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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • zartgirl
    oh one more correction

    for some reason I hsave been cutting my fingers and burning them on the oven... it just dawned on me this is a manifeatation of mine... can you cvorrect what is causing this for me? Please and thank you!


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  • zartgirl
    Corrections please...

    Grace could you please do some corrections on me... I am having trouble picking up the phone and making the phone calls that I need to make. There seems to be some kind of old issue raising its head, and I need to correct it. I am also spending this morning making corrections and sending myself love on this issue.

    Thank you soooo much!

    Ps Sunshine I am sooo glad that you do come to ask for help, and just know as you travel farther down this road you will get stronger and stronger and those thoughts of gratitude will come easier and easier! Blessings my friend!

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  • zartgirl
    Awesome Manifestation

    OMG!!!!! OMG!!!!! This is the biggest manifestation yet! I manifested it yesterday

    My life back! My ex had controlled me for so many years, and I was having a hard time shaking that feeling of his control over me... He has been bugging me for a date to move to calif. on, and I don't know one... I am leaving it up to the Universe.

    Finally I told him that I really did not feel that it would be safe for me to plan a move and a date until he is living in Calif., and I know he can not pull any shanigans like he did last year when my truck was almost loaded and he served me with papers filled with lies! So I feel I need for him to move there on faith that I will decide to come too!

    OMG! that scared the crap out of him, and he was telling me how he has resigned from the City and and... I said that is what you want me to believe, but... There is all this history... I was totally calm, and at peace the whole time as I reclaimed back my power from him. It was funny I did not even really know where the words were coming from!!! What an awesome manifestation!

    Afterwards, this rush of JOY came over me as I realized that he holds nothing over me anymore! I really have no fear of him pulling shanigans on me, because I know I am writing the script, but I needed him to know that he has no control over me and I am my own person. Most importantly I needed me to know that he holds nothing over me... It also shut him up about the moving date! I could just hear him calling his girlfriend and saying... "She wants me to move on faith that she will follow and give up all my rights to residency in Oregon and Washington!!! Then she will start looking at a date to move... What am I going to do???" Girlfriend saying you had better be really nice to her and not make her mad, because you have no recourse you can not force her to move.

    Anyways it felt so good to finally feel free from his control.

    Blessings Sallyjane

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  • heat_georgia
    hi glen.

    Originally posted by Glenn View Post

    Hang in there (you too Sunshine) it's just negative self talk getting in the way - you are both on the brink of breaking through! Be patient and stay on course. Every time you have a negative thought, acknowledge it (don't get angry about it, stay neutral) and then make a conscious choice to feel the opposite, or to think about something that brings you joy and happiness. After a while this will become a habit and it will be easy to do. The Successful Living module series is good for negative self talk and getting 'back on track.'

    Something else you should try to do - and this is important - cut out all things negative in your life. Avoid negative people (those who are always complaining and whining and seeing the bad in all things). They are dream stealers - stay away! Also, don't watch the news or read the newspapers (at least until you are consistantly feeling good). The news is depressing and you can't change any of those things anyway so why let it get into your reality and get you down? The Universe will make you aware of the things that are important to you in that respect.

    Be selfish in a good way. Allow yourself to indulge in those things that make you feel joyful and happy (and without regret). Good selfishness makes you and others feel good, bad selfishness hurts others (and sometimes you in the process).

    Spend your time reading, walking, writing, watching fun movies or shows and doing things that uplift and enlighten you.

    Re Depression: have you tried the Peace and Happiness module - I have seen it work wonders on my mom and a couple of others I personally know.

    Its all just a process we are ALL going through - some are further along than others, but it is essentially the same journey (pilgrimage?). Sometimes it isn't easy but you have within you the ability to overcome and conquer anything.

    Feeling good, secure, happy, productive, etc. is a choice. If something doesn't work out for you today or tomorrow, it just means it wasn't meant to be and something even better will come along your way. All things happen for a reason. Just believe.
    Thank you! Its funny cause it just comes in minute i feel grateful, blissed out, and positive, and the next i'm filled with fear, anxiety, and absolute lonliness. when i'm feeling anxious or down it can be hard to feel anything else....its at such a gut, deep level. its like i have to really feel it and move through it i guess. however, it would be nice to just bypass it with more positive thoughts.
    like abraham just have to aim to feel a little bit better.


