotish chart done and although she is a capricorn....she has 4 major things incl rising in Pisces, so is very sensitive (knew that!) and it goes straight to her gut.

    She's getting marma treatments, warm herbalized oil massage, special creams on tummy and liver, medicine in her water, facial and head marma massage, essentail oils, really nice food. I get her feeling good and then get a call from her dad she's sick again.

    I would love to hear if you pick up on anything.....we talk a lot about not taking things in when they're negative, positive thinking, she knows meditation. (she just turned 12). I also know its connected to her hormones.

    Thanks so much!!!
    I'm used to seeing her so energetic and happy....its got me so worried!!!


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  • Raindancer
    Hi Grace,

    I know that you are very busy with the Super Bowl and everything else...if you have a moment I'd appreciate it very much! I have two very sick animals. I have a cat, McGee, who has cancer and is eating very little and is very swollen due to tumors. I also have a lab, Abbie, who had a biopsy today on a tumor in her mouth and they say that her liver is very bad off. I've been giving Abbie and McGee the MMS that Sharyn talked about on the forum for about four days. Right now I'm muscle testing that if I don't give Abbie the MMS that she will need to be put down in three weeks and if I don't do it for McGee, he will need to be put down in two weeks. I've been giving Abbie the MMS with one raw egg and water and this tests ok to do. I've been putting it in milk for McGee which he will drink some of but certainly not 2/3 a cup...closer to an 1/8 a cup right now which is not testing strong enough to help him out. I'm testing that I need to get something to spray it into his mouth; like a syringe. I am getting that giving the MMS by syringe for Abbie would not be a good idea. I was concerned about the die off with her bad liver and I have gotten that she will be ok with that. Any corrections you could make on this, I would deeply appreciate and will you please check my muscle testing for Abbie and McGee on this and let me know if it comes up the same for you. Thanks so very, very much!

    Love, LIght and Gratitude,

    The MMS tests strong for you to use, on yourself and Abbie and McGee! I get strength with everything you say, except with "spraying something in mouth"etc. perhaps the wording is off. Yes, I test strenght with the "die off" too, she will be ok.

    Love you much!

    Thanks so much, Grace!!!

    Love, LIght and Gratitude,
    Last edited by Raindancer; 01-30-2009, 05:24 AM.

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  • Grace
    For SallyJane!

    Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
    As you all know I am manifesting a move to Calif... Well I got a call out of the blue and it was a person I use to work with when I was selling insurance... She called me because she is working for an awesome company now (she left the other company for the same reasons I did), and wants me to interview with them! Exciting thing is this is a nation wide company and I could transfer to Calif with in the company. Having a job makes it easier to get a place to live down there, and it is hard to get a place to live down there with out a job.... Interesting manifestation... A job, and a transfer to where I want to be!! Oh and they supply me with a new laptop to work on! I can totally work from home or the office! The hours I want to work! LOVE IT!

    Damb I am Goood!! I just amaze myself at me!

    Blessings Sallyjane

    PS Christine still sending you love and peace! Sallyjane
    Hi Sallyjane!

    I wanted to quickly mention, that I have skyped sunshine and Christine G. already, but for all of you, I will post next week, answers to Sunshine's fabulous questions!! I am very much looking forward to it, as the questions are perfect!

    Christine, you test strong again to me at an 8. So I will continue staying in tune! Please keep us posted.

    I will post next week, as I am working the Superbowl! To learn more look to my facebook profile page, and then to "be my fan" page. The Superbowl is consuming my time, but will be all over by tuesday. It is extremely exciting and I look forward to sharing with all of you this experience.

    Back to Sallyjane! You are truly my greatest inspiration!! I adore you, and will tell you now, that you haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg!! YOU are tapping into your potential, but have not fully opened the door, just wait Sallyjane, just wait!! I am more excited for you, than you can ever imagine!!

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  • Sunshine
    Oh Sallyjane!

    I couldn't stop smiling when I read this! I am just going to picture you in sunny California doing exactly what you want.

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  • Christine G.

    Thank you so much!!!! I really appreciate it! You have helped me tremendously

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  • Raindancer
    Fantastic, Sallyjane!!!

    Love, Light and Gratitude,

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  • zartgirl

    As you all know I am manifesting a move to Calif... Well I got a call out of the blue and it was a person I use to work with when I was selling insurance... She called me because she is working for an awesome company now (she left the other company for the same reasons I did), and wants me to interview with them! Exciting thing is this is a nation wide company and I could transfer to Calif with in the company. Having a job makes it easier to get a place to live down there, and it is hard to get a place to live down there with out a job.... Interesting manifestation... A job, and a transfer to where I want to be!! Oh and they supply me with a new laptop to work on! I can totally work from home or the office! The hours I want to work! LOVE IT!

    Damb I am Goood!! I just amaze myself at me!

    Blessings Sallyjane

    PS Christine still sending you love and peace! Sallyjane

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