Unconditional love
I have been getting this sense or intuition that I am supposed to be on the Un-Conditional Love module.
Currently I am on:
Deserving module approximately 2+- months
SLP3 1 month
Ho Oponopono 1 month
Breakthrough to Enlightenment 1 month
I am testing that I should replace Deserving Module with Unconditional Love towards the end of January of 2008. I am I testing right on that?
New subject... The kids! Actually in the last few days or so I have noticed the two of them interacting much better! Although if Nat does just the wrong thing or touches her or something in the wrong way, she hauls off and slaps him! I kind of knew that Iza was taking out her anger on Nat, but I did not know what to do with it!
One more thing, Tomorrow I go to court and the paperwork that Keith signed on Friday will become final. I believe the whole divorce will be final!
This is huge for me!
Christmas day we spent at the kids Dad's house, I kind of made Iza go there cause I thought it was important! I do believe that it helped with Keith signing off on things. Now Keith wants to know when Iza will start doing visitation. I am encouraging her to do so, as I think it would be good for her and give her some time to interact with friends outside of school, and then give her some time to work out her anger. Am I right to do this? Should I encourage this for her? It feels right to me, and as I told her tonight it might help her Dad when the time is right for us to move to Calif. ( I notice the less I fight against him, the more he gives me what I want... Yea, I know that is how it works and is very powerful!) That is another reason why I think it is good for her to do visitation... Visitation is all he is getting, the kids will live with me full time and visit their dad.
Thanks for you help on all of these issues, and I will continue to work on them. Do you by any chance know what my issue is that is creating me being physically sick? I keep clearing and processing these things, but what ever it is, it is zapping my energy! Some of the energy tests as being from so many layers coming off too... Just wondered?
Love and Light
Sallyjane zartgirl
I have been getting this sense or intuition that I am supposed to be on the Un-Conditional Love module.
Currently I am on:
Deserving module approximately 2+- months
SLP3 1 month
Ho Oponopono 1 month
Breakthrough to Enlightenment 1 month
I am testing that I should replace Deserving Module with Unconditional Love towards the end of January of 2008. I am I testing right on that?
New subject... The kids! Actually in the last few days or so I have noticed the two of them interacting much better! Although if Nat does just the wrong thing or touches her or something in the wrong way, she hauls off and slaps him! I kind of knew that Iza was taking out her anger on Nat, but I did not know what to do with it!
One more thing, Tomorrow I go to court and the paperwork that Keith signed on Friday will become final. I believe the whole divorce will be final!

Thanks for you help on all of these issues, and I will continue to work on them. Do you by any chance know what my issue is that is creating me being physically sick? I keep clearing and processing these things, but what ever it is, it is zapping my energy! Some of the energy tests as being from so many layers coming off too... Just wondered?
Love and Light

Sallyjane zartgirl