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  • Sunshine
    Hi Sallyjane

    thank you for your post and for sending me love. I really appreciate it. I know what you say is important and I am working on sending myself love and with gratitude. Neither are coming easily to me but I am definitely working on them. I posted for a correction because I didn't want my old programming to work against me and knew I wasn't going to completely erase it by Thursday. I know I have a lot of work to do in this area . I'm just glad that I'm now able to recognise that these things are coming up to be worked on and healed and not just go into a deep depression and feel overwhelmed. I'm sort of experiencing it and also looking at it from outside and sort of observing what's going on. And it's a big step for me to admit to it and ask for help. So maybe I'm making progress!

    And I have followed your posts and all the others and I think that you are AMAZING! You are a real inspiration and I love reading everything you write and am so so happy that things are progressing for you and am rooting for you to get where you want to be and I think the way you deal with things is just briliant.

    And Glenn
    Thank you for what you said to me and Heather. It made a lot of sense and really helped. I really appreciate it.

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  • zartgirl
    Kim J

    Originally posted by KimJ View Post
    Thank you, Sallyjane. I will try to put your advice to practice... I hadn't thought of the part about being thankful for the guidance or Paths. Great idea!

    As for the business part, yes, I've read that part in the book about the button, and I'm just not sure how to throw my business in the corner. LOL Right now I've been doing Klaus' meditations, Ten Minutes to RAdiance, Allowing and Receiving, and Opening the Flow to Love, which seem to help me focus better. Yesterday, while my store wasn't hugely busy for a Saturday, the atmosphere with my staff was just amazing!

    Thank you, Sallyjane, as always, for your thoughts!

    Your welcome... I will send some love your way and too your business! Just remember "Can it get any better than this?" It will!

    HUGS Sallyjane

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  • zartgirl

    Originally posted by Sunshine View Post
    Hi Grace

    I'm wondering if you could do a correction for me please? I've been without work and income for quite a while now which is pretty worrying and got yet another rejection this morning. Anyway, I've got an interview for this Thursday and when I've been questioning myself I come up with "nobody wants me" and "No matter how good I am it's just not good enough". I know that what we think is what we get and have been working on changing this but deep down those thoughts still persist so any assistance you can give me would be really appreciated. I know there's a lot of other stuff mixed in surrounding this whole getting a job thing but I'm doing the best I can with everything right now and if you could just add a little assistance to help things along that would be really good. Thank you.
    My suggestion to you is to keep growing that love center and send as much love as you can possibly think of to whom ever you can think of, because LOVE will do so much for your self esteem! As you learn to love yourself, then those thoughts of nobody wants me will go away!

    I don't know if you have read from the begining of this thread to now, but it is a very healing experience for starters, but then eventually you will get to where I came here, and my whole story will lay itself out for you. I think it would be very very good for you to see where I came from to where I am now!

    Sometimes I get frustrated cause I am not where I want to be yet, but then I have to slow down and think... "WOW! I am no longer living in a shelter with my two kids, I have a wonderful home with wonderful neighbors, who have quiet dogs . Can my life get any better than this? The other day I informed the Universe in a very nice way that although I appreciate the parking spots I have been getting in the far corner of the parking lot that is already three blocks from work... That I would just love it if there would be a front parking spot when I come to work, so that I won't have to walk through the dark parking lot at night by myself. Today, I came in and there right in front was the most awesome parking spot for me! I was like thank you thank you thank you thank you! Can this get any better, and then you make it even better!!!!!

    Really and truly I am finding the question "Can this get any better?" extremely powerful!!! First it shows extreme gratitude for what you have right now, and second it invites the Universe to make it better! Everytime I ask that question I can tell the Universe gets like a big smile and goes to work to show me that God/Universe can make it even better! When you are feeling completely unwanted and negative... I challenge you to start asking that question. Can it get any better? No matter how bad it may seem can it get any better? Gratitude is how I got out of the shelter, and how I got a job, and a house...

    I will send you lots of Love... Sallyjane

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  • Glenn

    We just watched a video last night where she was talking to woman in a crowd who had just accepted her first job out of college to go to Wall Street, NY. She was really apprehensive about the whole economy thing. AH told her it didn't matter what anyone else thought - even it was millions of people. It only mattered that she was in vibrational harmony with what she wanted and felt good about it. In that way she would acheive her goals and accomplish whatever it was she wanted to, regardless of what was happening around her.

