Originally posted by belle99
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It's good to see you on this thread again!

Spend all your time now thinking and feeling gratitude for the true fact that YOU, right now, wholeheartedly, with complete Faith in yourself, APPROVE of yourself. When you look in the mirror, when you drive your car, when you clean your home, think and feel grateful for how loving you are to yourself because you are always approving of everything you are, and do.
Forgive the delay in my reply to you Belle. I read your post the day you posted, and have already made the necessary CEM corrections . I have been on a whirlwind of exciting activities including opening my own Karate School!

I want to remind everyone reading this thread, that I make Group Chinese Energetic Medicine Corrections every morning and every evening every day since I began this thread back in 2007 for anyone who is reading or who has posted on this CEM thread. I love all of you very much, and the love I feel has expanded more than I can put into words.

Without all of you, I would have not been the happy woman I am today. You have all been my reflection. I have counseled many Healers who have come to me when they feel unhealthy, and I gently remind them that the only person they need to "work" on is themselves. Dr. Yuen taught me back in 2001 that there is nothing to heal, only to see the truth. "You are perfect and whole. Just make corrections to remove any "weakness" that keeps you from seeing truth."
Anytime someone came to me for CEM corrections, I took that as a reflection of me. I would immediately begin making CEM corrections for myself FIRST, then I would make CEM corrections for them. I can not give what I don't have. Once I was clear and muscle tested strong for the issues I was resonating with, and why I attracted someone who wanted CEM corrections, only then would I work on that individual. This is how anyone using any kind of Healing modality needs to be.
I can't tell you how many healers came to me sick, because they were trying to heal something outside of themselves. I have not been ill, sick, or hurt since I began doing CEM corrections. I know that I am only working on myself. The fact that many believe I am performing miracles is because they perceive separation. I understand fully that we are ONE and so my Faith in perfect health is strong.
I am not here to save the world, I am only here to experience Truth. The truth is simply, We are One with God. With this one simple understanding, one realizes Truth, infinite potential is within you and all around you. YOU are also infinite potential which is the space in-between Energy. Energy is Love. You are experiencing Energy. You are experiencing Love and nothing else.
When you look out into your outer world, Love it! Love all your creations, and manifestations, and then ask, what is the highest and finest thought and feeling I can create in this moment? The answer will always be the same if you understand Truth, the answer is Love and Gratitude.

Another gentle reminder - please buy and view often the movie "The Black Whole" by physicist Nassim Haramein.

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