    It is always easy to get sucked into other people's 'realities' - the lesson is that we are strong enough to not let it happen, with our feelings, that is. The vid is worth watching to see how AH helped her turn her feelings from negative to positive.

    Last edited by Glenn; 11-17-2008, 10:15 PM.

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  • Christine G.

    Thank you!!! Thank you so much for that! I needed it, I'm so grateful that you responded what you felt about what I wrote I believe you answered my question!

    Man, I need to go on that Abraham-Hicks website!! I've read Ask and It is Given, but need to read more or watch more videos with their teachings. I've been getting synchronicities to learn more about it. Your post was the first one and then I got another message about it right after I read yours.

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  • Glenn
    Heather and Sunshine

    Originally posted by heat_georgia View Post
    thank you for all your great work!!!!

    I've been thinking about my modules...wondering if there are some better ones for me at this time.... for the things that i have been feeling, and going through.

    Some issues/concerns are:
    general fear
    fear of lonliness
    anxiety about the future
    lack of action
    not able to see career path direction
    anger about feeling that nothing can be secure.

    to be more creative
    more active
    more forgiving of myself and others
    more decisive
    share love more
    laugh more
    to be more confident
    experience more synchronisities

    anyway... just wondering if you have any thoughts.
    i have almost considered taking medication, for depression or anxiety, but i just dont think i wanna go that route.
    thank you so much for everything!



    Hang in there (you too Sunshine) it's just negative self talk getting in the way - you are both on the brink of breaking through! Be patient and stay on course. Every time you have a negative thought, acknowledge it (don't get angry about it, stay neutral) and then make a conscious choice to feel the opposite, or to think about something that brings you joy and happiness. After a while this will become a habit and it will be easy to do. The Successful Living module series is good for negative self talk and getting 'back on track.'

    Something else you should try to do - and this is important - cut out all things negative in your life. Avoid negative people (those who are always complaining and whining and seeing the bad in all things). They are dream stealers - stay away! Also, don't watch the news or read the newspapers (at least until you are consistantly feeling good). The news is depressing and you can't change any of those things anyway so why let it get into your reality and get you down? The Universe will make you aware of the things that are important to you in that respect.

    Be selfish in a good way. Allow yourself to indulge in those things that make you feel joyful and happy (and without regret). Good selfishness makes you and others feel good, bad selfishness hurts others (and sometimes you in the process).

    Spend your time reading, walking, writing, watching fun movies or shows and doing things that uplift and enlighten you.

    Re Depression: have you tried the Peace and Happiness module - I have seen it work wonders on my mom and a couple of others I personally know.

    Its all just a process we are ALL going through - some are further along than others, but it is essentially the same journey (pilgrimage?). Sometimes it isn't easy but you have within you the ability to overcome and conquer anything.

    Feeling good, secure, happy, productive, etc. is a choice. If something doesn't work out for you today or tomorrow, it just means it wasn't meant to be and something even better will come along your way. All things happen for a reason. Just believe.

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  • heat_georgia
    hi grace.

    thank you for all your great work!!!!

    I've been thinking about my modules...wondering if there are some better ones for me at this time.... for the things that i have been feeling, and going through.

    Some issues/concerns are:
    general fear
    fear of lonliness
    anxiety about the future
    lack of action
    not able to see career path direction
    anger about feeling that nothing can be secure.

    to be more creative
    more active
    more forgiving of myself and others
    more decisive
    share love more
    laugh more
    to be more confident
    experience more synchronisities

    anyway... just wondering if you have any thoughts.
    i have almost considered taking medication, for depression or anxiety, but i just dont think i wanna go that route.
    thank you so much for everything!


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  • Sunshine
    Hi Grace

    I'm wondering if you could do a correction for me please? I've been without work and income for quite a while now which is pretty worrying and got yet another rejection this morning. Anyway, I've got an interview for this Thursday and when I've been questioning myself I come up with "nobody wants me" and "No matter how good I am it's just not good enough". I know that what we think is what we get and have been working on changing this but deep down those thoughts still persist so any assistance you can give me would be really appreciated. I know there's a lot of other stuff mixed in surrounding this whole getting a job thing but I'm doing the best I can with everything right now and if you could just add a little assistance to help things along that would be really good. Thank you.

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  • Glenn
    May I make an observation?

    Originally posted by Christine G. View Post
    First I want to thank you for recommending I go on the Sports Module. I haven't had any problems with my throat for almost a month since I've been on it. Don't know if you remember that post but thank you soo much!!

    I was doing good with controlling my thoughts and feeling good until recently. I think it might be a fear of success again that you mentioned before. Negative thougts are coming up again for me, so that's why I'm on Advanced Lessons in Perception to learn to control my thoughts and energy.

    Can you test and see if I should switch my mind set for money module for something else? I've been on Mind Set for Money for 4 months now. I'm debating with a few of them. Either 3M, Increase Business Productivity, Increase Intuition & Insight, Lucid Dreaming or Unconditional Love.

    I've read the Klaus Love books and I thought maybe right now the Unconditional Love module would be good so I can strengthen filling myself with love and sending it too. I'm just not too sure at the moment. Can you pls. help me with that Grace? I appreciate you!!! Have a wonderful day!!

    Hi Christine,

    First - Congrats on your throat issue! I did not read your original post, but I am always thrilled when people get positive results!

    Second, I am learning (re-learning and reinforcing is probably more accurate) several lessons of my own, which I think most of us are enjoying the same rollercoaster ride...

    One. Trusting my intuition and instinct. I find it usually right, when I listen. Oftentimes I hear it, acknowledge it, then for whatever reason I dismiss it or forget it. I am really working on recognizing those feelings associated with my positive intuitions and holding on to them.

    While reading your post, Christine, I had the feeling that you had answered your own question about switching to Unconditional Love. You FEEL it, you KNOW it, now you have to TRUST it. It all goes back to having faith in ourselves. Just my opinion, of course - slap me back into place if I am outta' line. We are all amazingly powerful entities. However, it is always awesome to get validation on our feelings by someone like Grace!

    The other lesson I am recently having being reinforced upon me is: Let go. Let the Universe take care of it. Stop worrying about what others are doing and why (even it is directed at me). I can choose to not let the actions, or the reprecussions of those actions, be a part of my reality. This goes back to feeling gratitude, love, joy and happiness.

    I'm going to post more about letting go in another thread so as to keep the focus directed where it should be in this one - but I have had some really interesting and synchronistic events over the past couple of weeks that proves everything that is being discussed on this forum, by Abrahaim-Hicks and everyone else - and it is a great feeling!

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  • Christine G.
    Hello Sweet Grace!!

    First I want to thank you for recommending I go on the Sports Module. I haven't had any problems with my throat for almost a month since I've been on it. Don't know if you remember that post but thank you soo much!!

    I was doing good with controlling my thoughts and feeling good until recently. I think it might be a fear of success again that you mentioned before. Negative thougts are coming up again for me, so that's why I'm on Advanced Lessons in Perception to learn to control my thoughts and energy.

    Can you test and see if I should switch my mind set for money module for something else? I've been on Mind Set for Money for 4 months now. I'm debating with a few of them. Either 3M, Increase Business Productivity, Increase Intuition & Insight, Lucid Dreaming or Unconditional Love.

    I've read the Klaus Love books and I thought maybe right now the Unconditional Love module would be good so I can strengthen filling myself with love and sending it too. I'm just not too sure at the moment. Can you pls. help me with that Grace? I appreciate you!!! Have a wonderful day!!

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  • KimJ
    Another story from me.

    I was just reading the discussion about doctors and mistakes on the other thread and also thinking about Sallyjane's story about the washout on the road, and it made me realize a moment I've had where clearly I've been given guidance.

    I was 12, about to undergo major surgery on my right ear. I had a tumor that completely encased my eardrum and that was being removed, including the eardrum, so I would not be able to hear out of that side after the operation. I was in the operating room being prepped, the anesthesia had been given, and I was apparently "out". I overheard the nurses talking about which ear to prep and I heard them talk about the left ear. I remember telling them it was not the left ear but the right! They checked the chart, say but it says the the left. I insist it's the right, and so they go get my mom. I don't remember anything else but she apparently tells them to listen to whatever I have to say as obviously I would know. Thankfully, I wake up and they've operated on the correct ear as I'm now completely without an eardrum on that side. The nurses told my mom at the time that it was next to impossible for me to be awake to hear them and then talk to them as they had already given me the drugs to put me out and I'd done the countdown thing.

    Anyway, I'm not really sure my point in posting this, I guess just to remind myself that yes, I have on occasion "heard" that voice loud and clear and acted on it... now I just have to learn to hear it in less serious situations!

    Thanks for letting me talk to myself like this! LOL


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